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Pokémon 3rd Generation/Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen/Tutorials: Difference between revisions
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turns the sprite to face player | turns the sprite to face player | ||
5C ** $$$$ 00 00 xxxxxx xxxxxx -trianerbattle | 5C ** $$$$00 00 xxxxxx xxxxxx -trianerbattle | ||
60 $$$$ - checktrainer | 60 $$$$ - checktrainer | ||
Line 242: | Line 242: | ||
C7 ** - Change text colour | C7 ** - Change text colour | ||
1A 8000 $$$$ 1A 8001 $$$$ 09 00 - GIveitem | 1A 8000 $$$$ 1A 8001 $$$$09 00 - GIveitem | ||
19 8004 800D 79 $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ 00000000 00000000 27 1901 00 00000000 00000000 - givepokemon(I think) | 19 8004 800D 79 $$$$ $$$$ $$$$00000000 00000000 27 1901 00 00000000 00000000 - givepokemon(I think) | ||
<pre> | <pre> | ||
Line 638: | Line 638: | ||
9A01 = DEOXYS | 9A01 = DEOXYS | ||
9B01 = CHIMECHO | 9B01 = CHIMECHO | ||
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</pre> | </pre> | ||
==External | ==External links== | ||
* [ Hacking Hex a lot Pokémon editions page in Spanish] | * [ Hacking Hex a lot Pokémon editions page in Spanish] | ||
[[de:Pokémon FireRed]] | [[de:Pokémon FireRed]] | ||
{{Internal Data}} |
Latest revision as of 14:20, 24 January 2024
The following article is a Tutorial for Pokémon 3rd Generation/Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen.
Hex address to wild Pokemon
NOTE: This hacking I test in EUROPE (Spanish) version games.
Go to 3C4550 address corresponding to Route 101 at the beginning of the game.
Then, in these address change the wild pokemon code, with the hex pokemon code that you like appear.
Hex address to Poke Market in first town
NOTE: This hacking I test in EUROPE (Spanish) version games.
Go to 16A330 address showing the codes first town.
Then you can change the code of first item that they sell you, to other code, for example a MasterBall (code 0100).
More Tutorials =
In this tut I will teach you how to change the floor number.
First switch to proffesonal view:
Then go to the value in the red square:
Edit it like so: Floor two:
you get the results: two:
P.S this is in hex so u need to do A for ten etc P.S you can put whatever u want like add more zeros so u can reach 100 floors! Or write A4 for 20 floors!(This works for BF, but the values go by the set values posted below:
For BFloor use 7FX03 the x is the value ex: F=1 E=2 D=3 C=4 B=5 A=6 9=7 8=6 7=5 6=4 5=3 4=2 3=1 2=0 1 and 0 do nothing.(These values are for BF only!) heres a pic:
It makes:
- Stolen from a forum
Hex tutorial
- - Byte
xxxxxx - pointer $$$$ - word -=-=-=-=- - money amount nnnn - numerical assigned yyyy - values stored mmmm - memory location
00= nothing
01= nothing
02= end
03= return
04= call 04xxxxxx08 fill the x's with the offset
05= goto 05xxxxxx08 fill the x's with offset
06= if goto **06xxxxxx08 fill the x's with offsets the *'s can be
like compare (21) or true, false ect.
determine conditoins:
00 - Lower (<<), also FALSE
01 - Equal (==), also TRUE
02 - Bigger (>>)
03 - Lower or equal (>=) 04 - Bigger or equal (<=) 05 - Not equal (!=)
0F 00 F7 CA 20 08 message 09 YES 05 NO
07= call if **xxxxxx08 You know what the symbols mean now.
08 ** - Jumpstd
09= (callstd / boxset)
message is after the command 0F (msgbox) specified 04- button to close box( it won't close on its own) 05- yes/no options 06- normal message box
0F 00 xx xx xx 08 (msgbox/message) xx xx xx offset of the text use 09 00 to display text.
0D - Killscript
1A $$$$ $$$$ -copyvarifnotzero
1B $$$$ $$$$ - Comparevar
1C $$$$ ** -comparevartobyte
11 ** xxxxxx - writebytetooffset (** is what is to be written)
12 00 xxxxxx - loadbytefrompointer
16 xx xx nn nn= setvar (xx xx memory location) (nn nn is assigned
a numerical value)
19 xx xx yy yy= copyvar (xx xx memory location)(yy yy values
21 xx xx= compare nn nn You know what the symbols mean
23 xxxxxx - callasm
25 xx xx= special
26 $$$$ $$$$ - special2
28 ** ** -pause
29 $$$$ - setflag
2A xx xx= clearflag
Flag xx xx (People ID event)
People # xx xx is in reverse order (93 00 to 00 93)
2B xx xx= checkflag (the flag number otherwise 0)
30 A1 xx xx 02 00= cry xx is the cry number
31 **= fanfare ** the sound number
4F ****xx xx xx xx 08= applymovent character movement: peopl# is **
- =FF 00 is main character
0F 80 for npc xx xx xx offset data is stored
32 - waitfanfare
33 $$$$ - playsound
34 - fadedefault
35 $$$$ - fadesound
37 - fadeout
38 - fadein
39 ** ** ** -Warp
45 $$$$ $$$$ - removeitem
47 $$$$ -checkitem
50 00 00= pause (perfect fast pause.)
51 00 00 -pausemove
53 $$$$ - vanishsprite
55 $$$$ - revealsprite
57 $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ -movesprite
5A= faceplayer turns the sprite to face player
5C ** $$$$00 00 xxxxxx xxxxxx -trianerbattle
60 $$$$ - checktrainer
61 $$$$ - disabletrainer
62 $$$$ - Enabletrainer
68 - close boxset 4
66 - waitmsgbox2 (follows msgbox2)
67 xxxxxx - msgbox2(Useful with multi)
69= sprite lock 6a= hero lock
6b= sprite release 6c= hero release
6F ** ** ** ** - Multi
75 $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ - Pokepic box
76 - Hide pokepic
7D ** $$$$ - displayname
83 ** $$$$ - displayvariable
86 xxxxxx - pokemart
90 -= -= -= -= 00 - givemoney
91 -= -= -= -= 00 - takemoney
92 -= -= -= -= 00 - checkmoney
97 ** - fadescreen
A0= checkgender
80 *d 1= man 0= woman
A2 $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ - setmaptile
A4 ** - setweather
A5 - doweather
B3 $$$$ - checkcoins
B4 $$$$ - givecoins
B5 $$$$ - takecoins
B6 $$$$ ** 00 00 25 $$$$ - Wildbattle (second word is to be replaced with one of these. {0x42 0x01, 0x37 0x01, 0x38 0x01, 0x39 0x01}
b6 xx xx ** yy yy
Pokemon and battle preparations XXXX Lv ** Possession of items YYYY B7 and 25 used during fighting stage
B7= specified fighting background
C7 ** - Change text colour
1A 8000 $$$$ 1A 8001 $$$$09 00 - GIveitem
19 8004 800D 79 $$$$ $$$$ $$$$00000000 00000000 27 1901 00 00000000 00000000 - givepokemon(I think)
And also here the pokemon Hex codes. 0100 = BULBASAUR 0200 = IVYSAUR 0300 = VENESAUR 0400 = CHARMANDER 0500 = CHARMELEON 0600 = CHARIZARD 0700 = SQUIRTLE 0800 = WARTORTLE 0900 = BLASTOISE 0A00 = CATERPIE 0B00 = METAPOD 0C00 = BUTTERFREE 0D00 = WEEDLE 0E00 = KAKUNA 0F00 = BEEDRILL 1000 = PIDGEY 1100 = PIDGEOTTO 1200 = PIDGEOT 1300 = RATTATA 1400 = RATICATE 1500 = SPEAROW 1600 = FEAROW 1700 = EKANS 1800 = ARBOK 1900 = PIKACHU 1A00 = RAICHU 1B00 = SANDSHREW 1C00 = SANDSLASH 1D00 = NIDORAN (FEMALE) 1E00 = NIDORINA 1F00 = NIDOQUEEN 2000 = NIDORAN (MALE) 2100 = NIDORINO 2200 = NIDOKING 2300 = CLEFAIRY 2400 = CLEFABLE 2500 = VULPIX 2600 = NINETALES 2700 = JIGGLYPUFF 2800 = WIGGLYTUFF 2900 = ZUBAT 2A00 = GOLBAT 2B00 = ODDISH 2C00 = GLOOM 2D00 = VILEPLUME 2E00 = PARAS 2F00 = PARASECT 3000 = VENONAT 3100 = VENOMOTH 3200 = DIGLETT 3300 = DUGTRIO 3400 = MEOWTH 3500 = PERSIAN 3600 = PSYDUCK 3700 = GOLDUCK 3800 = MANKEY 3900 = PRIMEAPE 3A00 = GROWLITHE 3B00 = ARCANINE 3C00 = POLIWAG 3D00 = POLIWHIRL 3E00 = POLIWRATH 3F00 = ABRA 4000 = KADABRA 4100 = ALAKAZAM 4200 = MACHOP 4300 = MACHOKE 4400 = MACHAMP 4500 = BELLSPROUT 4600 = WEEPINBELL 4700 = VICTREEBELL 4800 = TENTACOOL 4900 = TENTACRUEL 4A00 = GEODUDE 4B00 = GRAVELER 4C00 = GOLEM 4D00 = PONYTA 4E00 = RAPIDASH 4F00 = SLOWPOKE 5000 = SLOWBRO 5100 = MAGNEMITE 5200 = MAGNETON 5300 = FARFETCH'D 5400 = DODUO 5500 = DODRIO 5600 = SEEL 5700 = DEWGONG 5800 = GRIMER 5900 = MUK 5A00 = SHELLDER 5B00 = CLOYSTER 5C00 = GASTLY 5D00 = HAUNTER 5E00 = GENGAR 5F00 = ONIX 6000 = DROWZEE 6100 = HYPNO 6200 = KRABBY 6300 = KINGLER 6400 = VOLTORB 6500 = ELECTRODE 6600 = EXEGGCUTE 6700 = EXEGGUTOR 6800 = CUBONE 6900 = MAROWAK 6A00 = HITMONLEEE 6B00 = HITMONCHAN 6C00 = LICKITUNG 6D00 = KOFFING 6E00 = WEEZING 6F00 = RHYHORN 7000 = RHYDON 7100 = CHANSEY 7200 = TANGELA 7300 = KANGASKHAN 7400 = HORSEA 7500 = SEADRA 7600 = GOLDEEN 7700 = SEAKING 7800 = STARYU 7900 = STARMIE 7A00 = MR. MIME 7B00 = SCYTHER 7C00 = JYNX 7D00 = ELECTABUZZ 7E00 = MAGMAR 7F00 = PINSIR 8000 = TAUROS 8100 = MAGIKARP 8200 = GYARADOS 8300 = LAPRAS 8400 = DITTO 8500 = EEVEE 8600 = VAPOREON 8700 = JOLTEON 8800 = FLAREON 8900 = PORYGON 8A00 = OMANYTE 8B00 = OMASTAR 8C00 = KABUTO 8D00 = KABUTOPS 8E00 = AERODACTYL 8F00 = SNORLAX 9000 = ARTICUNO 9100 = ZAPDOS 9200 = MOLTRES 9300 = DRATINI 9400 = DRAGONAIR 9500 = DRAGONITE 9600 = MEWTWO 9700 = MEW 9800 = CHIKORITA 9900 = BAYLEEF 9A00 = MEGANIUM 9B00 = CYNDAQUIL 9C00 = QUILAVA 9D00 = TYPLOSION 9E00 = TOTODILE 9F00 = CROCONAW A000 = FERALIGATR A100 = SENTRET A200 = FURRET A300 = HOOTHOOT A400 = NOCTOWL A500 = LEDYBA A600 = LEDIAN A700 = SPINARAK A800 = ARIADOS A900 = CROBAT AA00 = CHINCHOU AB00 = LANTURN AC00 = PICHU AD00 = CLEFFA AE00 = IGGLYBUFF AF00 = TOGEPI B000 = TOGETIC B100 = NATU B200 = XATU B300 = MAREEP B400 = FLAAFFY B500 = AMPHAROS B600 = BELLOSSOM B700 = MARRILL B800 = AZUMARILL B900 = SUDOWOODO BA00 = POLITOED BB00 = HOPPIP BC00 = SKI PLOOM BD00 = JUMPLUFF BE00 = AIPOM BF00 = SUNKERN C000 = SUNFLORA C100 = YANMA C200 = WOOPER C300 = QUAGSIRE C400 = ESPEON C500 = UMBREON C600 = MURKROW C700 = SLOWKING C800 = MISDREAVUS C900 = UNOWN CA00 = WOBBUFFET CB00 = GIRAFARIG CC00 = PINECO CD00 = FORRETRESS CE00 = DUNSPARCE CF00 = GLIGAR D000 = STEELIX D100 = SNUBBULL D200 = GRANBULL D300 = QWILFISH D400 = SCIZOR D500 = SHUCKLE D600 = HERACROSS D700 = SNEASEL D800 = TEDDIURSA D900 = URSARING DA00 = SLUGMA DB00 = MAGCARGO DC00 = SWINUB DD00 = PILOSWINE DE00 = CORSOLA DF00 = REMORAID E000 = OCTILLERY E100 = DELIBIRD E200 = MANTINE E300 = SKARMORY E400 = HOUNDOUR E500 = DOUNDOOM E600 = KINGDRA E700 = PHANPY E800 = DONPHAN E900 = PORYGON2 EA00 = STANTLER EB00 = SMEARGLE EC00 = TYROGUE ED00 = HITMONTOP EE00 = SMOOCHUM EF00 = ELEKID F000 = MAGBY F100 = MILTANK F200 = BLISSEY F300 = RAIKOU F400 = ENTEI F500 = SUICINE F600 = LARVITAR F700 = PUPITAR F800 = TYRANITAR F900 = LUGIA FA00 = HO-OH FB00 = CELEBI 1501 = TREECKO 1601 = GROVYLE 1701 = SCEPTILE 1801 = TORCHIC 1901 = COMBUSKEN 1A01 = BLAZIKEN 1B01 = MUDKIP 1C01 = MARSHTOMP 1D01 = SWAMPERT 1E01 = POOCHYENA 1F01 = MIGHTYENA 2001 = ZIGZAGOON 2101 = LINOONE 2201 = WURMPLE 2301 = SILCOON 2401 = BEAUTIFLY 2501 = CASCOON 2601 = DUSTOX 2701 = LOTAD 2801 = LOMBRE 2901 = LUDICOLO 2A01 = SEEDOT 2B01 = NUZLEAF 2C01 = SHIFTRY 2D01 = NINCADA 2E01 = NINJASK 2F01 = SHEDINJA 3001 = TAILLOW 3101 = SWELLOW 3201 = SHROOMISH 3301 = BRELOOM 3401 = SPINDA 3501 = WINGULL 3601 = PELIPPER 3701 = SURSKIT 3801 = MASQUERAIN 3901 = WAILMER 3A01 = WAILORD 3B01 = SKITTY 3C01 = DELCATTY 3D01 = KECLEON 3E01 = BALTOY 3F01 = CLAYDOL 4001 = NOSEPASS 4101 = TORKOAL 4201 = SABLEYE 4301 = BARBOACH 4401 = WHISCASH 4501 = LUVDISC 4601 = CORPHISH 4701 = CRAWDAUNT 4801 = FEEBAS 4901 = MILOTIC 4A01 = CARVANHA 4B01 = SHARPEDO 4C01 = TRAPINCH 4D01 = VIBRAVA 4E01 = FLYGON 4F01 = MAKUHITA 5001 = HARIYAMA 5101 = ELECTRIKE 5201 = MANECTRIC 5301 = NUMEL 5401 = CAMERUPT 5501 = SPHEAL 5601 = SEALEO 5701 = WALREIN 5801 = CACNEA 5901 = CACTURNE 5A01 = SNORUNT 5B01 = GLALIE 5C01 = LUNATONE 5D01 = SOLROCK 5E01 = AZURILL 5F01 = SPOINK 6001 = GRUMPIG 6101 = PLUSLE 6201 = MINUN 6301 = MAWILE 6401 = MEDITITE 6501 = MEDICHAM 6601 = SWABLU 6701 = ALTARIA 6801 = WYNAUT 6901 = DUSKULL 6A01 = DUSCLOPS 6B01 = ROSELIA 6C01 = SLAKOTH 6D01 = VIGOROTH 6E01 = SLAKING 6F01 = GULPIN 7001 = SWALOT 7101 = TROPIUS 7201 = WHISMUR 7301 = LOUDRED 7401 = EXPLOUD 7501 = CLAMPERL 7601 = HUNTAIL 7701 = GOREBYSS 7801 = ABSOL 7901 = SHUPPET 7A01 = BANNETE 7B01 = SEVIPER 7C01 = ZANGOOSE 7D01 = RELICANTH 7E01 = ARON 7F01 = LAIRON 8001 = AGGRON 8101 = CASTFORM 8201 = VOLBEAT 8301 = ILLUMISE 8401 = LILEEP 8501 = CRADILY 8601 = ANORITH 8701 = ARMALDO 8801 = RALTS 8901 = KIRLIA 8A01 = GARDEVOIR 8B01 = BAGON 8C01 = SHELGON 8D01 = SALAMENCE 8E01 = BELDUM 8F01 = METANG 9001 = METAGROSS 9101 = REGI ROCK 9201 = REGICE 9301 = REGI STEEL 9401 = KYOGRE 9501 = GROUDON 9601 = RAYQUAZA 9701 = LATIAS 9801 = LATIOS 9901 = JIRACHI 9A01 = DEOXYS 9B01 = CHIMECHO _________________________________________________________________ Item: Hex Values Master Ball: 0100 Ultra Ball: 0200 Great Ball: 0300 Poké Ball: 0400 Safari Ball: 0500 Net Ball: 0600 Dive Ball: 0700 Nest Ball: 0800 Repeat Ball: 0900 Timer Ball: 0A00 Luxury Ball: 0B00 Premier Ball: 0C00 Potion: 0D00 Antidote: 0E00 Burn Heal: 0F00 Ice Heal: 1000 Awakening: 1100 Parlyz Heal: 1200 Full Restore: 1300 Max Potion: 1400 Hyper Potion: 1500 Super Potion: 1600 Full Heal: 1700 Revive: 1800 Max Revive: 1900 Fresh Water: 1A00 Soda Pop: 1B00 Lemonade: 1C00 Moomoo Milk: 1D00 Energy Powder: 1E00 Energy Root: 1F00 Heal Powder: 2000 Revival Herb: 2100 Ether: 2200 Max Ether: 2300 Elixer: 2400 Max Elixer: 2500 Lava Cookie: 2600 Blue Flute: 2700 Yellow Flute: 2800 Red Flute: 2900 Black Flute: 2A00 White flute: 2B00 Berry Juice: 2C00 Sacred Ash: 2D00 Shoal Salt: 2E00 Shoal Shell: 2F00 Red Shard: 3000 Blue shard: 3100 Yellow Shard: 3200 Green Shard: 3300 Hentai Mag: 3400 HP Up: 3F00 Protein: 4000 Iron: 4100 Carbos: 4200 Calcium: 4300 Rare Candy: 4400 PP Up: 4500 Zinc: 4600 PP Max: 4700 Guard Spec. 4900 Dire Hit: 4A00 X Attack: 4B00 X Defend: 4C00 X Speed: 4D00 X Accuracy: 4E00 X Special: 4F00 Poké Doll: 5000 Fluffy Tail: 5100 Super Repel: 5300 Max Repel: 5400 Escape Rope: 5500 Repel: 5600 Sun Stone: 5D00 Oak's Parcel: 5D01 Moon Stone: 5E00 poke flute: 5E01 Fire Stone: 5F00 secret key: 5F01 Thunder Stone: 6000 bike voucher: 6001 Water Stone: 6100 gold teeth: 6101 Leaf Stone: 6200 old ambar: 6201 card key: 6301 lift key: 6401 helix fossil: 6501 dome fossil: 6601 Tiny Mushroom: 6700 silphscope: 6701 Big Mushroom: 6800 bicycle: 6801 town map: 6901 Pearl: 6A00 vs seeker: 6A01 Big Pearl: 6B00 fame checker: 6B01 Stardust: 6C00 tm case: 6C01 Star Piece: 6D00 berrypouch: 6D01 Nugget: 6E00 teachy tv: 6E01 Heart Scale: 6F00 tri-pass: 6F01 rainbow pass: 7001 tea: 7101 mystic ticket: 7201 aurora ticket: 7301 powder jar: 7401 ruby: 7501 sapphire: 7601 Orange Mail: 7900 Harbor Mail: 7A00 Glitter Mail: 7B00 Mech Mail: 7C00 Wood mail: 7D00 Wave Mail: 7E00 Bead Mail: 7F00 Shadow Mail: 8000 Tropic Mail: 8100 Dream Mail: 8200 Fab Mail: 8300 Retro Mail: 8400 Cheri Berry: 8500 Chesto Berry: 8600 Pecha Berry: 8700 Rawst Berry: 8800 Aspear Berry: 8900 Leppa Berry: 8A00 Oran Berry: 8B00 Persim Berry: 8C00 Lum Berry: 8D00 Sitrus Berry: 8E00 Figy Berry: 8F00 Wiki Berry: 9000 Mago Berry: 9100 Aguav Berry: 9200 Iapapa Berry: 9300 Razz Berry: 9400 Bluk Berry: 9500 Nanab Berry: 9600 Wepear Berry: 9700 Pinap Berry: 9800 Pomeg Berry: 9900 Kelpsy Berry: 9A00 Qualot Berry: 9B00 Hondew Berry: 9C00 Grepa Berry: 9D00 Tamato Berry: 9E00 Cornn Berry: 9F00 Magost Berry: A000 Rabuta Berry: A100 Nomel Berry: A200 Spelon Berry: A300 Pamtre Berry: A400 Watmel Berry: A500 Durin Berry: A600 Belue Berry: A700 Liechi Berry: A800 Ganlon Berry: A900 Salac Berry: AA00 Petaya Berry: AB00 Apicot Berry: AC00 Lansat Berry: AD00 Starf Berry: AE00 Enigma Berry: AF00 Bright Powder: B300 White Herb: B400 Macho Brace: B500 Exp. Share: B600 Quick Claw: B700 Soothe Bell: B800 Mental Herb: B900 Deep Sea Tooth: C000 Deep Sea Scale: C100 Smoke Ball: C200 Everstone: C300 Focus Band: C400 Lucky Egg: C500 Scope Lens: C600 Metal Coat: C700 Leftovers: C800 Dragon Scale: C900 Light Ball: CA00 Soft Sand: CB00 Hard Stone: CC00 Miracle Seed: CD00 Black Glasses: CE00 Black Belt: CF00 Magnet: D000 Mystic Water: D100 Sharp Beak: D200 Poison Barb: D300 Never Melt Ice: D400 Spell Tag: D500 Twisted Spoon: D600 Charcoal: D700 Dragon Fang: D800 Silk Scarf: D900 Up-Grade: DA00 Shell Bell: DB00 Sea Incense: DC00 Lax Inscense: DD00 Lucky Punch: DE00 Metal Powder: DF00 Thick Club: E000 Stick: E100 Red Scarf: FE00 Blue Scarf: FF00 Green Scarf: 0101 Yellow Scarf: 0201 Mach Bike: 0301 Coin Case: 0401 Item Finder: 0501 Old Rod: 0601 Good Rod: 0701 Super Rod: 0801 S.S. Ticket: 0901 Contest Pass: 0A01 Wailmer Pail: 0C01 Devon Goods: 0D01 Soot sack: 0E01 Basement Key: 0F01 Acro Bike: 1001 Case: 1101 Letter: 1201 Eon ticket: 1301 Red Orb: 1401 Blue Orb: 1501 Scanner: 1601 Go-Goggles: 1701 Meteorite: 1801 RM. 1 Key: 1901 RM. 2 Key: 1A01 RM. 4 Key: 1B01 RM. 6 Key: 1C01 Storage Key: 1D01 Root Fossil: 1E01 Claw Fossil: 1F01 Devon Scope: 2001 TM01: 2101 TM02: 2201 TM03: 2301 TM04: 2401 TM05: 2501 TM06: 2601 TM07: 2701 TM08: 2801 TM09: 2901 TM10: 2A01 TM11: 2B01 TM12: 2C01 TM13: 2D01 TM14: 2E01 TM15: 2F01 TM16: 3001 TM17: 3101 TM18: 3201 TM19: 3301 TM20: 3401 TM21: 3501 TM22: 3601 TM23: 3701 TM24: 3801 TM25: 3901 TM26: 3A01 TM27: 3B01 TM28: 3C01 TM29: 3D01 TM30: 3E01 TM31: 3F01 TM32: 4001 TM33: 4101 TM34: 4201 TM35: 4301 TM36: 4401 TM37: 4501 TM38: 4601 TM39: 4701 TM40: 4801 TM41: 4901 TM42: 4A01 TM43: 4B01 TM44: 4C01 TM45: 4D01 TM46: 4E01 TM47: 4F01 TM48: 5001 TM49: 5101 TM50: 5201 HM01: 5301 HM02: 5401 HM03: 5501 HM04: 5601 HM05: 5701 HM06: 5801 HM07: 5901 HM08: 5A01 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Crys: Go to 791ee in FR/LG change the 06 in FR or the 03 in LG. The crys are the pokemons number in hex ex. charizard is 6 so its 06. Dabomstew's stuff: 80 ** $$$$ - displayitem 82 ** $$$$ - displaymove 7E ** - displayfirstpokemon 7C $$$$ - checkpartyformove AC $$$$ $$$$ - opendoor [args: xpos, ypos] AD $$$$ $$$$ - closedoor [args: xpos, ypos] AE - waitfordooranimation? CA - boxtypeperson CB - boxtypesign DF xxxxxx08 - pokenav-call-style msgbox2 [Emerald only] If you see any errors please let us know! Ask one of us before posting anywhere. ©Foofatron and Thethethethe 2007-2222 credits: Dabomstew. FR Deep Scan I have made a list of UNlz offsets in FR in deep scan I only put the begging offset if it was multiple things. I didn't do everything just most of the good moves and important stuff. The rest was just blurs. Deep Scan FR: Pokedex pic 3479 Badge Part 3473 Key Items 3379 Equipment items 3330 Berries 3284 Mail 3272 misc items 3253 evolution stones 3258 Stat boost items 3248 Pokemon battle items 3226 Pokeballs 3214 Female pokebag 3200 TM pic 3194 Pokedex pic 3189 Male pokebag 3186 status effects 3181 surf battle move 3171 some move 3170 Sky attack 3169 fissure 3167 dig 3167 false swipe 3155 berry machine 3151 another part of the berry machine(256) 3148 A sweat move 3144 sheer cold 3129 battle background 3109 battle background 3106 sprites 2950 pokemon sprites 2080 moves 1900 pokecontest people 1895 pokemoves and stuff 1702 pokemon zero 1700 not sure 1202 game coner machine 1200 You(M+F), Oak and rival front pic(intro pic)(hit the - once for normal size 1177 islands on world map route 1072 World map routes 1072 pokeballs on pokedex 1069 badges (only 6) 1068 pokedex backgrounds for types +dex pokeballs 1056 maybe a pokedex part? 1054 braille stuff? 1053 places background (when u enter a place these pop up)(all of these have raws after them and can be edited in cyclone) 1003 speacial pc background 1001 enimy battle patch the grass thats under the battling pokemon 997 sprites in battle 994 ending credit pokemon 982 intro gangar and nindoran fighting 954 titlescreen stuff 940 something 928 poke map 910 World map 909 sprites 907 all badges 786 fire on titlescreen 769 flash on title screen just before it shows 768 tilesets 268 battle background 200 grass 151 grass battleground 149 battleground 143 Foofatron 2008
External links
Internal Data for Pokémon 3rd Generation/Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen
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