Pokémon Red and Blue/Notes

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    RGBY Map Headers & Stuff That Goes With It
    Version 1.1
    -Feel free to distribute this document and/or edit it.
    -Try and credit people you get info from and/or write how you updated.


Things that need adding:
More information about tilesets, and info about what sprites get loaded for
which maps.

v1.11: Typo fixed by Hat: "01 = North" changed to "01 = East". Thanks to IIMarckus for pointing that out.
v1.1: By Hat, minor improvements.
v1.0: Original version typed up by Hat.

Main Credits (Structure Information):
    Wrote some stuff about Map Headers and Object Data.
    Which this document expands upon, a bit.

  [F-Zero] & [Tauwasser]
    Wrote a document (in German) explaining how GSC connection data is stored.
    RGBY connection data is stored almost the same way, it turns out, so
    that helped a great deal. All that is really different is the values you
    add the amount of blocks to.

R/B Pointers to Map Headers: 0x01AE
R/B Map Header Banks: 0xC23D
R/B Pointer to Tileset Headers: 0xC767

Maximum tileset size in VRAM: 6 rows of 16 tiles (9000-95FF)



    Tileset Header Structure (*Incomplete*)


12 bytes per header...

[1 BYTE: Bank No. of Blocks/Tiles]
[2 BYTES: Pointer to Blocks (-10 for some reason)]
[2 BYTES: Pointer to Tiles]
[7 BYTES: ???]

last 7 bytes ideas: collison data pointer? something to do with animations?


    Map Header Structure


This contains all the data (pointers count as data) to build the map.

  #1: [Tileset Number]
  #2: [(Y Size) Map Height]
  #3: [(X Size) Map Width]
#4-5: [*2 Bytes*: Pointer to Map]
#6-7: [*2 Bytes*: Pointer to Maps Text Pointers]
#8-9: [*2 Bytes*: Pointer to Maps "Script"]
 #10: [Connection Byte:
        00 = No Connections
        01 = East
        02 = West
        03 = West + East
        04 = South
        05 = South + East
        06 = South + West
        07 = South + West + East
        08 = North
        09 = North + East
        0A = North + West
        0B = North + West + East
        0C = North + South
        0D = North + South + East
        0E = North + South + West
        0F = North + South + West + East]
   ?: [*11 Bytes per Connection*, No connections? Straight to "Object Data"!]
Last: [*2 Bytes*: Pointer to Object Data]

    1) Tileset Numbers

The tileset descriptions are copied from a document compiled by Cartmic,
called "Pokemon Red Documents", which may help you with other stuff too.

Unchanged R/B Locations/Tileset No./Tileset Descriptions
C7BE; 00: "Outside"C7CA; 01: "Ash's House (#1)"
C7D6; 02: "Pokemon Center (#1)"
C7E2; 03: "Viridian Forest"
C7EE; 04: "Ash's House (#2)"
C7FA; 05: "Gym (#1)"
C806; 06: "Pokemon Center (#2)"
C812; 07: "Gym (#2)"
C81E; 08: "House"
C82A; 09: "Museum (#1)"
C836; 0A: "Museum (#2)"
C842; 0B: "Underground Path"
C84E; 0C: "Museum (#3)"
C85A; 0D: "S.S. Anne"
C866; 0E: "Vermilion Port"
C872; 0F: "Pokemon Cemetery"
C87E; 10: "Silph Co."
C88A; 11: "Cave"
C896; 12: "Celadon Mart"
C8A2; 13: "Game Freak HQ"
C8AE; 14: "Lab"
C8BA; 15: "Bike Shop/Cable Center"
C8C6; 16: "Cinnabar Mansion/Power Plant etc"
C8D2; 17: "Indigo Plateau"

NOTE: As you can see there's multiple copies of some tileset headers. They are
literally copies, you only need 1 copy, but you will need to make sure all maps
using that tileset are set to using that tileset number, then you can use the
free space for more tilesets.

    2 & 3) Map Height (Y) & Width (X)

Exactly that, the amount of blocks high and wide the map data is.

    4 & 5) Map Data Pointer

You can use the GoldMap engine for hacking map data quite easily.

The map you walk around on and stuff is stored as block indexes.
A single block consists of 4*4 tiles.

    6 & 7) Pointer to Maps Text Pointers

2 byte pointers to text that is used on that map.

    8 & 9) Pointer to Maps "Script"

ASM used on that map, chances are if there's something on a map you can't find
elsewhere you might easily be able to find it here, using a hex search
function. You can find things like XY positions of Poke Balls and 1-time
only Pokemon.

    10) Connection Byte

 If this value is 00h it is immediately followed by the Object Data
 Pointer, no gap. Repeated list...

 Connection Byte:
    00 = No Connections
    01 = East
    02 = West
    03 = West + East
    04 = South
    05 = South + East
    06 = South + West
    07 = South + West + East
    08 = North
    09 = North + East
    0A = North + West
    0B = North + West + East
    0C = North + South
    0D = North + South + East
    0E = North + South + West
    0F = North + South + West + East

    ?) Connection Data (0-44 bytes, explained in more depth: further down)

    Last) Object Data Pointer

The last thing in the Map Header. It points to a bunch of certain stuff that
is stored in similar structures.

Object Data is discussed at the end of this document.


    *** Hacking Connections ***
    This will certainly require planning, with no background distractions.
    Unless a editor gets built that can hack the connections for RGBY.


The "Connection Byte" determines how many connections are in this space,
including none at all.

    #1: [Map Index of Connected Map]
  #2-3: [Pointer to "Connection Strip"s Upperleft Block (Connected Map)]
  #4-5: [Pointer to "Connection Strip"s Upperleft Block (Current Map)]
    #6: ["Bigness"]
    #7: [Map Width]
    #8: [Y alignment]
    #9: [X alignment]
#10-11: [Window]

PKMN Red Example -- Saffron City (Header: 0x509A4) Diagram:
Saffrons need-to-know stats:

Block Height (Y): 12
 Block Width (X): 14
 Connection Byte: 0F (North + South + West + East)
                      -       -       -      -
 + = current maps border blocks

+++####### My #########+++
WWW####### Name's #####EEE
WWW###### Saffron #####EEE
WWW###### City! #######EEE

Connection to Route 5 (to the North)
              *Y: 12
              *X: 0A
              *X_Movement_of_Connection Strip = 5
       Map Index: 10
Connection Strip: 4668
 Where Connected: C6F0 (C6EB + 5)
       "Bigness": 0A
           Width: 0A
     Y alignment: 23 (12 * 2 - 1)
     X alignment: F6 (5 * -2)
          Window: C809 (C6E9 + (12 * (0A + 6)))

Connection to Route 6 (to the South)
              *Y: 12
              *X: 0A
              *X_Movement_of_Connection Strip = 5
       Map Index: 11
Connection Strip: 4079
 Where Connected: C912 (C6EB + ((12 + 3) * (14 + 6)) + 5)
       "Bigness": 0A
           Width: 0A
     Y alignment: 00
     X alignment: F6 (5 * -2)
          Window: C6F9 (C6EF + 0A)

Connection to Route 7 (to the West)
              *Y: 09
              *X: 0A
              *Y_Movement_of_Connection Strip = 4
       Map Index: 12
Connection Strip: 4058
 Where Connected: C79E (C6E8 + (14 + 6) * (4 + 3))
       "Bigness": 09
           Width: 0A
     Y alignment: F8 (4 * -2)
     X alignment: 13 ((0A * 2) - 1)
          Window: C702 (C6EE + (0A * 2))

Connection to Route 8 (to the East)
              *Y: 09
              *X: 1E
              *Y_Movement_of_Connection Strip = 4
       Map Index: 13
Connection Strip: 41C6
 Where Connected: C7B5 (C6E5 + (14 + 6) * (4 + 4))
       "Bigness": 09
           Width: 1E
     Y alignment: F8 (4 * -2)
     X alignment: 00
          Window: C70D (C6EF + 1E)

    #1 : Map Indexes

Not included! Download UltraMap, the text file known as "RedEnglish.ini"
contains all the Map Indexes in decimal for R/B, which you'll obviously need
to convert to hex.

 #2-#3 : "Connection Strip" Location

The "connection strip" pointer -- points to the area of the connected map that
is visible when standing before you even enter it. Points to the upperleft
block of the "connection strip".
      * connection strip is always 3 blocks wide (E/W connection)
                                   3 blocks high (N/S connection)

 #4-#5 : Current Map Position

This points to the part of the current map (further up in RAM)
that the connection strips upperleft block is placed on the current map.

Connection |
Direction  | Formula

     North: C6EB + X_Movement_of_Connection Strip

     South: C6EB + (Height of Map + 3) * (Width of Map + 6) +
                   X_Movement_of_Connection Strip

      West: C6E8 + (Width of Map + 6) * (Y_Movement_of_"Connection Strip" + 3)

      East: C6E5 + (Width of Map + 6) * (Y_Movement_of_"Connection Strip" + 4)

    #6 : Map "Bigness"

North/South Connection = Connected Maps Width
East/West Connection = Connected Maps Height

    #7 : Map Width

The width of the connected map.

    #8 : Y alignment

Relative Y-position of player after entering connected map.

Connection |
Direction  | Formula
     North: (Height_of_connected_map * 2) - 1
     South: 0
 West/East: (Y_movement_of_connection_strip_in_blocks * -2)

    #9 : X alignment

Relative X-Position of player after entering connected map.

Connection |
Direction  | Formula
North/South: (X_movement_of_connection_strip_in_blocks * -2)
       West: (Width_of_connected_map * 2) - 1
       East: 0

#10-#11 : Window

Position of the upper left block after entering the Map.

Connection |
Direction  | Formula
     Above: C6E9h + Height_of_connected_map * (Width_of_connected_map + 6)
South/East: C6EFh + Width_of_connected_map
      West: C6EEh + 2 * Width_of_connected_map


    Object Data: General Structure


Object Data
[Maps Border Tile]
[Number of Warps][Warp Data]
[Number of Signs][Sign Data]
[Number of People/Trainers/Items]
[People Data]
[Trainer Data]
[Item Data]
[Warp-To Data]

[Y position][X position][Warp-To Point][Warp-To Map]

[Y position][X position][Text String Number]

Normal People:
[Picture Number][Y position + 4][X position + 4]
[Movement 1][Movement 2][Text String Number]

[Picture Number][Y position + 4][X position + 4]
[Movement 1][Movement 2][Text String Number]
[Trainer Type][Pokemon Set]

[Picture Number][Y position + 4][X position + 4]
[Movement 1][Movement 2][Text String Number]
[Item Number]

Warp-To Points
[*2 Bytes*: Event Displacement][Y position][X position]

Event Displacement Formula:
C6E3 +  ((Map width + 8) * (rows above + 1))  + (X movement + 4)
