Illusion of Gaia/RAM map

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$7E0078         - GRAPHIC DATA DECOMPRESSION: Number of decompressed Data Bytes to transfer, LOW BYTE
$7E0079         - GRAPHIC DATA DECOMPRESSION: Number of decompressed Data Bytes to transfer, HIGH BYTE
$7E007A         - GRAPHIC DATA DECOMPRESSION: Where to write the next byte to buffer, LOW BYTE
$7E007B         - GRAPHIC DATA DECOMPRESSION: Where to write the next byte to buffer, HIGH BYTE

$7E0100-$7E01FF - STACK

$7E0422-$7E0621 - OAM Low Table buffer
$7E0622-$7E0641 - OAM High Table buffer

$7E068A-$7E068B - Little-Endian BG2 H-scroll (at least in the item menu)
$7E068C-$7E068D - Little-Endian BG1 H-scroll (at least in the item menu)
$7E068E-$7E068F - Little-Endian BG2 V-scroll (at least in the item menu)
$7E0690-$7E0691 - Little-Endian BG1 V-scroll (at least in the item menu)

$7E06B2-$7E06?? - Used as address storage for decompressed tile map chunks

$7E06C7         - In relation with BG2 scroll registers

$7E06C9         - In relation with BG1 scroll registers

$7E09AE         - Waiting Counter for Will's next attack?

$7E0AA2         - Ability Flag register
                - Bit 0: Psycho Dash
                - Bit 1: Psycho Slide
                - Bit 2: Spin Dash
                - Bit 4: Dark Friar
                - Bit 5: Aura Barrier
                - Bit 6: Earth Quaker

$7E0AB0         - Number of Collected Red Jewels (BCD-FORMAT!)

$7E0AB4-$7E0AC3 - Item Menu Slots
                - #$00: Nothing
                - #$01: Red Jewel
                - #$02: Edward Castle Prison Key
                - #$03: Inca Statue A
                - #$04: Inca Statue B
                - #$05: Inca Melody
                - #$06: Herb
                - #$07: Diamond: Shaped Block
                - #$08: Wind Melody
                - #$09: Lola's Melody
                - #$0A: Large Roast
                - #$0B: Mine Key A
                - #$0C: Mine Key B
                - #$0D: Memory Melody
                - #$0E: Crystal Ball
                - #$0F: Elevator Key
                - #$10: Mu Palace Key
                - #$11: Purification Stone
                - #$12: Statue of Hope
                - #$13: Rama Statue
                - #$14: Magic Dust
                - #$15: Blue Journal
                - #$16: Lance's Letter
                - #$17: Necklace Stones
                - #$18: Will
                - #$19: Teapot
                - #$1A: Mushroom Drops
                - #$1B: Bag of Gold
                - #$1C: Black glasses
                - #$1D: Gorgon Flower
                - #$1E: Hieroglyph Plate 1
                - #$1F: Hieroglyph Plate 2
                - #$20: Hieroglyph Plate 3
                - #$21: Hieroglyph Plate 4
                - #$22: Hieroglyph Plate 5
                - #$23: Hieroglyph Plate 6
                - #$24: Aura
                - #$25: Lola's Melody
                - #$26: Father's Journal
                - #$27: Crystal Ring
                - #$28: Apple
$7E0AC4         - Number of the active Item Slot (valid values: #$00 to #$0F)

$7E0ACE         - Life Energy

$7E0AD4         - Will's Form
                - #$00: Will
                - #$01: Freedan
                - #$02: Shade

$7E0ADC         - Will's Defense value (max. #$63)

$7E0ADE         - Will's Attack value (max. #$63)
$7E7000-$7EA??? - GRAPHIC DATA DECOMPRESSION: Buffer for decompressed graphic data
$7E8200-$7E82?? - HDMA table for cloud scrolling (in item menu)

$7F0A00-$7F0BFF - CGRAM buffer
$7F0C00-$7F0C02 - Color Math values