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==Object Locations==
==Object Locations==
0xA004 is the first Chibibo.
0xA004 is the first Chibibo(Goomba).
==Enemy Data/Object Data==
==Enemy Data/Object Data==
00 Chibibo (Goomba)<br>
00 Chibibo (Goomba)<br>

Revision as of 03:58, 22 November 2005

Chip tiny.png The following article is a ROM map for Super Mario Land.

Object Locations

0xA004 is the first Chibibo(Goomba).

Enemy Data/Object Data

00 Chibibo (Goomba)
01 Flattened Chibibo
02 Pakkun (Piranha Plant)
03 Invisible Flying Bat thing
04 Nokobon (Turtle)
05 Nokobon's bomb
06 Punching Hand
07 Rising Platform that you step on and it rises.
08 1-3 Boss
09 Thing killable by jumping on it.
0A Falling Platform
0B Left to Right Platform
0C Falling Tile from 1-2 (Falls as you pass by it)
0D Nothing?
0E Jumping Bat thing.
0F Death Animation of Jumping Bat Thing.
10 Jumping Fish
11 Nothing?
12 Nothing?
13 Same as 07
14 Same as 07 but rises on its own
15 Jumping Bat Thing death noise.
16 Fireballs?
17 Half of 1-3 boss that goes in a Counter-Clockwise motion and vanishes.
18 Like 16 but waits to attack.
19 Same as 15
1A Cue the 2-3 Water boss but it keeps rising. May need walls to stop it. That, and it is supposed to center on a "Swimming" Mario.
1B Higher Fireball
1C Nothing?
1D Jumping Spynx-like enemy
1E Lower Fireball
1F Flying Boss Ball
20 (Jumping Bat Thing)?
21 Explosion that shoots 2 bullets(Water level) (Gunion?)
22 Low Boss Ball
23 Bouncing Ball?
24 Really high jumping thing (From another level)
25 Something that rises when you go by it and you can jump on it and kill it. Then it makes that death noise
26 Nothing?
27 Explosion?
28 A Right Moving Mushroom that is passthroughable
29 Same as 28 but Left Moving
2A Right Moving Heart: Passthroughable
2B Left Moving Heart: Passthroughable
2C Right Moving Star: Passthroughable
2D Flower (Passthroughable) A little ways off the ground.
2E Flower (Passthroughable) On the ground.
2F It start as one thing, then splits into three. (This may be from another level.)
30 Something that scoots across the ground. Unkillable?
31 Moving really fast thing (From another level?)
32 Cue a boss. (Undistinguishable)
33 Something flipping around.
34 Left Moving Star (Passthroughable)
35 Falling Object?
36 Falling Object from the end of levels
37 Nothing?
38 Diagonal Right Moving Platform
39 Diagonal Left Moving Platform
3A Up to Down Two ball platform.
3B Left to Right Two Ball platform.
3C Some jumping enemy
3D Death of 3C
3E Death Sound?
3F Gao (fireball shooting sphinx)
40 Death of 3F
41 Death Sound?
42 Flying Bee
43 Death of 42
44 Death Sound?
45 Falling Arrow
46 Explosion?
47 Jumping thing. Can stand on it.
48 Boss music, and some moving thing.
49 Gira shooter from Pipe
4A Gira (Bullet Bill)
4B Low Bullet
4C One of those 36 sprites, but it raises and carrys Mario to the end of the level, but also past the end.
4D Same as 4C but rises on its own.
4E Nothing.
4F Explosion!
50 Right Diagonal Bullet
51 Rises then falls and kills. Some ball?
52 Something that moves on ground and rises and shoots back a bullet.
53 Some thing that jumps around.
54 Fireball going around in a circle.
55 Upside Down Pakkun
56 Jumping (Fly but I think its a Tileset issue) and dies but comes back to life. (Pionpi?)
57 Same as 56 but its dead first, then it jumps.
58 Low moving fast fireball
59 Something invisible that you run over and Mario hops up and gets 800 points.
5A Diagonal Left Bullet
5B Cue Final Boss
5C Fireball explosion spewing Fireballs from Final Boss
5D Upper Fireball from Fireball explosion from Final Boss
5E Middle Fireball from Fireball explosion from Final Boss
5F Lower Fireball from Fireball explosion from Final Boss
60 Final Boss with different music and faster too?
61 Another Boss?
62 Explosion and then Final Boss.
63 Diagonal left Goomba (Most likely TileSet issue) going very fast.
64 Like 63 but it goes Up and drops something.
65 A Goomba, that when passed by, it turns into a rising platform.
66 Nothing?
67 Boss Music with thing that jumps around and flies away when contact with Mario.
68 Like 64 but it falls back down.
69 Not moving thing (Goomba?)
6A Thing that kills you and likes to change sprites randomly.
6B Diagonalish thing. Touch it and it turns into a star, but you cant get it.
6C Thing that jumps on ground. Dies eventually.
6D Thing that rises and then Boss Music starts.
6E Like 69
6F Like 6C but keeps going.
70 Dosn't move. Kills you.
71 Dosn't move. Hit it and it explodes and shoots two fireballs.
72 Like 6F
73 Like 71
74 Like 71
75 Like 72
76 Like 6A
77 Not moving. Jump and it "Dies" and shoots out a fireball.
78 Like 6F
79 Boss Music. Thing that kills you if you walk into it.
7A Dosnt move.
7B Like 6F but slower.
7C Not Moving
7D Like 6A
7E Thing that dosnt move.

Note: Objects 80-FF are Hard Mode enemys, and not yet documented.
Note2: These were all tested in the first level, 1-1, so TileSets may be an issue, therefore the object data stated here that is "buggy" or "glitchy" may work in other levels.

Level Map Structure

"Structure: The first byte is split in two parts. The high 4 bits are a y-component(y) and the low 4 bits are a lenght(x). The game draws x tiles to y + 2(because of the status bar at the top of the screen). If there is a FE byte it goes to the next row. I'm not sure, but FF tells the game, that it is the end of the tile map." -Quoted from Coolman.

The first Level Map (1-1) is located at Map 1-1: 0xA2BE
