Donkey Kong (NES, Famicom Disk System)/RAM map

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Chip tiny.png The following article is a RAM map for Donkey Kong (NES, Famicom Disk System).

RAM Purpose
010 Local copy of PPU register 2000
011 Local copy of PPU register 2001
021-023 6 digit Top Score using BCD (4bits per digit)
025-027 6 digit 1P Score using BCD (4bits per digit)
029-02B 6 digit 2P Score using BCD (4bits per digit)
02E-02F 4 digit time remaining using BCD (4bits per digit)
03F Hammer time remaining
044 Slow Timer that starts Demo Mode
050 Stores which option was selected on the title screen (00-03)
051 How many players: 18-1P, 1C-2P
052 Which player's turn it is: 00-1P, 01-2P
053 Which Zone you're on (1-3)
054 Number of times Zone 3 has been completed. Appears under the (L)
055 Marios remaining
058 01 While in Demo Mode
096 Mario's Satus: 01-Hor, 02-Ver, 08-Falling, 0A-Has Mallet, 31-Jump, FF-Dead
0C1-0C8 In Zone 3: 00-Beam Joint still there, 01-Beam Joint has been broken(moved over)
0F7-0F8 Pointer that holds address to music file
100-1FF CPU Stack
200-2FF Sprite Ram that is transferred via DMA every NMI
330 Offset for the current Name Table Update variable below
331-33f Stores the pending changes to update the Name Table
400 Zone number for player 1
401 Zone number for player 2
402 Level number for player 1
403 Level number for player 2
404 Player 1 Marios remaining
405 Player 2 Marios remaining
406 Player 1 game over: 00-False, 01-True
407 Player 2 game over: 00-False, 01-True
50C How many times demo Mario moves a direction
50D Which way demo Mario will move
50E Index in the array of demo movements
So very stubbly.
This page is rather stubbly and could use some expansion.
Are you a bad enough dude to rescue this article?