Pokémon Card GB2/RAM map

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< Pokémon Card GB2
Revision as of 11:40, 30 May 2020 by Ed101 (talk | contribs) (added details about addresses used by cardpop and black box)
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Chip tiny.png The following article is a RAM map for Pokémon Card GB2.


Address Size    Description
------- ----    -----------
 C000    256    Possible cards of selected rarity for current Booster pack (or CardPop)
 C2C8      6    Player's Pokémon remaining HP
 C2DA      1    Damage reduced from Defender value
 C2E0      1    Damage increased by PlusPower value
 C2EC      1    Status Ailment byte (01 = Confusion, 02 = Sleep, 03 = Paralysis, 80 = Poison)
 C2ED      1    One-turn Invincibility/Damage Reflection (14 = Stiffen, 15 = Withdraw, 1C = Scrunch, 24 = Mirror Shell, 25 = Rocket Tackle, 26 = Harden)
 C2EE      1    Inability to Attack (06 = Leer)
 C2FA      1    Last Known Status Ailment
 C3C8      6    CPU's Pokémon remaining HP
 C400    120    During battle : P1 deck
                Out of battle: Cards in current Booster pack
 C480    120    P2 deck
 C510     60    P1 Deck order
 CAA0     12    Player name / Game Centre chip count (with leading zeros)
 CAC8      2    Pseudo Random Number, seeded at startup with save file name (or 0 if there is no save file)
                Its value changes on:
                • coin toss (once)
                • deck shuffle (once)
                • random Attack (e. g. Lv. 68 Zapdos's Big Thunder) (once)
                • random Pokémon Power (e. g. GR's Mewtwo's Dark Wave) (once)
                • character selection (every frame)
                • name entry (every frame)
                • Card POP Secret ID generation (once)
                • new game / continue menu (every frame)
                • out of battle menu (every frame)
                • at the end of a duel (every frame)
                • overworld map (every frame)
                • building (every 30 frames)
                • saving the game (once)
                • landing from the airship (once)
                • Game Corner coin flip challenge (varies with the current frame in coin flip animation)
                • When the 10 cards of a Booster pack are generated (10 times)
                • When a random Booster pack is generated (once per Booster pack, e.g. Ishihara)
 CACA      1    PRNG frame advance
 CACB      1    ?
 CC04      1    Has an Energy Card already been played this turn? (01 = Yes, 00 = No)
 CC32      1    Card Type
 CC33      1    ?
 CC34      1    ?
 CC35      2    Species pointer
 CC37      1    Rarity
 CC38      1    Expansion
 CC39      1    Booster
 CC3A      2    Card ID
 CC3C      1    Hit Points
 CC3D      1    Card Category
 CC3E      2    Evolves from (Species pointer)
 CC40      4    Attack #1 cost
 CC4A      1    Attack #1 damage
 CC53      4    Attack #2 cost
 CC5D      1    Attack #2 damage
 CC66      1    Retreat Cost
 CC67      1    Weakness
 CC68      1    Resistance
 CC6B      1    Pokédex ID
 CC6D      1    Level
 CCC9      1    Base damage of selected attack
 CCE2      1    Status Ailment Inflicted
 CCE3      1    Targeting (C2 = Your Pokemon, C3 = Opponent's Pokemon)
 CCE5      1    Last Ailment Caused
 CD10      1    Added damage (e. g. GR's Mewtwo's Dark Wave)
 CD51      1    Booster creation: current Rarity
 CD52      1    Booster creation: current Booster #1 ID
 CD53      1    Booster creation: current Booster #2 ID
 CD54      1    Max value +1 for the Booster cards PRNG
 CE25      1    CardPop: Value of unknown use
 CE2D      8    CardPop: Name of other person (at least with Imakuni/Rival [CPU])
 CE3C      2    CardPop: Card you will receive
 CE3E      2    CardPop: Card other person will receive? Or their Secret ID?
 CF9C      4    ? (related to Booster pack generation ?)
 CFD2      1    Stores various data (e. g. damage inflicted by attack)
 D619      1    ?
 D61A      1    After a duel : pointer to the Booster prize pointer
                Overworld : ?
 D61B      1    CPU Opponent ID ?
 D61E      1    ?
 D65E      1    Max value +1 for the Booster pack PRNG
 D667      1    Number of Booster packs to be awarded
 DE54     12    Player Name
 DE61      3    Secret ID


Address Size    Description
------- ----    -----------
 FF98      1    Card Expansion ? (HRAM)
 FF99      1    ? (HRAM) (Set to 0xC2 at 6:6D83)