Final Fantasy VII (NES)/ROM map

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  • 01 FF Prelude 0x1B8DD($B8CD-$B9??)
  • 02 Unident. Town 0x1B9DF($B9CF-$BB??)
  • 03 FF2 Town 0x1BB78($BB68-$BC??)
  • 04 FF2 Main Theme 0x1BC76($BC66-$BD??)
  • 05 FF2 Rebel Army 0x1BDEB($BDDB-$BF??)
  • 06 FF2 Battle 0x1BF73($BF63-$C1??)
  • 07 FF3 Boss 0x1C21B($C20B-$C4??)
  • 08 FF Victory 0x1C470($C460-$C6??)

Other Things

0x5508 0x553F Init Party Data

0x55AA Level 0 HP Baseline 1

0x567B Level 0 HP Baseline2

0x6961 Init Party

0x6966 Init Potion Invt

0x696B Init Phoenix Invt

0x6970 Init HiEther Invt

0x6975 Init Gil Lo

0x697A Init Gil Md

0x697F Init Gil Hi


Offset Description

0xBD1D Title Screen Tiling

0xBD21 'Final Fantasy 7' Tiling Upper

0xBDA3 '最终幻想7' Tiling Upper

0xBFB3 'New Game' Tiling Upper

0xBFD3 'New Game' Tiling Lower

0xC013 'Continue' Tiling Upper

0xC033 'Continue' Tiling Lower

0xCXXX Saving Screen Tiling

0xCF57 'Saving' Tiling Upper

0xCF77 'Saving' Tiling Lower

0x22E8F ??? Baseline?

0x28067 Main Menu Tiles

0x284D0 'Status' Tiling Upper

0x284F0 'Status' Tiling Lower

0x28550 'Item' Tiling Upper

0x28570 'Item' Tiling Lower

0x285D0 'Magic' Tiling Upper

0x285F0 'Magic' Tiling Lower

0x28650 'Equip' Tiling Upper

0x28670 'Equip' Tiling Lower

0x286D0 'Party' Tiling Upper

0x286F0 'Party' Tiling Lower

0x28750 'Save' Tiling Upper

0x28770 'Save' Tiling Lower

0x287D0 ??? Tiling Upper

0x287F0 ??? Tiling Lower

0x28ECB 'Int.' Tiling Upper

0x28EEB 'Int.' Tiling Lower

Offset Description

0x2AA47 Char Battle Sprite Tiles


Offset Description

0x2C244 0x2C2A3 Party Level Stat Growths*50

0x2C7B0 0x2C941 Level Exp To Nexts

0x2C942 0x2C949 Party ???s

Armor Stats

Offset Description

0x2C94A 0x2CACA Helmet Stats

0x2CACB 0x2CE4A Armor Stats

0x2CE4B 0x2D1CA Shinguard Stats

0x2D1CB 0x2D360 Cape Stats

Enemy Data

Offset Description

0x2EFAC 0x2F11B Enemy Attack Patterns

Armor Prices

Offset Description

0x2F30F 0x2F345 Helmet Prices/10

0x2F346 0x2F3C5 Armor Prices/10

0x2F3C6 0x2F42E Shinguard Prices/10

0x2F42F 0x2F468 Cape Prices/10

0x2F46A 0x2FFCF 0


Offset Description Refs

0x2FFD0 0x3000F Names Header Ptr+28010

0x30010 Pointer to Names 1a 300

0x30012 Pointer to Names 1b 301

0x30014 Pointer to Names 1c 302

0x30016 Pointer to Names 1d 303

0x30018 Pointer to Names 1e 304

0x3001A Pointer to Names 1f 305

0x3001C Pointer to Names 1g 306

0x3001E Pointer to Names 1h 307

0x30020 Pointer to Names 1i 308

0x30022 Pointer to Names 1j 309

0x30024 Pointer to Names 1k 30A

0x30029 Names 1a Pointers 30000 30048

0x300BB Names 1a Text (Menu/Battle Text)

0x3030F Names 1b Pointers 30100 30137

0x3037F Names 1b Text (Helmet Names)

0x305A1 Names 1c Pointers 30200 30280

0x306A3 Names 1c Text (Armor Names)

0x30B99 Names 1d Pointers 30300 30369

0x30C6D Names 1d Text (Shinguard Names)

0x31089 Names 1e Pointers 30400 3043A

0x310FF Names 1e Text (Cape Names)

0x31347 Names 1f Pointers 30500 30564

0x31411 Names 1f Text (Weapon Names)

0x317B3 Names 1g Pointers 30600 30607

0x317C3 Names 1g Text (Materia Names)

0x31801 Names 1h Pointers 30700 3073F

0x31881 Names 1h Text (Spell Names)

0x31AA9 Names 1i Pointers 30800 3081F

0x31AE9 Names 1i Text (Item Names)

0x31BFB Names 1j Pointers 30900 3091F

0x31C3B Names 1j Text (Item Details)

0x31E1C Names 1k Pointers 30A00 30A63

0x31EE4 Names 1k Text (Enemy Names)

0x321DB 0x37FCF 0

Dialog 1

Offset Description Refs

0x37FD0 0x3800F Dialog 1 Header Ptr+30010

0x38010 Pointer to Dialog 1a 380

0x38012 Pointer to Dialog 1b 381

0x38014 Pointer to Dialog 1c 382

0x38019 Dialog 1a Pointers 38000 380FE

0x38217 Dialog 1a Text (Start-Sec.6)

0x3B2DA Dialog 1b Pointers 38100 381FD

0x3B4D6 Dialog 1b Text (Wall Market)

0x3E185 Dialog 1c Pointers 38200 38243

0x3E20D Dialog 1c Text (The other girl is me)

0x3EDDF 0x3FFCF 0

Hanzi Tileset

Offset Description

0x3FFD0 0x4000F Hanzi Tileset Header

0x40010 0x4BC0F B0A1 Hanzi Tileset

0x4BC10 0x4E30F C0A1 Hanzi Tileset

0x4E310 0x4FFCF FF

Dialog 2

Offset Description Refs

0x4FFD0 0x5000F Dialog 2 Header Ptr+48010

0x50010 Pointer to Dialog 2a 500

0x50012 Pointer to Dialog 2b 501

0x50014 Pointer to Dialog 2c 502

0x50019 Dialog 2a Pointers 50000 500FE

0x50217 Dialog 2a Text (Shinra Roof-Junon)

0x5312E Dialog 2b Pointers 50100 501C6

0x532BC Dialog 2b Text (Junon-Corel)

0x557EB Dialog 2c Pointers 50200 50224

0x55835 Dialog 2c Text (Location Names)

0x55A09 0x57FCF 0

Dialog 3

Offset Description Refs

0x57FD0 0x5800F Dialog 3 Header Ptr+50010

0x58010 Pointer to Dialog 3a 580

0x58012 Pointer to Dialog 3b 581

0x58014 Pointer to Dialog 3c 582

0x58019 Dialog 3a Pointers 58000 580FD

0x58215 Dialog 3a Text (Gold Saucer-Gongaga)

0x5AFF1 Dialog 3b Pointers 58100 581FB

0x5B205 Dialog 3b Text (Cosmo-Rocket Town)

0x5E932 Dialog 3c Pointers 58200 5820D

0x5E957 Dialog 3c Text (Tiny Bronco)

0x5EC22 0x5FFCF 0

Dialog 4

Offset Description Refs

0x5FFD0 0x6000F Dialog 4 Header Ptr+58010

0x60010 Pointer to Dialog 4a 600

0x60012 Pointer to Dialog 4b 601

0x60017 Dialog 4a Pointers 60000 600FA

0x6020D Dialog 4a Text (Gold Saucer)

0x62B98 Dialog 4b Pointers 60100 601A3

0x62CE0 Dialog 4b Text (Temple)

0x64A60 0x67FCF 0

Dialog 5

Offset Description Refs

0x67FD0 0x6800F Dialog 5 Header Ptr+60010

0x68010 Pointer to Dialog 5a 680

0x68012 Pointer to Dialog 5b 681

0x68014 Pointer to Dialog 5c 682

0x68019 Dialog 5a Pointers 68000 680FE

0x68217 Dialog 5a Text (Finding Aeris)

0x6B521 Dialog 5b Pointers 68100 681B1

0x6B685 Dialog 5b Text (Crater-End)

0x6DC0D Dialog 5c Pointers 68200 68274

0x6DCF7 Dialog 5c Text (Spare Lines)

0x6EDAB 0x6FE0F 0

Offset Description 0x6FE10 0x6FE4F ??? 0x6FE50 0x6FFCF 0

Offset Description

0x6FFD0 0x7000F ??? Header

0x70010 Pointer to ???

0x717E8 0x717F0 Midgar Store Item Inventory

0x71DBA 0x71DCA Item Prices/10

0x71DD3 0x71DD5 Midgar Store Helmet Inventory

0x71DD6 0x71DD9 Midgar Store Armor Inventory

0x71DDA 0x71DDC Midgar Store Shinguard Inventory

0x71DDD 0x71DE1 Midgar Store Gauntlet Inventory

0x72FFF Level 0 Stat Baseline

0x760EE 0x77C0F 0

0x77C10 0x77F34 ???

0x77F35 0x77FCF 0

Dialog 6

Offset Description Refs

0x77FD0 0x7800F Dialog 6 Header Ptr+70010

0x78010 Pointer to 6a 780

0x78012 Pointer to 6b 781

0x78020 0x7900F ASCII Tileset (Header is in 1st tile)

0x79011 Dialog 6a Pointers 78000 780FB

0x79209 Dialog 6a Text (Corneo-Pillar)

0x7BFF2 Dialog 6b Pointers 78100 781F6

0x7C1E0 0x7EF7B Dialog 6b Text (Shinra Building)

0x7EF7C 0x7F10F 0

Offset Description

0x7F110 0x1789E1 Map Tilesets

0x1789E2 0x106B49 0

Spell Tilesets

Offset Description

0x18FFC8 Spell Tilesets

0x1900C9 Spell Tilesets

0x193BB1 Ice? 4x4

0x194149 4x?

0x1947A1 Senpuu 4x4

0x19748D Lil Ball 1x1

0x1974AD Ball 2x2

0x1974ED Ball 2x2

0x197619 Ball?

0x197679 Holy 4x4

0x197779 Holy 4x4 0x197CB6 End

Enemy Tilesets

Offset Description

0x1980A6 Enemy Tilesets

0x1985DB Puti Tileset

0x198959 Zombie Tileset


Offset Description

0x5667 Possibly Level Cap

0x22E7B Possibly Level Cap

0x72FEB Possibly Level Cap