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Final Fantasy IV (SNES)/TBL: Difference between revisions
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Revision as of 20:54, 28 January 2024
The following article is a Text Table for Final Fantasy IV (SNES).
This game got some unusual idea to use the first byte, from listings like items names, to input the symbols. Then it totally switches the entries to "standard" mode, so there is an alternative section. This NES fashion programming also explains why there aren't kanjis in Final Fantasy 4...
*00 /01 0F=ヴ 10=が 11=ぎ 12=ぐ 13=げ 14=ご 15=ざ 16=じ 17=ず 18=ぜ 19=ぞ 1A=だ 1B=ぢ 1C=づ 1D=で 1E=ど 1F=ば 20=び 21=ぶ 22=べ 23=ぼ 24=ぱ 25=ぴ 26=ぷ 27=ぺ 28=ぽ 29=ガ 2A=ギ 2B=グ 2C=ゲ 2D=ゴ 2E=ザ 2F=ジ 30=ズ 31=ゼ 32=ゾ 33=ダ 34=ヂ 35=ヅ 36=デ 37=ド 38=バ 39=ビ 3A=ブ 3B=ベ 3C=ボ 3D=パ 3E=ピ 3F=プ 40=ペ 41=ポ 42=A 43=B 44=C 45=D 46=E 47=F 48=G 49=H 4A=I 4B=J 4C=K 4D=L 4E=M 4F=N 50=O 51=P 52=Q 53=R 54=S 55=T 56=U 57=V 58=W 59=X 5A=Y 5B=Z 5C=a 5D=b 5E=c 5F=d 60=e 61=f 62=g 63=h 64=i 65=j 66=k 67=l 68=m 69=n 6A=o 6B=p 6C=q 6D=r 6E=s 6F=t 70=u 71=v 72=w 73=x 74=y 75=z // Lower indicators for HP and MP. 76=[m] 77=[h] 78=[p] 79=『 7A=』 7B=を 7C=っ 7D=ゃ 7E=ゅ 7F=ょ 80=0 81=1 82=2 83=3 84=4 85=5 86=6 87=7 88=8 89=9 8A=あ 8B=い 8C=う 8D=え 8E=お 8F=か 90=き 91=く 92=け 93=こ 94=さ 95=し 96=す 97=せ 98=そ 99=た 9A=ち 9B=つ 9C=て 9D=と 9E=な 9F=に A0=ぬ A1=ね A2=の A3=は A4=ひ A5=ふ A6=へ A7=ほ A8=ま A9=み AA=む AB=め AC=も AD=や AE=ゆ AF=よ B0=ら B1=り B2=る B3=れ B4=ろ B5=わ B6=ん B7=ァ B8=ィ B9=「 BA=ェ BB=ォ BC=ッ BD=ャ BE=ュ BF=ョ C0=、 C1=。 C2=ー C3=‥ C4=! C5=? C6=% C7=/ C8=: C9=」 CA=ア CB=イ CC=ウ CD=エ CE=オ CF=カ D0=キ D1=ク D2=ケ D3=コ D4=サ D5=シ D6=ス D7=セ D8=ソ D9=タ DA=チ DB=ツ DC=テ DD=ト DE=ナ DF=ニ E0=ヌ E1=ネ E2=ノ E3=ハ E4=ヒ E5=フ E6=ヘ E7=ホ E8=マ E9=ミ EA=ム EB=メ EC=モ ED=ヤ EE=ユ EF=ヨ F0=ラ F1=リ F2=ル F3=レ F4=ロ F5=ワ F6=ン // White space. FF=
Alternative entries
21=[stone] 22=[frog] 23=[mini] 24=[moogle] 25=[silence] 26=[darkness] 27=[poison] 28=[float] 29=[claw] 2A=[rod] 2B=[staff] 2C=[dark knight sword] 2D=[small sword] 2E=[big sword] 2F=[lance] 30=[knife] 31=[katana] 32=[shuriken] 33=[boomerang] 34=[axe] 35=[tool] 36=[harp] 37=[bow] 38=[arrow] 39=[hammer] 3A=[whip] 3B=[shield] 3C=[helmet] 3D=[armor] 3E=[gauntlets] 3F=[black magic] 40=[white magic] 41=[summon symbol]
- 00: endstring.
- 01: line break, 4 at most per message at dialogues, waiting a response to clean the box and keep going.
- 06: outside of battles, it works as an automatic endstring, without waiting for response, finishing the message wherever it is called.
- 07: item got from chest.
- 08: gil.
- 04xx: the same listing at address 0x7A710.
- 00=Cecil
- 01=Kain
- 02=Rydia
- 03=Tellah
- 04=Gilbert
- 05=Rosa
- 06=Yang
- 07=Palom
- 08=Polom
- 09=Cid
- 0A=Edge
- 0B=FuSoYa
- 0C=Golbez
- 0D=Anna
- Tellah's daughter.
- 02xx: creates a tabulation wherever it is used, with the latter byte telling the number of white spaces that it will have. Used mainly at the texts without boxes.
- Values used: 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08.
Music Change
- 03xx: changes the environmental music. It works until the game changes the music again!
- Values used: 00, 02, 0B, 0E, 13, 19, 1F, 23, 24, 29, 2A, 2D.
- 05xx: a pause with its duration given by the latter byte. After it finishes, the game will give an automatic response, as if you had pressed the A button.
- Values used: 05, 08, 0A, 0C, 10, 1D, 24, 28, 2B, 30, 50.
- 06xx...
- 0680: current HP, obtained gil.
- 0681: maximum HP, obtained experience.
- 0682: level.
- 0683: stolen item.
- 0684: learned magic.
North American
Main Text Table
42=A 43=B 44=C 45=D 46=E 47=F 48=G 49=H 4A=I 4B=J 4C=K 4D=L 4E=M 4F=N 50=O 51=P 52=Q 53=R 54=S 55=T 56=U 57=V 58=W 59=X 5A=Y 5B=Z 5C=a 5D=b 5E=c 5F=d 60=e 61=f 62=g 63=h 64=i 65=j 66=k 67=l 68=m 69=n 6A=o 6B=p 6C=q 6D=r 6E=s 6F=t 70=u 71=v 72=w 73=x 74=y 75=z 80=0 81=1 82=2 83=3 84=4 85=5 86=6 87=7 88=8 89=9 C0=' C1=. C2=- C3=… C4=! C5=? C6=% C7=/ C8=: C9=, FF=[space]
Dual Tile Table
80=e 81= t 82=: 83=th 84=t 85=he 86=s 87=er 88= a 89=re 8A=in 8B=ou 8C=d 8D= w 8E= s 8F=an 90=o 91= h 92= o 93=r 94=n 95=at 96=to 97= i 98=, 99=ve 9A=ng 9B=ha 9C= m 9D=Th 9E=st 9F=on A0=yo A1= b A2=me A3=y A4=en A5=it A6=ar A7=ll A8=ea A9=I AA=ed AB= f AC= y AD=hi AE=is AF=es B0=or B1=l B2= c B3=ne B4=s B5=nd B6=le B7=se B8= I B9=a BA=te BB= l BC=pe BD=as BE=ur BF=u C0=al C1= p C2=g C3=om C4= d C5=f C6= g C7=ow C8=rs C9=be CA=ro CB=us CC=ri CD=wa CE=we CF=Wh D0=et D1= r D2=nt D3=m D4=ma D5=I' D6=li D7=ho D8=of D9=Yo DA=h DB= n DC=ee DD=de DE=so DF=gh E0=ca E1=ra E2=n' E3=ta E4=ut E5=el E6=! E7=fo E8=ti E9=We EA=lo EB=e! EC=ld ED=no EE=ac EF=ce F0=k F1= u F2=oo F3=ke F4=ay F5=w F6=!! F7=ag F8=il F9=ly FA=co FB=. FC=ch FD=go FE=ge FF=e…
Internal Data for Final Fantasy IV
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