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Pokémon Red and Blue/RAM map
The following article is a RAM map for Pokémon Red and Blue.
Currently, many more memory addresses can be found in the Pokémon Red disassembly project (WRAM, VRAM, HRAM, SRAM).
To do: Add more addresses that are different in the Japanese version. |
Saved data (SRAM)
Bank 0
Sprite decompression zone + Hall of Fame
A000 - A187 : Sprite buffer #0 A188 - A30F : Sprite buffer #1 A310 - A497 : Sprite buffer #2
A498 - A597 : Unused ?
A598 - B857 : Hall Of Fame data
B858 - BFFF : Unused ?
Note : this is the reason Missingno corrupts the HoF data : its invalid sprite, when decompressed, overwrites data past the buffers' boundaries... right into HoF data.
Other Pokémon with even larger corruptions reach WRAM - usually leading to crashes.
Bank 1
A000 - A597 : Unused ?
A598 - A5A2 : Player name A5A3 - AD2B : Main data AD2C - AF2B : Sprite data AF2C - B0BF : Party data B0C0 - B521 : Current box data B522 : Tileset type B523 : Main data checksum
B524 - BFFF : Unused ?
Bank 2
Pokémon boxes 1-6
A000 - A461 : Box 1 A462 - A8C3 : Box 2 A8C4 - AD25 : Box 3 AD26 - B187 : Box 4 B188 - B5E9 : Box 5 B5EA - BA4B : Box 6 BA4C : Global checksum BA4D - BA52 : Individual checksums
BA53 - BFFF : Unused
Bank 3
Pokémon boxes 7-12
A000 - A461 : Box 7 A462 - A8C3 : Box 8 A8C4 - AD25 : Box 9 AD26 - B187 : Box 10 B188 - B5E9 : Box 11 B5EA - BA4B : Box 12 BA4C : Global checksum BA4D - BA52 : Individual checksums
BA53 - BFFF : Unused
Main data (WRAM)
Addresses C000 to C0F2 are used by the sound engine.
C002 - Bit 7 : 1 if audio is muted. Other bits : if non-zero, pauses music and continues SFX until it ends. C0DE - Volumes for all music channels (and fade for those who support it) C0EF - Current sound bank C0F0 - Saved sound bank
Bytes C0F3 to C0FF are undocumented (if used)
Sprite Data
C100 to C1FF : Data for all sprites on the current map Holds info for 16 sprites with $10 bytes each Note : player is always sprite 0 Replace x with the sprite ID C1x0: picture ID (fixed, loaded at map init) C1x1: movement status (0: uninitialized, 1: ready, 2: delayed, 3: moving) C1x2: sprite image index (changed on update, $ff if off screen, includes facing direction, progress in walking animation and a sprite-specific offset) C1x3: Y screen position delta (-1,0 or 1; added to c1x4 on each walking animation update) C1x4: Y screen position (in pixels, always 4 pixels above grid which makes sprites appear to be in the center of a tile) C1x5: X screen position delta (-1,0 or 1; added to c1x6 on each walking animation update) C1x6: X screen position (in pixels, snaps to grid if not currently walking) C1x7: intra-animation-frame counter (counting upwards to 4 until c1x8 is incremented) C1x8: animation frame counter (increased every 4 updates, hold four states (totalling to 16 walking frames) C1x9: facing direction (0: down, 4: up, 8: left, $c: right) C1xA to C1xF are unudocumented (if used)
C200 to C2FF : More data for all sprites on the current map Holds info for 16 sprites with $10 bytes each Note : player sprite is always sprite 0 C2x0: walk animation counter (counting from $10 backwards when moving) C2x1: C2x2: Y displacement (initialized at 8, supposed to keep moving sprites from moving too far, but bugged) C2x3: X displacement (initialized at 8, supposed to keep moving sprites from moving too far, but bugged) C2x4: Y position (in 2x2 tile grid steps, topmost 2x2 tile has value 4) C2x5: X position (in 2x2 tile grid steps, leftmost 2x2 tile has value 4) C2x6: movement byte 1 (determines whether a sprite can move, $ff:not moving, $fe:random movements, others unknown) C2x7: (?) (set to $80 when in grass, else $0; may be used to draw grass above the sprite) C2x8: delay until next movement (counted downwards, status (c1x1) is set to ready if reached 0) C2x9 to C2xD are undocumented C2xE: sprite image base offset (in video ram, player always has value 1, used to compute c1x2) C2xF isn't documented
C300 to C39F : OAM DMA buffer (source for the DMA Transfer)
Tile Data
C3A0 to C507 : Buffer of all tiles onscreen C508 to C5CF : Copy of previous buffer (used to restore tiles after closing menus)
Menu Data
Coordinates of the position of the cursor for the top menu item (id 0) CC24 : Y position CC25 : X position
CC26 - Currently selected menu item (topmost is 0) CC27 - Tile "hidden" by the menu cursor CC28 - ID of the last menu item CC29 - bitmask applied to the key port for the current menu CC2A - ID of the previously selected menu item CC2B - Last position of the cursor on the party / Bill's PC screen CC2C - Last position of the cursor on the item screen CC2D - Last position of the cursor on the START / battle menu CC2F - Index (in party) of the Pokémon currently sent out CC30~CC31 - Pointer to cursor tile in C3A0 buffer CC36 - ID of the first displayed menu item CC35 - Item highlighted with Select (01 = first item, 00 = no item, etc.)
CC3A and CC3B are unused
Link Data
CC3C to CC49 hold data used for Cable Club stuff
The meaning of CC47 depends on the context CC47 - Link timeout counter CC47 - Is player entering Cable Club ?
CC97 to CCA0 : buffer for when swapping party Pokémon
CCD5 - Number of turns in current battle CCD6 is undocumented (if used) CCD7 - Player's Substitute HP CCD8 - Enemy Substitute HP CCDB - Move menu type : 0 is regular, 1 is mimic, other are text boxes (learn, PP-refill...) CCDC - Player-selected move CCDD - Enemy-selected move CCE5~CCE7 - Money earned by Pay Day
Safari Zone data :
CCE8 - Opponent escaping factor CCE9 - Opponent baiting factor
CCED - Is current Pokémon disobedient ? CCEE - Player move that the enemy disabled CCEF - Enemy move that the player disabled CCF6 - Is low-health alarm disabled ? CD05~CD06 - Amount of damage the enemy accumulated while Biding CD1A - Player's Pokémon Attack modifier (7 means no modifier) CD1B - Player's Pokémon Defense modifier CD1C - Player's Pokémon Speed modifier CD1D - Player's Pokémon Special modifier CD1E - Player's Pokémon Accuracy modifier CD1F - Player's Pokémon Evasion modifier CD2D - Engaged Trainer class / legendary Pokémon ID CD2E - Engaged Trainer roster ID / Enemy's Pokémon Attack modifier (7 means no modifier) CD2F - Enemy's Pokémon Defense modifier CD30 - Enemy's Pokémon Speed modifier CD31 - Enemy's Pokémon Special modifier CD32 - Enemy's Pokémon Accuracy modifier CD33 - Enemy's Pokémon Evasion modifier
Joypad simulation
CD38 - Index for joypad input simulation. If non-zero, disables collision but does not lock player.
Pokémon Mart
Japanese version | International versions |
CF62 - Total Items CF63 - Item 1 CF64 - Item 2 CF65 - Item 3 CF66 - Item 4 CF67 - Item 5 CF68 - Item 6 CF69 - Item 7 CF70 - Item 8 CF71 - Item 9 CF72 - Item 10 |
CF7B - Total Items CF7C - Item 1 CF7D - Item 2 CF7E - Item 3 CF7F - Item 4 CF80 - Item 5 CF81 - Item 6 CF82 - Item 7 CF83 - Item 8 CF84 - Item 9 CF85 - Item 10 |
Name Rater
CF92 - Which Pokémon does Name Rater Change?
CFD3 - Your Move Effect (e.g. 10h = coins scatter everywhere) CFD5 - Your Move Type CCDC - Your Move Used
Japanese version | International versions |
CFB3 - Enemy's Move ID CFB4 - Enemy's Move Effect CFB5 - Enemy's Move Power CFB6 - Enemy's Move Type CFB7 - Enemy's Move Accuracy CFB8 - Enemy's Move Max PP CFB9 - Player's Move ID CFBA - Player's Move Effect CFBB - Player's Move Power CFBC - Player's Move Type CFBD - Player's Move Accuracy CFBE - Player's Move Max PP CFBF - Enemy's Pokémon internal ID CFC0 - Player's Pokémon internal ID CFC1-CFCB - Enemy's Name CFCC - Enemy's Pokémon internal ID CFCD-CFCE - Enemy's HP CFCF - Enemy's Level CFD0 - Enemy's Status Bit 6 : Paralyzed Bit 5 : Frozen Bit 4 : Burned Bit 3 : Poisoned Bits 0-2 : Sleep counter CFD1 - Enemy's Type 1 CFD2 - Enemy's Type 2 CFD3 - Enemy's Catch Rate (Unused, only referenced by Transform script, the one actually used is at CFEE) CFD4 - Enemy's Move 1 CFD5 - Enemy's Move 2 CFD6 - Enemy's Move 3 CFD7 - Enemy's Move 4 CFD8 - Enemy's Attack and Defense DVs CFD9 - Enemy's Speed and Special DVs CFDA - Enemy's Level CFDB-CFDC - Enemy's Max HP CFDD-CFDE - Enemy's Attack CFDF-CFE0 - Enemy's Defense CFE1-CFE2 - Enemy's Speed CFE3-CFE4 - Enemy's Special CFE5 - Enemy's PP (First Slot) CFE6 - Enemy's PP (Second Slot) CFE7 - Enemy's PP (Third Slot) CFE8 - Enemy's PP (Fourth Slot) CFE9-CFED - Enemy's Base Stats CFEE - Enemy's Catch Rate CFEF - Enemy's Base Experience |
CFCC - Enemy's Move ID CFCD - Enemy's Move Effect CFCE - Enemy's Move Power CFCF - Enemy's Move Type CFD0 - Enemy's Move Accuracy CFD1 - Enemy's Move Max PP CFD2 - Player's Move ID CFD3 - Player's Move Effect CFD4 - Player's Move Power CFD5 - Player's Move Type CFD6 - Player's Move Accuracy CFD7 - Player's Move Max PP CFD8 - Enemy's Pokémon internal ID CFD9 - Player's Pokémon internal ID CFDA-CFE4 - Enemy's Name CFE5 - Enemy's Pokémon internal ID CFE6-CFE7 - Enemy's HP CFE8 - Enemy's Level CFE9 - Enemy's Status Bit 6 : Paralyzed Bit 5 : Frozen Bit 4 : Burned Bit 3 : Poisoned Bits 0-2 : Sleep counter CFEA - Enemy's Type 1 CFEB - Enemy's Type 2 CFEC - Enemy's Catch Rate (Unused, only referenced by Transform script, the one actually used is at D007) CFED - Enemy's Move 1 CFEE - Enemy's Move 2 CFEF - Enemy's Move 3 CFF0 - Enemy's Move 4 CFF1 - Enemy's Attack and Defense DVs CFF2 - Enemy's Speed and Special DVs CFF3 - Enemy's Level CFF4-CFF5 - Enemy's Max HP CFF6-CFF7 - Enemy's Attack CFF8-CFF9 - Enemy's Defense CFFA-CFFB - Enemy's Speed CFFC-CFFD - Enemy's Special CFFE - Enemy's PP (First Slot) CFFF - Enemy's PP (Second Slot) D000 - Enemy's PP (Third Slot) D001 - Enemy's PP (Fourth Slot) D002-D006 - Enemy's Base Stats D007 - Enemy's Catch Rate D008 - Enemy's Base Experience |
Pokémon 1st Slot (In-Battle)
Japanese version | International versions |
CFF0-CFFA - Name CFFB - Pokémon Number CFFC-CFFD - Current HP CFFE - CFFF - Status Bit 6 : Paralyzed Bit 5 : Frozen Bit 4 : Burned Bit 3 : Poisoned Bits 0-2 : Sleep counter D000 - Type 1 D001 - Type 2 D002 - D003 - Move #1 (First Slot) D004 - Move #2 (Second Slot) D005 - Move #3 (Third Slot) D006 - Move #4 (Fourth Slot) D007 - Attack and Defense DVs D008 - Speed and Special DVs D009 - Level D00A-D00B - Max HP D00C-D00D - Attack D00E-D00F - Defense D010-D011 - Speed D012-D013 - Special D014 - PP (First Slot) D015 - PP (Second Slot) D016 - PP (Third Slot) D017 - PP (Fourth Slot) |
D009-D013 - Name D014 - Pokémon Number D015-D016 - Current HP D017 - D018 - Status Bit 6 : Paralyzed Bit 5 : Frozen Bit 4 : Burned Bit 3 : Poisoned Bits 0-2 : Sleep counter D019 - Type 1 D01A - Type 2 D01B - D01C - Move #1 (First Slot) D01D - Move #2 (Second Slot) D01E - Move #3 (Third Slot) D01F - Move #4 (Fourth Slot) D020 - Attack and Defense DVs D021 - Speed and Special DVs D022 - Level D023-D024 - Max HP D025-D026 - Attack D027-D028 - Defense D029-D02A - Speed D02B-D02C - Special D02D - PP (First Slot) D02E - PP (Second Slot) D02F - PP (Third Slot) D030 - PP (Fourth Slot) |
D057 - Type of battle
D05A - Battle Type (Normal battle, Safari Zone, Old Man battle...)
D05C - Is Gym Leader battle music playing? D05D - D05E - Critical Hit / OHKO Flag 01 - Critical Hit! 02 - One-hit KO! D05F - Hooked Pokémon Flag
D062-D064 - Battle Status (Player) D062: bit 0 - Bide bit 1 - Thrash / petal dance bit 2 - Attacking multiple times (e.g. double kick) bit 3 - Flinch bit 4 - Charging up for attack bit 5 - Using multi-turn move (e.g. wrap) bit 6 - Invulnerable to normal attack (using fly/dig) bit 7 - Confusion D063: bit 0 - X Accuracy effect bit 1 - protected by "mist" bit 2 - focus energy effect bit 4 - has a substitute bit 5 - need to recharge bit 6 - rage bit 7 - leech seeded D064: bit 0 - toxic bit 1 - light screen bit 2 - reflect bit 3 - tranformed D065 - Stat to double (CPU) D066 - Stat to halve (CPU) D067-D069 - Battle Status (CPU) - Includes the "Transformed" status in D069 which makes the game regard the opponent as a Ditto. D06A - Multi-Hit Move counter (Player) D06B - Confusion counter (Player) D06C - Toxic counter (Player) D06D-D06E - Disable counter (Player) D06F - Multi-Hit Move counter (CPU) D070 - Confusion counter (CPU) D071 - Toxic counter (CPU) D072 - Disable counter (CPU)
D0D8 - Amount of damage attack is about to do. Max possible damage may appear one frame before actual damage.
Game Corner
D13D - 1st Game Corner Prize D13E - 2nd Game Corner Prize D13F - 3rd Game Corner Prize
Link Battle PRNG
D148-D150 - 9 Pseudo-Random Numbers used during Link Battles. Once a batch is used up, it generates a new batch with n × 5 + 1.
D158-D162 - Your Name
D163 - # Pokémon In Party D164 - Pokémon 1 D165 - Pokémon 2 D166 - Pokémon 3 D167 - Pokémon 4 D168 - Pokémon 5 D169 - Pokémon 6 D16A - End of list
Pokémon 1
D16B - Pokémon (Again) D16C-D16D - Current HP D16E - 'Level' (not the actual level, see the notes article) D16F - Status (Poisoned, Paralyzed, etc.) D170 - Type 1 D171 - Type 2 D172 - Catch rate/Held item (When traded to Generation II) D173 - Move 1 D174 - Move 2 D175 - Move 3 D176 - Move 4 D177-D178 - Trainer ID D179-D17B - Experience D17C-D17D - HP EV D17E-D17F - Attack EV D180-D181 - Defense EV D182-D183 - Speed EV D184-D185 - Special EV D186 - Attack/Defense IV D187 - Speed/Special IV D188 - PP Move 1 D189 - PP Move 2 D18A - PP Move 3 D18B - PP Move 4 D18C - Level (actual level) D18D-D18E - Max HP D18F-D190 - Attack D191-D192 - Defense D193-D194 - Speed D195-D196 - Special
Pokémon 2
D197 - Pokémon D198-D199 - Current HP D19A - 'Level' (not the actual level, see the notes article) D19B - Status D19C - Type 1 D19D - Type 2 D19E - Catch rate/Held item (When traded to Generation II) D19F - Move 1 D1A0 - Move 2 D1A1 - Move 3 D1A2 - Move 4 D1A3-D1A4 - Trainer ID D1A5-D1A7 - Experience D1A8-D1A9 - HP EV D1AA-D1AB - Attack EV D1AC-D1AD - Defense EV D1AE-D1AF - Speed EV D1B0-D1B1 - Special EV D1B2 - Attack/Defense IV D1B3 - Speed/Special IV D1B4 - PP Move 1 D1B5 - PP Move 2 D1B6 - PP Move 3 D1B7 - PP Move 4 D1B8 - Level (actual) D1B9-D1BA - Max HP D1BB-D1BC - Attack D1BD-D1BE - Defense D1BF-D1C0 - Speed D1C1-D1C2 - Special
Pokémon 3
D1C3 - Pokémon D1C4-D1C5 - Current HP D1C6 - 'Level' (not the actual level, see the notes article) D1C7 - Status D1C8 - Type 1 D1C9 - Type 2 D1CA - Catch rate/Held item (When traded to Generation II) D1CB - Move 1 D1CC - Move 2 D1CD - Move 3 D1CE - Move 4 D1CF-D1D0 - Trainer ID D1D1-D1D3 - Experience D1D4-D1D5 - HP EV D1D6-D1D7 - Attack EV D1D8-D1D9 - Defense EV D1DA-D1DB - Speed EV D1DC-D1DD - Special EV D1DE - Attack/Defense IV D1DF - Speed/Special IV D1E0 - PP Move 1 D1E1 - PP Move 2 D1E2 - PP Move 3 D1E3 - PP Move 4 D1E4 - Level D1E5-D1E6 - Max HP D1E7-D1E8 - Attack D1E9-D1EA - Defense D1EB-D1EC - Speed D1ED-D1EE - Special
Pokémon 4
D1EF - Pokémon D1F0-D1F1 - Current HP D1F2 - 'Level' (not the actual level, see the notes article) D1F3 - Status D1F4 - Type 1 D1F5 - Type 2 D1F6 - Catch rate/Held item (When traded to Generation II) D1F7 - Move 1 D1F8 - Move 2 D1F9 - Move 3 D1FA - Move 4 D1FB-D1FC - Trainer ID D1FD-D1FF - Experience D200-D201 - HP EV D202-D203 - Attack EV D204-D205 - Defense EV D206-D207 - Speed EV D208-D209 - Special EV D20A - Attack/Defense IV D20B - Speed/Special IV D20C - PP Move 1 D20D - PP Move 2 D20E - PP Move 3 D20F - PP Move 4 D210 - Level D211-D212 - Max HP D213-D214 - Attack D215-D216 - Defense D217-D218 - Speed D219-D21A - Special
Pokémon 5
D21B - Pokémon D21C-D21D - Current HP D21E - 'Level' (not the actual level, see the notes article) D21F - Status D220 - Type 1 D221 - Type 2 D222 - Catch rate/Held item (When traded to Generation II) D223 - Move 1 D224 - Move 2 D225 - Move 3 D226 - Move 4 D227-D228 - Trainer ID D229-D22B - Experience D22C-D22D - HP EV D22E-D22F - Attack EV D230-D231 - Defense EV D232-D233 - Speed EV D234-D235 - Special EV D236 - Attack/Defense IV D237 - Speed/Special IV D238 - PP Move 1 D239 - PP Move 2 D23A - PP Move 3 D23B - PP Move 4 D23C - Level D23D-D23E - Max HP D23F-D240 - Attack D241-D242 - Defense D243-D244 - Speed D245-D246 - Special
Pokémon 6
D247 - Pokémon D248-D249 - Current HP D24A - 'Level' (not the actual level, see the notes article) D24B - Status D24C - Type 1 D24D - Type 2 D24E - Catch rate/Held item (When traded to Generation II) D24F - Move 1 D250 - Move 2 D251 - Move 3 D252 - Move 4 D253-D254 - Trainer ID D255-D257 - Experience D258-D259 - HP EV D25A-D25B - Attack EV D25C-D25D - Defense EV D25E-D25F - Speed EV D260-D261 - Special EV D262 - Attack/Defense IV D263 - Speed/Special IV D264 - PP Move 1 D265 - PP Move 2 D266 - PP Move 3 D267 - PP Move 4 D268 - Level D269-D26A - Max HP D26B-D26C - Attack D26D-D26E - Defense D26F-D270 - Speed D271-D272 - Special
Trainer Name
D273-D27D - Trainer name for 1st D27E-D288 - Trainer name for 2nd D289-D293 - Trainer name for 3rd D294-D29E - Trainer name for 4th D29F-D2A9 - Trainer name for 5th D2AA-D2B4 - Trainer name for 6th
D2B5-D2BF - Nickname for 1st D2C0-D2CA - Nickname for 2nd D2CB-D2D5 - Nickname for 3rd D2D6-D2E0 - Nickname for 4th D2E1-D2EB - Nickname for 5th D2EC-D2F6 - Nickname for 6th
Japanese version | International versions |
- D31D - Total Items
- D31E - Item 1
- D31F - Item 1 Quantity
- D320 - Item 2
- D321 - Item 2 Quantity
- D322 - Item 3
- D323 - Item 3 Quantity
- D324 - Item 4
- D325 - Item 4 Quantity
- D326 - Item 5
- D327 - Item 5 Quantity
- D328 - Item 6
- D329 - Item 6 Quantity
- D32A - Item 7
- D32B - Item 7 Quantity
- D32C - Item 8
- D32D - Item 8 Quantity
- D32E - Item 9
- D32F - Item 9 Quantity
- D330 - Item 10
- D331 - Item 10 Quantity
- D332 - Item 11
- D333 - Item 11 Quantity
- D334 - Item 12
- D335 - Item 12 Quantity
- D336 - Item 13
- D337 - Item 13 Quantity
- D338 - Item 14
- D339 - Item 14 Quantity
- D33A - Item 15
- D33B - Item 15 Quantity
- D33C - Item 16
- D33D - Item 16 Quantity
- D33E - Item 17
- D33F - Item 17 Quantity
- D340 - Item 18
- D341 - Item 18 Quantity
- D342 - Item 19
- D343 - Item 19 Quantity
- D344 - Item 20
- D345 - Item 20 Quantity
- D346 - Item End of List
- D347 - Money Byte 1
- D348 - Money Byte 2
- D349 - Money Byte 3
- D34A-D351 - Rival's Name
D355 - Options
- Bit 7 = Battle Animation (1 = Off, 0 = On)
- Bit 6 = Battle Style (1 = Set, 0 = Shift)
- Bit 5-4 = probably unused
- Low Nybble = Text Speed (0x0 = fastest, 0xF = slowest)
- Fast = 1
- Medium = 3
- Slow = 5
D356 = Badges (Binary Switches)
D358 = If bit0 = 0, delay is limited to 1 frame between each letter. If bit1 = 0, no delay during text printing. Overrides previous setting.
D359 = Player ID [1] (Multiple of 256) D35A = Player ID [2] (...+1-255)
D35B = Audio track (See Audio section) D35C = Audio bank (See Audio section)
D35D = Controls the map's palette. Usually 0, but is set to 6 when Flash is required.
D35E = Current Map Number
- D35F-D360 = Event Displacement (view Notes, for more info)
- D361 - 1 byte integer = Current Player Y-Position
- D362 - 1 byte integer = Current Player X-Position
- D363 = Current Player Y-Position (Current Block)
- D364 = Current Player X-Position (Current Block)
D365 = Last map location for walking through certain exits (e.g. Safari Zone gate)
C022 = Audio track channel 1
C023 = Audio track channel 2
C024 = Audio track channel 3
C025 = Audio track channel 4
C0E8, C0E9 = Music tempo (lower values in C0E9 may = faster except for particularly low values)
C0EA, C0EB = Sound effects tempo
C0EC, C0ED = Sound effects header pointer
C0EE = New sound ID
C0EF = Audio bank
C0F0 = Audio bank
D35B = Audio track in current map
D35C = Audio bank in current map
- Bank 02
- B3 = Validate
- B4 = Bump
- B5 = Exit of a house
- B6 = Save Game
- B8 = Pokéflute
- B9 = Ding Dong
- BA = PalletTown
- BD = Pokecenter
- C0 = Gym
- C3 = Viridian City, Pewter City, Saffron City
- C7 = Cerulean City, Fuchsia City
- CA = Celadon City
- CD = Cinnabar City
- D0 = Vermilion City
- D4 = Lavender Town
- D8 = SS Anne
- DB = Meet Oak
- DE = Meet Blue
- E1 = Follow me
- E5 = Safari Zone / Evolution
- E8 = Pokémon Healding
- EB = Road 1, 2
- EF = Road 24, 25
- F3 = Road 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22
- F7 = Road 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
- FB = Indigo Plateau
- Bank 08
- EA = Gym Leader Battle
- ED = Trainer Battle
- F0 = Wild Battle
- F3 = Final Battle
- F6 = Defeated Trainer
- F9 = Defeated Wild Pokemon
- FC = Defeated Champion / Gym
- Bank 1F
- C3 = Title Screen
- C7 = Credits
- CA = Hall of fame
- CD = Oak's Lab
- D0 = Jigglypuff Song
- D2 = Bike Riding
- D6 = Surfing
- D9 = Came Corner
- DC = Intro Game
- DF = Power Plant, Unknown Dungeon, Rocket HQ
- E3 = Viridian Forest, Seafoam Islands
- E7 = Mt. Moon, Rock Tunnel, Victory Road
- EB = Cinnabar City Mansion
- EF = Pokemon Tower
- F2 = Silph Co.
- F5 = Eye contact Evil Trainer
- F8 = Eye contact Female Trainer
- FB = Eye contact Male Trainer
- FF = Stop Sound
Map Header
- D367 - 1 byte integer = Map's Tileset, 1 byte
- D368 - 1 byte integer = Map's Height (Blocks)
- D369 - 1 byte integer = Map's Width (Blocks)
- D36A-D36B = Map's Data
- D36C-D36D = Map's Text Pointer Table (For Each NPC) Location
- D36E-D36F = Map's Level-Script Pointer
- D370 = Map's Connection Byte
- D371-D37B = Map's 1st Connection Data
- D37C-D386 = Map's 2nd Connection Data
- D387-D391 = Map's 3rd Connection Data
- D392-D39C = Map's 4th Connection Data
Tileset Header
- D52B = Tileset Bank
- D52C-D52D = Pointer to Blocks
- D52E-D52F = Pointer to GFX
- D530-D531 = Pointer to Collision Data
- D532-D534 = "Talking-Over" Tiles
- D535 = Grass Tile
Tile graphics
Tiles are 8x8 pixels, stored in 16 bytes, with each byte representing 4 pixels.
For size comparison, the player is 16x16 pixels, therefore, 4 tiles.
"Active" tiles are stored sequentially in RAM, starting at address 0x8000. From address 0x8000 to 0x9000 there are 256 tiles which make up the player in all orientations, and some commonly used stuff. The real map tiles are from 0x9000 to 0x9600.
- 8000 - 16 byte tile graphic struct = tile 0 (often the top left player tile)
- 8010 - 16 byte tile graphic struct = tile 1 (often the top right player tile)
- 8020 - 16 byte tile graphic struct = tile 2 (often the bottom left player tile)
- 9000 - 16 byte tile graphic struct = map tile 0 (often blank)
- 9010 - 16 byte tile graphic struct = map tile 1
- 9020 - 16 byte tile graphic struct = map tile 2
Stored Items
- D53A - Total items in storage
- D53B - Stored Item 1
- D53C - Stored Item 1 Quantity
- D53D - Stored Item 2
- D53E - Stored Item 2 Quantity
- D53F - Stored Item 3
- D540 - Stored Item 3 Quantity
- D541 - Stored Item 4
- D542 - Stored Item 4 Quantity
- D543 - Stored Item 5
- D544 - Stored Item 5 Quantity
- D545 - Stored Item 6
- D546 - Stored Item 6 Quantity
- D547 - Stored Item 7
- D548 - Stored Item 7 Quantity
- D549 - Stored Item 8
- D54A - Stored Item 8 Quantity
- D54B - Stored Item 9
- D54C - Stored Item 9 Quantity
- D54D - Stored Item 10
- D54E - Stored Item 10 Quantity
- D54F - Stored Item 11
- D550 - Stored Item 11 Quantity
- D551 - Stored Item 12
- D552 - Stored Item 12 Quantity
- D553 - Stored Item 13
- D554 - Stored Item 13 Quantity
- D555 - Stored Item 14
- D556 - Stored Item 14 Quantity
- D557 - Stored Item 15
- D558 - Stored Item 15 Quantity
- D559 - Stored Item 16
- D55A - Stored Item 16 Quantity
- D55B - Stored Item 17
- D55C - Stored Item 17 Quantity
- D55D - Stored Item 18
- D55E - Stored Item 18 Quantity
- D55F - Stored Item 19
- D560 - Stored Item 19 Quantity
- D561 - Stored Item 20
- D562 - Stored Item 20 Quantity
- D563 - Stored Item 21
- D564 - Stored Item 21 Quantity
- D565 - Stored Item 22
- D566 - Stored Item 22 Quantity
- D567 - Stored Item 23
- D568 - Stored Item 23 Quantity
- D569 - Stored Item 24
- D56A - Stored Item 24 Quantity
- D56B - Stored Item 25
- D56C - Stored Item 25 Quantity
- D56D - Stored Item 26
- D56E - Stored Item 26 Quantity
- D56F - Stored Item 27
- D570 - Stored Item 27 Quantity
- D571 - Stored Item 28
- D572 - Stored Item 28 Quantity
- D573 - Stored Item 29
- D574 - Stored Item 29 Quantity
- D575 - Stored Item 30
- D576 - Stored Item 30 Quantity
- D577 - Stored Item 31
- D578 - Stored Item 31 Quantity
- D579 - Stored Item 32
- D57A - Stored Item 32 Quantity
- D57B - Stored Item 33
- D57C - Stored Item 33 Quantity
- D57D - Stored Item 34
- D57E - Stored Item 34 Quantity
- D57F - Stored Item 35
- D580 - Stored Item 35 Quantity
- D581 - Stored Item 36
- D582 - Stored Item 36 Quantity
- D583 - Stored Item 37
- D584 - Stored Item 37 Quantity
- D585 - Stored Item 38
- D586 - Stored Item 38 Quantity
- D587 - Stored Item 39
- D588 - Stored Item 39 Quantity
- D589 - Stored Item 40
- D58A - Stored Item 40 Quantity
- D58B - Stored Item 41
- D58C - Stored Item 41 Quantity
- D58D - Stored Item 42
- D58E - Stored Item 42 Quantity
- D58F - Stored Item 43
- D590 - Stored Item 43 Quantity
- D591 - Stored Item 44
- D592 - Stored Item 44 Quantity
- D593 - Stored Item 45
- D594 - Stored Item 45 Quantity
- D595 - Stored Item 46
- D596 - Stored Item 46 Quantity
- D597 - Stored Item 47
- D598 - Stored Item 47 Quantity
- D599 - Stored Item 48
- D59A - Stored Item 48 Quantity
- D59B - Stored Item 49
- D59C - Stored Item 49 Quantity
- D59D - Stored Item 50
- D59E - Stored Item 50 Quantity
- D59F - Stored Items End of List
Game Coins
- D5A4 - Casino Chips Byte 1
- D5A5 - Casino Chips Byte 2
Event Flags
D5A6 to D5C5 : Missable Objects Flags (flags for every (dis)appearing sprites, like the guard in Cerulean City or the Pokéballs in Oak's Lab)
D5AB - Starters Back?
D5C0(bit 1) - 0=Mewtwo appears, 1=Doesn't (See D85F)
D5F3 - Have Town map?
D60D - Have Oak's Parcel?
D700 - Bike Speed
- D70B - Fly Anywhere Byte 1
- D70C - Fly Anywhere Byte 2
- D70D - Safari Zone Time Byte 1
- D70E - Safari Zone Time Byte 2
D710 - Fossilized Pokémon?
D714 - Position in Air
D72E - Did you get Lapras Yet?
D732 - Debug New Game
D751 - Fought Giovanni Yet?
D755 - Fought Brock Yet?
D75E - Fought Misty Yet?
D773 - Fought Lt. Surge Yet?
D77C - Fought Erika Yet?
D782 - Fought Articuno Yet?
D790 - If bit 7 is set, Safari Game over
D792 - Fought Koga Yet?
D79A - Fought Blaine Yet?
D7B3 - Fought Sabrina Yet?
D7D4 - Fought Zapdos Yet?
D7D8 - Fought Snorlax Yet (Vermilion)
D7E0 - Fought Snorlax Yet? (Celadon)
D7EE - Fought Moltres Yet?
D803 - Is SS Anne here?
D85F - Mewtwo can be caught if bit 2 clear - Needs D5C0 bit 1 clear, too
Wild Pokémon
D887 - Wild Pokémon encounter rates
Common Battles:
- D888 - Level of Encounter 1
- D889 - Pokémon Data Value 1
- D88A - Level of Encounter 2
- D88B - Pokémon Data Value 2
- D88C - Level of Encounter 3
- D88D - Pokémon Data Value 3
- D88E - Level of Encounter 4
- D88F - Pokémon Data Value 4
Uncommon Battles:
- D890 - Level of Encounter 1
- D891 - Pokémon Data Value 1
- D892 - Level of Encounter 2
- D893 - Pokémon Data Value 2
- D894 - Level of Encounter 3
- D895 - Pokémon Data Value 3
- D896 - Level of Encounter 4
- D897 - Pokémon Data Value 4
Rare Battles:
- D898 - Level of Encounter 1
- D899 - Pokémon Data Value 1
- D89A - Level of Encounter 2
- D89B - Pokémon Data Value 2
Opponent Trainer’s Pokémon
- D89C - Total enemy Pokémon
- D89D - Pokémon 1
- D89E - Pokémon 2
- D89F - Pokémon 3
- D8A0 - Pokémon 4
- D8A1 - Pokémon 5
- D8A2 - Pokémon 6
- D8A3 - End of list
Pokémon 1
- D8A4 - Pokémon
- D8A5-D8A6 - Current HP
- D8A7 -
- D8A8 - Status
- D8A9 - Type 1
- D8AA - Type 2
- D8AB -
- D8AC - Move 1
- D8AD - Move 2
- D8AE - Move 3
- D8AF - Move 4
- D8B0-D8B1 - Trainer ID
- D8B2-D8B4 - Experience
- D8B5-D8B6 - HP EV
- D8B7-D8B8 - Attack EV
- D8B9-D8BA - Defense EV
- D8BB-D8BC - Speed EV
- D8BD-D8BE - Special EV
- D8BF - Attack/Defense IV
- D8C0 - Speed/Special IV
- D8C1 - PP Move 1
- D8C2 - PP Move 2
- D8C3 - PP Move 3
- D8C4 - PP Move 4
- D8C5 - Level
- D8C6-D8C7 - Max HP
- D8C8-D8C9 - Attack
- D8CA-D8CB - Defense
- D8CC-D8CD - Speed
- D8CE-D8CF - Special
Pokémon 2
- D8D0 - Pokémon
- D8D1-D8D2 - Current HP
- D8D3 -
- D8D4 - Status
- D8D5 - Type 1
- D8D6 - Type 2
- D8D7 -
- D8D8 - Move 1
- D8D9 - Move 2
- D8DA - Move 3
- D8DB - Move 4
- D8DC-D8DD - Trainer ID
- D8DE-D8E0 - Experience
- D8E1-D8E2 - HP EV
- D8E3-D8E4 - Attack EV
- D8E5-D8E6 - Defense EV
- D8E7-D8E8 - Speed EV
- D8E9-D8EA - Special EV
- D8EB - Attack/Defense IV
- D8EC - Speed/Special IV
- D8ED - PP Move 1
- D8EE - PP Move 2
- D8EF - PP Move 3
- D8F0 - PP Move 4
- D8F1 - Level
- D8F2-D8F3 - Max HP
- D8F4-D8F5 - Attack
- D8F6-D8F7 - Defense
- D8F8-D8F9 - Speed
- D8FA-D8FB - Special
Pokémon 3
- D8FC - Pokémon
- D8FD-D8FE - Current HP
- D8FF -
- D900 - Status
- D901 - Type 1
- D902 - Type 2
- D903 -
- D904 - Move 1
- D905 - Move 2
- D906 - Move 3
- D907 - Move 4
- D908-D909 - Trainer ID
- D90A-D90C - Experience
- D90D-D90E - HP EV
- D90F-D910 - Attack EV
- D911-D912 - Defense EV
- D913-D914 - Speed EV
- D915-D916 - Special EV
- D917 - Attack/Defense IV
- D918 - Speed/Special IV
- D919 - PP Move 1
- D91A - PP Move 2
- D91B - PP Move 3
- D91C - PP Move 4
- D91D - Level
- D91E-D91F - Max HP
- D920-D921 - Attack
- D922-D923 - Defense
- D924-D925 - Speed
- D926-D927 - Special
Pokémon 4
- D928 - Pokémon
- D929-D92A - Current HP
- D92B -
- D92C - Status
- D92D - Type 1
- D92E - Type 2
- D92F -
- D930 - Move 1
- D931 - Move 2
- D932 - Move 3
- D933 - Move 4
- D934-D935 - Trainer ID
- D936-D938 - Experience
- D939-D93A - HP EV
- D93B-D93C - Attack EV
- D93D-D93E - Defense EV
- D93F-D940 - Speed EV
- D941-D942 - Special EV
- D943 - Attack/Defense IV
- D944 - Speed/Special IV
- D945 - PP Move 1
- D946 - PP Move 2
- D947 - PP Move 3
- D948 - PP Move 4
- D949 - Level
- D94A-D94B - Max HP
- D94C-D94D - Attack
- D94E-D94F - Defense
- D950-D951 - Speed
- D952-D953 - Special
Pokémon 5
- D954 - Pokémon
- D955-D956 - Current HP
- D957 -
- D958 - Status
- D959 - Type 1
- D95A - Type 2
- D95B -
- D95C - Move 1
- D95D - Move 2
- D95E - Move 3
- D95F - Move 4
- D960-D961 - Trainer ID
- D962-D964 - Experience
- D965-D966 - HP EV
- D967-D968 - Attack EV
- D969-D96A - Defense EV
- D96B-D96C - Speed EV
- D96D-D96E - Special EV
- D96F - Attack/Defense IV
- D970 - Speed/Special IV
- D971 - PP Move 1
- D972 - PP Move 2
- D973 - PP Move 3
- D974 - PP Move 4
- D975 - Level
- D976-D977 - Max HP
- D978-D979 - Attack
- D97A-D97B - Defense
- D97C-D97D - Speed
- D97E-D97F - Special
Pokémon 6
- D980 - Pokémon
- D981-D982 - Current HP
- D983 -
- D984 - Status
- D985 - Type 1
- D986 - Type 2
- D987 -
- D988 - Move 1
- D989 - Move 2
- D98A - Move 3
- D98B - Move 4
- D98C-D98D - Trainer ID
- D98E-D990 - Experience
- D991-D992 - HP EV
- D993-D994 - Attack EV
- D995-D996 - Defense EV
- D997-D998 - Speed EV
- D999-D99A - Special EV
- D99B - Attack/Defense IV
- D99C - Speed/Special IV
- D99D - PP Move 1
- D99E - PP Move 2
- D99F - PP Move 3
- D9A0 - PP Move 4
- D9A1 - Level
- D9A2-D9A3 - Max HP
- D9A4-D9A5 - Attack
- D9A6-D9A7 - Defense
- D9A8-D9A9 - Speed
- D9AA-D9AB - Special
Trainer Name
- D9AC-D9B6 - Trainer name for 1st
- D9B7-D9C1 - Trainer name for 2nd
- D9C2-D9CC - Trainer name for 3rd
- D9CD-D9D7 - Trainer name for 4th
- D9D8-D9E2 - Trainer name for 5th
- D9E3-D9ED - Trainer name for 6th
- D9EE-D9F8 - Nickname for 1st
- D9F9-DA03 - Nickname for 2nd
- DA04-DA0E - Nickname for 3rd
- DA0F-DA19 - Nickname for 4th
- DA1A-DA24 - Nickname for 5th
- DA25-DA2F - Nickname for 6th
Game Time
- DA40 - Hours, two bytes
- DA42 - Minutes, two bytes
- DA44 - Seconds, one byte
- DA45 - Frames, one byte
DA47 - Safari Balls
Stored Pokémon
This is for the current box that's in use.
- DA80 - Number of Pokémon in current box
- DA81-CA94 - Pokémon 1-20
- DA95 - End of list
Pokémon 1
- DA96 - Pokémon
- DA97-DA98 - HP
- DA99 - Level
- DA9A - Status
- DA9B-DA9C - Types
- DA9D - Held Item (When traded to Generation II)
- DA9E-DAA1 - Moves
- DAA2-DAA3 - Trainer ID
- DAA4-DAA6 - Experience
- DAA9-DAAA - Attack EV
- DAAB-DAAC - Defense EV
- DAAD-DAAE - Speed EV
- DAAF-DAB0 - Special EV
- DAB1 - Attack/Defense IV
- DAB2 - Speed/Special IV
- DAB3-DAB6 - PP Moves
Pokémon 2
- DAB7 - Pokémon
- DAB8-DAB9 - HP
- DABA - Level
- DABB - Status
- DABC-DABD - Types
- DABE - Held Item (When traded to Generation II)
- DABF-DAC2 - Moves
- DAC2-DAC4 - Trainer ID
- DAC4-DAC7 - Experience
- DACA-DACB - Attack EV
- DACC-DACD - Defense EV
- DACE-DACF - Speed EV
- DAD0-DAD1 - Special EV
- DAD2 - Attack/Defense IV
- DAD3 - Speed/Special IV
- DAD4-DAD7 - PP Moves
Pokémon 3
- DAD8 - Pokémon
- DADB - Level
- DADC - Status
- DADD-DADE - Types
- DADF - Held Item (When traded to Generation II)
- DAE0-DAE3 - Moves
- DAE4-DAE5 - Trainer ID
- DAE6-DAE8 - Experience
- DAEB-DAEC - Attack EV
- DAED-DAEE - Defense EV
- DAEF-DAF0 - Speed EV
- DAF1-DAF2 - Special EV
- DAF3 - Attack/Defense IV
- DAF4 - Speed/Special IV
- DAF5-DAF8 - PP Moves
Pokémon 4
- DAF9 - Pokémon
- DAFC - Level
- DAFD - Status
- DAFE-DAFF - Types
- DB00 - Held Item (When traded to Generation II)
- DB01-DB04 - Moves
- DB05-DB06 - Trainer ID
- DB07-DB09 - Experience
- DB0C-DB0D - Attack EV
- DB0E-DB0F - Defense EV
- DB10-DB11 - Speed EV
- DB12-DB13 - Special EV
- DB14 - Attack/Defense IV
- DB15 - Speed/Special IV
- DB16-DB19 - PP Moves
Pokémon 5
- DB1A - Pokémon
- DB1B-DB1C - HP
- DB1D - Level
- DB1E - Status
- DB1F-DB20 - Types
- DB21 - Held Item (When traded to Generation II)
- DB22-DB25 - Moves
- DB26-DB27 - Trainer ID
- DB28-DB2A - Experience
- DB2D-DB2E - Attack EV
- DB2F-DB30 - Defense EV
- DB31-DB32 - Speed EV
- DB33-DB34 - Special EV
- DB35 - Attack/Defense IV
- DB36 - Speed/Special IV
- DB37-DB3A - PP Moves
Pokémon 6
- DB3B - Pokémon
- DB3C-DB3D - HP
- DB3E - Level
- DB3F - Status
- DB40-DB41 - Types
- DB42 - Held Item (When traded to Generation II)
- DB43-DB46 - Moves
- DB47-DB48 - Trainer ID
- DB4A-DB4B - Experience
- DB4E-DB4F - Attack EV
- DB50-DB51 - Defense EV
- DB52-DB53 - Speed EV
- DB54-DB55 - Special EV
- DB56 - Attack/Defense IV
- DB57 - Speed/Special IV
- DB58-DB5B - PP Moves
Pokémon 7
- DB5C - Pokémon
- DB5D-DB5E - HP
- DB5F - Level
- DB60 - Status
- DB61-DB62 - Types
- DB63 - Held Item (When traded to Generation II)
- DB64-DB67 - Moves
- DB68-DB69 - Trainer ID
- DB6A-DB6C - Experience
- DB6F-DB70 - Attack EV
- DB71-DB72 - Defense EV
- DB73-DB74 - Speed EV
- DB75-DB76 - Special EV
- DB77 - Attack/Defense IV
- DB78 - Speed/Special IV
- DB79-DB7C - PP Moves
Pokémon 8
- DB7D - Pokémon
- DB7E-DB7F - HP
- DB80 - Level
- DB81 - Status
- DB82-DB83 - Types
- DB84 - Held Item (When traded to Generation II)
- DB85-DB88 - Moves
- DB89-DB8A - Trainer ID
- DB8B-DB8D - Experience
- DB90-DB91 - Attack EV
- DB92-DB93 - Defense EV
- DB94-DB95 - Speed EV
- DB96-DB97 - Special EV
- DB98 - Attack/Defense IV
- DB99 - Speed/Special IV
- DB9A-DB9D - PP Moves
Pokémon 9
- DB9E - Pokémon
- DB9F-DBA0 - HP
- DBA1 - Level
- DBA2 - Status
- DBA3-DBA4 - Types
- DBA5 - Held Item (When traded to Generation II)
- DBA6-DBA9 - Moves
- DBAA-DBAB - Trainer ID
- DBAC-DBAE - Experience
- DBB1-DBB2 - Attack EV
- DBB3-DBB4 - Defense EV
- DBB5-DBB6 - Speed EV
- DBB7-DBB8 - Special EV
- DBB9 - Attack/Defense IV
- DBBA - Speed/Special IV
- DBBB-DBBE - PP Moves
Pokémon 10
- DBBF - Pokémon
- DBC0-DBC1 - HP
- DBC2 - Level
- DBC3 - Status
- DBC4-DBC5 - Types
- DBC6 - Held Item (When traded to Generation II)
- DBC7-DBCA - Moves
- DBCB-DBCC - Trainer ID
- DBCD-DBCF - Experience
- DBD2-DBD3 - Attack EV
- DBD4-DBD5 - Defense EV
- DBD6-DBD7 - Speed EV
- DBD8-DBD9 - Special EV
- DBDA - Attack/Defense IV
- DBDB - Speed/Special IV
- DBDC-DBDF - PP Moves
Pokémon 11
- DBE0 - Pokémon
- DBE1-DBE2 - HP
- DBE3 - Level
- DBE4 - Status
- DBE5-DBE6 - Types
- DBE7 - Held Item (When traded to Generation II)
- DBE8-DBEB - Moves
- DBEC-DBED - Trainer ID
- DBEE-DBF0 - Experience
- DBF3-DBF4 - Attack EV
- DBF5-DBF6 - Defense EV
- DBF7-DBF8 - Speed EV
- DBF9-DBFA - Special EV
- DBFB - Attack/Defense IV
- DBFC - Speed/Special IV
- DBFD-DC00 - PP Moves
Pokémon 12
- DC01 - Pokémon
- DC02-DC03 - HP
- DC04 - Level
- DC05 - Status
- DC06-DC07 - Types
- DC08 - Held Item (When traded to Generation II)
- DC09-DC0C - Moves
- DC0D-DC0E - Trainer ID
- DC0F-DC11 - Experience
- DC12-DC13 - HP EV
- DC14-DC15 - Attack EV
- DC16-DC17 - Defense EV
- DC18-DC19 - Speed EV
- DC1A-DC1B - Special EV
- DC1C - Attack/Defense IV
- DC1D - Speed/Special IV
- DC1E-DC21 - PP Moves
Pokémon 13
- DC22 - Pokémon
- DC23-DC24 - HP
- DC25 - Level
- DC26 - Status
- DC27-DC28 - Types
- DC29 - Held Item (When traded to Generation II)
- DC2A-DC2D - Moves
- DC2E-DC2F - Trainer ID
- DC30-DC32 - Experience
- DC33-DC34 - HP EV
- DC35-DC36 - Attack EV
- DC37-DC38 - Defense EV
- DC39-DC3A - Speed EV
- DC3B-DC3C - Special EV
- DC3D - Attack/Defense IV
- DC3E - Speed/Special IV
- DC3F-DC42 - PP Moves
Pokémon 14
- DC43 - Pokémon
- DC44-DC45 - HP
- DC46 - Level
- DC47 - Status
- DC48-DC49 - Types
- DC4A - Held Item (When traded to Generation II)
- DC4B-DC4E - Moves
- DC4F-DC50 - Trainer ID
- DC51-DC53 - Experience
- DC54-DC55 - HP EV
- DC56-DC57 - Attack EV
- DC58-DC59 - Defense EV
- DC5A-DC5B - Speed EV
- DC5C-DC5D - Special EV
- DC5E - Attack/Defense IV
- DC5F - Speed/Special IV
- DC60-DC63 - PP Moves
Pokémon 15
- DC64 - Pokémon
- DC65-CC66 - HP
- DC67 - Level
- DC68 - Status
- DC69-DC6A - Types
- DC6B - Held Item (When traded to Generation II)
- DC6C-DC6F - Moves
- DC70-DC71 - Trainer ID
- DC72-DC74 - Experience
- DC75-DC76 - HP EV
- DC77-DC78 - Attack EV
- DC79-DC7A - Defense EV
- DC7B-DC7C - Speed EV
- DC7D-DC7E - Special EV
- DC7F - Attack/Defense IV
- DC80 - Speed/Special IV
- DC81-DC84 - PP Moves
Pokémon 16
- DC85 - Pokémon
- DC86-DC87 - HP
- DC88 - Level
- DC89 - Status
- DC8A-DC8B - Types
- DC8C - Held Item (When traded to Generation II)
- DC8D-DC90 - Moves
- DC91-DC92 - Trainer ID
- DC93-DC95 - Experience
- DC96-DC97 - HP EV
- DC98-DC99 - Attack EV
- DC9A-DC9B - Defense EV
- DC9C-DC9D - Speed EV
- DC9E-DC9F - Special EV
- DCA0 - Attack/Defense IV
- DCA1 - Speed/Special IV
- DCA2-DCA5 - PP Moves
Pokémon 17
- DCA6 - Pokémon
- DCA7-DCA8 - HP
- DCA9 - Level
- DCAA - Status
- DCAB-DCAC - Types
- DCAD - Held Item (When traded to Generation II)
- DCAE-DCB1 - Moves
- DCB2-DCB3 - Trainer ID
- DCB4-DCB6 - Experience
- DCB9-DCBA - Attack EV
- DCBB-DCBC - Defense EV
- DCBD-DCBE - Speed EV
- DCBF-DCC0 - Special EV
- DCC1 - Attack/Defense IV
- DCC2 - Speed/Special IV
- DCC3-DCC6 - PP Moves
Pokémon 18
- DCC7 - Pokémon
- DCC8-DCC9 - HP
- DCCA - Level
- DCCB - Status
- DCCC-DCCD - Types
- DCCE - Held Item (When traded to Generation II)
- DCCF-DCD2 - Moves
- DCD3-DCD4 - Trainer ID
- DCD5-DCD7 - Experience
- DCDA-DCDB - Attack EV
- DCDC-DCDD - Defense EV
- DCDE-DCDF - Speed EV
- DCE0-DCE1 - Special EV
- DCE2 - Attack/Defense IV
- DCE3 - Speed/Special IV
- DCE4-DCE7 - PP Moves
Pokémon 19
- DCE8 - Pokémon
- DCEB - Level
- DCEC - Status
- DCED-DCEE - Types
- DCEF - Held Item (When traded to Generation II)
- DCF0-DCF3 - Moves
- DCF4-DCF5 - Trainer ID
- DCF6-DCF8 - Experience
- DCFB-DCFC - Attack EV
- DCFD-DCFE - Defense EV
- DCFF-DD00 - Speed EV
- DD01-DD02 - Special EV
- DD03 - Attack/Defense IV
- DD04 - Speed/Special IV
- DD05-DD08 - PP Moves
Pokémon 20
- DD09 - Pokémon
- DD0A-DD0B - HP
- DD0C - Level
- DD0D - Status
- DD0E-DD0F - Types
- DD10 - Held Item (When traded to Generation II)
- DD11-DD14 - Moves
- DD15-DD16 - Trainer ID
- DD17-DD19 - Experience
- DD1C-DD1D - Attack EV
- DD1E-DD1F - Defense EV
- DD20-DD21 - Speed EV
- DD22-DD23 - Special EV
- DD24 - Attack/Defense IV
- DD25 - Speed/Special IV
- DD26-DD29 - PP Moves
Trainer name
- DD2A-DD34 - Trainer name for 1st
- DD35-DD3F - Trainer name for 2nd
- DD40-DD4A - Trainer name for 3rd
- DD4B-DD55 - Trainer name for 4th
- DD56-DD60 - Trainer name for 5th
- DD61-DD6B - Trainer name for 6th
- DD6C-DD76 - Trainer name for 7th
- DD77-DD81 - Trainer name for 8th
- DD82-DD8C - Trainer name for 9th
- DD8D-DD97 - Trainer name for 10th
- DD98-DDA2 - Trainer name for 11th
- DDA3-DDAD - Trainer name for 12th
- DDAE-DDB8 - Trainer name for 13th
- DDB9-DDC3 - Trainer name for 14th
- DDC4-DDCE - Trainer name for 15th
- DDCF-DDD9 - Trainer name for 16th
- DDDA-DDE4 - Trainer name for 17th
- DDE5-DDEF - Trainer name for 18th
- DDF0-DDFA - Trainer name for 19th
- DDFB-DE05 - Trainer name for 20th
- DE06-DE10 - Nickname for 1st
- DE11-DE1B - Nickname for 2nd
- DE1C-DE26 - Nickname for 3rd
- DE27-DE31 - Nickname for 4th
- DE32-DE3C - Nickname for 5th
- DE3D-DE47 - Nickname for 6th
- DE48-DE52 - Nickname for 7th
- DE53-DE5D - Nickname for 8th
- DE5E-DE68 - Nickname for 9th
- DE69-DE73 - Nickname for 10th
- DE74-DE7E - Nickname for 11th
- DE7F-DED9 - Nickname for 12th
- DE8A-DE94 - Nickname for 13th
- DE95-DE9F - Nickname for 14th
- DEA0-DEAA - Nickname for 15th
- DEAB-DEB5 - Nickname for 16th
- DEB6-DEC0 - Nickname for 17th
- DEC1-DECB - Nickname for 18th
- DECC-DED6 - Nickname for 19th
- DED7-DEE1 - Nickname for 20th
Internal data (HRAM)
When the game boots, HRAM (FF80 to FFFE) is initialized to 0.
FF80-FF89 - OAM DMA routine
FF8A - Soft reset frame counter Initially has value 16. Decremented each frame START+SELECT+A+B are held down ; when 0, the game soft resets.
FF9F-FFA1 - Money / Coins amount (big-endian) When holding coins amount, 0 is written to FF9F for some reason.
FFA9-FFAD - Serial status data (sync method, etc.)
Graphics scroll values
FFAE - Value copied to SCX at VBlank FFAF - Value copied to SCY at VBlank FFB0 - Value copied to WY at VBlank
FFB1 - Joypad input during previous frame FFB2 - Released buttons on this frame FFB3 - Pressed buttons on this frame FFB4 - Held buttons on this frame
FFB5 - Low-sensitivity joypad output, controlled by FFB6 and FFB7. FFB6 - If zero and A or B is held, outputs nothing. Otherwise, considers buttons held for more than half a second being pressed twelve times a second. Has no influence if FFB7 is zero. FFB7 - If zero, FFB5 contains newly-pressed buttons only.
ROM banking
FFB8 - Loaded ROM bank. FFB9 - Saved ROM bank.
VBlank data transfer
FFBA - Transfer background to VRAM during VBlank ? FFBB - Which portion of the screen to transfer ? (0-1-2 = top-middle-bottom)
FFBC-FFBD - Where to copy background to ? (does not account for FFBB offset ; low-endian address)
FFBF-FFC0 - Stack pointer save
FFC1-FFC2 - Where to copy background from ? (used during copy ; low-endian address) FFBA is copied to FFC1 (LSB of address). FFC3-FFC4 - Where to copy background to ? (low-endian address) FFC5 - Number of rows to copy
FFC6 - Number of 16-byte units to copy during VBlank FFC7-FFC8 - Source FFC9-FFCA - Destination
FFCB - Number of 8-byte units to copy during VBlank FFCC-FFCD - Source FFCE-FFCF - Destination
VBlank 2x2 tile block redraw
FFD0 - What to redraw (0-1-2 = nothing-column-row) FFD1-FFD2 - Destination
FFD3 - RandomAdd FFD4 - RandomSub
On each call to the Random function, the value of register rDIV (roughly tracking how many bytes were executed) and the carry are added to RandomAdd, and subtracted from RandomSub.
VBlank interface
FFD5 - Frame counter (decremented each VBlank) FFD6 - Set to 0 when a VBlank occurs
Misc. 2
FFD7 - Tileset type (0-1-2 = indoors-cave-outside) Nonzero values have the water animation. Value 2 has the flower animation.
FFF3 - Battle turn (0-1 = player-opponent)
FFF8 - Joypad input FFF9 - Diable joypad polling
Collapse Internal Data for Pokémon Red and Blue
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