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Revision as of 17:24, 12 April 2020 by Sarah Shinespark (talk | contribs) (Added a note on hidden stats.)
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  • All values are in hexadecimal... except for the ID # for some reason.
  • This will be covered in the ROM map, but Race Bonus and Element are stored as a word together.
  • There are at least 2 more bytes for each entry whose purpose is unknown.
  • For the Boss music bit:
    • 00 - Standard battle theme (implied for brevity)
    • 01 - Normal boss theme
    • 03 - Special boss theme
    • 02 - Rimsala
  • Every enemy also has a Strength, Intelligence, Endurance, Alertness, Level, Weapon, Armor, and Accessory stat.
    Some of these refer to table lookups, so listing them would be time consuming but may not be useful.
ID/Name Race Element HP EXP GP Boss music Boss # Spell cast
01 Slime 02 (Earth) 3 1 4
02 Pilferer 5 3 2
03 Thief 8 3 5
04 Goblin 02 (Earth) 4 4 6
05 Ogre 02 (Earth) 8 5 C
06 Hound 02 (Earth) A 4 5
07 Lupus 02 (Earth) 14 5 1E
08 Saurian 08 (Fire) F 6 F
09 Lizard 08 (Fire) 14 5 5
10 Gurgeon 01 (Wind) 10 7 6 01 - Lightning 1
11 Jell 08 (Fire) 6 2 7
12 Stone Guardian 10 (Boss) 02 (Earth) 96 F 64 01 00
13 Iron Guardian 10 (Boss) 02 (Earth) 12C 1E 64 01 01
14 Bee 01 (Wind) 16 5 1
15 Flytrap 02 (Earth) 14 9 5
16 Wolfsbane 04 (Water) 1E C 6
17 Huetree 02 (Earth) 19 A 16
18 Trunkman 04 (Water) 1E 14 1E
19 Sauropod 08 (Fire) 23 A 15
20 Assassin 19 1E 2D 07 - Water 1
21 Cyclops 18 (Boss/Giant) 08 (Fire) C8 32 12C 01 02
22 Efrite 10 (Boss) 08 (Fire) 12C 46 2 03 03 0B - Flame 2
23 Zerel 10 (Boss) 1C2 64 190 03 04
24 Jeru 04 (Water) 1E 7 11 30 - Sleep
25 Hobgoblin 25 A 19
26 Fighter 22 23 1E
27 Raiton 01 (Wind) 28 F 34
28 Mage 35 14 28 0A - Flame 1
29 Undead 01 (Undead) 02 (Earth) 43 12 D
30 Skeleton 01 (Undead) 02 (Earth) 28 F 22
31 Witch 1C F 2D 07 - Water 1
32 Bajis 02 (Earth) 2D F 1E
33 Manteco 01 (Wind) 18 F 1E 02 - Lightning 2
34 Bone 01 (Undead) 02 (Earth) 20 A 13
35 Ramia 04 (Medusa) 24 F 37
36 Deep One 04 (Water) 38 D 19
37 Warlock 28 19 2A 04 - Smash 1
38 Troll 08 (Giant) 3C 64 DC 01
39 Mimic 50 28 32
40 Hydra 10 (Boss) 08 (Fire) 258 12C 1F4 01 05 0C - Flame 3
41 Sauza 10 (Boss) 2EE 1F4 258 03 06
42 Jara 01 (Undead) 02 (Earth) 32 F 32
43 Bugbear 3C 32 64
44 Knight 50 19 118
45 Vampire Bee 01 (Wind) 46 43 46
46 Ghost 01 (Undead) 01 (Earth) 64 3C 50 2B - Sleep All
47 Rilus 04 (Medusa) 6E 3C 50
48 Dragonian 78 3C 64
49 Fult 01 (Undead) 02 (Earth) 48 46 46
50 Reach 01 (Undead) 01 (Wind) 54 28 78 30 - Sleep
51 Nostrus 38 28 64 02 - Lightning 2
52 Merlini 5F 1E 5A 0B - Flame 2
53 Aurane 04 (Medusa) 04 (Water) 64 3C 78 09 - Water 3
54 Giant 08 (Giant) B4 64 C8 01
55 Blue Dragon 02 (Dragon) 04 (Water) FA 8C 12C 01 09 - Water 3
56 Green Dragon 02 (Dragon) 02 (Earth) 104 96 FA 01 06 - Smash 3
57 Darah 10 (Boss) 04 (Water) 1C2 2BC 226 01 07 04 - Smash 1
58 Barah 10 (Boss) 08 (Fire) 320 320 258 01 08 05 - Smash 2
59 Ariel 10 (Boss) 2EE 64 1 03 09
60 Teefa 10 (Boss) 190 64 1 03 0A 2B - Sleep All
61 Red Dragon 02 (Dragon) 08 (Fire) FF 12C 12C 01 0C - Flame 3
62 Cloud Dragon 02 (Dragon) 01 (Wind) F0 190 15E 01 03 - Lightning 3
63 Cyclops 08 (Giant) C8 5A 64 01
64 Minotaurus 08 (Giant) D2 64 64 01
65 Sword Master B4 3C C8
66 Wizard 6E C8 FA 16 - Attribute 10
67 Desurin 01 (Undead) 02 (Earth) A0 32 64
68 Shaman B4 5F C8
69 Sphinx 02 (Earth) C8 32 D2 06 - Smash 3
70 Bali 04 (Medusa) 08 (Fire) C3 96 78 03 - Lightning 3
71 Medusa 02 (Earth) 78 E6 EB 13 - Attribute 7
72 Raenon 01 (Undead) 01 (Wind) A0 64 6E 0D - Attribute 1
73 Phantom 01 (Undead) 02 (Earth) B4 5F 32 14 - Attribute 8
74 Giant Bee 01 (Wind) 5A 5A 5F
75 Queen Bee 01 (Wind) 96 E6 23 2B - Sleep All
76 Karul 10 (Boss) 2EE 3DE 368 03 0B
77 Galneon 10 (Boss) 258 2EE 3A5 03 0C
78 Galneon 10 (Boss) 384 3B6 1 01 0D 15 - Attribute 9
79 Rimsala 10 (Boss) 5DC 1 1 02 0E
80 Rimsala 10 (Boss) DAC 1 26D 02 0F 17 - Attribute 11


  • Due to a mistype, Bali has the Medusa race rather than Medusa herself.
  • Axs' final equipment (the Demon set) resists and hits the Medusa weakness, along with making him Earth-elemental. It's funny considering how he gets petrified earlier in the game.
  • Rimsala is coded to drop 621 GP on defeat, but it's unusable as the credits begin afterwards.
  • Mimic is not encounterable, but it may have been intended as a monster-in-a-box. Treasure chests can be modified to call an encounter, but this is random and not a set enemy.