Micro Mages/RAM map

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Chip tiny.png The following article is a RAM map for Micro Mages.

                                              == GENERAL ==
   ADDRESSES    |   SIZE   |                              DESCRIPTION
0004 - 0007     | 4        | Selected Password (Title Screen) / Current Level Password
006F            | 1        | Gamemode (#$00 -> normal, #$80 -> hard, #$C0 -> hell)
0072            | 1        | Number of Lives
008C            | 1        | Seagull (#$00 -> no, #$01 -> yes)
00BC            | 1        | Current Level
0440            | 1        | Fairy: (#$01 -> no fairy, #$02 -> fairy)
04FF            | 1        | Artifacts:
                           |   %0001 - 3rd Artifact 
                           |   %0010 - 1st Artifact 
                           |   %0100 - 2nd Artifact 
                           |   %1000 - 4th Artifact