Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town/RAM map: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 02:41, 24 January 2024

Chip tiny.png The following article is a RAM map for Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town.

Note: The RAM addresses have 2 stages. This is that the same code can be in different places if certain conditions are presented, note that this does not affect the value at all, only the where the address is located. The conditions are whether you have saved in-game & reload the game from there or not:

Stage 1 = Never load the game with battery (Save States are ok)
Stage 2 = Loaded the game with battery = (Stage 1 + 2834 hex)

BTW, for simplicity, all addresses right now are for Stage 1 only...

Changing Names

  • 020025EC - Farm Name
  • 02002608 - Horse Name
  • 02002A0C - Chicken #1 Name
  • 02002A3C - Chicken #2 Name
  • 02002A6C - Chicken #3 Name
  • 02002A9C - Chicken #4 Name
  • 02002ACC - Chicken #5 Name
  • 02002AFC - Chicken #6 Name
  • 02002B2C - Chicken #7 Name
  • 02002B5C - Chicken #8 Name
  • 02002C00 - Barn Animal #1 Name
  • 02002C3C - Barn Animal #2 Name
  • 02002C78 - Barn Animal #3 Name
  • 02002CB4 - Barn Animal #4 Name
  • 02002CF0 - Barn Animal #5 Name
  • 02002D2C - Barn Animal #6 Name
  • 02002D68 - Barn Animal #7 Name
  • 02002DA4 - Barn Animal #8 Name
  • 02002DE0 - Barn Animal #9 Name
  • 02002E1C - Barn Animal #10 Name
  • 02002E58 - Barn Animal #11 Name
  • 02002E94 - Barn Animal #12 Name
  • 02002ED0 - Barn Animal #13 Name
  • 02002F0C - Barn Animal #14 Name
  • 02002F48 - Barn Animal #15 Name
  • 02002F84 - Barn Animal #16 Name
  • 020041B0 - Farmer Name (you)
  • 020041C0 - Farmer's Nickname (when married)
  • 02004250 - Dog's Name
  • 020042C4 - Your child's name
  • 020047C8 - AWL Farmer (when connecting game with AWL)
  • 020047D8 - AWL Farmer's child name
  • 020047B8 - AWL Farm Name

Each name has a space for 12 characters at most. They are stored as Big Endian, splat in series of 4 characters (32 bits). Example, the word Harvester, you separate it in groups of 4 letters from left to right. If there's space for more letters just fill them with 00. Put each letter in the value.


H  a  r  v      e  s  t  e      r END END END

48 61 72 76 65 73 74 65 72 00 00 00

Then you change the order of the letters, beginning with the 4th and ending with the 1st letter.

v  r  a  H      e  t  s  e    END END END   r

76 72 61 48 65 74 73 65 00 00 00 72

Text Table

Hex Result
00 ENDS the name
20 space
21 !
22 "
23 #
24 $
25 %
26 &
27 '
28 (
29 )
2A *
2B +
2C ,
2D -
2E .
2F /
30 0
31 1
32 2
33 3
34 4
35 5
36 6
37 7
38 8
39 9
3A :
3B ;
3C <
3D =
3E >
3F ?
40 @
41 A
42 B
43 C
44 D
45 E
46 F
47 G
48 H
49 I
4A J
4B K
4C L
4D M
4E N
4F O
50 P
51 Q
52 R
53 S
54 T
55 U
56 V
57 W
58 X
59 Y
5A Z
5B [
5C ¥
5D ]
5E ^
5F _
60 ´
61 a
62 b
63 c
64 d
65 e
66 f
67 g
68 h
69 i
6A j
6B k
6C l
6D m
6E n
6F o
70 p
71 q
72 r
73 s
74 t
75 u
76 v
77 w
78 x
79 y
7A z
7B {
7C pipe
7D }
7E ¯
A2 Opening Board
A3 Closing Board
A5 ·
B1 Women's Symbol
B2 Men's Symbol
B3 Musical Note
B4 Heart
B6 White Star
B7 Black Star


00 Turnip Moon Drop Grass Sickle
01 Potato Pink Cat Grass Copper Sickle
02 Cucumber Blue Magic Grass Silver Sickle
03 Strawberry Red Magic Grass Gold Sickle
04 Cabbage Toy Flower Mystrile Sickle
05 Tomato Wool (S) Cursed Sickle
06 Corn Wool (M) Blessed Sickle
07 Onion Wool (L) Mythic Sickle
08 Pumpkin Wool (G) Hoe
09 Pineapple Wool (P) Copper Hoe
0A Eggplant Wool (X) Silver Hoe
0B Carrot Yarn (S) Gold Hoe
0C Sweet Potato Yarn (M) Mystrile Hoe
0D Spinach Yarn (L) Cursed Hoe
0E Green Pepper Yarn (G) Blessed Hoe
0F Regular Quality Egg Yarn (P) Mythic Hoe
10 Good Quality Egg Yarn (X) Axe
11 High Quality Egg Junk Ore Copper Axe
12 Golden Egg Copper Ore Silver Axe
13 P Egg Silver Ore Gold Axe
14 X Egg Gold Ore Mystrile Axe
15 Spa-Boiled Egg Mystrile Ore Cursed Axe
16 Mayonnaise (S) Orichalc Ore Blessed Axe
17 Mayonnaise (M) Adamantite Ore Mythic Axe
18 Mayonnaise (L) Moon Stone Hammer
19 Mayonnaise (G) Sand Rose Copper Hammer
1A Mayonnaise (P) Pink Diamond Silver Hammer
1B Mayonnaise (X) Alexandrite Gold Hammer
1C Milk (S) Mythic Stone Mystrile Hammer
1D Milk (M) Diamond Cursed Hammer
1E Milk (L) Emerald Blessed Hammer
1F Milk (G) Ruby Mythic Hammer
20 Milk (P) Topaz Watering Can
21 Milk (X) Peridot Copper Watering Can
22 Cheese (S) Fluorite Silver Watering Can
23 Cheese (M) Agate Gold Watering Can
24 Cheese (L) Amethyst Mystrile Watering Can
25 Cheese (G) Harvest Goddess Jewel Cursed Watering Can
26 Cheese (P) Kappa Jewel Blessed Watering Can
27 Cheese (X) Jewel of Truth Mythic Watering Can
28 Apple Spring Sun Fishing Rod
29 Honey Summer Sun Copper Fishing Rod
2A Bamboo Shoot Autumn Sun Silver Fishing Rod
2B Wild Grapes Winter Sun Gold Fishing Rod
2C Mushroom Bracelet Mystrile Fishing Rod
2D Poisonous Mushroom Necklace Cursed Fishing Rod
2E Truffle Earrings Blessed Fishing Rod
2F Blue Grass Broach Mythic Fishing Rod
30 Green Grass Weeds Cow Miracle Potion
31 Red Grass Stones Sheep Miracle Potion
32 Yellow Grass Branches Turnip Seeds
33 Orange Grass Recipe for French Fries Potato Seeds
34 Purple Grass Recipe for Ketchup Cucumber Seeds
35 Indigo Grass Ball Strawberry Seeds
36 Black Grass Pirate Treasure Cabbage Seeds
37 White Grass Fossil of Ancient Fish Tomato Seeds
38 Queen of the Night Empty Can Corn Seeds
39 Bodigizer Boots Onion Seeds
3A Bodigizer XL Fish Bones Pumpkin Seeds
3B Turbojolt Karen's Wine Pineapple Seeds
3C Turbojolt XL Popuri's Mud Ball Eggplant Seeds
3D Wine Ann's Music Box Carrot Seeds
3E Grape Juice Mary's Great Book Sweet Potato Seeds
3F Rice Ball Elli's Pressed Flower Spinach Seeds
40 Bread Album 1 Green Pepper Seeds
41 Oil Album 2 Grass Seeds
42 Flour Album 3 Moon Drop Seeds
43 Curry Powder Album 4 Pink Cat Seeds
44 Muffin Mix Album 5 Magic Seeds
45 Chocolate Album 6 Toy Flower Seeds
46 Relaxation Tea Leaves Album 7 Brush
47 SUGDW Apple Album 8 Milker
48 HMSGB Apple Album 9 Shears
49 AEPFE Apple Album 10 Bell
4A Buckwheat Flour Album 11 Animal Medicine
4B Wild Grape Wine Album 12 Blue Feather
4C Salad Album 13 Pedometer
4D Curry Rice Album 14 Teleport Stone
4E Stew Album 15 Gem of the Goddess
4F Miso Soup Band-Aid Gem of the Kappa
50 Stir Fry Book from H.G. Gem of the Truth
51 Fried Rice Perfume
52 Savory Pancake Photo
53 Sandwich Plant Encyclopedia
54 Fruit Juice Invitation
55 Vegetable Juice Dress
56 Mixed Juice Facial Pack
57 Fruit Latte Skin Lotion
58 Vegetable Latte Sunblock
59 Mixed Latte Lumber
5A Strawberry Smoothie Golden Lumber
5B Strawberry Jam Animal Fodder
5C Tomato Juice Chicken Feed
5D Pickled Turnip Certificate of R-P-S
5E French Fries Frisbee
5F Pickles
60 Ketchup
61 Popcorn
62 Corn Flakes
63 Baked Corn
64 Pineapple Juice
65 Pumpkin Pudding
66 Pumpkin Stew
67 Happy Eggplant
68 Sweet Potatoes
69 Baked Sweet Potato
6A Greens
6B Scrambled Eggs
6C Omelet
6D Omelet Rice
6E Boiled Egg
6F Hot Milk
70 Butter
71 Cheese Cake
72 Cheese Fondue
73 Apple Pie
74 Apple Jam
75 Apple Soufflé
76 Mushroom Rice
77 Bamboo Rice
78 Truffle Rice
79 Sushi
7A Jam Bun
7B Dinner Roll
7C Raisin Bread
7D Grape Jam
7E Curry Bread
7F Sashimi
80 Grilled Fish
81 Sashimi Mix
82 Pizza
83 Noodles
84 Curry Noodles
85 Tempura Noodles
86 Fried Noodles
87 Buckwheat Noodles
88 Tempura Buckwheat Noodle
89 Fried Noodles
8A Buckwheat Chips
8B Cookies
8C Chocolate Cookies
8D Tempura
8E Ice Cream
8F Cake
90 Chocolate Cake
91 Relaxation Tea
92 Toast
93 French Toast
94 Pudding
95 Mountain Stew
96 Moon Dumplings
97 Rice Cake
98 Roasted Rice Cake
99 Elli Leaves
9A Failure (1)
9B Failure (2)
9C Failure (3)
9D Failure (4)
9E Failure (5)
9F Failure (6)
A0 Small Fish
A1 Medium Fish
A2 Large Fish
A3 Toasted Rice Ball
A4 Tempura Rice
A5 Egg Over Rice
A6 Rice Gruel
A7 Pancakes
A8 Fish Sticks
A9 Candied Potato
AA Potato Pancakes

Changing Houses

  • 020025D8 - Mountain, Town & Seaside Cottages
  • 020027XX - Upgrades in the farm house
    • CC - House upgrades + Mail, Windows, Dog House
    • CD - Bathroom, Refrigerator, Shelf, Record Player, Vase, Carpet
    • CE - What's inside the Vase
    • CF - Mirror, Clock, Sock
    • D0 - Fireplace lighted, Kitchen
    • D1 - Utensils
    • D2 - ?
    • D3 - ?

Time, Season & Weather

  • 020025E0 - Weather
  • 020025E4 - Tomorrow's weather
  • 020025E8 - Year
  • 020025E9 - Day
  • 020025EA - Hours
  • 020025EB - Minutes


  • 02004324 - Lillia
  • 02004338 - Rick
  • 02004364 - Barley
  • 02004378 - May
  • 0200438C - Saibara
  • 020043A4 - Gray
  • 020043B8 - Duke
  • 020043CC - Manna
  • 020043E0 - Basil
  • 020043F4 - Anna
  • 02004420 - Thomas
  • 02004434 - Harris
  • 02004448 - Ellen
  • 0200445C - Stu
  • 02004470 - Jeff
  • 02004484 - Sasha
  • 020044B0 - Doctor
  • 020044DC - Carter
  • 020044F0 - Cliff
  • 02004504 - Doug
  • 02004530 - Kai
  • 02004544 - Gotz
  • 0200455C - Zack
  • 02004570 - Won
  • 020045C4 - Lou (Ban)
  • 020045DC - Lu (Rubi)
  • 020045F0 - Staid
  • 02004614 - Nappy
  • 02004638 - Bold
  • 0200465C - Chef
  • 02004680 - Aqua
  • 020046A4 - Hoggy
  • 020046C8 - Timid
  • 02004358 - Popuri (2 bytes)
  • 02004414 - Mary (2 bytes)
  • 020044A4 - Karen (2 bytes)
  • 020044D0 - Elli (2 bytes)
  • 02004524 - Ann (2 bytes)
  • 020045A4 - Goddess (2 bytes)

Harvest Sprites

Days working Harvesting, Watering or doing Animal Husbandry

  • 02004602 - Staid
  • 02004626 - Nappy
  • 0200464A - Bold
  • 0200466E - Chef
  • 02004692 - Aqua
  • 020046B6 - Hoggy
  • 020046DA - Timid

Work experience

  • 020045FC - Staid (Harvesting)
  • 020045FD - Staid (Watering)
  • 020045FE - Staid (Animal Husbandry)
  • 02004620 - Nappy (Harvesting)
  • 02004621 - Nappy (Watering)
  • 02004622 - Nappy (Animal Husbandry)
  • 02004644 - Bold (Harvesting)
  • 02004645 - Bold (Watering)
  • 02004646 - Bold (Animal Husbandry)
  • 02004668 - Chef (Harvesting)
  • 02004669 - Chef (Watering)
  • 0200466A - Chef (Animal Husbandry)
  • 0200468C - Aqua (Harvesting)
  • 0200468D - Aqua (Watering)
  • 0200468E - Aqua (Animal Husbandry)
  • 020046B0 - Hoggy (Harvesting)
  • 020046B1 - Hoggy (Watering)
  • 020046B2 - Hoggy (Animal Husbandry)
  • 020046D4 - Timid (Harvesting)
  • 020046D5 - Timid (Watering)
  • 020046D6 - Timid (Animal Husbandry)

Shipping Items

These addresses are 32 bytes long. The MSB has to be either 0 or 8, depending if you want it on the list or not. Then the quantity of shipped items...

  • 02002630 - Turnip
  • 02002634 - Potato
  • 02002638 - Cucumber
  • 0200263C - Cabbage
  • 02002640 - Strawberries
  • 02002644 - Tomato
  • 02002648 - Corn
  • 0200264C - Onion
  • 02002650 - Pineapple
  • 02002654 - Pumpkin
  • 02002658 - Eggplant
  • 0200265C - Carrot
  • 02002660 - Sweet Potato
  • 02002664 - Green Pepper
  • 02002668 - Spinach
  • 0200266C - Regular Quality Egg
  • 02002670 - Good Quality Egg
  • 02002674 - High Quality Egg
  • 02002678 - Golden Egg
  • 0200267C - P Egg
  • 02002680 - X Egg
  • 02002684 - Spa-Boiled Egg
  • 02002688 - Mayonnaise (s)
  • 0200268C - Mayonnaise (m)
  • 02002690 - Mayonnaise (l)
  • 02002694 - Mayonnaise (g)
  • 02002698 - Mayonnaise (p)
  • 0200269C - Mayonnaise (x)
  • 020026A0 - Milk (s)
  • 020026A4 - Milk (m)
  • 020026A8 - Milk (l)
  • 020026AC - Milk (g)
  • 020026B0 - Milk (p)
  • 020026B4 - Milk (x)
  • 020026B8 - Cheese (s)
  • 020026BC - Cheese (m)
  • 020026C0 - Cheese (l)
  • 020026C4 - Cheese (g)
  • 020026C8 - Cheese (p)
  • 020026CC - Cheese (x)
  • 020026D0 - Apple
  • 020026D4 - SUGDW Apple
  • 020026D8 - HMSGB Apple
  • 020026DC - AEPFE Apple
  • 020026E0 - Honey
  • 020026E4 - Bamboo Shoots
  • 020026E8 - Wild Grapes
  • 020026EC - Mushroom
  • 020026F0 - Poisonous Mushroom
  • 020026F4 - Truffle
  • 020026F8 - Blue Grass
  • 020026FC - Green Grass
  • 02002700 - Red Grass
  • 02002704 - Yellow Grass
  • 02002708 - Orange Grass
  • 0200270C - Purple Grass
  • 02002710 - Indigo Grass
  • 02002714 - Black Grass
  • 02002718 - White Grass
  • 0200271C - Chocolate
  • 02002720 - Relax Tea Leaves
  • 02002724 - Small Fish
  • 02002728 - Medium Fish
  • 0200272C - Large Fish
  • 02002730 - Pirate Treasure
  • 02002734 - Fossil of Fish
  • 02002738 - Red Magic Grass
  • 0200273C - Wool (s)
  • 02002740 - Wool (m)
  • 02002744 - Wool (l)
  • 02002748 - Wool (g)
  • 0200274C - Wool (p)
  • 02002750 - Wool (x)
  • 02002754 - Yarn (s)
  • 02002758 - Yarn (m)
  • 0200275C - Yarn (l)
  • 02002760 - Yarn (g)
  • 02002764 - Yarn (p)
  • 02002768 - Yarn (x)
  • 0200276C - Bracelet
  • 02002770 - Necklace
  • 02002774 - Earrings
  • 02002778 - Broach
  • 0200277C - Junk ore
  • 02002780 - Copper
  • 02002784 - Silver
  • 02002788 - Gold
  • 0200278C - Mystrile
  • 02002790 - Orichalc
  • 02002794 - Adamantite
  • 02002798 - Mythic Stone
  • 0200279C - Pink Diamond
  • 020027A0 - Alexandrite
  • 020027A4 - Moon Stone
  • 020027A8 - Sand Rose
  • 020027AC - Diamond
  • 020027B0 - Emerald
  • 020027B4 - Ruby
  • 020027B8 - Topaz
  • 020027BC - Peridot
  • 020027C0 - Fluorite
  • 020027C4 - Agate
  • 020027C8 - Amethys

Other addresses

  • 02004080 - Money (4 bytes)
  • 020065AC - Horse Race Medals (2 bytes)
  • 02004274 - Frisbee Record (2 bytes)
  • 020047A1 - Confessed flag
  • 020025FC - The amount of boards (12 bits)

Starts in the upper nibble of 020025FC, i.e. to set the board amount to 1023(FFF) you'd set 020025FC to 0F and 020025FD to FF.

For more addresses and their explanation, you can visit: [1]