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A listing of useful links for ROM Hacking resources.
Utilities and Level Editors
- Zophar's Domain -- Nice Listing of various level editing and sprite editing utilities. Even more can be found here.
- Acmlm's ROM Hack Domain -- Nice site with a decent list of level editors and hacking utilities. Some home brew editors available here too.
ROM Hacks
- Zophar's Domain -- Excellent directory of various ROM Hacks for several different systems.
- Acmlm's ROM Hack Domain -- Good number of ROM Hacks listed here as well.
- BR Games - Tradução de Roms -- Brazilian center group translations.
- The Whirlpool -- Database of Translations including patches and reviews. Covers just about every system under the sun.
- TodoTradus -- Database of Translations in the Spanish language. (Site missing as of 7/5/06)
- ROMhacking.net -- The New Central Hub of the ROMhacking Community. Community News, 200 Documents, 300 Utilities, 100 ROM hacks, 700 Translations and growing daily.
- Shadowtroid's Site -- A nice place for fans of the Metroid series. Has a only few hacks, though.
ROM Specific Databases
- SMWiki -- An aspiring source for all information on Super Mario World, especially on how to hack it!