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L'Empereur/ROM map
The following article is a ROM map for L'Empereur.
Note that most functions in this game are essentially written in a higher-level computer language than 6502. By using a jump table, more complex operations are able to be identified by single hex codes. These functions are prefaced by "20 09 E5 ## ##" and terminated by the operation "CF". (## ## indicates how many memory spaces need to be dedicated to the new function, written as an inverse. A function that requires no new memory space will say "00 00", while one that requires 16 spaces will say "F0 FF"
A list of these operations is located here. This same system seems to be used by the other MMC5 Koei games.
Page E8 ($A000-$BFFF)
ROM location: 0x10010-0x1200F
Function $A8DF
Main function for all CPU city actions.
A8E4 AA D1 7C / Push $7CD1/$7CD2 to stack / (+2) Active city A8E7 E9 DB BA 02 / Run function $BADB / (-2)
0x3466A - 0x35758 Officer names and traits
See Notes for more detail on officer traits.