User:Lizzyd710/Sandbox: Difference between revisions

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(added a LOT)
mNo edit summary
Line 114: Line 114:
* {{hex|0x0011f4a8}} <!-- nugscn.c -->
* {{hex|0x0011f4a8}} <!-- nugscn.c -->
* {{hex|0x0011f550}}: read texture set header??? <!-- " -->
* {{hex|0x0011f550}}: read texture set header??? <!-- " -->
* {{hex|0x00166910}}: getTextureWidth(offset)
* {{hex|0x00166940}}: getTextureHeight(offset)
* {{hex|0x00231500}}: '''GameLoadCharacterModels'''(a0, a1)

<!--===== 00102b50: NuDatOpenEx(fileName, a1, a2, a3) =====
<!--===== 00102b50: NuDatOpenEx(fileName, a1, a2, a3) =====

Latest revision as of 23:16, 27 March 2024

right now testing out LSW.

ROM map test? (names that are "official" are bolded)

  • 0x001008c0: NuFileOpen(fileName, int a1)
  • 0x00100ca8: NuFilePos(a0)
  • 0x00100de8: (a0)
  • 0x00100f70: NuFileClose(fileName)
  • 0x00101140: int (size) NuFileLoadBuffer(fileName, addrForBuffer, size)
  • 0x00101428: nu file recoverable read?(a0, addr, a2)
  • 0x00101a30: NuFileBeginBlkRead(a0, a1)
  • 0x00101b70: NuFileendBlockRead(a0)
  • 0x00101c28: NuFileBeginBlkWrite(a0, a1)
  • 0x00101d18: NuFileEndBlkWrite(a0)
  • 0x00101fa0: NuDatFileLoadBuffer(&a0, fileName, address?, a3)
  • 0x00102b50: NuDatOpenEx(fileName, a1, a2, a3)
  • 0x00103338: FNC_00103338(a0)
  • 0x001036e8: FNC_00103488(a0, a1)
  • 0x00103ca0: jal NuDatOpenEx(a0, a1, a2, 0)
  • 0x00103cf0: readFPK(filePath, a1, a2, alignmentGran)
  • 0x00104b38: smth with file parsing
  • 0x00104cc0: MEM[a0 + 540]--
  • 0x00104ea0: FNC_00104ea0(fileName)
  • 0x00105180: malloc(size, location, a2)
  • 0x00105490: mem free(a0, location, a2)
  • 0x00105668: memlist pointer thing?(a0)
  • 0x00105860: FNC_00105860(a0)
  • 0x00105b70: FNC_00105b70(a0)
  • 0x00105e48: FNC_00105e48(a0)
  • 0x001062e8: FNC_001062e8(a0)
  • 0x00106898: void strcat(destAddr, srcAddr)
  • 0x001068f0: int strcpy(destAddr, srcAddr)
  • 0x00106928: int strncpy(destAddr, srcAddr)
  • 0x00106988: int strlen(strAddr)
  • 0x00106af0: int strcmp(a0, a1)
  • 0x00106b40: int strcmpIgnoreCase?(a0, a1)
  • 0x00106e38: NuHexStringToI(a0)
  • 0x00106ef0: bool isLetter?(a0)
  • 0x001070a0: charToUpper?(byte a0)
  • 0x00107268: NuPPLoadBuffer?
  • 0x00107548: DatLoadBuffer Unpack?
  • 0x00107cf8: NuError and NuWarning stuff(&string)
  • 0x00107ff8: trap error and assert(errorString)
  • 0x001080f8: some debug printer?(str, int a1)
  • 0x00108158: another kind of printing thing(a0, a1)
  • 0x001081b8: another error handler?(a0, a1)
  • 0x001085b8: another IOP thing?(a0, a1, a2)
  • 0x00108900: LoadModule(moduleName, a1, a2)
  • 0x00108b58: bool ReturnCodeCheckNuFileClose(fileName)?
  • 0x00108b78: NuFileOpenDir(a0)
  • 0x00108c70: NuFileCloseDir(a0)
  • 0x00108cd0: openFilePS2(str?, int index?)
  • 0x00108ea8
  • 0x00109698: NuMcOpenDir(a0, a1, dirName)
  • 0x001097e8: void NuMcCloseDir(int offset)
  • 0x00109878
  • 0x0010a3a0: vectorAddition(a0 = a1 + a2)
  • 0x0010a3d8: vectorSubtraction(a0 = a1 - a2)
  • 0x0010a410: scalarMult(destVec, srcVec, scalarFloat)
  • 0x0010a478: crossProduct(destVec, srcVec1, srcVec2)
  • 0x0010a4c8: float dotProduct(vec1, vec2)
  • 0x0010a5b8: float vectorLength(a0)
  • 0x0010a5e8: float vectorComponentSum(a0)
  • 0x0010a9a0: vecA = vecB * f12 + vecC(1.0 - f12)
  • 0x0010c010: resetCamera?(nuCamera)
  • 0x0010d410: does a nutrig malloc
  • 0x0010d668: does another nutrig malloc
  • 0x0010ddb8: shiftAmountCalc(int targetNum)
  • 0x0010de58: MEM[0033dcc8] = f12
  • 0x0010efa0: MEM[0033dcd0] = a0 (double)
  • 0x0010efb0: MEM[a0] = a1 (MEM[0033dce0] if a0 == 0)
  • 0x0010f120-0x0010f7b4: vector register operations
  • 0x0010fb08: NuAnimCurve2CalcVal(a0, a1, a2)
  • 0x00111bd0: readSomeAnimFile(filename, a1, a2, a3)
  • 0x00111c80: NuAnimDataLoadBuff?
  • 0x00112778
  • 0x00113400
  • 0x00113570: destroy display scene?
  • 0x00113968
  • 0x00113f88: Note: Never called
  • 0x00114b38: find special object(scene, addrToStore, objectName, a3, t0)
  • 0x00114d10: also find special object(scene, addrToStore?, objName, a3)
  • 0x00114ee8: bool specObjValid(specObj)
  • 0x00114f38: FNC_00114f38(specObj?)
  • 0x00114f88: FNC_00114f88(specObj?, a1)
  • 0x00115408: NuSpecialGetOriginRadius(specObj)
  • 0x00115510: FNC_00115510(scene, string)
  • 0x00115818: MEM[0033e234] = f12
  • 0x00115ac0
  • 0x00115be0
  • 0x00115d18
  • 0x00115e60
  • 0x00115fa8
  • 0x00116218
  • 0x00116360
  • 0x001164a0: load .ats?(fileName, *a1, a2)
  • 0x0011696c
  • 0x00117120: returns result of nutexanm malloc?
  • 0x001196a8: MEM[0033e3a0] = 1
  • 0x001196b8: MEM[0033e3a0] = 0
  • 0x00119a08: FNC_00119a08(scene?, a1)
  • 0x00119b58: FNC_00119b58(nuCamera, a1)
  • 0x0011b4c8: &NuCamera malloc()
  • 0x0011b908: NuCameraClipTestExtents(a0, a1, f12)
  • 0x0011cc90: FNC_0011cc90(a0, txtrOffset)
  • 0x0011cd58: FNC_0011cd58(a0, txtrOffset + 1?)
  • 0x0011d2b0: Note: Not implemented
  • 0x0011d388: CreateFont(fontName, *addrForBuffer, a2)
  • 0x0011d608: &CreateMemFont(a0, size?, a2)
  • 0x0011d820: FNC_0011d820(&memfont)
  • 0x0011f4a8
  • 0x0011f550: read texture set header???

  • 0x00166910: getTextureWidth(offset)
  • 0x00166940: getTextureHeight(offset)
  • 0x00231500: GameLoadCharacterModels(a0, a1)