Final Fantasy Tactics Advance/Maps: Difference between revisions

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=Map Information=
=Map Information=
==Data structures==
==Data structures==

Latest revision as of 02:41, 24 January 2024

This is a sub-page of Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.

Map Information

Data structures

struct FFTA_map

0x58 bytes

Member name Length Offset Type Maximum value Description
Graphics Data 4 0x00 Pointer N/A A pointer diff pointing to the beginning of the map tile graphics data.
Arrangement Data 4 0x04 Pointer N/A A pointer diff pointing to the beginning of the data that arranges the tiles.
Unknown 4 0x08 Pointer N/A A pointer diff pointing to something that has to do with clipping.
Palette Data 4 0x0C Pointer N/A A pointer diff pointing to the beginning of the palette data.
Height-Map Data 4 0x10 Pointer N/A A pointer diff pointing to the beginning of the height-map data.
Animation Data 4 0x14 Pointer N/A A pointer diff pointing to the beginning of the animation data.
Animation Graphics Data 4 0x18 Pointer N/A A pointer diff pointing to the beginning of the raw animation tile data.
Animation Destination 4 0x1C Pointer N/A A pointer to where the Animation Data should be stored in the RAM.
Usually 0x06000020
Further Animation Data 0x10 0x20 4 Pointers N/A An array of 4 pointer diffs pointing to the beginning of extra animation data.
Further Animation Graphics Data 0x10 0x30 4 Pointers N/A An array of 4 pointer diffs pointing to the beginning of extra animation tile data.
Further Animation Destinations 0x10 0x40 4 Pointers N/A An array of 4 pointers to where the Animation Data should be stored in the RAM.
Usually 0x06000020
Unknown 4 0x50 32-bit Int N/A Unknown. Never appears to be used.
Unknown 1 0x54 Byte N/A Unknown. 0b??????PP
P Values:
  • 0x00 - Use Palette Data Pointer from this structure. If the first byte at this data is 0x10, the Palette Data is compressed with LZ77, otherwise it's uncompressed.
  • 0x01 - Load the half-word at (0x08427A04 + <Palette Index>) and add it 0x08427A04. The data at this location is LZSS compressed.
  • Else - Load the half-word at (0x0842CC80 + <Palette Index>) and add it 0x0842CC80. The data at this location is LZSS compressed.
Unknown 1 0x55 Byte N/A Unknown. Appears to mostly be a copy of the previous byte + 0x10.
Palette Index 1 0x56 Byte N/A This is the index to be used if the Palette Data bits indicate it is required. (From byte 0x54)
Buffer 1 0x57 Byte 0x00 Never used.

All pointer diffs in this structure are against 0x08569104.

struct FFTA_map_tile

struct FFTA_map_tile {
    uint8 Height;
    int8 Permissions;
  • Height: The height of the tile. There is no offset from what is displayed. Setting to higher than 99 (0x63) causes graphical glitches, but no crashing. Setting to 0 makes the tile invalid, such that it can't be selected. This value is unsigned.
  • Permissions:
  • 0x00 - Normal. Can be walked on.
  • 0x01 - Impassable. Can not be walked on.
  • 0x02 - Water. Can be walked on.
  • Else - Non-selectable. Can not be walked on or selected.

Data layout


Each block of map data starts at the top corner, and goes toward the right corner. The end of a row seems to be padded such that the last couple of bytes, until 0xXF, are zero. Unknown what happens if modified.

0x02007CB0(block of FFTA_map_tile): Beginning of map data in RAM


0x02007F14(void*): Pointer to 0x02007CB0. If changed, map data changes to correspond to the new pointer.


0x02007F1D(u?int8): NW-SE dimension of the map.

0x02007F1E(u?int8): Unknown. Set to 0x0C.

0x02007F1F(u?int8): NE-SW dimension of the map.


0x08019E7C(4 bytes): 0x02007CB0 - Address to start reading map height data from in scenes

0x0801F0DC(4 bytes): 0x02007CB0 - Address to write map height data to

0x08569104 - 0x0856915B: Map data pointers for map 0

0x08569104(Pointer): Pointer to map tile graphics data in map 0

0x08569108(Pointer): Pointer to map tile arrangement data in map 0

0x0856910C(Pointer): Pointer to unknown data in map 0

0x08569110(Pointer): Pointer to palette data in map 0

0x08569114(Pointer): Pointer to map height data in map 0

Default locations of map data

Tile graphics data Tile arrangement data Unknown data Palette data Map height data
Map 0 0x0856C8B4 0x0856F528 0x0856FEF8 0x0856F4A8 0x085704C8
  • There are 163 maps, indexed from 0x00 to 0xA2. Most maps have a night version (palette shift), too.