Lufia & The Fortress of Doom (SNES)/RAM map: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 20:51, 28 January 2024

Chip tiny.png The following article is a RAM map for Lufia & The Fortress of Doom (SNES).


File Structure (0x2000 = 8192 bytes)

	Offset | Len  | Description
	0x0000 | 2048 | Slot #1
	0x0800 | 2048 | Slot #2
	0x1000 | 2048 | Slot #3

Save Slot Structure (0x800 = 2048 bytes)

	Hex | Len  | Description
	006 | 2    | Checksum
	10A | 1    | Message Speed (6: Slow, 2: Normal, 0: Fast)
	10B | 1    | Sound (0: Sterio, 1: Mono)
	10C | 1    | Time: Minute + 0x64
	10D | 2    | Time: Hour
	10F | 2    | Time: Seconds, Ticks
	113 | 6    | Main Name (6 Byte C-Style String)
	119 | 24   | 4 x  Name (6 Byte C-Style String)
	131 | 1    | Number of Characters
	132 | 3    | Gold
	135 | 4    | 4 x Character ID
	13E | 120  | Invintory (60 * type, count pairs)
	1B6 | 4    | 4 x Level
	1C6 | 8    | 4 x Current HP
	1CE | 8    | 4 x Current MP
	1D6 | 96   | 4 x Magic (24 bytes each)
	238 | 8    | 4 x Max HP
	240 | 8    | 4 x Max MP
	248 | 8    | 4 x Base Agility
	250 | 8    | 4 x Base Intelligence
	258 | 8    | 4 x Base Strength
	260 | 8    | 4 x Base Magic Power
	298 | 8    | 4 x Aquired +Max HP
	2A0 | 8    | 4 x Aquired +Max MP
	2A8 | 8    | 4 x Equipt  +Attack
	2B0 | 8    | 4 x Equipt  +Defence
	2B8 | 8    | 4 x Aquired +Agility
	2C0 | 8    | 4 x Aquired +Intelligence
	2C8 | 8    | 4 x Aquired +Strength
	2D0 | 8    | 4 x Equipt  +Magic
	2D8 | 4    | 4 x Lo Experience Byte
	2DC | 4    | 4 x Hi Experience Byte
	300 | 1    | Floating
	301 | 1    | Sweet Water
	307 | 4    | 4 x Weapon
	30B | 4    | 4 x Armor
	30F | 4    | 4 x Shield
	313 | 4    | 4 x Helmet
	317 | 4    | 4 x Boots
	31B | 4    | 4 x Ring
	3DA | 1    | Map ID
	3DB | 1    | Layer (0:Ground, 1:Walk Through Walls)
	3DC | 1    | Facing (0:Right 1:Left 2:Down 3:Up)
	3DF | 2    | Player X Axis
	3E1 | 2    | Player Y Axis