Ultima VI: The False Prophet/Sprite IDs

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Chip tiny.png The following article is a Notes Page for Ultima VI: The False Prophet.

Sprite IDs
ID Sprite
00 Dead body
01 Fighter
02 Swashbuckler
03 Mage
04 Villager (man)
05 Merchant
06 Child
07 Guard
08 Jester
09 Peasant
0A Farmer
0B Musician
0C Villager (woman)
0D Musician (playing)
0E Lord British
0F Avatar
10 Mouse
11 ??? appears to be a broken version of the Wisp graphics
12 Rat
13 Insect
14 Bat
15 Giant squid
16 Sea serpent
17 Reaper
18 Sheep
19 Dog
1A Deer
1B Wolf
1C Ghost
1D Gremlin
1E Gazer
1F Bird
20 Corpser
21 Snake
22 Rabbit
23 Rotworm
24 Spider
25 Gargoyle leader
26 Gargoyle worker
27 Acid slug
28 Zu Flower - this is an incomplete port of the Tangle Vine Flower from the PC version
29 Daemon
2A Skeleton
2B Drake
2C Headless
2D Troll
2E Mongbat
2F Wisp
30 Hydra
31 Slime
32 Cat
33 Dragon
34 Silver Serpent - an incomplete port that has graphics data but doesn't have a render function
35 Cyclops
36 Giant scorpion
37 Giant ant
38 Cow
39 Alligator
3A Horse
3B Sulfur ash (item)
3C Mandrake root (item)
3D Nightshade (item)
3E Spidersilk (item)
3F Blood moss
40 ??? (uses Hydra render function)
41 ???
42 Dead party member ghost
43 Invisible person
44 Sweeping man
45 Man in stocks
46 Dead body
47 Dead cyclops
48 Dead gargoyle leader
49 Dead body
4A Ship
4B Skiff
4C Raft
4D Balloon
4E Bones
4F Dead body