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Illusion of Gaia/TBL
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The following article is a Text Table for Illusion of Gaia.
D600=Attack D601=Angel D602=After D603=Aura D604=Ankor D605=Black D606=Bill: D607=Crystal D608=City D609=Come D60A=Condor's D60B=Change D60C=Dark D60D=Don't D60E=Diamond D60F=Drifting, D610=Eric: D611=Edward D612=Even D613=Elder: D614=Earth D615=Freedan's D616=Great D617=Grandma D618=Good. D619=Gold D61A=Grandpa D61B=Hieroglyph D61C=Hey, D61D=It's D61E=Inca D61F=I'll D620=I've D621=Itorie D622=Jewels D623=Jewels! D624=Just D625=Kara: D626=Kara D627=King D628=Knight D629=Karen's D62A=Lilly: D62B=Let's D62C=Lilly D62D=Lola's D62E=Lola: D62F=Mystery D630=Maybe D631=Moon D632=Man: D633=Morris's D634=Melody D635=Morris: D636=Neil: D637=Neil's D638=Only D639=Once D63A=Oink D63B=Please D63C=Psycho D63D=People D63E=Prayer D63F=Pyramid D640=Purification D641=Plate D642=Quit D643=Rob: D644=Rolek D645=Soldier: D646=Strange D647=South D648=Statue D649=Somehow D64A=Sometimes D64B=Something D64C=Shadow's D64D=Someone D64E=This D64F=Will: D650=There's D651=Will's D652=There D653=That's D654=Tower D655=They D656=Then D657=Trip D658=Thank D659=Take D65A=Will. D65B=That D65C=Will, D65D=They're D65E=These D65F=Vampire D660=Village. D661=When D662=What D663=Well, D664=What's D665=Where D666=Woman: D667=You've D668=Your D669=You're D66A=Yes, D66B=about D66C=anything D66D=around D66E=another D66F=ancient D670=been D671=become D672=body D673=back D674=before D675=brought D676=beautiful D677=being D678=can't D679=come D67A=could D67B=comet D67C=company D67D=children D67E=constellation D67F=changed D680=came D681=coming D682=don't D683=didn't D684=doesn't D685=distant D686=different D687=demons D688=destroy D689=everyone D68A=explorer D68B=everyone's D68C=enemies D68D=exposed D68E=from D68F=found D690=find D691=feel D692=father's D693=going D694=good D695=great D696=ground D697=give D698=have D699=heard D69A=human D69B=hear D69C=huge D69D=happened D69E=hieroglyph D69F=it's D6A0=inventory D6A1=into D6A2=inside D6A3=just D6A4=know D6A5=like D6A6=long D6A7=little D6A8=light D6A9=look D6AA=looks D6AB=looking D6AC=leave D6AD=labor D6AE=left D6AF=live D6B0=life D6B1=living D6B2=must D6B3=made D6B4=melody D6B5=move D6B6=many D6B7=more D6B8=matter D6B9=nothing D6BA=need D6BB=never D6BC=next D6BD=other D6BE=over D6BF=outside D6C0=original D6C1=people D6C2=power D6C3=present. D6C4=playing D6C5=raised D6C6=right-hand D6C7=strange D6C8=something D6C9=statue D6CA=should D6CB=started D6CC=seems D6CD=same D6CE=such D6CF=someone D6D0=some D6D1=save D6D2=statues D6D3=still D6D4=said D6D5=stands D6D6=this D6D7=that D6D8=thought D6D9=there D6DA=think D6DB=there's D6DC=through D6DD=tried D6DE=terrible D6DF=time D6E0=things D6E1=their D6E2=town D6E3=thing D6E4=these D6E5=temple D6E6=them D6E7=take D6E8=turned, D6E9=understand D6EA=under D6EB=underwater D6EC=village D6ED=very D6EE=voice D6EF=will D6F0=with D6F1=want D6F2=were D6F3=would D6F4=where D6F5=world D6F6=when D6F7=what D6F8=without D6F9=wonder D6FA=won't D6FB=wouldn't D6FC=wanted D6FD=waiting D6FE=your D6FF=you're D700=1994 D701=Actually, D702=Button D703=Buttons D704=Back D705=Child: D706=Defeating D707=Didn't D708=Desert D709=Erasquez: D70A=Elder D70B=Earth's D70C=Eric's D70D=Everybody D70E=Flute: D70F=First D710=Firebird, D711=From D712=Gaia, D713=Gorgon D714=Have D715=Hey! D716=Istar's D717=Ishtar's D718=Lilly's D719=Larai D71A=Looking D71B=Main D71C=Man's D71D=Memory D71E=Mountain D71F=Morris D720=Many D721=Native D722=Native's D723=Neil D724=Naska D725=Power D726=Prison D727=Play D728=Panther's D729=Rob's D72A=Recently D72B=Restores D72C=Right D72D=Russian D72E=Rofsky D72F=Rearrange D730=Special D731=Spin D732=Seaside D733=She's D734=Shall D735=Sorry D736=Select D737=Show D738=Soon D739=Will! D73A=Will... D73B=Tell D73C=Uses D73D=Wind D73E=We'll D73F=We're D740=With D741=We've D742=Wait D743=Watermia. D744=always D745=approaching D746=animals D747=almost D748=also D749=anything. D74A=abolition D74B=breath D74C=birthday D74D=best D74E=bring D74F=bouquet D750=better D751=behind D752=change D753=castle D754=called D755=comet's D756=condition. D757=care D758=door D759=destroyed D75A=disappeared D75B=discovered D75C=dark D75D=ever D75E=elevator D75F=explorer. D760=eyes D761=first D762=fish D763=followed D764=fountain D765=floor D766=finally D767=father D768=flower D769=forced D76A=forget D76B=fate D76C=girl D76D=gets D76E=guess D76F=girl's D770=house D771=hope D772=home D773=here D774=here. D775=home! D776=happen.... D777=houses D778=inventing D779=last D77A=lost D77B=language. D77C=list D77D=life. D77E=laborer D77F=letter D780=looked D781=lose D782=left-hand D783=mushrooms D784=make D785=mother D786=merchants D787=meet D788=most D789=only D78A=ocean D78B=opened D78C=outskirts D78D=president D78E=please D78F=probably D790=place D791=prison D792=pretty D793=palace D794=right D795=really D796=returned D797=running D798=ruins D799=right. D79A=ruins, D79B=road D79C=rest D79D=stone D79E=seem D79F=scattered D7A0=seemed D7A1=softly D7A2=soldiers D7A3=shape D7A4=since D7A5=surprised D7A6=sure D7A7=seen D7A8=shouldn't D7A9=somewhere D7AA=times D7AB=they D7AC=talk D7AD=tell D7AE=townspeople D7AF=taken D7B0=they're D7B1=travelling D7B2=trying D7B3=turned D7B4=temporary D7B5=than D7B6=then D7B7=too, D7B8=thousands D7B9=turn D7BA=treasure, D7BB=used D7BC=until D7BD=village. D7BE=vampire D7BF=while D7C0=water D7C1=went D7C2=wondered D7C3=written D7C4=woman D7C5=wind D7C6=years D7C7=you. 0D=? 0E=' 20=0 21=1 22=2 23=3 24=4 25=5 26=6 27=7 28=8 29=9 2A=. 2B=, 2C=> 2D=" 2E=" 2F=: 40=A 41=B 42=C 43=D 44=E 45=F 46=G 47=H 48=I 49=J 4A=K 4B=L 4C=M 4D=N 4E=O 4F=! 60=P 61=Q 62=R 63=S 64=T 65=U 66=V 67=W 68=X 69=Y 6A=Z 6B=/ 6C=* 6D=- 6E=( 6F=) 80=a 81=b 82=c 83=d 84=e 85=f 86=g 87=h 88=i 89=j 8A=k 8B=l 8C=m 8D=n 8E=o 8F= A0=p A1=q A2=r A3=s A4=t A5=u A6=v A7=w A8=x A9=y AA=z AB=, AC= AD= AE= AF=