The 7th Saga/RAM map: Difference between revisions

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Line 3: Line 3:
Offset  |  Len  | Description
Offset  |  Len  | Description
0x7E1DC1 |    1 | PC 1 ?????
0x7E1DC2 |    2 | PC 1 level
0x7E1DC4 |    2 | PC 1 cur HP
0x7E1DC4 |    2 | PC 1 cur HP
0x7E1DC6 |    2 | PC 1 max HP
0x7E1DC8 |    2 | PC 1 cur MP
0x7E1DCA |    2 | PC 1 max HP
0x7E1DCC |    2 | PC 1 Power
0x7E1DCE |    1 | PC 1 Magic
0x7E1DCF |    1 | PC 1 Speed
0x7E4C00 |    1 | Inventory slot 1 item type
0x7E4C00 |    1 | Inventory slot 1 item type
0x7E4C01 |    1 | Inventory slot 1 item quantity
0x7E4C01 |    1 | Inventory slot 1 item quantity

Revision as of 17:27, 22 June 2018


	Offset   |  Len  | Description
	0x7E1DC1 |     1 | PC 1 ?????
	0x7E1DC2 |     2 | PC 1 level
	0x7E1DC4 |     2 | PC 1 cur HP
	0x7E1DC6 |     2 | PC 1 max HP
	0x7E1DC8 |     2 | PC 1 cur MP
	0x7E1DCA |     2 | PC 1 max HP
	0x7E1DCC |     2 | PC 1 Power
	0x7E1DCE |     1 | PC 1 Magic
	0x7E1DCF |     1 | PC 1 Speed
	0x7E4C00 |     1 | Inventory slot 1 item type
	0x7E4C01 |     1 | Inventory slot 1 item quantity
	0x7E4C02 |   254 | Inventory slots 2-128


File Structure (0x2000 = 8192 bytes)

	Offset | Len  | Description
	0x0000 |    2 | Checksum using 16-bit XOR
	0x0002 |  510 | Unused
	0x0200 | 1280 | Save Slot 1
	0x0700 | 1280 | Save Slot 2
	0x0C00 | 1280 | Save Slot 1
	0x1100 | 1280 | Save Slot 1 (Identical contents to 0x200-0x6FF)
	0x1600 | 1280 | Save Slot 2 (Identical contents to 0x700-0xBFF)
	0x1B00 | 1280 | Save Slot 3 (Identical contents to 0xC00-0x10FF)

Save Slot Structure (0x500 = 1280 bytes)

	Offset | Len | Description
	0x0005 |   1 | Number of times saved?
	0x0021 |   1 | 1st PC's ?????
	0x0022 |   2 | 1st PC's level
	0x0024 |   2 | 1st PC's cur HP
	0x0026 |   2 | 1st PC's max HP
	0x0028 |   2 | 1st PC's cur MP
	0x002A |   2 | 1st PC's max MP
	0x002C |   2 | 1st PC's Power
	0x002E |   2 | 1st PC's Magic
	0x0030 |   1 | 1st PC's Speed
	0x0031 |   1 | 1st PC's ?????
	0x0032 |   1 | 1st PC's weapon slot
	0x0033 |   1 | 1st PC's armor/clock/robe slot
	0x0034 |   1 | 1st PC's accessory/helmet/shield slot
	0x0035 |   3 | 1st PC's XP plus 30
	0x0038 |   3 | 1st PC's Gold plus 27
	0x0050 |   1 | 2nd PC's ?????
	0x0051 |  47 | 2nd PC's data (identical to 1st PC)
	0x0080 |   1 | Inventory slot 1 item type
	0x0081 |   1 | Inventory slot 1 item quantity
	0x0082 | 254 | Inventory slots 2 through 128
	0x0180 | 256 | Unused(00)?
	0x0280 | 126 | Quest flags?
	0x03FE |   2 | Checksum using 16-bit XOR

Default for 0x0002-0x10FF is 0xFF.  Default for 0x1100-1FFF is 0x00.  Unused areas generally follow this pattern.