Pokémon 3rd Generation/Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen

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Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen
Name Pokémon Fire Red

Pokémon LeafGreen

Code Unknown
Company Game Freak
Country USA
Checksum 68 (68)/ /81 (81)
CRC32 DD88761C/ /1C12FD39

Related Pages

Pokémon 3rd Generation contains information that may be relevate to this game.


  • AdvanceMap 1.92 -- Supports Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Fire Red and Leaf Green.
  • Elitemap -- Supports Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Fire Red and Leaf Green.

External Links

Known versions


  • Pokémon Fire Red (J)
  • Pokemon Fire Red (U)
  • Pokemon Rojo Fuego (S)
  • Pokemon Feuerrote (G)
  • Pokemon Rouge Feu (F)
  • Pokémon Rosso Fuoco (I)
  • Pokemon Fire Red v1.1 (U)


  • Pokemon Leaf Green (J)
  • Pokemon Leaf Green (U)
  • Pokemon Verde Hoja (S)
  • Pokemon Blattgrune (G)
  • Pokemon Vert Feuille (F)
  • Pokémon Verde Foglia (I)
  • Pokémon Leaf Green v1.1 (U)