Mother 3/Battle icon arrangement data: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 22:46, 15 July 2013

Battle icons arrangements
Start Address 0x1CFAD0C
End Address 0x1CFAEB7
# of Entries 29 (0x1D)
Entry Length Variable
Total Length 428 bytes (0x1AC)
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This is a standard SOB block. It contains arrangement data for various in-battle sprites.

These entries use graphics from $1C95AA8 (uncompressed), and the palette from the CCL block at $1CF5BA0.

Entry listing

00 = Attack icon (selected)
01 = Goods icon (selected)
02 = Abilities icon (selected)
03 = PSI icon (selected)
04 = Guard icon (selected)
05 = Run icon (selected)
06 = Heart icon (selected)
07 = Attack icon (unselected)
08 = Goods icon (unselected)
09 = Abilities icon (unselected)
0A = PSI icon (unselected)
0B = Guard icon (unselected)
0C = Run icon (unselected)
0D = Heart icon (unselected)
0E = Text cursor
0F = Enemy cursor (feather)
10 = "SELECT" icon
11 = Poison icon
12 = Paralysis icon
13 = Sleep icon
14 = Feeling strange icon
15 = Crying icon
16 = Forgetful icon
17 = Nausea icon
18 = Fleas icon
19 = Scrolling-down arrow
1A = Scrolling-up arrow
1B = Exit icon (selected)
1C = Exit icon (unselected)