Mother 3/Battle actions table

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Battle actions table
Start Address 0xD9D28
End Address 0xE1707
# of Entries 650 (0x28A)
Entry Length 48 bytes (0x30)
Total Length 31200 bytes (0x79E0)
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The battle actions table is mostly unknown, but it serves as a lookup table for an enemy's action values; it also contains indices into the battle text table.


There are 650 entries; each entry contains 48 bytes.

Field listing

  • 00-23 (24) = Unclassified data
  • 24-25 (02) = [ A ] Text table entry
  • 26-2F (0A) = Unclassified data

Table view

       00   01   02   03   04   05   06   07   08   09   0A   0B   0C   0D   0E   0F
00  | [                                      ?                                     ->
10  | <-                                     ?                                     ->
20  | <-        ?       ] [   A   ] [                       ?                       ]