Breath of Fire II/RAM map: Difference between revisions

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m (Added bar info for play stats, daylight info)
m (Added more shaman info)
(3 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 88: Line 88:
104 - Unknown, copied from monster + 20
104 - Unknown, copied from monster + 20
105-128 - Unknown
105-128 - Unknown
7E:1CC3                    When cooking, this is the item slot from the item list of what item you're hovering over. i.e Herb will always be 0x01.
                          This will also be what item the cook will result in after a recipe is chosen.
7E:1CC7                    When selecting characters in the Shaman menu, this is the character's byte. This matches the same from 7E:55E6.
7E:1CCD - 7E:1CD0          When cooking, these are used to determine what item you will get, based on some table look ups
                          When selecting Shamans, 7E:1CCF is the first selected Shaman which defaults to 0x00.
                          7E:1CD0 is the second shaman and defaults to 0xFF.
7E:1CDD                    When cooking, this is the item count you put into the ingredients. One item will always result in Charcoal

7E:5050 - 7E:5053          Current PCs in your party \
7E:5050 - 7E:5053          Current PCs in your party \
Line 189: Line 198:
7E:554C                    PC graphic to use
7E:554C                    PC graphic to use
7E:554E                    Unused
7E:554E                    Unused
Note on Shaman bonus: Characters bonus are always in the same order, and do not correspond to the order in RAM i.e. Ryu is always 7E:5540, Bow is 7E:5550.
7E:55EF - 7E:55F1          Othello medals placed. The first byte and low nibble of 7E:55F0 are the husband's medals
                          The high nibble of 7E:55F0 and 7E:55F1 are the wife's medals placed
                          The medals start from the top left of the table and rotate clockwise, each bit being a single medal
7E:55F2                    Othello items which are available to take, 1 bit each item, husband is the low nibble, wife is the high nibble
                          The item bits start in the top left and rotate clockwise
7E:55F3                    Othello items which have been taken, works exactly like which items are available
                          Items do not need to be marked available to be marked taken.

7E:5620 - 7E:562F          Queen of Tunlan enemy counters (Setting all to 80 will skip the queen event)
7E:5620 - 7E:562F          Queen of Tunlan enemy counters (Setting all to 80 will skip the queen event)

7E:5670 - 7E:5673          Warp Point Modifier (Set to FF to have all Warp Locations)
7E:5670 - 7E:5673          Warp Point Modifier (Set to FF to have all Warp Locations)
7E:5680 - 7E:5695          Shaman "List" for successful shaman pairs. Each character uses 3 bytes with the max being x1FFFFF, though setting this value glitches.
7E:5696 - 7E:569B          Shamans used. Each shaman is one byte and is the same order as in the list when uniting. If kept at 0, shamans can be "shared"

The following is information that can be found if you have the Arabesque Carpenter and talk to people at the bar
The following is information that can be found if you have the Arabesque Carpenter and talk to people at the bar

Latest revision as of 03:29, 21 November 2024

Chip tiny.png The following article is a RAM map for Breath of Fire II.

7E:00C5                    Screen brightness
7E:00C9                    Layer 1 X Coordinates
7E:00CB                    Layer 1 Y Coordinates
7E:00CD                    Layer 2 X Coordinates
7E:00CF                    Layer 2 Y Coordinates
7E:00D1                    Layer 3 X Coordinates
7E:00D3                    Layer 3 Y Coordinates
7E:0400                    Background palettes

7E:0C99                    Map pointer (2 bytes) - Changing this will likely crash the game

7E:0C86                    Overworld 'Event' loading
01 - Nothing
02 - Dialogue box
03 - Main Menu
04 - Battle
05 - Character Switch
06 - Fishing
07 - Field Game
08 - Overworld Map

7E:0C8C - 7E:0C8F          Some more event loading, mostly for dialogs and stuff. Playing with this can soft lock a game

7E:0CB8                    Time of day in Overworld, seconds passed, loops every 60
7E:0CB9                    Time of day in Overworld, Setting to 0x2A sets permanent daylight
7E:0CBA                    Same as above, 7E:0CB9 is copied here and read for some purpose
7E:12DD                    Setting this to 0x20 will cause the daylight cycle to freeze but will still allow TimeWarp to be cast and work
                           Casting TimeWarp will reset this back to 0x00 unless it is constantly written to

7E:1000 - 7E:12BF          Character in battle data, some of the area before this is used in battle as well, but not character specific
                           Each character is 0x9F in size

7E:12C1                    More events, any animations which are char specific i.e. Rand rolling, play on other chars, but are weird.
02 - Default
04 - Starts an event from meeting Granny, but it's buggy and usually crashes. If it doesn't, it slows your walking speed.
06 - Shuffles the first character to the last place (R button)
08, 10 - Plays some animation then freezes
0A, 0E - Opens the drawer dialog box, and sometimes you can find stuff
0C - Makes the party follow differently and weird
12 - Drops the party to a new location
14 - Nina saving the party from a pit animation
16 - Walks up steps to a new location
18 - Become the Giant Frog
1A - Move like the Giant Frog, move two tiles at a time, can skip some tiles, swim, etc
1C - Riding the whale, you get stuck on land
1E - Rand rolling
20 - Sten grabbing? (pulls you far, then you can't move)
22 - Sten grabbing - Pulls you over, skipping a single tile, but you can move
24 - Freezes you in place
26 - You find an item, which the game asks if you want to take
28 - Ride the Great Bird
2A - Move like the Great Bird, very fast and anywhere, crashes when you try to land
38 - Displays some text on screen with spell names, maybe it's a debug screen?

7E:1400 - 7E:16FF          Monster in battle data. Each monster is 0x80 in size and there are up to 6 entries
Bytes (Offset from monster beginning address):
01-14 - ???
15 - Used to read/set if the enemies HP is known.
16-18 - Unknown
19-25 - Shifts values in battle between presets?
26-64 - Unknown
65-72 - Enemy name
73-74 - Enemy current HP
75-76 - Enemy max HP
77-78 - Enemy Current AP
79-80 - Enemy max AP
81 - Unknown, copied from enemy ROM + 27, LSR, AND 0x07 then written here
82 - Unknown, copied from enemy ROM + 29
83 - Unknown, copied from enemy ROM + 28
84 - Unknown
85 - Unknown, copied form enemy ROM + 30
86 - Unknown
87-88 - Enemy raw XP
89-90 - Enemy raw Zenny
91-92 - Unknown
93 - Enemy Luck
94 - Unknown, Copied form monster ROM + 26
95 - Unknown, starts as a number from the RNG, 1 byte, and is incremented every frame
96-97 - Unknown
98-99 - Enemy Attack Power
100-101 - Enemy Defense Power
102-103 - Enemy Vigor(Agility), capped at 0x01FF, checked when written
104 - Unknown, copied from monster + 20
105-128 - Unknown

7E:1CC3                    When cooking, this is the item slot from the item list of what item you're hovering over. i.e Herb will always be 0x01.
                           This will also be what item the cook will result in after a recipe is chosen.
7E:1CC7                    When selecting characters in the Shaman menu, this is the character's byte. This matches the same from 7E:55E6.
7E:1CCD - 7E:1CD0          When cooking, these are used to determine what item you will get, based on some table look ups
                           When selecting Shamans, 7E:1CCF is the first selected Shaman which defaults to 0x00.
                           7E:1CD0 is the second shaman and defaults to 0xFF.
7E:1CDD                    When cooking, this is the item count you put into the ingredients. One item will always result in Charcoal

7E:5050 - 7E:5053          Current PCs in your party \
7E:5054 - 7E:5057          Current PCs check         / These two areas 'MUST' be the same
7E:5058 - 7E:505F          Possibly blank or unused

7E:5060 - 7E:50C0          Inventory items (2 bytes each)
7E:50C0 - 7E:50D0          Special Items
7E:50D0 - 7E:51CB          Bank data (2 bytes each)
7E:51CC                    Bank Zenny (4 bytes)

7E:51D0 - 7E:51DF          Flags to dictate if you've learned your spells or not (1 byte per PC)

7E:51E0 - 7E:51E3          Start of PC data (PC Name)
7E:51E4                    Bit setting for PC availability or Valerie.
00 - Normal
20 - Valerie 
40 - Cannot swap PC
80 - PC is not present in party

7E:51E5                    PC 1 Status
7E:51E6                    PC 1 Current PC
00 - Ryu
01 - Bow
02 - Rand
03 - Katt
04 - Nina
05 - Jean
06 - Sten
07 - Spar
08 - Bleu
09 - Kid Ryu
0A - Kid Bow (Zombie in battle)
0B - Spar Form #1 (Snap Dragon)
0C - Jean Form #1
0D - Rand Form #1
0E - Bow Form #1
0F - Nina Form #1
10 - Katt Form #1
11 - Spar Form #2 (Mushroom Girl)
12 - Spar Form #3 (Seedling)
13 - Sten Form #1
14 - Rand (Recolored)
15 - Nina (Recolored)
16 - Sten (Recolored)
17 - Spar (Recolored)
18 - Valerie (No battle sprites)
19 - Ryu Battle Sprites (Final running scene)

7E:51E7                    PC 1 Level
7E:51E8                    PC 1 Current Health (2 bytes)
7E:51EA                    PC 1 Max Health (2 bytes)
7E:51EC                    PC 1 Current AP (2 bytes)
7E:51EE                    PC 1 Max AP (2 bytes)
7E:51F0                    PC 1 Shaman Form
7E:51F1                    PC 1 Strength
7E:51F2                    PC 1 Stamina (Base defense) + (Equipment = Defense)
7E:51F3                    PC 1 Agility (2 bytes)
7E:51F5                    PC 1 Condition (Better PC Condition, the more damage dealt, less damage taken and higher counter attack)
7E:51F6                    Weapon Equipped (2 bytes. 2nd byte dictates it's a weapon)
7E:51F8                    Shield Equipped (2 bytes. 2nd byte dictates it's a shield)
7E:51FA                    Armor Equipped (2 bytes. 2nd byte dictates it's an armor)
7E:51FC                    Helmet Equipped (2 bytes. 2nd byte dictates it's an helmet)
7E:51FE                    Accessory #1 Equipped (2 bytes. 2nd byte dictates it's an accessory)
7E:5200                    Accessory #2 Equipped (2 bytes. 2nd byte dictates it's an accessory)
7E:5202                    PC 1 Attack (2 bytes)
7E:5204                    PC 1 Defense (2 bytes)
7E:5206                    PC 1 Vigor (2 bytes)
7E:2508                    PC 1 Wisdom (From current equipment + Base)
7E:5209                    PC 1 Luck (From current equipment + Base)
7E:520A                    PC 1 Mood, Ryu's will always show as if this were 0x80 (orange), but works with other characters.
7E:520B                    PC 1 Guts
7E:520C                    PC 1 Wisdom Base
7E:520D                    PC 1 Luck Base
7E:520E                    PC 1 Current EXP (3 bytes)
7E:5211 - 7E:521F          All do nothing but are read to be stored into another location with other stats.

7E:5420                    Ryu's spell table
7E:5440                    Bow's spell table
7E:5460                    Rand's spell table
7E:5480                    Katt's spell table
7E:54A0                    Nina's spell table
7E:54C0                    Jean's spell table
7E:54E0                    Sten's spell table
7E:5500                    Spar's spell table
7E:5520                    Bleu's spell table

7E:5540 - 7E:55B0          Shaman stat bonus for each PC (+10 per PC)
7E:5540                    Offense Shaman stat boost
7E:5542                    Defense Shaman stat boost
7E:5544                    Vigor Shaman stat boost
7E:5546                    Wisdom Shaman stat boost
7E:5548                    Luck Shaman stat boost (Does not work)
7E:554A                    AP Shaman stat boost
7E:554C                    PC graphic to use
7E:554E                    Unused

Note on Shaman bonus: Characters bonus are always in the same order, and do not correspond to the order in RAM i.e. Ryu is always 7E:5540, Bow is 7E:5550.

7E:55EF - 7E:55F1          Othello medals placed. The first byte and low nibble of 7E:55F0 are the husband's medals
                           The high nibble of 7E:55F0 and 7E:55F1 are the wife's medals placed
                           The medals start from the top left of the table and rotate clockwise, each bit being a single medal
7E:55F2                    Othello items which are available to take, 1 bit each item, husband is the low nibble, wife is the high nibble
                           The item bits start in the top left and rotate clockwise
7E:55F3                    Othello items which have been taken, works exactly like which items are available
                           Items do not need to be marked available to be marked taken.

7E:5620 - 7E:562F          Queen of Tunlan enemy counters (Setting all to 80 will skip the queen event)

7E:5670 - 7E:5673          Warp Point Modifier (Set to FF to have all Warp Locations)

7E:5680 - 7E:5695          Shaman "List" for successful shaman pairs. Each character uses 3 bytes with the max being x1FFFFF, though setting this value glitches.
7E:5696 - 7E:569B          Shamans used. Each shaman is one byte and is the same order as in the list when uniting. If kept at 0, shamans can be "shared"

The following is information that can be found if you have the Arabesque Carpenter and talk to people at the bar
7E:56A8                    Hours played (2 Bytes)
7E:56AA                    Minutes played
7E:56AB                    Seconds played
7E:56AC                    Partial seconds played, this is essentially a frame counter which wraps every 60 frames
7E:56AD                    Encounters (2 Bytes)
7E:56AF                    How many times you've suffered total defeat (2 Bytes)
7E:56B1                    Times went fishing (2 Bytes)
7E:56B3                    Times went hunting (2 Bytes)
7E:56B5                    Treasures boxes found
7E:56B6                    Times you've checked and found items in a dresser. If you don't find an item, it doesn't count.

7E:55E0                    Sets location Township level is entered as
01 - Initial state
02 - Carpenter In-Progress
04 - Phase 1 Completed (Victorian Carpenter)
08 - Phase 2 Completed (Victorian Carpenter)
10 - Phase 1 Completed (Tree-house Carpenter)
20 - Phase 2 Completed (Tree-house Carpenter)
40 - Phase 1 Completed (Arabesque Carpenter)
80 - Phase 2 Completed (Arabesque Carpenter)

7E:5696                    Bit for Sana being used (Based on PC #)
7E:5697                    Bit for Seso being used (Based on PC #)
7E:5698                    Bit for Spoo being used (Based on PC #)
7E:5699                    Bit for Solo being used (Based on PC #)
7E:569A                    Bit for Seny being used (Based on PC #)
7E:569B                    Bit for Shin being used (Based on PC #)