Donkey Kong Land/RAM map

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Chip tiny.png The following article is a RAM map for Donkey Kong Land.

  • 0xC64E - Current Character
    • 00 - Donkey Kong
    • 01 - Diddy Kong
  • 0xC66D - Lives
  • 0xC29A - Location
    • A list of values can be found here.
  • 0xCAAC - Bonus exit destination
    • A list of values can be found here. Note that you should add this value by 0x01 to get the proper value in the list. Also, this value is 0x00 while not in a bonus stage.

Saved data

  • AA00-AA3F = File 1
  • AA40-AA7F = File 2
  • AA80-AABF = File 3
File 1 File 2 File 3 Description
AA00-AA05 AA40-AA45 AA80-AA85 "PFLOYD" ASCII string header
AA3E AA7E AABE 8-bit addition-based checksum of initial 3E bytes of file (e.g. AA00-AA3D for File 1)
AA3F AA7F AABF 8-bit XOR-based checksum of initial 3E bytes of file (e.g. AA00-AA3D for File 1)

For a file to be considered valid, the following conditions must pass:

  • The "PFLOYD" ASCII string must be present at the beginning of the file. (This string is compared with the string found at ROM offset 6F7A.)
  • The addition-based checksum must pass.
  • The XOR-based checksum must pass.

If any of these conditions fail, the file is erased. Unlike the sequels, backup files do not exist in this game in any form.