Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls/Notes: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎Bitfields and IDs: Making the hex indicators match up)
Line 173: Line 173:
  '''0x8-0xB''': Purchase Cost
  '''0x8-0xB''': Purchase Cost
  '''0xC-0xF''': Sale Price
  '''0xC-0xF''': Sale Price
'''''Item In-Battle Spell Table'''''
0x226EA2 — 0x226EF9
Defines the spell to be cast for every consumable item when it is used in battle.
Normal items like Potions and Ethers take effect in this way as well.

Line 224: Line 233:
  '''0x14-17''': Purchase Cost
  '''0x14-17''': Purchase Cost
  '''0x18-1B''': Sale Price
  '''0x18-1B''': Sale Price

Revision as of 17:39, 4 June 2017

Chip tiny.png The following article is a Notes Page for Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls.

Bitfields and IDs


Class Equip Bits

0x01 Knight/Paladin
0x02 Thief/Ninja
0x04 Monk/Master
0x08 Red Mage/Wizard
0x10 White Mage/Wizard
0x20 Black Mage/Wizard

Element Bits

0x01 Paralysis
0x02 Stone
0x04 Time
0x08 Death
0x10 Fire
0x20 Ice
0x40 Lightning
0x80 Quake
0x100 Poison
0x200 Darkness
0x400 Sleep
0x800 Silence
0x1000 Confuse
0x2000 Mind

Status Effect Bits

0x01 Death
0x02 Stone
0x04 Poison
0x08 Blind
0x10 Stun
0x20 Sleep
0x40 Silence
0x80 Confusion

Monster Family Bits

0x01 Magical
0x02 Dragon
0x04 Giant
0x08 Undead
0x10 Werebeast
0x20 Aquatic
0x40 Spellcaster
0x80 Regenerating


Targeting IDs

$00 Automatic
$01 All Enemies
$02 One Enemy
$04 User
$08 All Allies
$10 One Ally

Spell Type IDs

$00 Warp/Exit
$01 Damage
$02 Damage (Undead targets only)
$03 Inflict negative status
$04 Hit Multiplier down
$05 Morale down
$06 (Unused)
$07 Healing
$08 Cure negative status
$09 Defense up
$0A Grant elemental resistance
$0B Attack, Hit Rate up
$0C Hit Multiplier up
$0D Attack up
$0E Evade down
$0F HP Max
$10 Evade up
$11 Nullify resistances
$12 Inflict status (<300HP = 100% accuracy)
$13 Heal Fixed HP or MP
	Heals HP, MP or both equal to the spell's Power 1.
	Power 2 determines which to heal:
		$01 - HP
		$02 - MP
		$03 - Both
$14 Max HP up
$15 Max MP up
$16 Hit Rate up
$17 Damage = Power 1

Item Effect IDs

$00 Sleep/Tent/Cottage effect
$01 Max HP up by Power*10
$02 Max MP up by Power
$03 Strength up by [1..Power]
$04 Stamina up by [1..Power]
$05 Intellect up by [1..Power]
$06 Agility up by [1..Power]
$07 Luck up by [1..Power]
$08 Giant Tonic
$09 Faerie Tonic
$0A Strength Tonic
$0B Protect Drink
$0C Speed Drink
$0D Restore HP
$0E Restore MP
$0F Elixir/Megalixir (0 or 1)
$10 Phoenix Down
$11 Remedy
$12 Use (Power)th Spell effect

Battle Background IDs

$00 Fields
$01 Badlands
$02 Forest
$03 Burned Forest
$04 Deep Forest
$05 River
$06 Waterfall
$07 Lake
$08 Swamp
$09 Marsh
$0A Desert
$0B Ship
$0C Earth Cave
$0D Earth Cave Altar
$0E Sunken Shrine
$0F Sunken Shrine Altar
$10 Chaos Shrine
$11 Chaos Temple
$12 Chaos
$13 Giant's Cave
$14 Mt. Gulg
$15 Mt. Gulg Altar
$16 Ice Cave
$17 Citadel of Trials
$18 Mirage Tower
$19 Waterfall Cave
$1A Castle
$1B Marsh Cave
$1C Floating Fortress
$1D Floating Fortress Altar
$1E City
$1F Lava Shrine
$20 Dark Woods
$21 Sunset Plains
$22 Sunset Lake
$23 Sunset Forest
$24 Sunset Desert
$25 Sunset Marsh
$26 Sunset Swamp

ROM Data Formats

Items, Weapons and Armor Data

Item Data Table

0x19F07C — 0x19F33B


0x0-0x1: Sorting Order
0x2: Item Effect
0x3: Targeting
0x4: Usage
$1 Field
$2 Battle
$4 Anytime
0x5: Animation (PC Casters only; monsters use Spell ID as index)
0x6-0x7: Power
0x8-0xB: Purchase Cost
0xC-0xF: Sale Price

Item In-Battle Spell Table

0x226EA2 — 0x226EF9


Defines the spell to be cast for every consumable item when it is used in battle.
Normal items like Potions and Ethers take effect in this way as well.

Weapon Data Table

0x19F33C — 0x19FA75


0x00-0x01: Sorting Order
0x02: Who Equips (Base classes)
0x03: Who Equips (Advanced classes)
0x04: Attack
0x05: Accuracy
0x06: Evade
0x07: Spell cast when used
0x08-09: Elemental infusion
0x0A: Monster Family effectiveness
0x0B: Strength Modifier
0x0C: Stamina Modifier
0x0D: Agility Modifier
0x0E: Intellect Modifier
0x0F: Critical Rate (chance out of 200)
0x10: HP Boost (%)
0x11: MP Boost (%)
0x12-13: [Unused]
0x14-17: Purchase Cost
0x18-1B: Sale Price

Armor Data Table

0x19FA58 — 0x1A021B


0x00-01: Sorting Order
0x02: Who equips (base classes)
0x03: Who equips (advanced classes)
0x04: Defence
0x05: Weight
0x06: Evade
0x07: Spell cast when used
0x08-09: Elemental resistance(s)
0x0A: Strength Modifier
0x0B: Stamina Modifier
0x0C: Agility Modifier
0x0D: Intellect Modifier
0x0E: HP Boost (%)
0x0F: MP Boost (%)
0x10-13: [Unused]
0x14-17: Purchase Cost
0x18-1B: Sale Price
