Donkey Kong Land/RAM map

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< Donkey Kong Land
Revision as of 21:09, 14 December 2014 by Blaziken257 (talk | contribs) (Added save file information)
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Chip tiny.png The following article is a RAM map for Donkey Kong Land.

  • 0xC64E - Current Character
    • 00 - Donkey Kong
    • 01 - Diddy Kong
  • 0xC66D - Lives
  • 0xC29A - Location

Saved data

  • AA00-AA3F = File 1
  • AA40-AA7F = File 2
  • AA80-AABF = File 3
File 1 File 2 File 3 Description
AA00-AA05 AA40-AA45 AA80-AA85 "PFLOYD" ASCII string header
AA3E AA7E AABE 8-bit addition-based checksum of initial 3E bytes of file (e.g. AA00-AA3D for File 1)
AA3F AA7F AABF 8-bit XOR-based checksum of initial 3E bytes of file (e.g. AA00-AA3D for File 1)

For a file to be considered valid, the following conditions must pass:

  • The "PFLOYD" ASCII string must be present at the beginning of the file. (This string is compared with the string found at ROM offset 6F7A.)
  • The addition-based checksum must pass.
  • The XOR-based checksum must pass.

If any of these conditions fail, the file is erased. Unlike the sequels, backup files do not exist in this game in any form.