Wizardry: Knight of Diamonds (NES)/Notes: Difference between revisions

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Line 80: Line 80:
|07||Spinner- faces you in a random direction when you step onto it||Nothing!||Nothing!||Nothing!
|07||Spinner- faces you in a random direction when you step onto it||Nothing!||Nothing!||Nothing!
|08||Message square||Nothing!||Pointer to the correct text||Nothing!
|08||Message square||Nothing!||Pointer to the correct text||Usually Nothing (Will be 00), except for one on floor B4
|0A||5K Gold to teleport to castle (Will you pay?)||Nothing!||Pointer to the correct text||Nothing!
|0A||Teleporter with a message||???||Pointer to the correct text||??? (I think the two unknown bytes have to do with both how much to pay and where you teleport to afterward)
|0C||Square that checks for an item||Item ID checked for||Message to show if you don't have the item||Item ID checked for
|0C||Square that checks for an item||Item ID checked for||Message to show if you don't have the item||Item ID checked for

Revision as of 00:26, 22 December 2023

20-2F Special Tiles

The following table notes what the 20-2F "special tiles" are for each floor of the maze. The specifics on how these are actually defined will be covered elsewhere.

- floor - - - - -
Address Value B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6
20 Stairs to Castle Stairs to 5E5N1D Stairs to 0E0N2D Stairs to 12E12N3D Stairs to 7E12N4D Stairs to 8E4N5D
21 Stairs to 5E5N2D Stairs to 16E2N1D Stairs to 18E1N2D Stairs to 16E2N3D Stairs to 0E0N6D “One Alone” (Teleport to castle if more than one member in party)
22 Stairs to 16E2N2D Stairs to 0E0N3D Stairs to 12E12N4D Stairs to 7E12N5D KOD's Gauntlets Door Room on Fire- If character not equipped with KOD equipment, kills them and dumps them back at the castle.
23 Nothing “Three roads to follow” square “Ever considered…” square Nothing Rock! Exchange KOD equipment for Staff of Gnilda, teleport to 14E14N1D
24 Kobold King (And Gory Badge) Stairs to 17E2N3D Stairs to 16E2N4D Trade Mithril key for Master Key Entrance of Cavern "It is beyond my support..."
25 Corroded Key square Trade Gory Badge for Weird Emblem Trade Weird Emblem for Mithril Key Teleporter to 8E11N4D Shattered Stone "The most evil voice..."
26 Trade Corroded Key for Key of Ebony Trade Key of Ebony for Key of Cloister Chute to 3E4N4D Teleporter to 11E11N4D A cavern’s dark.. Tombstone- WORTHLESS RESTS HERE
27 Teleporter to 11E10N1D Teleporter to 17E16N2D Chute to 6E14N4D 100K Gold for information and to teleport to 10E0N4D As the inside.. Foul Smell- Leave it to the brave
28 Teleporter to 14E17N1D Teleporter to 5E2N2D Chute to 17E16N4D Square where you get the information after paying the gold Down the hall.. Teleporter to 0E0N6D
29 Proclamation of Gnilda Teleporter to 10E10N2D 5K Gold to teleport to Castle Teleporter to 16E16N4D ...a clear blue fountain Teleporter to 19E4N6D
2A KOD's Armor KOD's Shield Hrathnir KOD's Helmet KOD's Gauntlets Nothing
2B “Are you ready?” square Teleporter to 5E15N2D Teleporter to 2E13N3D Teleport to Castle (Mapiro Mahama Diromat) "You are almost ruined." Teleporter to 8E9N6D
2C “Officers Only” (At least Weird Emblem required) Corroded Key Door Teleporter to 16E11N3D Anti-magic (Need to at least leave floor to reset) Nothing Teleporter to 1E5N6D
2D Search to fight Murphy’s Ghost Gory Badge Door Key of Cloister Door Nothing Nothing Teleporter to 3E13N6D
2E Pit Ebony Key Door Master Key Door Spinner Tile OUCH (Take damage) Spinner
2F Stronger Pit Mithril Key Door Rock! Rock! Even Stronger Pit Demon Lord, but more research is needed on what actually triggers the fight to appear.

How These Tiles Are Implemented (And How To Change Them)

The specific data for these tiles begins at 0x850B. Each floor takes up 64 (0040) bytes. Each individual code is four bytes. So 0x850B is B1 Code 20, 0x850F is B1 Code 21, 0x8513 B1 Code 22, and so on. 0x854B is the start of B2's data, 0x858B is B3's data, etc.

The data for Floor... Begins at address...
B1 0x850B
B2 0x854B
B3 0x858B
B4 0x85CB
B5 0x860B
B6 0x864B

The first byte of each four-byte code governs what type of square it is, and thus what the remaining three bytes mean.

For some codes, it may look like there is redundant data--for code 0C for instance, both the second and fourth bytes are the Item ID being checked. This is not a typo; it is actually how it is stored in the ROM, though I don't yet know why without a deep dive into the code.

If the first byte is The square is The second byte is The third byte is The fourth byte is
00 Nothing! Nothing! Nothing! Nothing!
01 Stairs East coordinate of destination North coordinate of destination Down coordinate of destination
02 Teleporter East coordinate of destination North coordinate of destination Down coordinate of destination
03 Chute! East coordinate of destination North coordinate of destination Down coordinate of destination
04 Rock! (Party dies and is transported back to the castle) Nothing! Nothing! Nothing!
05 Pit (Specifics unknown, but all three bytes seem to govern the power of the pit/how much damage you take) - -
06 OUCH (Specifics unknown, but all three bytes seem to govern how much damage you take) - -
07 Spinner- faces you in a random direction when you step onto it Nothing! Nothing! Nothing!
08 Message square Nothing! Pointer to the correct text Usually Nothing (Will be 00), except for one on floor B4
0A Teleporter with a message ??? Pointer to the correct text ??? (I think the two unknown bytes have to do with both how much to pay and where you teleport to afterward)
0C Square that checks for an item Item ID checked for Message to show if you don't have the item Item ID checked for
0D Message square with a "Will you search?" at the end The item you'll acquire Message to display The item you'll acquire (One of these may be a check to see if you have the item before displaying anything)
0E Message square with a "Will you trade?" at the end The item you'll acquire Message to display The item you'll trade away
0F A forced battle The monster or monsters you'll fight Nothing! The item you'll get for winning the fight
10 Another forced battle that works differently from 0F, but I don't know exactly how yet. The monster or monsters you'll fight Nothing! (This is the byte that perplexes me right now)
16 A message square with a "Will you search?" that leads to a battle The monster or monsters you'll fight (??) (??-maybe treasure you get for winning the fight. More research is needed)