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Upload log
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Below is a list of the most recent file uploads. See the gallery of new files for a more visual overview.
- 16:36, 18 November 2005 Dan talk contribs uploaded File:Megaman2.png (Screenshot of Mega Man 2, for the NES.)
- 16:35, 18 November 2005 Dan talk contribs uploaded File:MCKids.png (Screenshot of M.C. Kids for the NES.)
- 16:33, 18 November 2005 Dan talk contribs uploaded File:ZeldaII.png (Screenshot of Zelda II - The Adventure of Link, for the NES.)
- 16:32, 18 November 2005 Dan talk contribs uploaded File:LegendOfZelda.png (Screenshot of Legend of Zelda for the NES.)
- 16:31, 18 November 2005 Dan talk contribs uploaded File:GhostbustersII.png (Screenshot of Ghostbusters II, for the NES.)
- 16:19, 18 November 2005 Dan talk contribs uploaded File:FinalFantasyIII.png (Screenshot of Final Fantasy III, for the NES.)
- 16:15, 18 November 2005 Dan talk contribs uploaded File:FinalFantasyII.png (Screenshot of Final Fantasy II, for the NES.)
- 16:12, 18 November 2005 Dan talk contribs uploaded File:FieldCombat.png (Screenshot of Field Combat, for the NES.)
- 16:09, 18 November 2005 Dan talk contribs uploaded File:ElevatorAction.png (Screenshot of Elevator Action, for the NES.)
- 16:06, 18 November 2005 Dan talk contribs uploaded File:EarthboundZero.png (Screenshot of Earthbound Zero, for the NES.)
- 16:00, 18 November 2005 Dan talk contribs uploaded File:CastlevaniaIII.png (Screenshot of Castlevania III, for the NES.)
- 15:58, 18 November 2005 Dan talk contribs uploaded File:SimonsQuest.png (Screenshot of Castlevania II - Simon's Quest for the NES.)
- 15:50, 18 November 2005 Dan talk contribs uploaded File:SolomonsKey.png (Screenshot of Solomon's Key, for the NES.)
- 15:43, 18 November 2005 Dan talk contribs uploaded File:Rygar.png (Screenshot of Rygar, for the NES.)
- 15:38, 18 November 2005 Dan talk contribs uploaded File:Metroid.png (Screenshot of Metroid, for the NES.)
- 02:46, 17 November 2005 Yauch talk contribs uploaded File:Elmat2.gif
- 02:45, 17 November 2005 Yauch talk contribs uploaded File:Elmat1.gif
- 14:45, 14 November 2005 Dan talk contribs uploaded File:BubbleBobble.png (Screenshot of Bubble Bobble for the NES.)
- 03:47, 14 November 2005 TheEmulatorGuy talk contribs uploaded File:Bladesofsteel.png
- 03:30, 14 November 2005 TheEmulatorGuy talk contribs uploaded File:Blackjack.png
- 19:00, 13 November 2005 Dan talk contribs uploaded File:BalloonFight.png (Screenshot of Balloon Fight, for the NES.)
- 23:34, 12 November 2005 TheEmulatorGuy talk contribs uploaded File:Microchip3.png (Testing)
- 23:33, 12 November 2005 TheEmulatorGuy talk contribs uploaded File:Microchip2.png (Testing)
- 23:27, 12 November 2005 TheEmulatorGuy talk contribs uploaded File:Microchip.png (Obtained from http://www.openclipart.org - file can be used in any way.)
- 22:33, 12 November 2005 Dan talk contribs uploaded File:KidIcarus.png (A screenshot of Kid Icarus, for the NES.)
- 22:28, 12 November 2005 Dan talk contribs uploaded File:Gunsmoke.png (A screenshot of Gun.Smoke for the NES.)
- 22:24, 12 November 2005 Dan talk contribs uploaded File:GooniesII.png (Screenshot of Goonies II for the NES.)
- 22:00, 12 November 2005 Dan talk contribs uploaded File:GhostsnGoblins.png (Screenshot of Ghosts 'n Goblins for the NES.)
- 21:54, 12 November 2005 Dan talk contribs uploaded File:BugsBunnyCrazyCastle.png (Screenshot of The Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle, for the NES.)
- 21:44, 12 November 2005 Dan talk contribs uploaded File:BackToTheFuture.png (Screenshot of Back to the Future for the NES.)
- 20:37, 12 November 2005 TheEmulatorGuy talk contribs uploaded File:Bionic Commando.png
- 20:36, 12 November 2005 TheEmulatorGuy talk contribs uploaded File:Bionic Commando.jpg
- 17:23, 12 November 2005 Dan talk contribs uploaded File:BlasterMaster.png (A screenshot of Blaster Master for the NES.)
- 17:17, 12 November 2005 Dan talk contribs uploaded File:Arkanoid.png (Screenshot of Arkanoid, for the NES.)
- 15:28, 12 November 2005 Dan talk contribs uploaded File:BoulderDash.png (A screenshot of Boulder Dash for the NES.)
- 15:25, 12 November 2005 Dan talk contribs uploaded File:WreckingCrew.png (A screenshot of Wrecking Crew for the NES.)
- 15:17, 12 November 2005 Dan talk contribs uploaded File:PacmanNES.png (A screenshot of Pac-man for the NES.)
- 15:14, 12 November 2005 Dan talk contribs uploaded File:TMNT.png (A screenshot of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, for the NES.)
- 15:07, 12 November 2005 Dan talk contribs uploaded File:SMB2.png (A screenshot of Super Mario Bros. 2 for the NES.)
- 14:10, 12 November 2005 Dan talk contribs uploaded File:RushnAttack.png (Screenshot of Rush'n Attack for the NES.)
- 14:05, 12 November 2005 Dan talk contribs uploaded File:Castlevania.png (Screenshot of Castlevania for the NES.)
- 13:58, 12 November 2005 Dan talk contribs uploaded File:BattleCity.png (Battle City for the NES.)
- 12:18, 7 November 2005 Dan talk contribs uploaded File:MegaMan.png (A screenshot of Mega Man for the NES.)
- 12:03, 7 November 2005 Dan talk contribs uploaded File:MsPacman.png (A screenshot of Ms Pacman for the NES.)
- 00:50, 6 November 2005 TheEmulatorGuy talk contribs uploaded File:Astyanax.jpg
- 00:37, 6 November 2005 TheEmulatorGuy talk contribs uploaded File:Final Fantasy I.jpg
- 00:29, 6 November 2005 TheEmulatorGuy talk contribs uploaded File:Super Mario Bros.png (Screenshot courtesy Wikipedia.)
- 20:30, 22 October 2005 Smallhacker talk contribs uploaded File:LunarMagic.PNG (Screenshot of the level editor in Lunar Magic.)
- 06:53, 4 October 2005 Gau talk contribs uploaded File:Wiki.jpg
- 01:34, 3 October 2005 Mr. Tenda talk contribs uploaded File:Hatquesttheater.png (A screenshot from the hack Hat Quest, taken in front of the Movie Theater, an edited version of the Chaos Theater. )