Final Fantasy III (NES)/ROM map

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Class and Character Data

  • $69B31 to $69B88 - Commands each class can use in battle, four bytes per class

Values for each command:

 04 Attack
 05 Defend
 06 Run
 07 Escape
 08 Jump
 0C Peep
 0D Scan
 14 Item
 15 Magic
 0E Steal
 0B Terrain
 08 Jump
 0F Build Up
 10 Sing
 11 Scare
 12 Cheer

There are no more commands. Putting other values will show garbled text, that will most probably crash the game. You can give commands from one class to another, and they will even get Class Experience, although; curiously enough, they will get a different ammount of exp than the original job in most cases.

Also, to use Sing you need an harp; but you can use Attack with an harp too, making that command somewhat obsolete.

The order of the classes:

 Onion K	04 05 06 14	 $69B31 	
 Fighter	04 05 06 14	 $69B35 		
 Monk		04 05 06 14 	 $69B39		
 WhiteMage  	04 15 06 14 	 $69B3D 		
 BlackMage	04 15 06 14	 $69B41	 	
 Red    	04 15 06 14 	 $69B45 	 	
 Hunter         04 05 15 14 	 $69B49 		
 Knight         04 05 06 14 	 $69B4D	
 Thief	        04 0E 07 14	 $69B51	 	
 Scholar	04 0C 0D 14 	 $69B55              
 Geomancer	04 0B 05 14 	 $69B59		
 Dragoon	04 08 05 14	 $69B5D 		
 Viking         04 05 06 14	 $69B61 	
 BlackBelt	04 0F 05 14 	 $69B65	 	
 M.Knight 	04 05 15 14 	 $69B69 		
 Conjurer	04 15 06 14	 $69B69 		 
 Bard    	10 11 12 14 	 $69B71          
 Warlock 	04 15 06 14	 $69B75 	
 Devout  	04 15 06 14 	 $69B79 	
 Summon  	04 15 06 14 	 $69B7D 
 Sage		04 15 06 14 	 $69B81 
 Ninja		04 05 06 14 	 $69B85 

  • $72010 to $720BF - Base stat data for all classes, 8 bytes per class:
 0x0: Unknown (affects CP cost to change to this class)
 0x1: Level needed to change to this job
 0x2-0x6: Base stats (Strength-Agility-Vitality-Intelligence-Spirit)
 0x8: Base MP bonus. Probably an index to a table.

Class list by order:

 $72010  88 00 05 05 05 05 05 00  Onion K
 $72018  79 00 0A 0A 05 02 03 00  Fighter
 $72020  77 00 0A 0A 07 01 02 00  Monk
 $72028  99 00 05 06 04 05 0A 01  White Mage
 $72030  97 00 05 07 03 0A 05 01  Black Mage	
 $72038  8A 00 06 07 05 06 06 02  Red Mage
 $72040  7B 09 05 14 05 05 05 03  Hunter
 $72048  8C 09 0A 0A 0A 03 07 00  Knight
 $72050  75 09 0A 0F 09 05 01 00  Thief
 $72060  A4 0E 0A 0A 0A 14 05 00  Scholar
 $72068  5B 0E 14 0A 0A 05 0A 00  Geomancer
 $72070  55 0E 0F 0A 14 05 05 00  Dragoon
 $72078  28 0E 17 0A 14 01 01 00  Viking
 $72080  82 0E 14 14 0A 02 03 03  Black Belt
 $72088  D8 0E 0A 0A 05 0F 0F 04  Mystic / Magic Knight
 $72090  BB 0E 05 0F 0F 0A 0A 00  Conjurer
 $72098  C4 1D 0A 0F 0A 1E 05 05  Bard
 $720A0  CC 1D 0F 0A 0F 05 19 06  Warlock / Magus
 $720A8  F0 1D 14 0F 0A 05 0F 0F  Shaman  / Devout
 $720B0  FF 27 0F 14 0F 19 19 08  Sage
 $720B8  00 27 19 19 14 0F 0F 09  Ninja

Base MP Values: There are 8 levels of Magic, each one has it's own points. Each chass has one value pointing to one of these groups (Not all of them, there are a few weird ones).

 00 Nothing, 0 MP for all levels
 01  8 Lvl 1 
 02  4 Lvl 1 
 03  4 Lvl 1 
 04  2 Lvl 1
 05 10 Lvl 1 /  9 Lvl 2 /  8 Lvl 3 /  7 Lvl 4 /  6 Lvl 5 /  5 Lvl 6 /  4 Lvl 7 /  3 Lvl 8
 06 10 Lvl 1 /  9 Lvl 2 /  8 Lvl 3 /  7 Lvl 4 /  6 Lvl 5 /  5 Lvl 6 /  4 Lvl 7 /  3 Lvl 8
 07  4 Lvl 1 /  3 Lvl 2 /  2 Lvl 3 /  1 Lvl 4
 08 20 Lvl 1 / 15 Lvl 2 / 10 Lvl 3 /  5 Lvl 4 /  4 Lvl 5 /  3 Lvl 6 /  2 Lvl 7 /  1 Lvl 8
 0A 32 Lvl 1 /  1 Lvl 2 /  5 Lvl 5 /  1 Lvl 6 /  1 Lvl 8 
 0B 86 Lvl 1 /  8 Lvl 2 
 11 13 Lvl 4 / 13 Lvl 5 / 13 Lvl 6 /  8 Lvl 7 / 13 Lvl8
 14 32 Lvl 4 / 32 Lvl 5 / 32 Lvl 6 / 32 Lvl 7 / 32 Lvl 8 
 15 32 Lvl 3
 1A  7 Lvl 5 /  7 Lvl 7
 1B 13 Lvl 1 / 45 Lvl 2 / 45 Lvl 3 / 45 Lvl 4 / 45 Lvl 5 /  6 Lvl 6 /  6 Lvl 7 /  6 Lvl 8
 1C  8 Lvl 1 /  8 Lvl 2 /  8 Lvl 3 /  9 Lvl 6 /  9 Lvl 5 /  9 Lvl 6 /  9 Lvl 7 /  8 Lvl 8
 1D  8 Lvl 1 /  8 Lvl 2 /  8 Lvl 4 / 10 Lvl 5 / 10 Lvl 6 / 10 Lvl 7 / 10 Lvl 8 
 1E 40 Lvl 1 / 40 Lvl 2 / 32 Lvl 3 / 40 Lvl 4 / 16 Lvl 5 / 16 Lvl 6 / 16 Lvl 7 / 16 Lvl 8 
 1F 17 Lvl 1 / 17 Lvl 2 / 17 Lvl 3 / 17 Lvl 4 / 17 Lvl 5 / 17 Lvl 6 / 17 Lvl 7 / 78 Lvl 8

After that they are pretty messy. The offset for these start at $73B98. This will add a certain number of MP to a class. As it's the base MP it will not increase. So if you give a Knight a value of 5 PM Level 1, that character will always have 5 PM (Unless you modify that class' MP gains).

  • $720C0 to $721E5 - Experience needed for each level, 3 bytes per level.
  • $721E6 to $732BD - Stat table for level-ups, determining which stats raise on every level for each class.
 There are two bytes per level; the first determines the increase of physical stats using a bitfield:
  0x80 - Strength
  0x40 - Agility
  0x20 - Vitality
  0x10 - Intelligence
  0x08 - Spirit
  0x04-0x01: Amount to increase stat(s) by
 The second byte determines which spell levels increase using a bitfield system, one bit for each of the 8 levels.
 The order of classes is the same as the base stat table.
  • $73BE8 to $73BE9 - Starting HP of the four characters
  • $73C00 to $73C06 - Starting equipment (armor/weapons) of the four characters:
0x1,0x2,0x03: Helmet,Armor,Glove, respectively
0x04,0x06: Items in right and left hand, respectively
0x05,0x06: Quantity of items in right and left hand (for arrows etc)
  • $73C07 to $73C0E - Starting magic of the four characters (empty by default), one byte for each magic level.

Weapons, Armor and Magic Group Usability Table

  • $910 to $A0F - Weapon/Armor/Magic usability table; 3 bytes for each entry, with one bit for each of the 22 classes.

Determines which classes can use which equipment. Many entries are empty or unused ingame.

It works like this:

 0011 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111
 00 All Classes

You take a group from the table and convert it to binary. All those "ones" mean a class, the order is this: Nothing Nothing, Ninja, Sage, Summoner, Shaman, Warlock, Bard, Conjurer, M.Knight, Black Belt, Viking, Dragoon, Geomancer, Scholar, Thief, Knight, Hunter, Red Mage, Black Mage, White Mage, Monk, Fighter and Onion Kid.

If you want for example to remove a class, let's say, the Onion Kid from this usability group, change the last 1 to 0:

0011 1111 1111 1111 1111 1110 ->Now he can't equip anything marked with the group 00. This gives you the ability to make your own groups. I hope I was clear enough...

Anyway, a list of the usabilty groups:

 3F FF FF - 00: All Classes
 00 00 00 - 01: None
 20 00 04 - 02: Monk, Ninja
 3A 80 30 - 03: Black Mage, Red Mage, Evoker/Conjurer, Magus, Summoner, Sage, Ninja
 3A 00 00 - 04: Magus, Summoner, Sage, Ninja
 34 00 28 - 05: White Mage, Red Mage, Devout, Sage, Ninja
 34 00 00 - 06: Devout, Sage, Ninja
 20 08 00 - 07: Dragoon, Ninja
 20 09 01 - 08: Onion Kid, Thief, Dragoon, Ninja
 20 01 00 - 09: Thief, Ninja
 20 10 00 - 0A: Viking, Ninja
 20 00 83 - 0B: Onion Kid, Warrior, Knight, Ninja
 20 00 20 - 0C: Red Mage, Ninja
 20 00 82 - 0E:  Warrior, Knight, Ninja
 20 00 80 - 0D: Knight, Ninja
 20 40 00 - 0F: Mystic Knight, Ninja
 3E 80 38 - 10: White Mage, Black Mage, Red Mage, Evoker/Conjurer, Magus, Devout, Summoner, Sage, Ninja
 21 00 00 - 11: Bard, Ninja
 36 02 18 - 12 White Mage, Black Mage, Scholar, Magus, Devout, Sage, Ninja
 20 04 00 - 13: Geomancer, Ninja
 20 00 73 - 14: Onion Kid, Warrior, Black Mage, Red Mage, Ranger, Ninja
 20 00 40 - 15: Ranger, Ninja
 20 19 A3 - 16: Onion Kid, Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Thief, Dragoon, Viking, Ninja
 20 1B A3 - 17: Onion Kid, Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Thief, Scholar, Dragoon, Viking, Ninja
 20 18 A3 - 18: Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Dragoon, Viking, Ninja
 20 18 83 - 19: Onion Kid, Warrior, Knight, Dragoon, Viking, Ninja
 28 99 82 - 1A:Fighter Knight Thief Dragoon Viking Conjurer Summoner, Ninja
 3F BF FF - 1B: All but M. Knight
 20 19 A3 - 1C: Onion Kid, Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Thief, Viking, Dragoon, Ninja
 20 19 E2 - 1D: Fighter, Red Mage, Ranger, Knight, Thief, Dragoon, Viking, Ninja 
 20 20 04 - 1E: Monk Black Belt, Ninja
 3F 86 40 - 1F: Ranger, Scholar, Geomancer, Evoker, Bard, Magus, Devout, Summoner, Sage, Ninja
 3F BF FF - 20; All But M.Knight
 21 19 E3 - 21: Onion Kid, Fighter, Red Mage, Hunter, Knight, Thief, Dragoon, Viking, Bard, Ninja
 20 19 E3 - 22: Onion Kid, Fighter, Red Mage, Hunter, Knight, Thief, Dragoon, Viking, Ninja
 20 18 C2 - 23: Warrior, Ranger, Knight, Dragoon, Viking, Ninja
 3E 80 38 - 24:White Mage, Black Mage, Red Mage, Conjurer, Warlock, Shaman, Summoner, Sage, Ninja
 3E 86 38 - 25: White Mage, Black Mage, Red Mage, Scholar, Geomancer, Evoker, Magus, Devout, Summoner, Sage, Ninja
 20 19 C2 - 26: Warrior, Ranger, Knight, Thief, Dragoon, Viking, Ninja
 3C 80 28 - 27: Black Mage, Red Mage, Evoker, Magus, Summoner, Sage, Ninja
 3A 80 30 - 28: White Mage, Red Mage, Evoker, Devout, Summoner, Sage, Ninja
 3F 9F FE - 29: Fighter, Monk, White Mage, Black Mage, Red Mage, Hunter, Knight, Thief, Scholar, Geomancer, Dragoon, Viking,              Conjurer, Bard, Warlock, Schaman, Summoner, Sage, Ninja
 21 3F E6 - 2A: Warrior, Monk, Red Mage, Ranger, Knight, Thief, Scholar, Geomancer, Dragoon, Viking, Black Belt, Bard, Ninja
 20 40 80 - 2B: Knight, Mystic Knight, Ninja
 20 18 E3 - 2C: Onion Kid, Warrior, Red Mage, Ranger, Knight, Dragoon, Viking, Ninja
 1E 80 00 - 2D:Conjurer, Summoner, Warlock, Shaman, Sage
 12 00 10 - 2E: Black Mage, Magus, Sage
 12 00 30 - 2F: Black Mage, Red Mage, Magus, Sage
 14 00 08 - 30: White Mage, Shaman, Sage
 14 00 28 - 31: White Mage, Red Mage, Devout, Sage
 14 40 68 - 32: White Mage, Red Mage, Ranger, M.Knight, Shaman, Sage
 14 00 08 - 33: White Mage, Shaman, Sage
 20 01 B3 - 34: Onion Kid, Warrior, Black Mage, Red Mage, Knight, Thief, Ninja
 30 02 00 - 35: Scholar, Sage
 20 18 80 - 36 Knight, Dragoon, Viking, Ninja
 20 18 80 - 37: Knight, Dragoon, Viking, Ninja
 20 20 00 - 38: Black Belt
 00 00 01 - 39: Onion Kid - ONION EQUIPMENT
 20 00 00 - 3A: Ninja
 20 58 A3 - 3B: Onion Kid, Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Dragoon, Viking, M. Knight
 20 18 A3 - 3C Onion Kid, Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Dragoon, Viking
 12 00 00 - 3D: Magus, Sage
 14 00 00 - 3E: Shaman, Sage
 18 80 00 - 3F: Conjurer, Summoner

Bold values are used for magic spells. From 00 to 3F, are considered Weapon Values. They are needed if you want to give a weapon a special effect, like Life Draining.

Armor Values go from 80 to BF. The content of the groups is exactly the same, but the game differenciates them.

 80 All Classes
 81 None
 82: Monk
 83: Black Mage, Red Mage, Evoker/Conjurer, Magus, Summoner, Sage
 84: Magus, Summoner, Sage - OMNI ROD
 85: White Mage, Red Mage, Devout, Sage
 86: Devout, Sage - Elder Staff
 87: Dragoon 
 89: Thief
 8A: Viking
 8B: Onion Kid, Warrior, Knight
 8C: Red Mage
 8E: Knight
 8D: Warrior, Knight
 8F: Mystic Knight
 90: White Mage, Black Mage, Red Mage, Evoker/Conjurer, Magus, Devout, Summoner, Sage
 91: Bard
 92: White Mage, Black Mage, Scholar, Magus, Devout, Sage
 93: Geomancer
 94: Onion Kid, Warrior, Black Mage, Red Mage, Ranger
 95: Ranger
 96: Onion Kid, Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Thief, Dragoon, Viking 
 97: Onion Kid, Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Thief, Knight, Dragoon, Viking
 98: Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Dragoon, Viking 
 99: Onion Kid, Warrior, Knight, Dragoon, Viking
 9A: Knight, Thief, Viking
 9B: All but M. Knight
 9D: Warrior, Red Mage, Ranger, Knight, Thief, Viking, Dragoon
 9E: Monk Black Belt
 9F: Ranger, Scholar, Geomancer, Evoker, Bard, Magus, Devout, Summoner, Sage
 A3: Warrior, Ranger, Knight, Dragoon, Viking
 A5: White Mage, Black Mage, Red Mage, Scholar, Geomancer, Evoker, Magus, Devout, Summoner, Sage
 A7: Black Mage, Red Mage, Evoker, Magus, Summoner, Sage 
 A8: White Mage, Red Mage, Evoker, Devout, Summoner, Sage
 AA: Warrior, Monk, Red Mage, Ranger, Knight, Thief, Scholar, Geomancer, Dragoon, Viking, Black Belt, Bard
 AB: Knight, Mystic Knight
 AC: Onion Kid, Warrior, red Mage, Ranger, Knight, Dragoon, Viking
 AE: Black Mage, Magus, Sage
 AF: Black Mage, Red Mage, Magus, Sage
 B0: White Mage, Shaman, Sage
 B1: White Mage, Red Mage, Devout, Sage
 B2: White Mage, Red Mage, Ranger, M.Knight, Shaman, Sage
 B4: Onion Kid, Warrior, Black Mage, Red Mage, Knight, Thief - KNIFE, DAGGER, MYTHRIL KNIFE
 B5: Scholar, Sage - ALL BOOKS
 B6: Knight, Dragoon, Viking
 B8: Monk, Black Belt/Karate Master -CLAWS/KNUCKLES & Knuckles
 B7: Knight Dragoon Viking
 BB: Onion Kid, Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Dragoon, Viking, M. Knight
 BC: Onion Kid, Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Dragoon, Viking
 BD: Magus, Sage
 BE: Shaman, Sage
 BF: Evoker, Summoner

Weapon Information

Weapons Sprite, Animation and Palette:

  • $56F00 - Sprite data for weapons during battle
  • $5D0A8 - Sprite and palette that every weapon uses in battle, ordered by weapon ID; three bytes per weapon:
0x0: Animation
01 Sword/Axe Slash
02 Blunt Weapon (Hammer, Rod, Staff, Bell)
03 Bow
04 Harp
05 Boomerang
06 Moonring
07 Shuriken
08 Arrow
09 Claw Slash
0x1: Weapon sprite used
53 Books
5B Bell
63 Shuriken
66 Punches
6B Claws
70 Nunchakus
78 Rod
80 Staff
88 Hammer
90 Morning Star
98 Spears
A0 Daggers
A8 Axe
B0 Sword Model 1
B8 Sabre 
C0 Sword Model 2
C8 Dark Sword
D0 Boomerang
D8 Moonring Blade
E0 Bow1
E8 Bow2
EC Arrow 1
EE Arrow 2
F0 Arrow 3
F2 Arrow 4
F4 Arrow 5
F6 Arrow 6
F8 Harp
0x2: Palette used
B1 Navy Blue and Orange
B9  Brown
BA  Gray
BB White and Green
BC Blue
BD Orange and Red
BE Pink and Green
C1 Green
C2  Hammer DUMIED
C3 Red and Orange
C4 Light and Dark Blue
C7 White and Gray
C9 Cyan and Grey
CA Brown and Purple
CE Green and Crimson/Dark Pink
CF Blue and Green
D3 Magenta and Cyan
D4 Cyan and Yellow
D8 Green and Blue
DB White and Blue
E3 Pink and Orange
E5 White and Red
E7 Pink
E8 Blue -another tone-
E9 Purple and Blue
EA Yellow and Green
EB Red and Green
EC White and Yellow
F0 Gray
F1 Orange and Gray
F3 Blue and Red 
F5 Dark Blue Cyan and Pink
F7 Orange? and Dark Blue

  • Offsets for each weapon's animation:

$5D0A8 00 66 BD BARE HANDED 	
$5D0AB 09 6B DB Kaiser Knuckles	
$5D0AE 09 6B BD Cat Claws		
$5D0B1 09 6B D8 Dragon Claw		
$5D0B4 09 6B E3 Fairy Claw		
$5D0B7 09 6B C3 Hellclaw		
$5D0BA 02 70 C7 Nunchaku		
$5D1BD 02 70 B9 Tonfa			
$5D0C0 02 70 BC Three S. Staff		
$5D0C3 02 78 E9 Mytrhil Rod		
$5D0C6 02 78 BD Fire Rod		
$5D0C9 02 78 C4 Ice Rod		
$5D0CC 02 78 EA Bolt Rod		
$5D0CF 02 78 CE Ultma/Omni Rod	
$5D0D2 02 80 B9  Staff	  		
$5D0D5 02 80 BD Fire Staff		
$5D0D8 02 80 C4 Light Staff		
$5D0DB 02 80 EA Ice Staff		
$5D0DE 02 80 BA Golem Staff		
$5D0E1 02 80 F7 Rune Staff		
$5D0E4 02 80 C1 Eldest Staff		
$5D0E7 02 88 C2 Hammer		
$5D0EA 02 88 BC Thor Hammer		
$5D0ED 01 A8 E5 Battle Axe		
$5D0F0 01 A8 D3 Great Axe		
$5D0F3 02 90 B1 Morning Star		
$5D0F6 01 98 EA Thunder Spear		
$5D0F9 01 98 E8 Wind Spear 		
$5D0FC 01 98 BD Blood Lance		
$5D0FF 01 98 C9 Holy Lance		
$5D102 01 A0 C7 Knife			
$5D105 01 A0 C1 Dagger		
$5D108 01 A0 E9 Mythril Knife		
$5D10B 01 A0 BD Main Gauche		
$5D10E 01 A0 EA Orichalcum		
$5D111 01 A0 E8 Air Knife		
$5D114 01 B0 C7 Longsword		
$5D117 01 B8 EB Wightslayer		
$5D11A 01 B0 EC Golden Sword		
$5D11D 01 B0 E9 Mythril Sword		
$5D123 01 B0 C4 Serpent Sword		
$5D120 01 C0 C1 Freezing Sword	
$5D126 01 B8 D4 Tyrfing		
$5D129 01 B0 EA Salamand Sword	
$5D12C 01 B0 F5 Royal Sword		
$5D12F 01 A8 CA TomaHawk		
$5D132 01 C0 D4 Ancient Sword		
$5D135 01 C8 BD Ashura		
$5D138 01 C0 BD Blood Sword		
$5D13B 01 B0 CF Defender		
$5D13E 02 88 C1 Triton Hammer		
$5D141 01 C8 F3 Kotetsu		
$5D144 01 C8 EC Kiku Ichimonji		
$5D147 01 C0 E8 Break Blade		
$5D14A 01 B0 D3 Excalibur		
$5D14D 01 C8 CA Masamune		
$5D150 01 C0 F5 Ragnarok		
$5D153 01 B0 BD Onion Sword		
$5D156 02 53 BD Book of Fire		
$5D159 02 53 C4 Book of Ice 		
$5D15C 02 53 F1 Tome of Fire		
$5D15F 02 53 EA Book of Light		
$5D162 02 53 EC Tome of Light		
$5D165 05 D0 E7 Boomerang		
$5D168 06 D8 BA Moonring Blade	 
$5D16B 07 63 CA Shuriken		
$5D16E 02 53 BC Tome of Ice		
$5D171 02 5B C1 Giyaman Bell		
$5D174 02 5B B9 Earthen Bell		
$5D177 02 5B E9 Rune Bell		
$5D17A 04 F8 EA Madura Harp		
$5D17D 04 F8 E7 Dream Harp		
$5D180 04 F8 F5 Lamia Harp		
$5D183 04 F8 B9 Loki Harp		
$5D186 03 E0 B9 Bow			
$5D189 03 E6 F0 Iron Bow		
$5D18C 03 E0 E8 Killer Bow		
$5D18F 03 E0 E9 Rune Bow		
$5D192 03 E6 B1 Yoichi bow		
$5D192 08 EC B9 Arrow		
$5D198 08 F0 C1 Holy Arrow		
$5D19B 08 EC BA Iron Arrow		
$5D19E 08 EE BB Light Arrow		
$5D1A1 08 F0 BD Fire Arrow		
$5D1A4 08 F2 C4 Ice Arrow		
$5D1A7 08 F4 BE Medusa Arrow		
$5D1AA 08 F6 D3 Yoichi Arrow		
$5D1AD 00 63 BA Nothing	

  • $61410 to $616CF - Weapon Combat stats, 8 bytes per weapon:
0x0: Weapon Element
00 Neutral
01 Recovery
02 Dark
04 Thunder
08 Ice
10 Fire
14 Fire & Thunder
20 Air
21 Air & Recovery
24 Air & Thunder 
28 Air & Ice
40 Earth
79 Fire, Ice, Wind, Earth and Recovery
80 Holy
A0 Holy+Air
FC Air, Earth Fire, Holy, Ice & Thunder (Seriously)
0x1: Hit% (max 100% by default)
Very Simple: 00 is 0% 64 is 100%

0x2: Attack
Another simple one: 00 is 0 Attack, FF is 255 Attack
0x3: Status added on successful hit
00 Nothing
01 I don't know, the Faerie Claw has it.
02 Poison
03 Partial Petrification 1/3
05 Partial Petrification 1/2
07 Partial Petrification 2/3
13 Partial Petrification Full
21 Unknown (Some guides say is Confusion too)
28 Effect of the Lamia Harp
31 Confusion
40 Petrification
41 Unknown
51 Effect of the Dream Harp
80 Death
81 Unknown (Some guides say is Paralysis too)
91 Paralysis
0x4: Magic cast when used/back row OK7F Is Nothing
01 Kill
04 Life2 - Pretty broken
05 Holy
06 Damages him/herself, lol, it happens with several other values
07 Quake
08 BraK2 although it fails more
09 Drain
0A Cure4
0C Barrier
0E Fire3
0F Bio
1A Warp, "Sends enemies to another plane"
13 Haste
15 Thundaga
16 Raze
17 Erase
18 Cure 3
19 Life1
1A Protect
1C Break
1D Blizzaga
1E Shade- Inflict Paralysis
2C Blind
2D Aero
2E Toad/Frog as the game calls it - The enemy flees battle.
2F Mini - The enemy just flees battle
20 Confu
25 Thundara
24 Blizara
23 Fira
31 Fire
32 Thunder
2A Blizzard
33 Sleep
34 Cure 

0x5: Special properties (for Onion Sword, Shuriken, arrows)
7F Onion Sword 
FF Shuriken
80 Arrow

0x6: Stat bonuses/elemental boosts

You can put this into any equipable item and it will give you the effect, it's amazing that are quite a few effects unused and so much element up values.
00 Nothing
01 Bolt Up
02 Ice Up
03 Ice Up + Bolt Up 				
04 Fire Up
05 Fire Up + Bolt Up 					
06 Fire Up + Ice Up 					
07 Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up	 			
08 +5 Spirit
09 +5 Spirit + Bolt Up 
0A +5 Spirit + Ice Up
0B +5 Spirit + Bolt Up + Ice Up
0C +5 Spirit + Fire Up
0D +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Bolt Up
0E +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Ice Up
0F +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up
10 +5 Int
11 +5 Int + Bolt Up					
12 +5 Int + Ice Up					
13 +5 Int + Ice Up + Bolt Up				
14 +5 Int + Fire Up					
15 +5 Int + Fire Up + Bolt Up				
16 +5 Int +Fire Up  + Ice Up				
17 +5 Int + Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up
18 +5 Int + 5 Spirit 					
19 +5 Int + 5 Spirit + Bolt Up				
1A +5 Int +5 Spirit + Ice Up 		
1B +5 int +5 Spirit + Ice Up + Bolt Up 
1C +5 Int +5 Spirit + Fire Up 5		
1D +5 Int +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Bolt Up 	
1E +5 Int +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Ice Up	
1F +5 Int +5 Spirit +  Fire Up + Ice Up + Light Up
20 +5 Vit						
21 +5 Vit + Bolt Up					
22 +5 Vit + Ice Up					
23 +5 Vit + Ice+ Bolt Up					
24 +5 Vit + Fire Up						
25 +5 Vit + Fire Up + Bolt Up				
26 +5 Vit + Fire Up + Ice Up				
27 +5 Vit + Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up
28 +5 Vit +5 Spirit					
29 +5 Vit +5 Spirit + Bolt Up				
3A +5 Vit +5 Spirit +5 Int + Ice Up			
3B +5 Vit +5 Spirit +5 Int + Ice Up + Bolt Up		
3C +5 Vit +5 Spirit +5 Int + Fire Up			
3D +5 Vit +5 Spirit +5 Int + Fire Up + Bolt Up		
3E +5 Vit +5 Spirit +5 Int + Fire Up + Ice Up		
3F +5 Vit +5 Spirit +5 Int + Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up
40 +5 Agi
41 +5 Agi + Bolt Up					
42 +5 Agi + Ice Up					
43 +5 Agi + Ice Up + Bolt Up				
44 +5 Agi + Fire Up					
45 +5 Agi + Fire Up + Bolt Up				
46 +5 Agi + Fire Up + Ice Up				
47 +5 Agi + Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up
48 +5 Agi +5 Spirit 			
49 +5 Agi +5 Spirit + Bolt Up		
4A +5 Agi +5 Spirit + Ice Up		
4B +5 Agi +5 Spirit + Bolt Up	
4C +5 Agi +5 Spirit + Fire Up		
4D +5 Agi +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Bolt Up	
4E +5 Agi +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Ice  Up	
4F +5 Agi +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Bolt Up + Ice Up
50 +5 Agi +5 Int			
51 +5 Agi +5 Int + Bolt Up		
52 +5 Agi +5 Int + Ice Up		
53 +5 Agi +5 Int + Bolt Up	
54 +5 Agi +5 Int + Fire Up		
55 +5 Agi +5 Int + Fire Up + Bolt Up	
56 +5 Agi +5 Int + Fire Up + Ice  Up	
57 +5 Agi +5 Int + Fire Up + Bolt Up + Ice Up
58 +5 Agi +5 Int +5 Spirit
59 +5 Agi +5 Int +5 Spirit + Bolt Up		
5A +5 Agi +5 Int +5 Spirit + Ice Up		
5B +5 Agi +5 Int +5 Spirit + Bolt Up	
5C +5 Agi +5 Int +5 Spirit + Fire Up		
5D +5 Agi +5 Int +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Bolt Up	
5E +5 Agi +5 Int +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Ice  Up	
5F +5 Agi +5 Int +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Bolt Up + Ice Up
60 +5 Agi +5 Vit	 				
61 +5 Agi +5 Vit + Bolt Up				
62 +5 Agi +5 Vit + Ice Up			
63 +5 Agi +5 Vit + Ice Up  + Bolt Up		
64 +5 Agi +5 Vit + Fire Up			
65 +5 Agi +5 Vit + Fire Up + Bolt Up		
66 +5 Agi +5 Vit + Fire Up + Ice Up		
67 +5 Agi +5 Vit + Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up
68 +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Spirit
69 +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Spirit + Bolt Up				
6A +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Spirit + Ice Up			
6B +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Spirit + Ice Up + Bolt Up		
6C +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Spirit + Fire Up			
6D +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Bolt Up		
6E +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Ice Up		
6F +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up
70 +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int
71 +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int + Bolt Up				
72 +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int + Ice Up			
73 +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int + Ice Up + Bolt Up		
74 +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int + Fire Up			
75 +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int + Fire Up + Bolt Up		
76 +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int + Fire Up + Ice Up		
77 +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int + Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up
78 +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int +5 Spirit
79 +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int +5 Spirit + Bolt Up				
7A +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int +5 Spirit + Ice Up			
7B +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int +5 Spirit + Ice Up + Bolt Up		
7C +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int +5 Spirit + Fire Up			
7D +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Bolt Up		
7E +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Ice Up		
7F +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up 
80 +5 Str
81 +5 Str + Bolt Up				
82 +5 Str + Ice Up			
83 +5 Str + Ice Up + Bolt Up		
84 +5 Str + Fire Up			
85 +5 Str + Fire Up + Bolt Up		
86 +5 Str + Fire Up + Ice Up		
87 +5 Str + Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up
88 +5 Str +5 Spirit
89 +5 Str +5 Spirit + Bolt Up				
8A +5 Str +5 Spirit + Ice Up			
8B +5 Str +5 Spirit + Ice Up + Bolt Up		
8C +5 Str +5 Spirit + Fire Up			
8D +5 Str +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Bolt Up		
8E +5 Str +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Ice Up		
8F +5 Str +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up
90 +5 Str +5 Int
91 +5 Str +5 Int + Bolt Up				
92 +5 Str +5 Int + Ice Up			
93 +5 Str +5 Int + Ice Up + Bolt Up		
94 +5 Str +5 Int + Fire Up			
95 +5 Str +5 Int + Fire Up + Bolt Up		
96 +5 Str +5 Int + Fire Up + Ice Up		
97 +5 Str +5 Int + Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up
98 +5 Str +5 Int +5 Spirit 
99 +5 Str +5 Int +5 Spirit + Bolt Up				
9A +5 Str +5 Int +5 Spirit + Ice Up			
9B +5 Str +5 Int +5 Spirit + Ice Up + Bolt Up		
9C +5 Str +5 Int +5 Spirit + Fire Up			
9D +5 Str +5 Int +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Bolt Up		
9E +5 Str +5 Int +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Ice Up		
9F +5 Str +5 Int +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up
A0 +5 Str +5 Vit 
A1 +5 Str +5 Vit + Bolt Up				
A2 +5 Str +5 Vit + Ice Up			
A3 +5 Str +5 Vit + Ice Up + Bolt Up		
A4 +5 Str +5 Vit + Fire Up			
A5 +5 Str +5 Vit + Fire Up + Bolt Up		
A6 +5 Str +5 Vit + Fire Up + Ice Up		
A7 +5 Str +5 Vit + Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up
A8 +5 Str +5 Vit +5 Spirit 
A9 +5 Str +5 Vit +5 Spirit + Bolt Up				
AA +5 Str +5 Vit +5 Spirit + Ice Up			
AB +5 Str +5 Vit +5 Spirit + Ice Up + Bolt Up		
AC +5 Str +5 Vit +5 Spirit + Fire Up			
AD +5 Str +5 Vit +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Bolt Up		
AE +5 Str +5 Vit +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Ice Up		 
AF +5 Str +5 Vit +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up
B0 +5 Str +5 Vit +5 Int 
B1 +5 Str +5 Vit +5 Int + Bolt Up				
B2 +5 Str +5 Vit +5 Int + Ice Up			
B3 +5 Str +5 Vit +5 Int + Ice Up + Bolt Up		
B4 +5 Str +5 Vit +5 Int + Fire Up			
B5 +5 Str +5 Vit +5 Int + Fire Up + Bolt Up		
B6 +5 Str +5 Vit +5 Int + Fire Up + Ice Up		
B7 +5 Str +5 Vit +5 Int + Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up
B8 +5 Str +5 Vit +5 Int + Spirit 
B9 +5 Str +5 Vit +5 Int + Spirit + Bolt Up				
BA +5 Str +5 Vit +5 Int + Spirit + Ice Up			
BB +5 Str +5 Vit +5 Int + Spirit + Ice Up + Bolt Up		
BC +5 Str +5 Vit +5 Int + Spirit + Fire Up			
BD +5 Str +5 Vit +5 Int + Spirit + Fire Up + Bolt Up		
BE +5 Str +5 Vit +5 Int + Spirit + Fire Up + Ice Up		
BF +5 Str +5 Vit +5 Int + Spirit + Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up
C0 +5 Str +5 Agi 
C1 +5 Str +5 Agi + Bolt Up				
C2 +5 Str +5 Agi + Ice Up			
C3 +5 Str +5 Agi + Ice Up + Bolt Up		
C4 +5 Str +5 Agi + Fire Up			
C5 +5 Str +5 Agi + Fire Up + Bolt Up 		
C6 +5 Str +5 Agi + Fire Up + Ice Up	 	
C7 +5 Str +5 Agi + Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up 
C8 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Spirit 
C9 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Spirit + Bolt Up				
CA +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Spirit + Ice Up			
CB +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Spirit + Ice Up + Bolt Up		
CC +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Spirit + Fire Up			
CD +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Bolt Up		
CE +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Ice Up	 	
CF +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up 
D0 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Int 
D1 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Int + Bolt Up				
D2 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Int + Ice Up			
D3 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Int + Ice Up + Bolt Up		
D4 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Int + Fire Up			
D5 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Int + Fire Up + Bolt Up		
D6 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Int + Fire Up + Ice Up		
D7 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Int + Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up
D8 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Int + Spirit 
D9 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Int + Spirit + Bolt Up				
DA +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Int + Spirit + Ice Up			
DB +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Int + Spirit + Ice Up + Bolt Up		
DC +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Int + Spirit + Fire Up			
DD +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Int + Spirit + Fire Up + Bolt Up		
DE +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Int + Spirit + Fire Up + Ice Up	 	
DF +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Int + Spirit + Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up 
E0 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit 
E1 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit + Bolt Up				
E2 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit + Ice Up			
E3 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit + Ice Up + Bolt Up		
E4 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit + Fire Up			
E5 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit + Fire Up + Bolt Up		
E6 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit + Fire Up + Ice Up		
E7 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit + Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up
E8 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Spirit 
E9 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Spirit + Bolt Up				
EA +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Spirit + Ice Up			
EB +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Spirit + Ice Up + Bolt Up		
EC +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Spirit + Fire Up			
ED +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Bolt Up		
EE +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Ice Up		
EF +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up
F0 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int 
F1 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int + Bolt Up				
F2 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int + Ice Up			
F3 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int + Ice Up + Bolt Up		
F4 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int + Fire Up			
F5 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int + Fire Up + Bolt Up		
F6 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int + Fire Up + Ice Up		
F7 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int + Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up
F8 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int +5 Spirit 
F9 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int +5 Spirit + Bolt Up				
FA +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int +5 Spirit + Ice Up			
FB +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int +5 Spirit + Ice Up + Bolt Up		
FC +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int +5 Spirit + Fire Up			
FD +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Bolt Up		
FE +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Ice Up		
FF +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit + Int  +5 Spirit + Ice/Fire/Bolt Up

0x8: Class usability index
00: All Classes
01: None
02: Monk
03: Black Mage, Red Mage, Evoker/Conjurer, Magus, Summoner, Sage
04: Magus, Summoner, Sage - OMNI ROD
05: White Mage, Red Mage, Devout, Sage
06: Devout, Sage - Elder Staff
07: Dragoon 
08: Onion Kid, Thief, Dragoon, Ninja
09: Thief
0A: Viking
0B: Onion Kid, Warrior, Knight
0C: Red Mage
0E: Knight
0D: Warrior, Knight
0F: Mystic Knight
10: White Mage, Black Mage, Red Mage, Evoker/Conjurer, Magus, Devout, Summoner, Sage
11: Bard
12: White Mage, Black Mage, Scholar, Magus, Devout, Sage
13: Geomancer
14: Onion Kid, Warrior, Black Mage, Red Mage, Ranger
15: Ranger
16: Onion Kid, Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Thief, Dragoon, Viking 
17: Onion Kid, Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Thief, Knight, Dragoon, Viking
18: Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Dragoon, Viking 
19: Onion Kid, Warrior, Knight, Dragoon, Viking
1A: Knight, Thief, Viking
1B: All but M. Knight
1D: Warrior, Red Mage, Ranger, Knight, Thief, Viking, Dragoon
1E: Monk Black Belt
1F: Ranger, Scholar, Geomancer, Evoker, Bard, Magus, Devout, Summoner, Sage
23: Warrior, Ranger, Knight, Dragoon, Viking
25: White Mage, Black Mage, Red Mage, Scholar, Geomancer, Evoker, Magus, Devout, Summoner, Sage
27: Black Mage, Red Mage, Evoker, Magus, Summoner, Sage 
28: White Mage, Red Mage, Evoker, Devout, Summoner, Sage
2A: Warrior, Monk, Red Mage, Ranger, Knight, Thief, Scholar, Geomancer, Dragoon, Viking, Black Belt, Bard
2B: Knight, Mystic Knight
2C: Onion Kid, Warrior, red Mage, Ranger, Knight, Dragoon, Viking
2E: Black Mage, Magus, Sage
2F: Black Mage, Red Mage, Magus, Sage
30: White Mage, Shaman, Sage
31: White Mage, Red Mage, Devout, Sage
32: White Mage, Red Mage, Ranger, M.Knight, Shaman, Sage
34: Onion Kid, Warrior, Black Mage, Red Mage, Knight, Thief - KNIFE, DAGGER, MYTHRIL KNIFE
35: Scholar, Sage - ALL BOOKS
36: Knight, Dragoon, Viking
38: Monk, Black Belt/Karate Master -CLAWS/KNUCKLES & Knuckles
37: Knight Dragoon Viking
3A: Ninja - SHURIKEN
3B: Onion Kid, Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Dragoon, Viking, M. Knight
3C: Onion Kid, Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Dragoon, Viking
3D: Magus, Sage
3E: Shaman, Sage
3F: Evoker, Summoner

List of Weapons

List of weapons by Type:

 $61410 00 50 01 00 7F 00 00 00 BARE HANDS
 $61418 00 64 24 00 7F 00 00 38 KAISER KNUCKLES			
 $61420 00 64 2A 00 7F 00 00 38 CAT CLAWS				
 $61428 14 64 30 00 2D 00 00 38 WYVERN CLAWS			
 $61430 00 64 25 01 20 00 00 38 FAERIE CLAWS			
 $61438 02 64 3C 02 7F 00 00 38 HELLISH CLAWS			
 $61440 00 46 0c 00 7f 00 00 02 NUNCHAKU				
 $61448 00 50 14 00 7F 00 00 02 TONFA			
 $61450 00 46 19 00 7F 00 00 02 THREE PART		
 $61458 00 3C 05 00 7F 00 00 10 MYTHRIL ROD			 	
 $61460 10 46 0C 00 7F 00 04 03 FIRE ROD				
 $61468 08 46 0C 00 7F 00 02 03 ICE ROD				
 $61470 04 3C 0C 00 7F 00 01 03 LIGHT ROD				
 $61478 FC 50 14 07 7F 00 00 04 OMNI ROD				
 $61480 00 32 03 00 7F 00 00 05 STAFF					
 $61488 00 32 08 00 31 00 00 05 FIRE STAFF			
 $61490 00 32 08 00 32 00 00 05 LIGHT STAFF			
 $61498 00 32 08 00 2A 00 00 05 ICE STAFF				
 $614A0 40 46 10 03 1C 00 80 05 GOLEM STAFF				
 $614A8 00 50 14 00 1D 00 00 05 RUNE STAFF				
 $614B0 00 5A 1E 00 34 00 1F 06 ELDER STAFF				
 $614B8 04 3C 19 00 7F 00 00 0A HAMMER Dummied Weapon
 $614C0 04 46 1E 00 25 00 00 0A THOR'S HAMMER			
 $614C8 04 3C 2D 00 7F 00 00 0A BATTLE AXE				
 $614D0 04 50 4B 00 7F 00 00 0A GREAT AXE				
 $614D8 04 46 32 00 7F 00 00 0A MORNING STAR			
 $61578 00 50 3C 00 7F 00 00 0A DUAL TOMAHAWK			
 $615A0 20 50 55 00 7F 00 00 0A TRITON HAMMER	
 $614E0 24 50 23 00 25 00 00 07 THUNDER SPEAR			
 $614E8 20 50 32 00 2D 00 00 07 WIND SPEAR				
 $614F0 21 50 46 00 7F 00 00 07 BLOOD LANCE				
 $614F8 A0 50 64 00 7F 00 00 07 HOLY LANCE				
 $61500 00 55 06 00 7F 00 00 34 KNIFE					
 $61508 00 55 08 00 7F 00 00 34 DAGGER				
 $61510 00 55 0A 00 7F 00 00 34 MYTHRIL KNIFE			
 $61518 00 64 1E 00 7F 00 00 09 MAIN GAUCHE				
 $61520 01 64 2D 00 7F 00 00 09 ORICHALCUM				
 $61528 20 64 3C 00 2D 00 00 09 AIR KNIFE	
 $61530 00 50 0A 00 7F 00 00 0B LONG SWORD				
 $61538 80 50 0F 00 7F 00 00 0C WIGHTSLAYER			
 $61540 00 14 05 00 7F 00 00 0D GOLDEN SWORD			
 $61548 00 55 11 00 7F 00 00 0B MYTHRIL SWORD			
 $61550 04 50 19 00 7F 00 00 0D SERPENT SWORD			
 $61558 08 50 28 00 32 00 00 0D FREEZING BLADE			
 $61560 00 4B 1D 00 7F 00 00 0C TYRFING				
 $61568 10 50 20 00 31 00 00 0D SALAMAND SWORD			
 $61570 00 50 32 00 7F 00 00 0D ROYAL SWORD			
 $61580  80 50 05 99 7F 00 00 0D ANCIENT SWORD			
 $61590 01 50 23 00 7F 00 00 0D BLOOD SWORD			
 $61598 00 50 5F 00 1A 00 20 0E DEFENDER				
 $615B8 40 50 78 05 7F 00 00 0E BREAK BLADE				
 $615C0 00 50 A0 00 7F 00 80 0E EXCALIBUR				
 $615D0 02 64 B4 00 7F 00 E0 2B RAGNAROK				
 $615D8 00 64 C8 00 7F 7F E0 39 ONION SWORD			
 Dark Swords
 $61588 02 64 41 00 7F 00 00 0F ASHURA				
 $615A8 02 5A 69 00 7F 00 00 0F KOTETSU				
 $615B0 02 64 7D 00 7F 00 00 0F KIKU ICHIMONJI			
 $615C8 02 5A A0 00 7F 00 60 0F MASAMUNE					
 $615E0 10 46 20 00 7F 00 00 35 BOOK OF FIRE				
 $615E8 08 46 20 00 7F 00 00 35 BOOK OF ICE				
 $615F0 10 46 41 00 7F 00 00 35 TOME OF FIRE				
 $615F8 04 46 20 00 7F 00 00 35 BOOK OF LIGHT			
 $61600 04 50 41 00 7F 00 00 35 TOME OF LIGHT			
 $61620 08 50 41 00 7F 00 00 35 TOME OF ICE				
 $61608 00 46 23 00 7F 00 00 09 BOOMERANG				
 $61610 00 5A A0 00 7F 00 00 2B MOONRING BLADE			
 $61618 00 64 C8 00 7F FF 00 3A SHURIKEN		
 $61628 00 50 19 00 7F 00 00 13 DIAMOND BELL			
 $61630 00 50 1E 99 7F 00 00 13 EARTHEN BELL			
 $61638 00 64 28 00 7F 00 00 13 RUNE BELL				
 $61640 00 46 28 00 FF 00 00 11 MAHDURA HARP			
 $61648 00 3C 00 51 FF 00 00 11 DREAM HARP	DUMMIED WEAPON
 $61650 00 50 00 28 FF 00 00 11 LAMIA HARP				
 $61658 00 64 3C 00 FF 00 00 11 LOKI HARP				
 $61660 00 5A 05 00 FF 00 00 14 BOW				
 $61668 00 55 08 00 FF 00 00 14 GREAT BOW				
 $61670 00 55 0F 00 FF 00 00 15 KILLER BOW				
 $61678 00 5A 19 00 FF 00 00 15 RUNE BOW				
 $61680 00 64 32 00 FF 00 00 15 YOICHI BOW	
 $61688 00 5A 06 00 7F 00 00 14 WOODEN ARROW			
 $61690 80 55 0D 00 7F 80 00 14 HOLY ARROW				
 $61698 00 55 11 00 7F 80 00 14 IRON ARROW				
 $616A0 04 55 1E 00 7F 80 00 15 LIGHT ARROW				
 $616A8 10 5A 1E 00 7F 80 00 15 FIRE ARROW				
 $616B0 08 5A 1E 00 7F 80 00 15 ICE ARROW	    			
 $616B8 40 64 14 40 7F 80 00 15 MEDUSA ARROW			
 $616C0 00 64 46 00 7F 80 00 15 YOICHI ARROW			

Armor Information

  • $616D0 to $618CF - Armor combat stats, 8 bytes per piece:
0x0: Elemental resistance

00 Neutral
01 Recovery
02 Dark
04 Thunder
08 Ice
10 Fire
14 Fire & Thunder
20 Air
21 Air & Recovery
24 Air & Thunder
28 Air & Ice
40 Earth
79 Fire, Ice, Wind, Earth and Recovery
80 Holy
A0 Holy+Air
FC Air, Earth Fire, Holy, Ice & Thunder (Seriously)
0x1: Evade bonus
Just like Hit% 00 is 0% and 64 is 100%.
0x2: Defence
Just like Attack, 00 is 0, FF is 255. 
0x3: Status resistance
20 Confusion, Toad
40 Petrification, Sleep
60 Confusion, Petrification, Sleep, Toad
62 Confusion, Partial Petrification, Petrification, Poison, Sleep, Toad,
68 Confusion, Mini, Petrification, Sleep, Toad
FE Poison, Blind, Mini, Silence, Toad, Petrification, Ko, Confusion, Sleep, Paralysis, Partial Petrification - ALL IMMUNITY - From Onion helm

Maybe the list on Status Effects on weapons works with this, it's hard to be sure.
0x4: Magic Defence
Just like Defense, 00 is 0, FF is 255.

0x5: (Always zero)
0x6: Stat bonuses/Elemental boosts
00 Nothing
01 Bolt Up
02 Ice Up
03 Ice Up + Bolt Up 				
04 Fire Up
05 Fire Up + Bolt Up 					
06 Fire Up + Ice Up 					
07 Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up	 			
08 +5 Spirit
09 +5 Spirit + Bolt Up 
0A +5 Spirit + Ice Up
0B +5 Spirit + Bolt Up + Ice Up
0C +5 Spirit + Fire Up
0D +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Bolt Up
0E +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Ice Up
0F +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up
10 +5 Int
11 +5 Int + Bolt Up					
12 +5 Int + Ice Up					
13 +5 Int + Ice Up + Bolt Up				
14 +5 Int + Fire Up					
15 +5 Int + Fire Up + Bolt Up				
16 +5 Int +Fire Up  + Ice Up				
17 +5 Int + Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up
18 +5 Int + 5 Spirit 					
19 +5 Int + 5 Spirit + Bolt Up				
1A +5 Int +5 Spirit + Ice Up 		
1B +5 int +5 Spirit + Ice Up + Bolt Up 
1C +5 Int +5 Spirit + Fire Up 5		
1D +5 Int +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Bolt Up 	
1E +5 Int +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Ice Up	
1F +5 Int +5 Spirit +  Fire Up + Ice Up + Light Up
20 +5 Vit						
21 +5 Vit + Bolt Up					
22 +5 Vit + Ice Up					
23 +5 Vit + Ice+ Bolt Up					
24 +5 Vit + Fire Up						
25 +5 Vit + Fire Up + Bolt Up				
26 +5 Vit + Fire Up + Ice Up				
27 +5 Vit + Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up
28 +5 Vit +5 Spirit					
29 +5 Vit +5 Spirit + Bolt Up				
3A +5 Vit +5 Spirit +5 Int + Ice Up			
3B +5 Vit +5 Spirit +5 Int + Ice Up + Bolt Up		
3C +5 Vit +5 Spirit +5 Int + Fire Up			
3D +5 Vit +5 Spirit +5 Int + Fire Up + Bolt Up		
3E +5 Vit +5 Spirit +5 Int + Fire Up + Ice Up		
3F +5 Vit +5 Spirit +5 Int + Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up
40 +5 Agi
41 +5 Agi + Bolt Up					
42 +5 Agi + Ice Up					
43 +5 Agi + Ice Up + Bolt Up				
44 +5 Agi + Fire Up					
45 +5 Agi + Fire Up + Bolt Up				
46 +5 Agi + Fire Up + Ice Up				
47 +5 Agi + Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up
48 +5 Agi +5 Spirit 			
49 +5 Agi +5 Spirit + Bolt Up		
4A +5 Agi +5 Spirit + Ice Up		
4B +5 Agi +5 Spirit + Bolt Up	
4C +5 Agi +5 Spirit + Fire Up		
4D +5 Agi +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Bolt Up	
4E +5 Agi +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Ice  Up	
4F +5 Agi +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Bolt Up + Ice Up
50 +5 Agi +5 Int			
51 +5 Agi +5 Int + Bolt Up		
52 +5 Agi +5 Int + Ice Up		
53 +5 Agi +5 Int + Bolt Up	
54 +5 Agi +5 Int + Fire Up		
55 +5 Agi +5 Int + Fire Up + Bolt Up	
56 +5 Agi +5 Int + Fire Up + Ice  Up	
57 +5 Agi +5 Int + Fire Up + Bolt Up + Ice Up
58 +5 Agi +5 Int +5 Spirit
59 +5 Agi +5 Int +5 Spirit + Bolt Up		
5A +5 Agi +5 Int +5 Spirit + Ice Up		
5B +5 Agi +5 Int +5 Spirit + Bolt Up	
5C +5 Agi +5 Int +5 Spirit + Fire Up		
5D +5 Agi +5 Int +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Bolt Up	
5E +5 Agi +5 Int +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Ice  Up	
5F +5 Agi +5 Int +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Bolt Up + Ice Up
60 +5 Agi +5 Vit	 				
61 +5 Agi +5 Vit + Bolt Up				
62 +5 Agi +5 Vit + Ice Up			
63 +5 Agi +5 Vit + Ice Up  + Bolt Up		
64 +5 Agi +5 Vit + Fire Up			
65 +5 Agi +5 Vit + Fire Up + Bolt Up		
66 +5 Agi +5 Vit + Fire Up + Ice Up		
67 +5 Agi +5 Vit + Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up
68 +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Spirit
69 +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Spirit + Bolt Up				
6A +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Spirit + Ice Up			
6B +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Spirit + Ice Up + Bolt Up		
6C +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Spirit + Fire Up			
6D +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Bolt Up		
6E +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Ice Up		
6F +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up
70 +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int
71 +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int + Bolt Up				
72 +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int + Ice Up			
73 +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int + Ice Up + Bolt Up		
74 +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int + Fire Up			
75 +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int + Fire Up + Bolt Up		
76 +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int + Fire Up + Ice Up		
77 +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int + Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up
78 +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int +5 Spirit
79 +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int +5 Spirit + Bolt Up				
7A +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int +5 Spirit + Ice Up			
7B +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int +5 Spirit + Ice Up + Bolt Up		
7C +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int +5 Spirit + Fire Up			
7D +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Bolt Up		
7E +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Ice Up		
7F +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up 
80 +5 Str
81 +5 Str + Bolt Up				
82 +5 Str + Ice Up			
83 +5 Str + Ice Up + Bolt Up		
84 +5 Str + Fire Up			
85 +5 Str + Fire Up + Bolt Up		
86 +5 Str + Fire Up + Ice Up		
87 +5 Str + Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up
88 +5 Str +5 Spirit
89 +5 Str +5 Spirit + Bolt Up				
8A +5 Str +5 Spirit + Ice Up			
8B +5 Str +5 Spirit + Ice Up + Bolt Up		
8C +5 Str +5 Spirit + Fire Up			
8D +5 Str +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Bolt Up		
8E +5 Str +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Ice Up		
8F +5 Str +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up
90 +5 Str +5 Int
91 +5 Str +5 Int + Bolt Up				
92 +5 Str +5 Int + Ice Up			
93 +5 Str +5 Int + Ice Up + Bolt Up		
94 +5 Str +5 Int + Fire Up			
95 +5 Str +5 Int + Fire Up + Bolt Up		
96 +5 Str +5 Int + Fire Up + Ice Up		
97 +5 Str +5 Int + Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up
98 +5 Str +5 Int +5 Spirit 
99 +5 Str +5 Int +5 Spirit + Bolt Up				
9A +5 Str +5 Int +5 Spirit + Ice Up			
9B +5 Str +5 Int +5 Spirit + Ice Up + Bolt Up		
9C +5 Str +5 Int +5 Spirit + Fire Up			
9D +5 Str +5 Int +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Bolt Up		
9E +5 Str +5 Int +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Ice Up		
9F +5 Str +5 Int +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up
A0 +5 Str +5 Vit 
A1 +5 Str +5 Vit + Bolt Up				
A2 +5 Str +5 Vit + Ice Up			
A3 +5 Str +5 Vit + Ice Up + Bolt Up		
A4 +5 Str +5 Vit + Fire Up			
A5 +5 Str +5 Vit + Fire Up + Bolt Up		
A6 +5 Str +5 Vit + Fire Up + Ice Up		
A7 +5 Str +5 Vit + Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up
A8 +5 Str +5 Vit +5 Spirit 
A9 +5 Str +5 Vit +5 Spirit + Bolt Up				
AA +5 Str +5 Vit +5 Spirit + Ice Up			
AB +5 Str +5 Vit +5 Spirit + Ice Up + Bolt Up		
AC +5 Str +5 Vit +5 Spirit + Fire Up			
AD +5 Str +5 Vit +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Bolt Up		
AE +5 Str +5 Vit +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Ice Up		 
AF +5 Str +5 Vit +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up
B0 +5 Str +5 Vit +5 Int 
B1 +5 Str +5 Vit +5 Int + Bolt Up				
B2 +5 Str +5 Vit +5 Int + Ice Up			
B3 +5 Str +5 Vit +5 Int + Ice Up + Bolt Up		
B4 +5 Str +5 Vit +5 Int + Fire Up			
B5 +5 Str +5 Vit +5 Int + Fire Up + Bolt Up		
B6 +5 Str +5 Vit +5 Int + Fire Up + Ice Up		
B7 +5 Str +5 Vit +5 Int + Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up
B8 +5 Str +5 Vit +5 Int + Spirit 
B9 +5 Str +5 Vit +5 Int + Spirit + Bolt Up				
BA +5 Str +5 Vit +5 Int + Spirit + Ice Up			
BB +5 Str +5 Vit +5 Int + Spirit + Ice Up + Bolt Up		
BC +5 Str +5 Vit +5 Int + Spirit + Fire Up			
BD +5 Str +5 Vit +5 Int + Spirit + Fire Up + Bolt Up		
BE +5 Str +5 Vit +5 Int + Spirit + Fire Up + Ice Up		
BF +5 Str +5 Vit +5 Int + Spirit + Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up
C0 +5 Str +5 Agi 
C1 +5 Str +5 Agi + Bolt Up				
C2 +5 Str +5 Agi + Ice Up			
C3 +5 Str +5 Agi + Ice Up + Bolt Up		
C4 +5 Str +5 Agi + Fire Up			
C5 +5 Str +5 Agi + Fire Up + Bolt Up 		
C6 +5 Str +5 Agi + Fire Up + Ice Up	 	
C7 +5 Str +5 Agi + Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up 
C8 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Spirit 
C9 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Spirit + Bolt Up				
CA +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Spirit + Ice Up			
CB +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Spirit + Ice Up + Bolt Up		
CC +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Spirit + Fire Up			
CD +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Bolt Up		
CE +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Ice Up	 	
CF +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up 
D0 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Int 
D1 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Int + Bolt Up				
D2 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Int + Ice Up			
D3 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Int + Ice Up + Bolt Up		
D4 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Int + Fire Up			
D5 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Int + Fire Up + Bolt Up		
D6 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Int + Fire Up + Ice Up		
D7 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Int + Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up
D8 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Int + Spirit 
D9 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Int + Spirit + Bolt Up				
DA +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Int + Spirit + Ice Up			
DB +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Int + Spirit + Ice Up + Bolt Up		
DC +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Int + Spirit + Fire Up			
DD +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Int + Spirit + Fire Up + Bolt Up		
DE +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Int + Spirit + Fire Up + Ice Up	 	
DF +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Int + Spirit + Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up 
E0 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit 
E1 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit + Bolt Up				
E2 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit + Ice Up			
E3 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit + Ice Up + Bolt Up		
E4 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit + Fire Up			
E5 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit + Fire Up + Bolt Up		
E6 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit + Fire Up + Ice Up		
E7 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit + Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up
E8 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Spirit 
E9 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Spirit + Bolt Up				
EA +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Spirit + Ice Up			
EB +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Spirit + Ice Up + Bolt Up		
EC +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Spirit + Fire Up			
ED +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Bolt Up		
EE +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Ice Up		
EF +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up
F0 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int 
F1 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int + Bolt Up				
F2 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int + Ice Up			
F3 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int + Ice Up + Bolt Up		
F4 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int + Fire Up			
F5 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int + Fire Up + Bolt Up		
F6 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int + Fire Up + Ice Up		
F7 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int + Fire Up + Ice Up + Bolt Up
F8 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int +5 Spirit 
F9 +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int +5 Spirit + Bolt Up				
FA +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int +5 Spirit + Ice Up			
FB +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int +5 Spirit + Ice Up + Bolt Up		
FC +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int +5 Spirit + Fire Up			
FD +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Bolt Up		
FE +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int +5 Spirit + Fire Up + Ice Up		
FF +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit + Int  +5 Spirit + Ice/Fire/Bolt Up
0x7: Class usability index (bit 0x80 always set for armor)
80 All Classes
81 None
82: Monk
83: Black Mage, Red Mage, Evoker/Conjurer, Magus, Summoner, Sage
84: Magus, Summoner, Sage - OMNI ROD
85: White Mage, Red Mage, Devout, Sage
86: Devout, Sage - Elder Staff
87: Dragoon 
89: Thief
8A: Viking
8B: Onion Kid, Warrior, Knight
8C: Red Mage
8E: Knight
8D: Warrior, Knight
8F: Mystic Knight
90: White Mage, Black Mage, Red Mage, Evoker/Conjurer, Magus, Devout, Summoner, Sage
91: Bard
92: White Mage, Black Mage, Scholar, Magus, Devout, Sage
93: Geomancer
94: Onion Kid, Warrior, Black Mage, Red Mage, Ranger
95: Ranger
96: Onion Kid, Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Thief, Dragoon, Viking 
97: Onion Kid, Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Thief, Knight, Dragoon, Viking
98: Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Dragoon, Viking 
99: Onion Kid, Warrior, Knight, Dragoon, Viking
9A: Knight, Thief, Viking
9B: All but M. Knight
9D: Warrior, Red Mage, Ranger, Knight, Thief, Viking, Dragoon
9E: Monk Black Belt
9F: Ranger, Scholar, Geomancer, Evoker, Bard, Magus, Devout, Summoner, Sage
A3: Warrior, Ranger, Knight, Dragoon, Viking
A5: White Mage, Black Mage, Red Mage, Scholar, Geomancer, Evoker, Magus, Devout, Summoner, Sage
A7: Black Mage, Red Mage, Evoker, Magus, Summoner, Sage 
A8: White Mage, Red Mage, Evoker, Devout, Summoner, Sage
AA: Warrior, Monk, Red Mage, Ranger, Knight, Thief, Scholar, Geomancer, Dragoon, Viking, Black Belt, Bard
AB: Knight, Mystic Knight
AC: Onion Kid, Warrior, red Mage, Ranger, Knight, Dragoon, Viking
AE: Black Mage, Magus, Sage
AF: Black Mage, Red Mage, Magus, Sage
B0: White Mage, Shaman, Sage
B1: White Mage, Red Mage, Devout, Sage
B2: White Mage, Red Mage, Ranger, M.Knight, Shaman, Sage
B4: Onion Kid, Warrior, Black Mage, Red Mage, Knight, Thief - KNIFE, DAGGER, MYTHRIL KNIFE
B5: Scholar, Sage - ALL BOOKS
B6: Knight, Dragoon, Viking
B8: Monk, Black Belt/Karate Master -CLAWS/KNUCKLES & Knuckles
B7: Knight Dragoon Viking
BB: Onion Kid, Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Dragoon, Viking, M. Knight
BC: Onion Kid, Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Dragoon, Viking
BD: Magus, Sage
BE: Shaman, Sage
BF: Evoker, Summoner

List of Armors

List of armors by type:

$616C8  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 Empty Armor Slot 			
$616D0 00 03 03 00 02 00 00 96 LEATHER SHIELD		       	 
$616D8 00 30 30 FE 30 00 00 B9 ONION SOMETHING			
$616E0 00 07 05 00 07 00 00 96 MYTHRIL SHIELD			
$616E8 10 09 08 00 08 00 00 96 ICE SHIELD				
$616F0 00 0A 0A 40 0C 00 00 B7 HEROIC SHIELD			
$616F8 00 0E 0C 20 12 00 00 8F DEMONIC SHIELD			
$61700 04 0E 0D 20 0F 00 00 B7 DIAMOND SHIELD			
$61708 00 10 10 60 19 00 40 B7 AEGIS SHIELD				
$61710 00 12 14 62 23 00 C0 8F GENJI SHIELD				
$61718 00 14 14 68 1E 00 E0 BB CRYSTAL SHIELD			
$61720 00 01 01 00 01 00 00 9B LEATHER CAP				
$61728 79 30 30 FE 30 00 00 B9 ONION HELM				
$61730 00 04 02 00 04 00 00 96 MYTHRIL HELM				
$61738 00 05 03 00 05 00 00 99 SHELL HELM				
$61740 10 06 04 00 06 00 00 9D ICE HELM				
$61748 00 06 04 00 04 00 00 9E HEADBAND				
$61750 00 0A 05 00 06 00 00 92 SCHOLAR HAT				
$61758 00 08 05 00 05 00 80 89 BLACK COWL				
$61760 00 0A 06 00 0A 9E 00 9E CHAKRA BAND			
$61768 00 0A 07 00 07 00 00 8A VIKING HELM				
$61770 00 0A 07 00 07 00 00 87 DRAGON HELM			
$61778 00 0A 07 00 08 00 40 9F FEATHERED HAT			
$61780 04 0C 08 20 09 00 00 B7 DIAMOND HELM			
$61788 00 0F 0A 62 0B 00 00 8F GENJI HELM				
$61790 00 0F 0C 68 0F 00 00 BB CRYSTAL HELM			
$61798 79 0A 09 FE 0A 00 00 80 RIBBON				
Body Armor
$617A0 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 9B VEST					
$617A8 00 01 02 00 01 00 00 9B LEATHER ARMOR			
$617B0 00 30 30 FE 30 00 00 B9 ONION ARMOR			
$617B8 00 03 03 00 03 00 00 AC MYTHRIL ARMOR			
$617C0 00 04 04 00 04 00 00 A3 SHELL ARMOR				
$617C8 10 06 05 00 04 00 00 A3 FLAME MAIL				
$617D0 08 06 05 00 04 00 00 A3 ICE ARMOR				
$617D8 00 08 06 00 03 00 00 9E KENPO GI				
$617E0 00 46 08 00 05 00 40 89 BLACK GARB				
$617E8 00 07 09 00 07 00 00 A4 MAGE ROBE				
$617F0 00 08 0A 00 07 00 00 8A VIKING MAIL				
$617F8 00 0A 0B 00 05 00 40 9E BLACK BELT GI			
$61800 00 09 0C 40 07 00 00 8E KNIGHT ARMOR			
$61808 00 0A 0F 00 07 00 00 87 DRAGON MAIL				
$61810 00 0C 0F 00 07 00 00 91 BARD VEST								
$61818 00 0C 0F 00 07 00 00 92 SCHOLAR VEST			
$61820 00 0C 10 00 08 00 00 93 GAIA VEST				
$61828 00 0F 11 20 09 00 00 8F DEMON MAIL				
$61830 04 0A 12 20 0A 00 00 B7 DIAMOND MAIL			
$61838 00 0C 14 00 0C 00 00 B7 REFLECT MAIL			
$61840 00 0C 14 00 0E 00 08 A7 WHITE ROBE				
$61848 00 0C 14 00 0E 00 10 A8 BLACK ROBE				
$61850 00 14 18 62 0F 00 00 8F GENJI ARMOR 				
$61858 00 14 1C 68 12 00 00 BB CRYSTAL MAIL			
$61860 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 81	 RUSTY ARMOR			
$61868 00 02 01 00 03 00 00 A5	BRONCE BRAZERS			
$61870 00 20 20 FE 20 00 E0 B9 ONION GLOVES			
$61878 00 05 01 00 02 00 00 BC MYTHRIL GLOVES 			
$61880 00 07 02 00 03 00 00 A5	MYTHRIL BRAZERS			
$61888 00 09 03 00 04 00 80 89	THIEF GLOVES				
$61890 00 08 02 00 03 00 00 B6 GAUNTLETS				
$61898 00 0B 04 00 01 00 80 AA POWER BRAZERS			
$618A0 00 0A 05 00 06 00 00 A5 RUNE BRAZERS			
$618A8 04 0C 06 20 06 00 00 A5 DIAMOND BRAZERS			
$618B0 04 0A 06 20 05 00 00 B7 DIAMOND GLOVES			
$618B8 00 0F 07 00 07 00 20 9B PROTECT RING			
$618C0 00 0F 09 62 07 00 00 8F GENJI GLOVES			
$618C8 00 0F 0A 68 0A 00 00 BB CRYSTAL GLOVES			

Magic, Summon, Geomancy

  • $618D0 to $61A8F - Black/White magic data, 8 bytes per spell; sorted in descending order of spell level:
0x0: Spell Element
00 Neutral
01 Recovery
02 Dark
03 Recovery Again
04 Thunder
05 Recovery Again
07 Recovery Again
08 Ice
10 Fire
11 Fire & Recovery
12 Fire & Dark
14 Fire & Thunder
18 Fire & Ice
1A Fire & Air
20 Air
21 Air & Recovery
22 Air & Dark
24 Air & Thunder
28 Air & Ice
40 Earth
41 Earth & Recovery
42 Earth & Dark
44 Earth & Thunder
48 Earth & Ice
4A Earth & Air
80 Holy
81 Holy & Recovery
82 Holy & Dark
84 Holy & Thunder
88 Holy & Ice
A0 Holy & Air 
FC Air, Earth Fire, Holy, Ice & Thunder 

0x1: Hit% (max 100% by default)
As with the rest, 00 0%, 64 100%. Have in mind, damaging and healing spells always have 100%, while stat inducing spells have a lower % depending on what does.
0x2: Spell Power
Just like attack, 00 is 0, FF 255
0x3: Spell Type (damage, status setting, percent-based damage,etc)
00 Nothing
02 Poison
04 Blind
05 Partial Petrification
07 Haste
10 Mute
29 Confu
40 Petrification (Either for Break2 Spells or Soft)
51 Sleep
80 Death Status Spell (Either For Kill Spells or Life Spells)
99 Paralysis
FF All status (Heal Spell)
0x4: Target status needed? (eg Life spell only works on dead targets)
I'm not very clear about what this does, to be honest... Some spells or  monster abilities have them.
01 Cure Spells -Single/Multiple targeting allies
02 Nothing Happens (At enemy)
03 Drain Hp
04 Warp/Kill Spells Single Target Enemy
05 Life Spell, Single target
06 Heal/Haste Spell Single Target ally
07 Nothing Happens (At enemy)
08 Nothing Happens (At enemy)
09 Soft Spell
0A Wall Spell
0B Nothing Happens (At enemy)
0D Libra Spell
0E Ineffective?
11 "Searching..." Like Bomb enemies do
16 Damage + Nothing Happens
18 Some sort of cure
0x5: Targeting,reflectability?
You see there are several (As in A LOT) that do the same thing. I really don't know what difference they have (if there's any).

But you can modify them to change how the spell functions.

Like Giving Fire3 the 4F Effect. it will be now a Full Screen Attack with full damage, that will target enemies automatically 
(So no hand selecting enemies like before, no dividing the damage between the targets).
08 Single/Multiple Allies or Enmies (Dividing Damage by number of Targets for Fire, Ice)
09 Single/Multiple Allies or Enmies (Dividing Damage by number of Targets for Bolt, Venom, Blind)
0A Single/Multiple Allies or Enmies (Dividing Damage by number of Targets for Fire2 Ice2 Bolt2)
0B Single/Multiple Allies or Enmies (Dividing Damage by number of Targets for Ice3)
0C Single/Multiple Allies or Enmies (Dividing Damage by number of Targets for Bolt3)
0D Single/Multiple Allies or Enmies (Dividing Damage by number of Targets for Fire3)
0F Single/Multiple Allies or Enmies (Dividing Damage by number of Targets for Flare)
11 Single/Multiple Allies or Enmies (Dividing Damage by number of Targets for Aero)
15 Single/Multiple Allies or Enmies (Dividing Damage by number of Targets for Aero2)
17 Single/Multiple Allies or Enmies (Dividing Damage by number of Targets for WWind)
2B Single Enemy/Ally (For Break)
2D Single Enemy/Ally (For Warp)
2E Single Enemy/Ally (For Drain)
2F Single Enemy/Ally (For Kill)
30 Single Enemy/Ally (For Sight)
31 Single Ally/Enemy (Toad)
32 Single Ally/Enemy (Mini)
37 Single Enemy/Ally (For Holy)
4C "Hit all Enemies with Full Damage" For Kill (Yeah, really).
4E "Hit all Enemies with Full Damage" For Quake
4F "Hit All Enemies with Full Damage" For Meteo (I don't know the difference between 4E and 4F, to be honest)
B0 Single/Multiple Allies (For Pure)
B4 Single Ally (For Life1)
B5 Single Ally (For Safe & Haste)
B6 Single Ally (For White Spells like Wall or Heal)
B7 Single Ally (For Life2)
90 Single/Multiple Allies or Enmies (Dividing Damage by number of Targets for Cure 1)*
92 Single/Multiple Allies or Enmies (Dividing Damage by number of Targets for cure 2)*
94 Single/Multiple Allies or Enmies (Dividing Damage by number of Targets for Cure 3)*
96 Single/Multiple Allies or Enmies (Dividing Damage by number of Targets for Cure 4)*

  • In case you're attacking Undead enemies or want to heal monsters for some reason, of course.

0x6: Special Animation Pointer
For Example using a value of 02 in the Fire3 Spell will emulate the Quake animation with the sprites used for Fire3. A value of 03 is the Meteo animation. value 00 will use the normal animation of the spell.
00 Normal Animation (it will use the normal spell animation and graphics)
01 Kill Animation
02 Quake Animation (using graphics of the original spell)
03 Meteo Animation (using graphics of the original spell)
04 Drain Animation
05 Life2/Life1
07 Brak2 (If used as an attack animation, it will change monsters' palettes like they were turned into stone.
08 Toad
0D Mini
0E Quake Again?
0F No animation, not even casting
10 Flame, but it shows over your characters
11 Maybe Thunder, but looks garbled with other sprites
12 Another glitch
15 MAXIMUM CRASHNAGE 3:  First Crash Part 2- NOT USE
...It seems the rest crashes the game, and I don't want to make more silly ways to say 
In general very messy, although you can get curious results
0x7: Class usability index
You can use whatever usabilty group value you want of the ones already mentioned, these are the ones for spells:
2D:Conjurer, Summoner, Warlock, Shaman, Sage
2E: Black Mage, Magus, Sage
2F: Black Mage, Red Mage, Magus, Sage
30: White Mage, Shaman, Sage
31: White Mage, Red Mage, Devout, Sage
32: White Mage, Red Mage, Ranger, M.Knight, Shaman, Sage
33: White Mage, Shaman, Sage
3D: Magus, Sage
3E: Shaman, Sage
3F: Conjurer, Summoner -Maybe it points to the Summon Spells in some way.
  • List of Black and White Magic:
$618D0 Flare 	00 64 C8 00 00 0F 00 3D
$618D8 Death 	00 23 00 80 04 2F 00 3D
$618E0 Meteo 	00 64 B4 00 00 4F 03 3D 

$618E8 WWind	20 28 04 00 02 17 00 3E
$618F0 Life 2	01 00 FF 80 05 B7 05 3E
$618F8 Holy 	80 64 A0 00 00 37 00 3E

$61908 Quake 	40 64 85 00 00 4E 02 2E
$61910 Brak2	40 28 00 40 04 2E 07 2E
$61918 Drain 	01 64 A0 00 03 2E 04 2E

$61920 Cure4 	01 64 DC 00 01 96 00 30
$61928 Heal	00 3C 00 FF 06 B6 00 30
$61930 Wall	00 4B 00 00 0A B6 00 30

$61940 Fire3 	10 64 96 00 00 0D 00 2E
$61948 Bio   	00 64 82 00 00 0D 00 2E
$61950 Warp 	00 00 00 80 04 2D 00 2E

$61958 Aero2   	28 64 73 00 00 15 00 30
$61960 Soft	00 3C 00 07 06 B5 00 30	
$61968 Haste	00 10 05 00 09 B5 00 30

$61978 Bolt3 	04 64 6E 00 00 0C 00 2E
$61980 Kill 	00 64 64 80 00 04 01 2E
$61988 Erase	00 3C 00 00 0B 0C 00 2E

$61990 Cure3 	01 64 B4 00 01 94 00 30
$61998 Life1	01 0F 01 80 05 B4 05 30
$619A0 Safe	00 4B 05 00 08 B4 00 30

$619B0 Break	40 32 00 05 00 2B 00 2F
$619B8 Ice 3	08 64 55 00 00 0B 00 2F
$619C0 Shade	00 50 00 99 04 0B 00 2F

$619C8 Libra	00 64 00 00 0D 33 00 31
$619D0 Confu	00 19 00 29 04 13 00 31
$619D8 Mute	00 3C 00 10 04 13 00 31

$619E8 Fire2 	10 64 37 00 00 0A 00 2F
$619F0 Ice2  	08 64 37 00 00 0A 00 2F
$619F8 Bolt2  	04 64 37 00 00 0A 00 2F

$61A00 Cure2	01 64 7D 00 01 92 00 32
$61A08 Exit	00 00 00 80 04 32 00 32
$61A10 Wash	00 4B 00 04 06 B1 00 32

$61A20 Bolt	04 64 23 00 00 09 00 2F
$61A28 Venom	00 3C 14 02 00 09 00 2F
$61A30 Blind	00 4C 0A 04 04 09 00 2F

$61A38 Aero	28 64 2D 00 00 11 00 31
$61A40 Toad	00 00 00 20 07 32 08 32
$61A48 Mini	00 00 00 08 07 31 0D 32

$61A58 Fire	10 64 19 00 00 08 00 2F
$61A60 Ice	08 64 19 00 00 08 00 2F
$61A68 Sleep	00 0F 00 51 04 08 00 2F

$61A70 Cure	01 64 2A 00 01 90 00 32
$61A78 Pure	00 32 00 02 06 B0 00 32
$61A80 Sight	00 64 00 00 0C 30 00 32

  • 61B50 to 61B88 Geomancer Terrain Spells
$61B50 Earthquake	  40 32 5A 00 00 40 0E 00
$61B58 Quick Sand	  00 1E 00 80 04 20 00 00
$61B60 Air Slash	  20 1E 78 00 33 20 00 00
$61B68 Sinkhole        	  00 28 00 80 04 20 00 00
$61B70 Torrent		  04 28 00 80 04 20 00 00
$61B78 Whirlpool/Cyclone  20 3C 78 00 00 20 00 00
$61B80 Whirlpool/Cyclone  20 3C 78 00 00 20 00 00
$61B88 Cave-In		  40 28 78 00 00 40 03 00	  
  • $61BA8 to $61C67 - Summon magic; sorted in ascending order of spell level
$61BA8 Chocobo Dash		00 64 00 00 19 C8 00 00
$61BB0 Chocobo Kick?		00 64 00 00 1A 28 00 00
$61BB8 Chocobo Kick		00 64 10 00 1B 2C 00 00

$61BC0 Shiva Mesmerize		00 50 00 51 1C 48 00 00
$61BC8 Shiva Icy Stare		00 64 35 00 1E 2B 00 00
$61BD0 Shiva Diamond Dust	08 64 20 00 1D 4A 00 00
$61BD8 Ramuh Mind Blast         00 46 00 99 1F 4B 00 00
$61BE0 Ramuh Thunderstorm	04 64 30 00 20 2A 00 00
$61BE8 Ramuh Judgement Bolt	04 64 60 00 21 4C 00 00

$61BF0 Ifrit Healing Light	01 64 5A 00 22 D4 00 00
$61BF8 Ifrit  Hellfire		10 64 55 00 23 2A 00 00
$61C00 Ifrit High Summon 	10 64 80 00 24 4D 00 00

$61C08 Titan Clobber		00 64 64 00 25 2D 00 00
$61C10 Tital Stomp		00 64 6A 00 26 2E 00 00
$61C18 Titan High Summon	40 64 A0 00 27 4E 00 00

$61C20 Odin Prot. Light		00 64 00 00 28 D5 00 00
$61C28 Odin Slash		00 64 75 00 29 35 00 00
$61C30 Odin Atom		00 64 C3 00 2A 4C 00 00

$61C38 Leviathan DemonEye	40 05 00 40 2B 4E 00 00
$61C40 Leviathan Cyclon		20 64 85 00 2C 4E 00 00
$61C48 Leviathan Tsunami	04 64 CA 00 2D 4E 00 00

$61C50 Bahamut Aura		00 64 00 00 2E D7 00 00
$61C58 Bahamut Rend		00 64 90 00 2F 37 00 00
$61C60 Bahamut MegaFlare	00 64 FF 00 30 47 00 00
  • $61A90 to $61B4F? - Monster and item magic data


  • $21A90 - Monster Steal/drop data?
  • $21C90 - Table of exp value pointers, one for each monster; each entry is a two-byte pointer to data at:
  • $21D90 - Table of XP values
  • $60010 to $60E7F - Monster combat data, 16 bytes per enemy:
0x0: Level
0x1-0x2: HP
0x3: AI pointer index
0x4: Skill
0x5: Elemental weakness(es)
0x6: Magic Evade/Magic Defense index
0x7: Intelligence
0x8: Attack element
0x9: Attack/Hit/Attack multipler index
0xA: Status applied on successful attack
0xB: Elemental absorption?
0xC: Defense/Evade index
0xD: Elemental resistance?
0xE: Special Attack index
0xF: Steal/Drop index
  • $61010 - Combined table for monster attack/hit, defence/evade and Magic Defence/evade/, three bytes per entry. Indexed to in monster attack data
0x0: Attack/Evade/M.Evade multiplier
0x1: Hit/Evade/M.Evade %
0x2: Attack/Defense/M.Defense

Item Price List

  • $21E10 - Price for each item in the game, two bytes per item; sorted by item ID.

By orden of ID:

 $21E10        00 00   0       Nothing. Thankfully is cheap.
 $21E12	58 1B 	7000	Kaiser Knuckles
 $21E14	B0 36 	14000	Cat Claws
 $21E16	50 46 	18000	Wyvern Claws
 $21E18	50 46 	18000	Faerie Claws
 $21E1A	40 9C 	40000	Hellish Claws
 $21E1C	3C 00 	60	Nunchaku
 $21E1E	F4 01 	500	Tonfa
 $21E20	B8 0B 	3000	Three Part
 $21E22	90 01 	400	Mythril Rod
 $21E24	B8 0B 	3000	Fire Rod
 $21E26	B8 0B 	3000	Ice Rod
 $21E28	B8 0B 	3000	Bolt Rod
 $21E2A	30 75 	30000	Omni Rod
 $21E2C	28 00 	40	Staff
 $21E2E	AC 0D 	3500	Fire Staff
 $21E30	AC 0D 	3500	Ice Staff
 $21E32	AC 0D 	3500	Bolt Staff
 $21E34	BC 34 	13500	Golem Staff
 $21E36	50 46 	18000	Rune Staff
 $21E38	E8 FD 	65500	Elder Staff
 $21E3A	F4 01 	500	Hammer DUMMIED
 $21E3C	B0 36 	14000	Thor Hammer
 $21E3E	7C 15 	5500	Battle Axe
 $21E40	B0 36 	14000	Great Axe
 $21E42	40 1F 	8000	Morning Star
 $21E44	40 1F 	8000	Thunder Spear
 $21E46	10 27 	10000	Wind Lance
 $21E48	20 4E 	20000	Blood Lance
 $21E4A	C8 AF 	45000	Holy Lance
 $21E4C	14 00 	20	Knife	
 $21E4E	3C 00 	60	Dagger
 $21E50	F4 01 	500	Mythril Knife
 $21E52	58 1B 	7000	Main Gauche
 $21E54	E0 2E 	12000	Orichalcum
 $21E56	10 27 	10000	Air Knife
 $21E58	64 00 	100	Long Sword
 $21E5A	E8 03 	1000	WightSlayer	
 $21E5C	88 13 	5000	Golden Sword
 $21E5E	F4 01 	500	Mythril Sword
 $21E60	DC 05 	1500	Serpent Sword	
 $21E62	B8 0B 	3000	Freezing Blade	
 $21E64	F0 0A 	2800	Tyrfing
 $21E66	B8 0B 	3000	Salamander
 $21E68	88 13 	5000	Royal Sword
 $21E6A	20 4E 	20000	Dual Tomahawk	
 $21E6C	74 40	16500	Ancient Sword	
 $21E6E	20 4E 	20000	Ashura		
 $21E70	74 40 	16500	Blood Sword	
 $21E72	74 40 	16500	Defender	
 $21E74	20 4E 	20000	Triton Hammer	
 $21E76	08 52 	21000	Kotetsu
 $21E78	F0 55 	22000	KikuIchimonji
 $21E7A	30 75 	30000	Break Blade	 
 $21E7C	E8 FD 	65000	Masamune
 $21E7E	E8 FD 	65000	Excalibur
 $21E80	DC FF 	65500	Ragnarok
 $21E82	DC FF 	65500	Onion Sword
 $21E84	E4 0C 	3300	Book of Fire	
 $21E86	E4 0C 	3300	Book of Ice	
 $21E88	98 3A 	15000	Tomeof Fire	
 $21E8A	E4 0C 	3300	Book of Light	
 $21E8C	98 3A 	15000	Tome of Light
 $21E8E	28 23 	9000	Boomerang
 $21E90	30 F2	62000	FullMoon 
 $21E92	DC FF 	65500	Shuriken
 $21E94	98 3A 	15000	Tome of Ice
 $21E96	94 11 	4500	Diamond Bell
 $21E98	7C 15 	5500	Earthen Bell	
 $21E9A	7C 15	5500	Rune Bell 	
 $21E9C	40 1F 	8000	Madora Harp
 $21E9E	4C 1D 	7500	Dream Harp
 $21EA0	FC 53 	21500	Lamia Harp
 $21EA2	40 9C 	40000	Loki Harp
 $21EA4	64 00 	100	Bow
 $21EA6	B0 04 	1200	Great Bow
 $21EA8	D0 07 	2000	Killer Bow	
 $21EAA	B8 0B 	3000	Rune Bow	
 $21EAC	10 A4 	42000	Yoichi Bow
 $21EAE	05 00 	5	Arrow
 $21EB0	0A 00 	10	Holy Arrow
 $21EB2	0A 00 	10	Iron Arrow
 $21EB4	1E 00 	30	Light Arrow
 $21EB6	1E 00 	30	Fire Arrow
 $21EB8	1E 00 	30	Ice Arrow
 $21EBA	64 00 	100	Medusa Arrows
 $21EBC	C8 00 	200	Yoichi Arrows
 $21EC0	28 00 	40	Leather Shield
 $21EC2	DC FF 	65500	Onion Shield
 $21EC4	B4 00 	180	Mythril Shield
 $21EC6	08 07 	1800	Ice Shield
 $21EC8	AC 0D 	3500	Heroic Shield
 $21ECA	D4 30 	12500	Demon Shield
 $21ECC	50 46 	18000	Diamond Shield
 $21ECE	60 6D 	28000	Aegis Shield
 $21ED0	70 94 	38000	Genji Shield
 $21ED2	50 C3	50000	Crystal Shield
 $21ED4	0F 00 	15	Leather Cap
 $21ED6	DC FF 	65500	Onion Helm
 $21ED8	82 00 	130	Mythril Helm
 $21EDA	C2 01 	450	Shell Helm
 $21EDC	B0 04 	1200	Ice Helm
 $21EDE	B0 04 	1200	Headband
 $21EE0	4C 1D 	7500	Scholar Hat
 $21EE2	D0 07 	2000	Black Cowl
 $21EE4	D0 07 	2000	Chakra Band
 $21EE6	B8 0B 	3000	Viking Helm
 $21EE8	40 1F 	8000	Dragon Helm
 $21EEA	40 1F 	8000	Feathered Hat
 $21EEC	20 4E 	20000	Diamond Helm
 $21EEE	00 7D 	32000	Genji Helm
 $21EF0	50 C3 	50000	Crystal Helm
 $21EF2	0A 00 	10	Ribbon
 $21EF4	32 00 	50	Vest
 $21EF6	5F 00 	95	Leather Armor
 $21EF8	DC FF	65500	Onion Armor
 $21EFA	5E 01 	350	Mythril Armor
 $21EFC	E2 04 	1250	Shell Armor
 $21EFE	60 09 	2400	Ice Armor
 $21F00	60 09 	2400	Flame Mail
 $21F02	D0 07 	2000	Kenpo Gi
 $21F04	D8 0E 	3800	Black Garb
 $21F06	D0 07 	2000	Mage Robe
 $21F08	A0 0F 	4000	Viking Mail
 $21F0A	D8 0E 	3800	Black Belt
 $21F0C	4C 1D 	7500	Knight Armor
 $21F0E	40 1F	8000	Dragon Mail
 $21F10	7C 15 	5500	Bard Vest
 $21F12	7C 15 	5500	Scholar Vest
 $21F14	68 10 	4200	Gaia Vest	
 $21F16	A8 61 	25000	Demon Mail
 $21F18	E8 80 	33000	Diamond Mail
 $21F1A	B8 88 	35000	Reflect Mail
 $21F1C	58 1B 	7000	White Robe	
 $21F1E	58 1B 	7000	Black Robe	
 $$21F20	40 9C 	40000	Genji Armor
 $21F22	E8 FD 	65000	Crystal Armor
 $21F24	64 00 	100	Rusty Armor
 $21F26	50 00 	80	Bronze Brazers
 $21F28	DC FF 	65500	Onion Gloves
 $21F2A	78 00 	120	Mythril Gloves	
 $21F2C	78 00 	120	Mythril Brazers
 $21F2E	C4 09 	2500	Thief Gloves
 $21F30	C4 09 	2500	Gauntlets
 $21F32	C4 09 	2500	Power Brazers	
 $21F34	88 13 	5000	Rune Brazers
 $21F36	10 27 	10000	Diamond Brazers 
 $21F38	98 3A 	15000	Diamond Gloves
 $21F3A	30 75 	30000	Protect Ring
 $21F3C	30 75 	30000	Genji Gloves
 $21F3E	50 C3 	50000	Crystal Gloves
 ----Other Items----
 $21F40	64 00 	100	Magic Key
 $21F42	96 00	150	Carrot
 ----Important items---- They can't be sold or bought, so 0 for all
 $21F44	00 00 	0	Horn
 $21F46	00 00 	0	Eye
 $21F48	00 00 	0	Eureka Key
 $21F4A	00 00 	0	Wind Fang
 $21F4E	00 00 	0	Fire Fang
 $21F50	00 00 	0	Water Fang
 $21F52	00 00 	0 	Earth Fang
 $21F54	00 00 	0	Lute
 $21F56	00 00 	0	Sylx Key 
 $21F58	C8 00 	200	MidgBread
 $21F5C	96 00 	150	Potion
 $21F5E	B0 04 	1200	Hi-Potion	
 $21F60	B8 0B 	3000	Elixir
 $21F62	B8 0B 	3000	FenixDown
 $21F64	2C 01 	300	Soft		
 $21F66	64 00 	100	MaidKiss
 $21F68	64 00 	100	EchoHerb
 $21F6A	64 00 	100	LuckMallet
 $21F6C	28 00 	100	Eyedrop
 $21F6E	50 00 	80	Antidote
 $21F70	D0 07 	2000	Otterhead	
 $21F72	E8 03 	1000	BombShard	
 $21F74	E8 03 	1000	Southwind	
 $21F76	E8 03 	1000	Zeus Rage	
 $21F78	DC 05 	1500	Bomb Arm	
 $21F7A	DC 05 	1500	NorthWind	
 $21F7C	DC 05 	1500	God's Rage
 $21F7E	C4 09 	2500	Earthdrum	
 $21F80 	B8 0B 	3000	LamiaSCL
 $21F82	B8 0B 	3000	God's Wine
 $21F84	B8 0B 	3000	TurtleShell
 $21F86	B8 0B 	3000	Devil's Sigh
 $21F88	A0 0F 	4000	BlackHole
 $21F8A	88 13 	5000	DarkScent
 $21F8C	B8 0B 	3000	LilithKiss
 $21F8E	B8 0B 	3000	Imp's Yawn
 $21F90	B8 0B 	3000	SplitShell
 $21F92	B8 0B 	3000	Paralyzer
 $21F94	D0 07 	2000	Mutecharm
 $21F96	D0 07 	2000	Pillow
 $21F98	D0 07 	2000	Bombhead
 $21F9A	88 13 	5000	Barrier
 $21F9C	88 13 	5000	ChocoRage
 $21F9E	88 13 	5000	Whitescent
 ----Lvl 8 Spells
 $21FA0	60 EA 	60000	Flare
 $21FA2	60 EA 	60000	Death
 $21FA4	60 EA 	60000	Meteo
 $21FA6	60 EA 	60000	Wwind
 $21FA8	60 EA	60000	Life2
 $21FAA	60 EA 	60000	Holy
 $21FAC	E8 FD 	65000   Baha Summon
 ----Lvl 7 Spells
 $21FAE	20 4E 	20000	Quake
 $21FB0	20 4E 	20000	Brak2
 $21FB2	20 4E 	20000	Drain
 $21FB4	20 4E 	20000	Cure4
 $21FB6	20 4E 	20000	Heal
 $21FB8	20 4E 	20000	Wall
 $21FBA	D8 D6 	55000   Leviathan Summon
 ---Lvl 6 Spells
 $21FBC	10 27 	10000	Fire3
 $21FBE	10 27 	10000	Bio
 $21FC0	10 27 	10000	Warp
 $21FC2	10 27 	10000	Aero2
 $21FC4	10 27 	10000	Soft
 $21FC6	10 27	10000	Haste
 $21FC8	C8 AF 	45000   Oddin Summon
 ----Lvl 5 Spells
 $21FCA	88 13 	5000	Bolt3
 $21FCC	88 13 	5000	Kill
 $21FCE	88 13 	5000	Erase
 $21FD0	88 13 	5000	Cure3
 $21FD2	88 13 	5000	Life1
 $21FD4	88 13 	5000	Safe
 $21FD6	88 13 	5000    Titan
 ----Lvl 4 Spells
 $21FD8	B8 0B 	3000	Break
 $21FDA	B8 0B 	3000	Ice3
 $21FDC	B8 0B 	3000	Shade
 $21FDE	B8 0B 	3000	Libra
 $21FE0	B8 0B 	3000	Confu
 $21FE2	B8 0B 	3000	Mute
 $21FE4	B8 0B 	3000    Ifrit
 ----Lvl 3 Spells
 $21FE6	DC 05 	1500	Fire2
 $21FE8	DC 05 	1500	Ice2
 $21FEA	DC 05 	1500	Bolt2
 $21FEC	DC 05 	1500	Cure2
 $21FEE	DC 05 	1500	Teleport
 $21FF0	DC 05 	1500	Wash
 $21FF2	DC 05 	1500    Ramuh
 ----Lvl 2 Spells
 $21FF4	BC 02 	700	Bolt
 $21FF6	BC 02 	700	Venom
 $21FF8	BC 02 	700	Blind
 $21FFA	BC 02 	700	Aero
 $21FFC	BC 02 	700	Toad
 $21FFE	BC 02 	700	Mini
 $22000	BC 02 	700 	Shiva
 ----Lvl 1 Spells
 $22002	64 00 	100	Fire
 $22004	64 00 	100	Ice
 $22006	64 00 	100	Sleep
 $22008	64 00 	100	Cure1
 $2200A	64 00 	100	Pure
 $2200C	64 00 	100	Sight
 $2200E	64 00 	100 	Chocobo


  • $A10 - Map connections; determines which entrances lead to which map (sprites not included).
  • $3C10 to ? - Contents of all chests in the game, in no particular order

  • $30810 - Text pointer for item/magic/enemy names
  • $30D70 - Start of text data
  • $3CC3A - Start of text data for items, magic and enemies
  • $58010 to $5894F - pointers to, among other things, shop inventory data
  • $62C46,4A - Maximum base Hit% for attacks
  • $61C68 - Gold given by every enemy, two bytes per enemy
  • $7CDE0 - Player's movement speed in towns and dungeons. Higher values than 2 cause screen glitches.