The 7th Saga/RAM map

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File Structure (0x2000 = 8192 bytes)

	Offset | Len  | Description
	0x0000 |    2 | Checksum?
	0x0002 |  510 | Unused
	0x0200 | 1280 | Save Slot 1?
	0x0700 | 2560 | Unused
	0x1100 | 1280 | Save Slot 1? (Identical contents to 0x200-0x6FF)
	0x1600 | 2560 | Unused

Save Slot Structure (0x400 = 1024 bytes?)

	Offset | Len | Description
	0x0000 |   ? | ?
	0x03FE |   2 | Checksum?

Character Structure A (Unknown size)

	Offset | Len | Description
	0x0000 |   ? | ?

Default for 0x0002-0x1100 is 0x60 until a saved game exists, and then 0xFF.  Default for 0x1100-1FFF seems to be 0x00.  Unused areas generally follow this pattern.