Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!/ROM map: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 22:05, 29 September 2011

Chip tiny.png The following article is a ROM map for Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!.


0x001326 to 0x001385 = Glass Joe (Minor Circuit)

0x00132C = Stamina
0x001335 = Opponent strength
0x001353 = Mug shot, etc.
0x00135C = countdown stat
0x001360 = clock speed

0x0014D3 to 0x001532 = Don Flamenco (Major Circuit)

0x0014D9 = Stamina

0x001533 to 0x001592 = Don Flamenco (World Circuit)

0x001539 = Stamina

0x002C5E to 0x002CBD = King Hippo (Major Circuit, AWC)

0x002C64 = Stamina
0x002C6D = Opponent strength
0x002C8B = Mug shot, etc.
0x002C94 = countdown stat

0x0053D9 to 0x005438 = Great Tiger (Major Circuit, AWC)

0x00540F = countdown stat

0x007887 to 0x0078E6 = Bald Bull (Demo play)

0x0078E7 to 0x007946 = Bald Bull (Major Circuit)

0x0078ED = Stamina
0x0078F6 = Opponent strength
0x007914 = Mug shot, etc.
0x00791D = countdown stat

0x007947 to 0x0079A6 = Bald Bull (World Circuit)

0x00794D = Stamina
0x007956 = Opponent strength
0x007974 = Mug shot, etc.
0x00797D = countdown stat

0x009A5C to 0x009ABB = Soda Popinski (World Circuit)

0x009A62 = Stamina
0x009A6B = Opponent strength
0x009A89 = Mug shot, etc.
0x009A92 = countdown stat

0x00B819 to 0x00B878 = Mike Tyson (Dream Fight)

0x00B81F = Stamina

0x00BAE8 to 0x00BB47 = Piston Honda (World Circuit, AWC)

0x00BAEE = Stamina
0x00BAF7 = Opponent strength
0x00BB15 = Mug shot, etc.
0x00BB1E = countdown stat

0x00BB48 to 0x00BBA7 = Piston Honda (Minor Circuit)

0x00BB4E = Stamina

Sound effect

0x00D210 to 0x00DD0F = Cheering sound


0x00EDB2 to 0x00EDBB = Password for Busy Signal
0x00EDBC to 0x00EDC5 = Password for Busy Signal
0x00EDC6 to 0x00EDCF = Password for Busy Signal
0x00EDD0 to 0x00EDD8 = Password for Another World Circuit
0x00EDD9 to 0x00EDE3 = Password for Credits
0x00EDE4 to 0x00EDED = Password for Dream Fight

0x00F111 to 0x00F11A = Password encryption
 * example: 06 03 00 00 06 03 06 00 00 05
	000 000 0000 is now password for Major Circuit
 * example: 09 06 08 09 09 03 08 00 07 04
	000 000 0000 is now password for World Circuit

Song pointers

0x01107E to 0x011085 = Opening credits song
0x0110EE to 0x0110F5 = Coming to center ring song
0x011106 to 0x01110D = Glass Joe intro song
0x01110E to 0x011115 = Don Flamenco intro song

Music data

Look Sharp intro

0x011176 to 0x0111B5 = Melody
0x0111B6 to 0x0111D2 = Harmony
0x0111D3 to 0x0111F0 = Bass
0x0111F1 to 0x01???? = Drums

Look Sharp main song

0x01???? to 

Look Sharp tag

0x0112A6 to 0x0112BF = Melody
0x0112C0 to 0x0112F0 = Harmony
0x0112F1 to 0x011316 = Bass
0x011317 to 0x011347 = Drums

Glass Joe intro

0x0117B0 to 0x0117E0 = Melody
0x0117E1 to 0x011812 = Harmony
0x011813 to 0x01183C = Bass
0x01183D to 0x011875 = Drums

Don Flamenco intro

0x011876 to 0x0118B6 = Melody
0x0118B7 to 0x0118F7 = Harmony
0x0118F8 to 0x011908 = Bass
0x011909 to 0x01194B = Drums

King Hippo intro

0x01194C to 0x01195C = Melody
0x01195D to 0x01196C = Harmony
0x01196D to 0x01197E = Bass
0x01197F to 0x0????? = Drums

Character Profile

0x012CE3 ~ 0x012CEB - Name of Glass Joe
0x012CF0 ~ 0x012CF5 - City of Glass Joe
0x012CF9 ~ 0x012CFE - Country of Glass Joe
0x012D03 ~ 0x012D04 - Age of Glass Joe
0x012D09 ~ 0x012D0B - Weight of Glass Joe

Song to play

0x014AEB - Song to play during Cast


0x019926 to 0x019945 = Palette for stat screen after fight

Song to play

0x01A530 - Song to play after bell dings on opening


0x020010 to 0x040010 = Graphics