Data Crystal:General disclaimer: Difference between revisions

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Please note that any contributions you make to this site immediately become associated with If you do not wish for your work to be public (and therefore subject to editing by anyone who comes to, please do not submit your work.
Please note that any contributions you make to this site immediately become associated with If you do not wish for your work to be public (and therefore subject to editing by anyone who comes to, please do not submit your work.

Furthermore, your work then becomes a part of; you have no right to remove this work from the website in a malicious manner. Please only remove information that is found to be redundant or incorrect.
Furthermore, your work then becomes a part of; you have no right to remove this work from the website in a malicious manner. Please only remove information that is found to be redundant or incorrect.

Revision as of 06:27, 2 October 2007

trocro Please note that any contributions you make to this site immediately become associated with If you do not wish for your work to be public (and therefore subject to editing by anyone who comes to, please do not submit your work.

Furthermore, your work then becomes a part of; you have no right to remove this work from the website in a malicious manner. Please only remove information that is found to be redundant or incorrect.