Final Fantasy 4 Advance/Monster stats

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Monster stats
Game Final Fantasy 4 Advance
Start Address 0xF9114
End Address ?
# of Entries ?
Entry Length 28 bytes (0x1C)
Total Length ?
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The monster stats. The monster order is not the same as in the Bestiary. The Bestiary jumps around alot


Byte # = data type (length):
01-04 = HP (4 bytes)
05 = Experience (2)
07 = Gil (2)
08 = Unknown (1)
09 = Strength (1)
10 = Unknown (1)
11 = Defense (1)
12 = Unknown (1)
13 = Unknown (1)
14 = Unknown (1)
15 = Magic Defense (1)
16 = Unknown (1)
17-18 = Unknown (2)
19 = Unknown (1)
20 = Unknown (1)
21 = Unknown (1)
22 = Magic Power (1)
23 = Status Resistances (1)
24 = Monster Type (1)
25-28 = Unknown (?)

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