Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (NES)/RAM map

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Chip tiny.png The following article is a RAM map for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (NES).

 $48 - World Number
 $5B - Whether the special weapon is selected or not
 $5D - Current side-scrolling area (0 in overhead areas)
 $73 - Leo's Special Weapon {0:Nothing, 1:Stars, 2:Triple Stars, 3:Boomerangs, 4:Scrolls}
 $74 - Raph's Special Weapon
 $75 - Mike's Special Weapon
 $76 - Don's Special Weapon
 $77 - Leo's Energy (0 - 80)
 $78 - Raph's Energy
 $79 - Mike's Energy
 $7A - Don's Energy
 $A7 - Amount of Ropes (0 - 63)
 $A8 - Leo's Special Weapon Quantity (0 - 63)
 $A9 - Raph's Special Weapon Quantity
 $AA - Mike's Special Weapon Quantity
 $AB - Don's Special Weapon Quantity
 $BB - Dam Timer
 $BF - Turtle Van Missiles
 C0 - Score 99xxxx0
 C1 - Score xx99xx0
 C2 - Score xxxx990
 C3 - Unknown Score 99xxxx0
 C4 - Unknown Score xx99xx0
 C5 - Unknown Score xxxx990
 C6 - High Score 99xxxx0
 C7 - High Score xx99xx0
 C8 - High Score xxxx990
 0200 - 02FF - Sprite Memory
 0460        - Turtle Y Position
 0480        - Turtle X Position
 04B0        - Turtle Y Velocity
 04E0        - Turtle X Velocity
 0500        - Invincibility Timeout
 056X        - Enemy Hit Points
 0630        - Invincibility Timeout