The Legend of Zelda/ROM map: Difference between revisions

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{{rommap|game=[[Legend of Zelda]]}}
{{rommap|game=The Legend of Zelda}}

'''''FROM  -  TO  -  DESCRIPTION'''''
Offsets are from the beginning of the ROM. To get the offset from the beginning of an iNES (.nes) file, add 0x10 (16 decimal).

{| border="1" cellpadding="1"
!From !! To !! Description
|D60 || D84 || [[The Legend of Zelda:Music Pointers|Music Pointers]]
|185B || 1861 || [[The Legend of Zelda:Sound Effects|Pointer table for sound effects]]
|1862 || 18BE || [[The Legend of Zelda:Sound Effects|Sound effects data]]
|1F90 || || Square instrument for the entire game.  Default is 90.
|4000 || 404B || [[The Legend of Zelda:Notes|Pointer table for character text]]
|404C || 45A1 || Text spoken by characters.
|4DB4 || 5EB4 || Graphics for Title Screen.
|6B5D || 6B7B || [[The Legend of Zelda:Items palette assignments|Item palette assignments]]
|6010 || 6017 || Warp whistle coordinates. Default screen ID#s are 36 3B 73 44 0A 21 41 6C. The screen ID# needs to be to the left of the target screen because the whirlwind scrolls you right.
|6B95 || || Temporary "green"?  29 is Link's original color.  Related to next two.
|6B96 || || Temporary "blue" assigned in dungeon to Link if he finds the blue ring there.
|6B97 || || Temporary "red" assigned in dungeon to Link if he finds the red ring there.
|6D97 ||6D9A || "Lost Woods" secret path (01 = East, 02 = West, 04 = South, 08 = North)
|6D9B ||6D9E || "Lost Hills" secret path (01 = East, 02 = West, 04 = South, 08 = North)
|6DA7 || || "Lost Woods" map location
|6DC0 || || "Lost Woods" exit direction (01 = East, 02 = West, 04 = South, 08 = North)
|6DC9 || || "Lost Hills" map location
|6DD2 || || "Lost Hills" exit direction (01 = East, 02 = West, 04 = South, 08 = North)
|6F4F || 701A || [[The Legend of Zelda:Character Palette Assignments|Character palette assignments]] and sprite orientation.
|747F || || Attack Power of Boomerang (default is 0). It can only damage what it can stun.
|7521 || || Beam Power of Magical Rod (default is 20)
|752A || || Beam Power of Magical Sword (default is 40)
|7533 || || Beam Power of White Sword (default is 20)
|7539 || || Beam Power of Wooden Sword (default is 10)
|7553 || || Flame Power (default is 10)
|756A || || Bomb Explosion Power (default is 40)
|7596 || || Attack Power of Wooden Sword (default is 10)
|7597 || || Attack Power of White Sword (default is 20)
|7598 || || Attack Power of Magical Sword (default is 40)
|75DD || || Attack Power of Magical Rod (default is 20). Value cannot be 0 unless arrow power is as well.
|75E9 || || Attack Power of Arrow (default is 20)
|807F || 8F4F || Graphics for Link, items, text, status bar.
|929B || 94AC || "All of Treasures" inventory listing
|94AD || 94E6 || Pointer table [2-byte] for inventory listing (not sequential!)
|9562 || 9565 || Colors for the Link that holds up the "see manual" sign.
|9969 || 9B68 || Title Screen Color Morphing (Defaults to blue/black colors)
|9D48 || 9DDE || Registration/Elimination Mode text
|9EEB || 9EEF || The name needed to skip the first quest.  (default is ZELDA)
|A287 || || Link's original color (default to 29 for green)
|A288 || || Link's blue tunic color (default to 32 for light blue)
|A289 || || Link's red tunic color (default to 16 for red)
|A959 || A97E || Text: "Thanks Link, you're the hero of Hyrule."
|AB07 || AB3B || Text: "Finally, peace returns to Hyrule. This ends the story."
|AC2E || AC44 || Pointer table [first halves of 2-byte pointers] for credits text
|AC45 || AC5B || Pointer table [second halves of 2-byte pointers] for credits text
|AC5C || ADF9 || Credits text
|C11B || EBCB || Graphics for dungeon and map, overworld, triforce collection, people, monsters
|10CB2 || || The place where a statue hides a hidden item. (24)
|10CB3 || 10CB8 || The six places where statues can hide secret stairways.
|10CB9 || || H-placement of item hidden by statue.
|10CBA || 10CBF || H-placement of stairs hidden by statues.  (30 = 4th column)
|10CE5 || || V-placement of stairs hidden by statues.  (90 = middle row)
|10CF5 || || [[The Legend of Zelda:Item codes|Item code]] for the item hidden under a statue. (14 = power bracelet)
|10F80 || || X position of Raft Trigger on any screen other than screen 55
|10F84 || || Screen with different X position of Raft Trigger
|10F88 || || X position of Raft Trigger on screen 55
|11452 || || Aquamentus' starting X-coordinate
|11456 || || Aquamentus' starting Y-coordinate
|117C2 || || Aquamentus' leftbound limit
|117C6 || || Fallback value for when Aquamentus exceeds leftbound limit.
|117D0 || || Aquamentus' rightbound limit
|117D4 || || Fallback value for when Aquamentus exceeds rightbound limit
|11812 || 11833 || Aquamentus' Fireball Routine
|11834 || 1183F || Aquamentus' graphics pointer tables (six bytes apiece)
|11840 || 1084B || Y- and X-coordinates for the six 8x16 tiles that make up the Aquamentus (six bytes apiece)
|1184C || 11892 || Aquamentus Graphics Handler
|12809 || 1281A || Gleeok(Many-headed dragon)'s pointer table.
|12F67 || 12F69 || Ganon turns these colors if you don't kill him with arrow when it's time to.
|1416A || 14181 || The Triforce layout on the Start screen.
|14944 || || The first room where Link can use the raft in the overworld (3F). This is embedded in code.
|14948 || || The second room where Link can use the raft in the overworld (55).
|15418 || 15BD7 || Overworld screens.  Each byte refers to 1 of 150 (256 addressible) columns.
|15BD8 || 15F9B || The 150 overworld columns.  First bytes six are the first column.
|15FA0 || 15FED || Graphics pointers for dungeon walls.
|15FEE || 16029 || Special graphics pointers for east wall. (Five, twelve-byte segments: open door, locked door, shutter, unbombed, bombed)
|1602A || 16065 || Special graphics pointers for west wall.
|16066 || 160A1 || Special graphics pointers for south wall.
|160A2 || 160DD || Special graphics pointers for north wall.
|160DE || 162D5 || All 42 possible dungeon rooms.  (use of vertical dungeon "macros".)
|162D6 || 163F5 || Macro content definitions (much overlap; set seventh bit denotes starting points)
|16704 || 16717 || Pointers to the ten Macro Content sequences (low-endian)
|1697C || 169B3 || [[The Legend of Zelda:Primary square table|Primary square table]]: squares specified as first of four tiles
|169B4 || 169F3 || [[The Legend of Zelda:Secondary square table|Secondary square table]]: squares specified as series of four tiles
|16976 || 1697B || [[The Legend of Zelda:Secrets table|Secrets table]]: list of six squares to draw for 'secrets' squares (E5-EA in primary square table), such as a bombable rock wall or burnable bush
|1788A || || [[The Legend of Zelda:Item codes|Item code]] for the overworld heart container that requires the stepladder.
|1788E || || Horizontal positioning of the overworld heart container.
|1789A || || The screen where the overworld heart container is placed.
|18000 || 18013 || Ten 2-byte pointers specifying which PPU Spriteblock to use for levels 0 (overworld) and 1 - 9.
|18014 || 18027 || Ten 2-byte pointers specifying location of level data blocks.
|1802A || 1803D || Ten 2-byte pointers specifying which PPU Spriteblock to use for levels 0 - 9 for second quest.
|1813C || || The screen to use in 2nd quest for 0B.  (1st quest's Level 5)  default 7B
|1813E || || The screen (minus 2) that changes to 7B. default 09
|18141 || || The screen to use in 2nd quest for 3C.  (1st quest's Level 2)  default 7B
|18143 || || The screen (minus 2) that changes to 7B. default 3A
|18146 || || The screen to use in 2nd quest for 74.  (1st quest's Level 3)  default 5A
|18148 || || The screen (minus 2) that changes to 5A. default 72
|1815F || 18165 || 7 locations that change in 2nd quest (dungeon/cave entrance, non-border palette) (Bit 8 changes what enemies appear)
|18167 || 1816C || Define what those 7 locations change to in 2nd quest.
|1816F || 183BE || [[The Legend of Zelda:2nd Quest Dungeons|2nd quest dungeon map info]]
|18400 || 1847F || Outer color borders for the overworld, Link's H-placement, Zoras, wave sfx.
|18403 || || (Changing cave exit location causes glitched graphics to appear when the player opens the subscreen.
|18444 || || (Changing outer from brown makes caves white instead of dark brown.)
|18480 || 184FF || Inner colors for the overworld and underground location assignment
|184C4 || || (Changing inner from green changes the color of the caves' text.)
|18500 || 1857F || Placement of monsters on the overworld.
|18580 || 185FF || Arrangement of 8 X 16 screens that make up the overworld. (Bit 8 changes what enemies appear)
|18600 || 1867F || '''Store prices, items sold, and item graphics used (see below).'''
|18600 || 18602 || Specify items found in the wooden sword cave. (Final item has bit 7 set)
|18603 || 18605 || Specify items found in the "take a free bottle/heart-container" caves. (Final item has bit 7 set)
|18606 || 18608 || Specify items found in the white sword cave. (First AND final items have bit 7 set)
|18609 || 1860B || Specify items found in the magical sword cave. (First AND final items have bit 7 set)
|18618 || 1861A || Specify items found in the letter cave. (Final item has bit 7 set)
|18622 || 18624 || Specify "items" found in the gambling caves(?). (Final item has bit 7 set)
|1861E || 18620 || Specify items sold in store E. (Final item has bits 7 and 8 set)
|18627 || 18629 || Specify items sold in store A. (Final item has bits 7 and 8 set)
|1862A || 1862C || Specify items sold in store B. (Final item has bits 7 and 8 set)
|1862D || 1862F || Specify items sold in store C. (Final item has bits 7 and 8 set)
|18630 || 18632 || Specify items sold in store D. (Final item has bits 7 and 8 set)
|1865A || || Price of blue medicine in store E.
|1865C || || Price of red medicine in store E.
|18663 || 18665 || Prices for items in store A.
|18666 || 18668 || Prices for items in store B.
|18669 || 1866B || Prices for items in store C.
|1866C || 1866E || Prices for items in store D.
|18670 || || Number of rupees given by moblin.  (default is 30)
|18673 || || Number of rupees given by moblin.  (default is 100)
|18676 || || Number of rupees given by moblin.  (default is 10)
|18680 || 186FF || Overworld: stair placement, quest secrets, Link's V placement, monster entry.
| || || '''1st Quest Dungeons:'''
|18700 || 1877F || N / S & outer color for Levels 1 through 6.  (see below) %NNNSSSPP: N - north door; S - south door; P - palette
|18771 || || For entrance to Level 4.
|18773 || || For entrance to Level 1.
|18776 || || For entrance to Level 5.
|18779 || || For entrance to Level 6.
|1877C || || For entrance to Level 3.
|1877D || || For entrance to Level 2.
|18780 || 187FF || E / W & inner color for Levels 1 through 6.  (see below) %EEEWWWPP: E - east door; W - west door; P - palette
|187F1 || || For entrance to Level 4.
|187F3 || || For entrance to Level 1.
|187F6 || || For entrance to Level 5.
|187F9 || || For entrance to Level 6.
|187FC || || For entrance to Level 3.
|187FD || || For entrance to Level 2.
|18800 || 1887F || Monsters for Levels 1 through 6.  (see below)
|18871 || || For entrance to Level 4.
|18873 || || For entrance to Level 1.
|18876 || || For entrance to Level 5.
|18879 || || For entrance to Level 6.
|1887C || || For entrance to Level 3.
|1887D || || For entrance to Level 2.
|18880 || 188FF || Types of rooms used for Levels 1 through 6.  (see below)
|188F1 || || For entrance to Level 4.
|188F3 || || For entrance to Level 1.
|188F6 || || For entrance to Level 5.
|188F9 || || For entrance to Level 6.
|188FC || || For entrance to Level 3.
|188FD || || For entrance to Level 2.
|18900 || 1897F || Floor items in Levels 1 through 6.  (see below) %DSSIIIII: D - dark room; S - boss noise; I - item type
|18971 || || For entrance to Level 4.
|18973 || || For entrance to Level 1.
|18976 || || For entrance to Level 5.
|18979 || || For entrance to Level 6.
|1897C || || For entrance to Level 3.
|1897D || || For entrance to Level 2.
|18980 || 189FF || Special floor items in Levels 1 through 6.  (see below) %??PP?TTT: P - item position index; T - item drop type
|189F1 || || For entrance to Level 4.
|189F3 || || For entrance to Level 1.
|189F6 || || For entrance to Level 5.
|189F9 || || For entrance to Level 6.
|189FC || || For entrance to Level 3.
|189FD || || For entrance to Level 2.
|18A00 || 18A7F || N / S & outer color for Levels 7 through 9.  (see below)
|18A76 || || For entrance to Level 9.
|18A79 || || For entrance to Level 7.
|18A7E || || For entrance to Level 8.
|18A80 || 18AFF || E / W & inner color for Levels 7 through 9.  (see below)
|18AF6 || || For entrance to Level 9.
|18AF9 || || For entrance to Level 7.
|18AFE || || For entrance to Level 8.
|18B00 || 18B7F || Monsters for Levels 7 through 9.  (see below)
|18B76 || || For entrance to Level 9.
|18B79 || || For entrance to Level 7.
|18B7E || || For entrance to Level 8.
|18B80 || 18BFF || Types of rooms used for Levels 7 through 9.  (see below)
|18BF6 || || For entrance to Level 9.
|18BF9 || || For entrance to Level 7.
|18BFE || || For entrance to Level 8.
|18C00 || 18C7F || Floor items in Levels 7 through 9.  (see below)
|18C76 || || For entrance to Level 9.
|18C79 || || For entrance to Level 7.
|18C7E || || For entrance to Level 8.
|18C80 || 18CFF || Special floor items in Levels 7 through 9.  (see below)
|18CF6 || || For entrance to Level 9.
|18CF9 || || For entrance to Level 7.
|18CFE || || For entrance to Level 8.
| || || '''2nd Quest Dungeons:'''
|18D00 || 18D7F || N / S & outer color for Levels 1 through 6.  (see below)
|18D72 || || For entrance to Level 5.
|18D74 || || For entrance to Level 6.
|18D75 || || For entrance to Level 3.
|18D77 || || For entrance to Level 1.
|18D79 || || For entrance to Level 2.
|18D7D || || For entrance to Level 4.
|18D80 || 18DFF || E / W & inner color for Levels 1 through 6.  (see below)
|18DF2 || || For entrance to Level 5.
|18DF4 || || For entrance to Level 6.
|18DF5 || || For entrance to Level 3.
|18DF7 || || For entrance to Level 1.
|18DF9 || || For entrance to Level 2.
|18DFD || || For entrance to Level 4.
|18E00 || 18E7F || Monsters for Levels 1 through 6.  (see below)
|18E72 || || For entrance to Level 5.
|18E74 || || For entrance to Level 6.
|18E75 || || For entrance to Level 3.
|18E77 || || For entrance to Level 1.
|18E79 || || For entrance to Level 2.
|18E7D || || For entrance to Level 4.
|18E80 || 18EFF || Types of rooms used for Levels 1 through 6.  (see below)
|18EF2 || || For entrance to Level 5.
|18EF4 || || For entrance to Level 6.
|18EF5 || || For entrance to Level 3.
|18EF7 || || For entrance to Level 1.
|18EF9 || || For entrance to Level 2.
|18EFD || || For entrance to Level 4.
|18F00 || 18F7F || Floor items in Levels 1 through 6.  (see below)
|18F72 || || For entrance to Level 5.
|18F74 || || For entrance to Level 6.
|18F75 || || For entrance to Level 3.
|18F77 || || For entrance to Level 1.
|18F79 || || For entrance to Level 2.
|18F7D || || For entrance to Level 4.
|18F80 || 18FFF || Special floor items in Levels 1 through 6.  (see below)
|18FF2 || || For entrance to Level 5.
|18FF4 || || For entrance to Level 6.
|18FF5 || || For entrance to Level 3.
|18FF7 || || For entrance to Level 1.
|18FF9 || || For entrance to Level 2.
|18FFD || || For entrance to Level 4.
|19000 || 1907F || N / S & outer color for Levels 7 through 9.  (see below)
|19074 || || For entrance to Level 9.
|19079 || || For entrance to Level 7.
|1907F || || For entrance to Level 8.
|19080 || 190FF || E / W & inner color for Levels 7 through 9.  (see below)
|190F4 || || For entrance to Level 9.
|190F9 || || For entrance to Level 7.
|190FF || || For entrance to Level 8.
|19100 || 1917F || Monsters for Levels 7 through 9.  (see below)
|19174 || || For entrance to Level 9.
|19179 || || For entrance to Level 7.
|1917F || || For entrance to Level 8.
|19180 || 191FF || Types of rooms used for Levels 7 through 9.  (see below)
|191F4 || || For entrance to Level 9.
|191F9 || || For entrance to Level 7.
|191FF || || For entrance to Level 8.
|19200 || 1927F || Floor items in Levels 7 through 9.  (see below)
|19274 || || For entrance to Level 9.
|19279 || || For entrance to Level 7.
|1927F || || For entrance to Level 8.
|19280 || 192FF || Special floor items in Levels 7 through 9.  (see below)
|192F4 || || For entrance to Level 9.
|192F9 || || For entrance to Level 7.
|192FF || || For entrance to Level 8.
| || || '''Overworld Colors'''
|From || To || Description
|19300 || 19302 || Palette Control Code
|19303 || 19306 || "Gray" Palette, used for cemetery and subscreen menu
|19307 || 1930A || "Red" Palette, used for life bar
|1930B || 1930E || "Green" Palette, for forest areas
|1930F || 19312 || "Brown" Palette, for mountain areas
|19313 || 19316 || Sprite Palette #0; Link, certain items
|19317 || 1931A || Sprite Palette #1; Blue enemies, certain items
|1931B || 1931E || Sprite Palette #2; Red enemies, certain items
|1931F || 19322 || Sprite Palette #3; used for what?
|19324 || 19327 || Number of monsters to use at each setting.
|19328 || || Link's starting V position for the overworld.  (default 8D)
|1932F || || 00 to 7F used to decide where Link starts in Hyrule. (default 77)
|19333 || || The "Level #" for the overworld.  Default is 00 (or, no label)
|19334 || 19337 || The four shortcuts on the overworld.  (defaults are 1D, 23, 49, 79)
|193FF || 19CD7 || [[The Legend of Zelda:Dungeon Data|Dungeon Data]]
|19CEC || 19CEE || File Select: Link's palette, File 1 (defaults: 29 27 07)
|19CF0 || 19CF2 || File Select: Link's palette, File 2 (defaults: 22 27 07)
|19CF4 || 19CF6 || File Select: Link's palette, File 3 (defaults: 26 27 07)<br>''Note: The first byte is irrelevant, despite being green, blue, and red values; the tunic color always comes from $A287 to $A289)
|19D04 || 19D0D || Text: "Level"
|19D0F || 19D2E || Column directory pointer table: 16-bit pointers to the start of each of 16 column tables.
|19D5B || 19D65 || Text: "Triforce"
|19D3A || || The frame of the Triforce on the Start screen.
|1A116 || 1A201 || Main menu ("- S E L E C T -", etc.)
|1A205 || 1A208 || Ganon's Palette.
|1A20E || 1A210 || Ending's text:  light blue / grey font colors
|1A212 || 1A214 || Ending's text:  light green / grey font colors
|1A281 || 1A284 || Overworld enemy color palette for black, sea blue, red.
|1A289 || 1A28C || Colors for Gleeok, the many-headed dragons.
|1A292 || 1A294 || Colors for the Aquamentus, the easy dragon boss.
|1A299 || 1A29C || Colors for Dodongo and Digdogger.
|1A2B8 || 1A2D2 || Text: Continue, Save, Retry
|1A2F0 || 1A2F3 || Text: Life
|1A316 || 1A387 || Subscreen text
|1A3D6 || 1A3E2 || Text: "Game Over "
|1A3FE || 1A81A || The storyboard text
|1A81B || 1A85D || [[The Legend of Zelda:Tutorials#Color Codes|Use of colours for the storyboard]] - every 2 bits sets the colour for a 2x2 block of text
|1A85E || 1A868 || Starts with green before title for treasure list.
|1A869 || 1AC85 || Title Screen's use of graphics.  (avoid certain values!)
|1AC86 || 1ACC8 || Title Screen's use of colors.
(Title: In 01AC90 to 01AC9F, 00's = grey, 55's = gold, AA = green)
|1EA8C || || Screen where "found secret" chime plays.
|1EE9A || || Screen where the false wall is found.
|1EEA5 || || X position of false wall.
|1EEAB || || Y position of false wall.
|1EF66 || 1EF70 || The eleven places where the recorder unveils secrets.
|1F20D || 1F212 || The six places where stepladder is enabled.
| || 1FFFF || ROM ends

==Cave Types==

There are 20 different cave types in the game, not including levels. The data that defines the cave types is listed below. Some behavior of different cave types may be hard-coded. (The last three appear to be the only cave types that can give out free money.)
00000 10 Rom begins. Rom header data.
D70 D94 Assign blocks of music at different points in game. (see below)
D70 --- Overworld fragment

D71 --- Ganon
{| border="1" cellpadding="1"
!From !! To !! Description
|045A2 || || Cave text - Low six bits specify text (values should be multiples of 2), bit 6 specifies whether player can pick up items, and bit 7 is set for shops, potion shops, and pay-to-talk caves.
|1860C || || Cave Items. 3 Bytes per cave types, format is (high bit first) NMaaaaaa HTbbbbbb PIcccccc. aaaaaa, bbbbbb, and cccccc are value 0-63 that specify item type. Other bits are as follows: N = show prices as negative, M requires player to have enough hearts to get item, H is set for gambling game and secret money, T is set for pay-to-talk caves, P and I specify whether items and prices are visible.
|18648 || || Item prices - 3 bytes per cave
|06E6F || || Cave dweller - 58 = old man, 59 = old woman, 5A = merchant, 5B = moblin

D72 --- Leave w/ Triforce
{{Internal Data|game=The Legend of Zelda}}
D73 --- Major Item
D74 --- Overworld fragment
D75 --- Final Dungeon
D76 D77 Title fragment
D78 D7E Overworld
D7F D80 Dungeon Boss
D81 D88 Ending Song
D89 D92 Title Song
D93 --- Aquiring Triforce
D94 --- Title fragment
1FA0 --- Square instrument for the entire game.  Default is 90.
4053 45B0 Text spoken by characters.
4DC4 5EC4 Graphics for Title Screen.
6BA5 --- Temporary "green"?  29 is Link's original color.  Related to next two.
6BA6 --- Temporary "blue" assigned in dungeon to Link if he finds blue mail there.
6BA7 --- Temporary "red" assigned in dungeon to Link if he finds red mail there.
808F 8F5F Graphics for Link, items, text, status bar.
9572 9575 Colors for the Link that holds up the "see manual" sign.
9979 9B78 Title Screen Color Morphing (Defaults to blue/black colors)
9EFB 9EFF The name needed to skip the first quest.  (default is ZELDA)
A297 --- Link's original color (default to 29 for green)
A298 --- Link's blue tunic color (default to 32 for light blue)
A299 --- Link's red tunic color (default to 16 for red)
C12B EBDB Graphics for dungeon and map, overworld, triforce collection, people, monsters
10CC3 10CC8 The six places where statues can hide secret stairways.
10CCA 10CCF H-placement of stairs hidden by statues.  (30 = 4th column)
11844 --- Start of easy dragon's pointer table.
12819 1282A Many-headed dragon's pointer table.
12F77 12F79 Ganon turns these colors if you don't kill him with arrow when it's time to.
1417A 14191 The Triforce layout on the Start screen.
015428 015BE7 Overworld screens.  Each byte refers to 1 of 256 columns.
15BE8 ????? The 256 overworld columns.  First six are the first column.
15FB0 15FFD Graphics pointers for dungeon walls.
16022 1602D Graphics pointers for unbombed wall.  (East)
1602E 16039 Graphics pointers for bombed wall.  (East)
1605E 16069 Graphics pointers for unbombed wall.  (West)
1606A 16075 Graphics pointers for bombed wall.  (West)
1609A 160A5 Graphics pointers for unbombed wall.  (South)
160A6 160B1 Graphics pointers for bombed wall.  (South)
160D6 160E1 Graphics pointers for unbombed wall.  (North)
160E2 160ED Graphics pointers for bombed wall.  (North)
160EE 0162E5 All 42 possible dungeon rooms.  (use of vertical dungeon "macros".)
1789A --- The overworld heart that requires the stepladder.
1789E --- Horizontal positioning of the overworld heart.
178AA --- The screen where the overworld heart is placed.
01814C --- The screen to use in 2nd quest for A12.  (1st quest's Level 5)  default 7B
018151 --- The screen to use in 2nd quest for D13.  (1st quest's Level 2)  default 7B
018156 --- The screen to use in 2nd quest for H5.  (1st quest's Level 3)  default 5A
01816F 018175 7 locations that change in 2nd quest (i.e. dungeons, stores, secrets)
018177 01817C Define what those 7 locations change to in 2nd quest.
1817F --- 2nd quest dungeon map info begins.  (See below)
'''2nd Quest, Level 1'''
1817F 18182 The 4 item tiles
18183 --- Coordinate for drawn map data (shift left or right)
18184 --- Coordinate for item map cursor (shift left or right) (+ or - 8)
18185 --- Entrance room
18186 --- Triforce room (for compass)
18189 --- Level # value
1818A --- Beginning of stairway list (of 8X16 grid)
18194 --- Boss room
18195 --- Drawn map data (16 columns)
181A5 --- Dungeon map display begins
'''2nd Quest, Level 3'''
181B8 181BB The 4 item tiles
181BC --- Coordinate for drawn map data (shift left or right)
181BD --- Coordinate for item map cursor (shift left or right) (+ or - 8)
181BE --- Entrance room
181BF --- Triforce room (for compass)
181C2 --- Level # value
181C3 --- Beginning of stairway list (of 8X16 grid)
181CD --- Boss room
181CE --- Drawn map data (16 columns)
181DE --- Dungeon map display begins
'''2nd Quest, Level 2'''
181EF 181F2 The 4 item tiles
181F3 --- Coordinate for drawn map data (shift left or right)
181F4 --- Coordinate for item map cursor (shift left or right) (+ or - 8)
181F5 --- Entrance room
181F6 --- Triforce room (for compass)
181F9 --- Level # value
181FA --- Beginning of stairway list (of 8X16 grid)
18204 --- Boss room
18205 --- Drawn map data (16 columns)
18215 --- Dungeon map display begins
'''2nd Quest, Level 5'''
1822C 1822F The 4 item tiles
18230 --- Coordinate for drawn map data (shift left or right)
18231 --- Coordinate for item map cursor (shift left or right) (+ or - 8)
18232 --- Entrance room
18233 --- Triforce room (for compass)
18236 --- Level # value
18237 --- Beginning of stairway list (of 8X16 grid)
18241 --- Boss room
18242 --- Drawn map data (16 columns)
18252 --- Dungeon map display begins
'''2nd Quest, Level 4'''
18265 18268 The 4 item tiles
18269 --- Coordinate for drawn map data (shift left or right)
1826A --- Coordinate for item map cursor (shift left or right) (+ or - 8)
1826B --- Entrance room
1826C --- Triforce room (for compass)
1826F --- Level # value
18270 --- Beginning of stairway list (of 8X16 grid)
1827A --- Boss room
1827B --- Drawn map data (16 columns)
1828B --- Dungeon map display begins
'''2nd Quest, Level 6'''
182A8 182AB The 4 item tiles
182AC --- Coordinate for drawn map data (shift left or right)
182AD --- Coordinate for item map cursor (shift left or right) (+ or - 8)
182AE --- Entrance room
182AF --- Triforce room (for compass)
182B2 --- Level # value
182B3 --- Beginning of stairway list (of 8X16 grid)
182BD --- Boss room
182BE --- Drawn map data (16 columns)
182CE --- Dungeon map display begins
'''2nd Quest, Level 8'''
182E8 182EB The 4 item tiles
182EC --- Coordinate for drawn map data (shift left or right)
182ED --- Coordinate for item map cursor (shift left or right) (+ or - 8)
182EE --- Entrance room
182EF --- Triforce room (for compass)
182F2 --- Level # value
182F3 --- Beginning of stairway list (of 8X16 grid)
182FD --- Boss room
182FE --- Drawn map data (16 columns)
1830E --- Dungeon map display begins
'''2nd Quest, Level 7'''
18327 1832A The 4 item tiles
1832B --- Coordinate for drawn map data (shift left or right)
1832C --- Coordinate for item map cursor (shift left or right) (+ or - 8)
1832D --- Entrance room
1832E --- Triforce room (for compass)
18331 --- Level # value
18332 --- Beginning of stairway list (of 8X16 grid)
1833C --- Boss room
1833D --- Drawn map data (16 columns)
1834D --- Dungeon map display begins
'''2nd Quest, Level 9'''
1836A 1836D The 4 item tiles
1836E --- Coordinate for drawn map data (shift left or right)
1836F --- Coordinate for item map cursor (shift left or right) (+ or - 8)
18370 --- Entrance room
18371 --- Triforce room (for compass)
18374 --- Level # value
18375 --- Beginning of stairway list (of 8X16 grid)
1837F --- Boss room
18380 --- Drawn map data (16 columns)
18390 --- Dungeon map display begins
18410 1848F Outer color borders for the overworld, Link's H-placement, Zoras, wave sfx.
18454 --- (Changing outer from brown makes caves white instead of dark brown.)
18490 1850F Inner colors for the overworld and underground location assignment
184D4 --- (Changing inner from green changes the color of the caves' text.)
18510 1858F Placement of monsters on the overworld.
18590 1860F Arrangement of 8 X 16 screens that make up the overworld.
18610 1868F Store prices, items sold, and item graphics used (see below).
18613 --- The 2nd bottle in bottle/heart-container pair.
18614 --- The command that makes it a bottle/heart-container pair. (?)
18615 --- The heart container in bottle/heart-container pair.
18637 18639 Specifiy items sold in store A.
1863A 1863C Specifiy items sold in store B.
1863D 1863F Specifiy items sold in store C.
18640 18642 Specifiy items sold in store D.
1866A --- Price of blue medicine in store E.
1866C --- Price of red medicine in store E.
18673 18675 Prices for items in store A.
18676 18678 Prices for items in store B.
18679 1867B Prices for items in store C.
1867C 1867E Prices for items in store D.
18680 --- Number of rupees given by moblin.  (default is 30)
18683 --- Number of rupees given by moblin.  (default is 100)
18686 --- Number of rupees given by moblin.  (default is 10)
18690 1870F Overworld: stair placement, quest secrets, Link's V placement, monster entry.
'''1st Quest Dungeons:'''
18710 1878F N / S & outer color for Levels 1 through 6.  (see below)
18781 --- For entrance to Level 4.
18783 --- For entrance to Level 1.
18786 --- For entrance to Level 5.
18789 --- For entrance to Level 6.
1878C --- For entrance to Level 3.
1878D --- For entrance to Level 2.
18790 1880F E / W & inner color for Levels 1 through 6.  (see below)
18801 --- For entrance to Level 4.
18803 --- For entrance to Level 1.
18806 --- For entrance to Level 5.
18809 --- For entrance to Level 6.
1880C --- For entrance to Level 3.
1880D --- For entrance to Level 2.
18810 1888F Monsters for Levels 1 through 6.  (see below)
18881 --- For entrance to Level 4.
18883 --- For entrance to Level 1.
18886 --- For entrance to Level 5.
18889 --- For entrance to Level 6.
1888C --- For entrance to Level 3.
1888D --- For entrance to Level 2.
18890 1890F Types of rooms used for Levels 1 through 6.  (see below)
18901 --- For entrance to Level 4.
18903 --- For entrance to Level 1.
18906 --- For entrance to Level 5.
18909 --- For entrance to Level 6.
1890C --- For entrance to Level 3.
1890D --- For entrance to Level 2.
18910 1898F Floor items in Levels 1 through 6.  (see below)
18981 --- For entrance to Level 4.
18983 --- For entrance to Level 1.
18986 --- For entrance to Level 5.
18989 --- For entrance to Level 6.
1898C --- For entrance to Level 3.
1898D --- For entrance to Level 2.
18990 18A0F Special floor items in Levels 1 through 6.  (see below)
18A01 --- For entrance to Level 4.
18A03 --- For entrance to Level 1.
18A06 --- For entrance to Level 5.
18A09 --- For entrance to Level 6.
18A0C --- For entrance to Level 3.
18A0D --- For entrance to Level 2.
18A10 18A8F N / S & outer color for Levels 7 through 9.  (see below)
18A86 --- For entrance to Level 9.
18A89 --- For entrance to Level 7.
18A8E --- For entrance to Level 8.
18A90 18B0F E / W & inner color for Levels 7 through 9.  (see below)
18B06 --- For entrance to Level 9.
18B09 --- For entrance to Level 7.
18B0E --- For entrance to Level 8.
18B10 18B8F Monsters for Levels 7 through 9.  (see below)
18B86 --- For entrance to Level 9.
18B89 --- For entrance to Level 7.
18B8E --- For entrance to Level 8.
18B90 18C0F Types of rooms used for Levels 7 through 9.  (see below)
18C06 --- For entrance to Level 9.
18C09 --- For entrance to Level 7.
18C0E --- For entrance to Level 8.
18C10 18C8F Floor items in Levels 7 through 9.  (see below)
18C86 --- For entrance to Level 9.
18C89 --- For entrance to Level 7.
18C8E --- For entrance to Level 8.
18C90 18D0F Special floor items in Levels 7 through 9.  (see below)
18D06 --- For entrance to Level 9.
18D09 --- For entrance to Level 7.
18D0E --- For entrance to Level 8.
'''2nd Quest Dungeons:'''
18D10 18D8F N / S & outer color for Levels 1 through 6.  (see below)
18D82 --- For entrance to Level 5.
18D84 --- For entrance to Level 6.
18D85 --- For entrance to Level 3.
18D87 --- For entrance to Level 1.
18D89 --- For entrance to Level 2.
18D8D --- For entrance to Level 4.
18D90 18E0F E / W & inner color for Levels 1 through 6.  (see below)
18E02 --- For entrance to Level 5.
18E04 --- For entrance to Level 6.
18E05 --- For entrance to Level 3.
18E07 --- For entrance to Level 1.
18E09 --- For entrance to Level 2.
18E0D --- For entrance to Level 4.
18E10 18E8F Monsters for Levels 1 through 6.  (see below)
18E82 --- For entrance to Level 5.
18E84 --- For entrance to Level 6.
18E85 --- For entrance to Level 3.
18E87 --- For entrance to Level 1.
18E89 --- For entrance to Level 2.
18E8D --- For entrance to Level 4.
18E90 18F0F Types of rooms used for Levels 1 through 6.  (see below)
18F02 --- For entrance to Level 5.
18F04 --- For entrance to Level 6.
18F05 --- For entrance to Level 3.
18F07 --- For entrance to Level 1.
18F09 --- For entrance to Level 2.
18F0D --- For entrance to Level 4.
18F10 18F8F Floor items in Levels 1 through 6.  (see below)
18F82 --- For entrance to Level 5.
18F84 --- For entrance to Level 6.
18F85 --- For entrance to Level 3.
18F87 --- For entrance to Level 1.
18F89 --- For entrance to Level 2.
18F8D --- For entrance to Level 4.
18F90 1900F Special floor items in Levels 1 through 6.  (see below)
19002 --- For entrance to Level 5.
19004 --- For entrance to Level 6.
19005 --- For entrance to Level 3.
19007 --- For entrance to Level 1.
19009 --- For entrance to Level 2.
1900D --- For entrance to Level 4.
19010 1908F N / S & outer color for Levels 7 through 9.  (see below)
19084 --- For entrance to Level 9.
19089 --- For entrance to Level 7.
1908F --- For entrance to Level 8.
19090 1910F E / W & inner color for Levels 7 through 9.  (see below)
19104 --- For entrance to Level 9.
19109 --- For entrance to Level 7.
1910F --- For entrance to Level 8.
19110 1918F Monsters for Levels 7 through 9.  (see below)
19184 --- For entrance to Level 9.
19189 --- For entrance to Level 7.
1918F --- For entrance to Level 8.
19190 1920F Types of rooms used for Levels 7 through 9.  (see below)
19204 --- For entrance to Level 9.
19209 --- For entrance to Level 7.
1920F --- For entrance to Level 8.
19210 1928F Floor items in Levels 7 through 9.  (see below)
19284 --- For entrance to Level 9.
19289 --- For entrance to Level 7.
1928F --- For entrance to Level 8.
19290 1930F Special floor items in Levels 7 through 9.  (see below)
19304 --- For entrance to Level 9.
19309 --- For entrance to Level 7.
1930F --- For entrance to Level 8.
'''Overworld Colors'''
19310 3F unstable coloring
19311 00 unstable coloring
19312 20 unstable coloring
19313 0F unstable coloring
19314 30 Color of mountains & trees for "grey pallet and menu"
19315 00 Color of path for "grey pallet and menu"
19316 12 Color of water for "grey pallet and menu"
19317 0F unknown
19318 16 Color of mountains & trees for "red pallet"
19319 27 Color of path for "red pallet"
1931A 36 Color of water for "red pallet"
1931B 0F unknown
1931C 17 Color of mountains & trees for "green pallet"
1931D 37 Color of path for "green pallet"
1931E 12 Color of water for "green pallet"
1931F 0F unknown
19320 17 Color of mountains & trees for "brown pallet"
19321 37 Color of path for "brown pallet"
19322 12 Color of water for "brown pallet"
19323 0F Color 'black'.
19324 29 "Placeholder for the correct color of Link's clothes."
19325 27 Color for Link's face and for parts of certain items.
19326 17 Color 'brown' for Link and for parts of certain items.
19327 0F transparency
19328 02 Color 'blue' for items and monsters.
19329 22 Color 'lt. blue' for items and monsters.
1932A 30 Color 'white' for items and monsters.
1932B 0F transparency
1932C 16 Color 'red' for items and monsters.
1932D 27 Color 'orange' for items and monsters.
1932E 30 Color 'white' for items and monsters.
1932F 0F Color, for what?
19330 0C Color, for what?
19331 1C Color, for what?
19332 2C Color, for what?
19334 19337 Number of monsters to use at each setting.
19338 --- Link's starting V position for the overworld.  (default 8D)
1933F --- 00 to 7F used to decide where Link starts in Hyrule. (default 77)
19343 --- The "Level #" for the overworld.  Default is 00 (or, no label)
19344 19347 The four shortcuts on the overworld.  (defaults are 1D, 23, 49, 79)
'''Level 1'''
19417 --- Normal colors
1941B --- Liquid colors
19421 --- Link's colors
1942B --- Normal colors (for blocks and certain enemies)
19435 19438 The 4 item tiles
19439 --- Coordinate for drawn map data (shift left or right)
1943A --- Coordinate for item map cursor (shift left or right) (+ or - 8)
1943B --- Entrance room
1943C --- Triforce room (for compass)
1943F --- Level # value
19440 --- Beginning of stairway list (of 8X16 grid)
1944A --- Boss room
1944B 1945A Drawn map data (16 columns)
1945B --- Dungeon map display begins
19488 --- All normal and liquid colors (for stairway lighting)
194C8 --- Normal colors (for candle light shading)
194CC --- Liquid colors (for candle light shading)
194D0 --- Normal colors, light beginning to dim
194D4 --- Liquid colors, light beginning to dim
194D8 --- Normal colors, partial light
194DC --- Liquid colors, partial light
194E0 --- Normal colors, no candle lit
194E4 --- Liquid colors, no candle lit
'''Level 2'''
19513 --- Normal colors
19517 --- Liquid colors
1951D --- Link's colors
19527 --- Normal colors (for blocks and certain enemies)
19531 19534 The 4 item tiles
19535 --- Coordinate for drawn map data (shift left or right)
19536 --- Coordinate for item map cursor (shift left or right) (+ or - 8)
19537 --- Entrance room
19538 --- Triforce room (for compass)
1953B --- Level # value
1953C --- Beginning of stairway list (of 8X16 grid)
19546 --- Boss room
19547 19556 Drawn map data (16 columns)
19557 19583 Dungeon map of Level 2
19584 --- All normal and liquid colors (for stairway lighting)
195C4 --- Normal colors (for candle light shading)
195C8 --- Liquid colors (for candle light shading)
195CC --- Normal colors, light beginning to dim
195D0 --- Liquid colors, light beginning to dim
195D4 --- Normal colors, partial light
195D8 --- Liquid colors, partial light
195DC --- Normal colors, no candle lit
195E0 --- Liquid colors, no candle lit
'''Level 3'''
1960F --- Normal colors
19613 --- Liquid colors
19619 --- Link's colors
19623 --- Normal colors (for blocks and certain enemies)
1962D --- The 4 item tiles
19631 --- Coordinate for drawn map data (shift left or right)
19632 --- Coordinate for item map cursor (shift left or right) (+ or - 8)
19633 --- Entrance room
19634 --- Triforce room (for compass)
19637 --- Level # value
19638 --- Beginning of stairway list (of 8X16 grid)
19642 --- Boss room
19643 19652 Drawn map data (16 columns)
19653 --- Dungeon map begins for Level 3
19680 --- All normal and liquid colors (for stairway lighting)
196C0 --- Normal colors (for candle light shading)
196C4 --- Liquid colors (for candle light shading)
196C8 --- Normal colors, light beginning to dim
196CC --- Liquid colors, light beginning to dim
196D0 --- Normal colors, partial light
196D4 --- Liquid colors, partial light
196D8 --- Normal colors, no candle lit
196DC --- Liquid colors, no candle lit
'''Level 4'''
1970B --- Normal colors
1970F --- Liquid colors
19715 --- Link's colors
1971F --- Normal colors (for blocks and certain enemies)
19729 --- The 4 item tiles
1972D --- Coordinate for drawn map data (shift left or right)
1972E --- Coordinate for item map cursor (shift left or right) (+ or - 8)
1972F --- Entrance room
19730 --- Triforce room (for compass)
19733 --- Level # value
19734 --- Beginning of stairway list (of 8X16 grid)
1973E --- Boss room
1973F 1974E Drawn map data (16 columns)
1974F --- Dungeon map begins for Level 4
1977C --- All normal and liquid colors (for stairway lighting)
197BC --- Normal colors (for candle light shading)
197C0 --- Liquid colors (for candle light shading)
197C4 --- Normal colors, light beginning to dim
197C8 --- Liquid colors, light beginning to dim
197CC --- Normal colors, partial light
197D0 --- Liquid colors, partial light
197D4 --- Normal colors, no candle lit
197D8 --- Liquid colors, no candle lit
'''Level 5'''
19807 --- Normal colors
1980B --- Liquid colors
19811 --- Link's colors
1981B --- Normal colors (for blocks and certain enemies)
19825 --- The 4 item tiles
19829 --- Coordinate for drawn map data (shift left or right)
1982A --- Coordinate for item map cursor (shift left or right) (+ or - 8)
1982B --- Entrance room
1982C --- Triforce room (for compass)
1982F --- Level # value
19830 --- Beginning of stairway list (of 8X16 grid)
1983A --- Boss room
1983B 1984A Drawn map data (16 columns)
1984B --- Dungeon map begins for Level 5
19878 --- All normal and liquid colors (for stairway lighting)
198B8 --- Normal colors (for candle light shading)
198BC --- Liquid colors (for candle light shading)
198C0 --- Normal colors, light beginning to dim
198C4 --- Liquid colors, light beginning to dim
198C8 --- Normal colors, partial light
198CC --- Liquid colors, partial light
198D0 --- Normal colors, no candle lit
198D4 --- Liquid colors, no candle lit
'''Level 6'''
19903 --- Normal colors
19907 --- Liquid colors
1990D --- Link's colors
19917 --- Normal colors (for blocks and certain enemies)
19921 --- The 4 item tiles
19925 --- Coordinate for drawn map data (shift left or right)
19926 --- Coordinate for item map cursor (shift left or right) (+ or - 8)
19927 --- Entrance room
19928 --- Triforce room (for compass)
1992B --- Level # value
1992C --- Beginning of stairway list (of 8X16 grid)
19936 --- Boss room
19937 19946 Drawn map data (16 columns)
19947 --- Dungeon map begins for Level 6
19974 --- All normal and liquid colors (for stairway lighting)
199B4 --- Normal colors (for candle light shading)
199B8 --- Liquid colors (for candle light shading)
199BC --- Normal colors, light beginning to dim
199C0 --- Liquid colors, light beginning to dim
199C4 --- Normal colors, partial light
199C8 --- Liquid colors, partial light
199CC --- Normal colors, no candle lit
199D0 --- Liquid colors, no candle lit
'''Level 7'''
199FF --- Normal colors
19A03 --- Liquid colors
19A09 --- Link's colors
19A13 --- Normal colors (for blocks and certain enemies)
19A1D --- The 4 item tiles
19A21 --- Coordinate for drawn map data (shift left or right)
19A22 --- Coordinate for item map cursor (shift left or right) (+ or - 8)
19A23 --- Entrance room
19A24 --- Triforce room (for compass)
19A27 --- Level # value
19A28 --- Beginning of stairway list (of 8X16 grid)
19A32 --- Boss room
19A33 19A42 Drawn map data (16 columns)
19A43 --- Dungeon map begins for Level 7
19A70 --- All normal and liquid colors (for stairway lighting)
19AB0 --- Normal colors (for candle light shading)
19AB4 --- Liquid colors (for candle light shading)
19AB8 --- Normal colors, light beginning to dim
19ABC --- Liquid colors, light beginning to dim
19AC0 --- Normal colors, partial light
19AC4 --- Liquid colors, partial light
19AC8 --- Normal colors, no candle lit
19ACC --- Liquid colors, no candle lit
'''Level 8'''
19AFB --- Normal colors
19AFF --- Liquid colors
19B05 --- Link's colors
19B0F --- Normal colors (for blocks and certain enemies)
19B19 --- The 4 item tiles
19B1D --- Coordinate for drawn map data (shift left or right)
19B1E --- Coordinate for item map cursor (shift left or right) (+ or - 8)
19B1F --- Entrance room
19B20 --- Triforce room (for compass)
19B23 --- Level # value
19B24 --- Beginning of stairway list (of 8X16 grid)
19B2E --- Boss room
19B2F 19B3E Drawn map data (16 columns)
19B3F --- Dungeon map begins for Level 8
19B6C --- All normal and liquid colors (for stairway lighting)
19BAC --- Normal colors (for candle light shading)
19BB0 --- Liquid colors (for candle light shading)
19BB4 --- Normal colors, light beginning to dim
19BB8 --- Liquid colors, light beginning to dim
19BBC --- Normal colors, partial light
19BC0 --- Liquid colors, partial light
19BC4 --- Normal colors, no candle lit
19BC8 --- Liquid colors, no candle lit
'''Level 9'''
19BF7 --- Normal colors
19BFB --- Liquid colors
19C01 --- Link's colors
19C0B --- Normal colors (for blocks and certain enemies)
19C15 --- The 4 item tiles
19C19 --- Coordinate for drawn map data (shift left or right)
19C1A --- Coordinate for item map cursor (shift left or right) (+ or - 8)
19C1B --- Entrance room
19C1C --- Triforce room (for compass)
19C1F --- Level # value
19C20 --- Beginning of stairway list (of 8X16 grid)
19C2A --- Boss room
19C2B 19C3A Drawn map data (16 columns)
19C3B --- Dungeon map begins for Level 9
19C68 --- All normal and liquid colors (for stairway lighting)
19CA8 --- Normal colors (for candle light shading)
19CAC --- Liquid colors (for candle light shading)
19CB0 --- Normal colors, light beginning to dim
19CB4 --- Liquid colors, light beginning to dim
19CB8 --- Normal colors, partial light
19CBC --- Liquid colors, partial light
19CC0 --- Normal colors, no candle lit
19CC4 --- Liquid colors, no candle lit
19D4A ??? The frame of the Triforce on the Start screen.
1A21E 1A220 Ending's text:  light blue / grey font colors
1A222 1A224 Ending's text:  light green / grey font colors
1A291 1A294 Overworld enemy color palette for black, sea blue, red.
1A299 1A29C Colors for many-headed dragons.
1A2A2 1A2A4 Colors for the easy dragon boss.
1A450 1A7CB The storyboard text
1A834 1A86D Use of colors for the storyboard.
1A86E 1A87A Starts with green before title for treasure list.
1A89F 1AC6F Title Screen's use of graphics.  (avoid certain values!)
1AC96 1ACD8 Title Screen's use of colors.
--- --- (Title: In 01ACA0 to 01ACAF, 00's = grey, 55's = gold, AA = green)
1EF76 1EF80 The eleven places where the recorder unveils secrets.
1F21D 1F222 The six places where stepladder is enabled.
2000F Rom ends
[[Category:Legend of Zelda|ROM map]]

Latest revision as of 03:37, 30 June 2024

Chip tiny.png The following article is a ROM map for The Legend of Zelda.

Offsets are from the beginning of the ROM. To get the offset from the beginning of an iNES (.nes) file, add 0x10 (16 decimal).

From To Description
D60 D84 Music Pointers
185B 1861 Pointer table for sound effects
1862 18BE Sound effects data
1F90 Square instrument for the entire game. Default is 90.
4000 404B Pointer table for character text
404C 45A1 Text spoken by characters.
4DB4 5EB4 Graphics for Title Screen.
6B5D 6B7B Item palette assignments
6010 6017 Warp whistle coordinates. Default screen ID#s are 36 3B 73 44 0A 21 41 6C. The screen ID# needs to be to the left of the target screen because the whirlwind scrolls you right.
6B95 Temporary "green"? 29 is Link's original color. Related to next two.
6B96 Temporary "blue" assigned in dungeon to Link if he finds the blue ring there.
6B97 Temporary "red" assigned in dungeon to Link if he finds the red ring there.
6D97 6D9A "Lost Woods" secret path (01 = East, 02 = West, 04 = South, 08 = North)
6D9B 6D9E "Lost Hills" secret path (01 = East, 02 = West, 04 = South, 08 = North)
6DA7 "Lost Woods" map location
6DC0 "Lost Woods" exit direction (01 = East, 02 = West, 04 = South, 08 = North)
6DC9 "Lost Hills" map location
6DD2 "Lost Hills" exit direction (01 = East, 02 = West, 04 = South, 08 = North)
6F4F 701A Character palette assignments and sprite orientation.
747F Attack Power of Boomerang (default is 0). It can only damage what it can stun.
7521 Beam Power of Magical Rod (default is 20)
752A Beam Power of Magical Sword (default is 40)
7533 Beam Power of White Sword (default is 20)
7539 Beam Power of Wooden Sword (default is 10)
7553 Flame Power (default is 10)
756A Bomb Explosion Power (default is 40)
7596 Attack Power of Wooden Sword (default is 10)
7597 Attack Power of White Sword (default is 20)
7598 Attack Power of Magical Sword (default is 40)
75DD Attack Power of Magical Rod (default is 20). Value cannot be 0 unless arrow power is as well.
75E9 Attack Power of Arrow (default is 20)
807F 8F4F Graphics for Link, items, text, status bar.
929B 94AC "All of Treasures" inventory listing
94AD 94E6 Pointer table [2-byte] for inventory listing (not sequential!)
9562 9565 Colors for the Link that holds up the "see manual" sign.
9969 9B68 Title Screen Color Morphing (Defaults to blue/black colors)
9D48 9DDE Registration/Elimination Mode text
9EEB 9EEF The name needed to skip the first quest. (default is ZELDA)
A287 Link's original color (default to 29 for green)
A288 Link's blue tunic color (default to 32 for light blue)
A289 Link's red tunic color (default to 16 for red)
A959 A97E Text: "Thanks Link, you're the hero of Hyrule."
AB07 AB3B Text: "Finally, peace returns to Hyrule. This ends the story."
AC2E AC44 Pointer table [first halves of 2-byte pointers] for credits text
AC45 AC5B Pointer table [second halves of 2-byte pointers] for credits text
AC5C ADF9 Credits text
C11B EBCB Graphics for dungeon and map, overworld, triforce collection, people, monsters
10CB2 The place where a statue hides a hidden item. (24)
10CB3 10CB8 The six places where statues can hide secret stairways.
10CB9 H-placement of item hidden by statue.
10CBA 10CBF H-placement of stairs hidden by statues. (30 = 4th column)
10CE5 V-placement of stairs hidden by statues. (90 = middle row)
10CF5 Item code for the item hidden under a statue. (14 = power bracelet)
10F80 X position of Raft Trigger on any screen other than screen 55
10F84 Screen with different X position of Raft Trigger
10F88 X position of Raft Trigger on screen 55
11452 Aquamentus' starting X-coordinate
11456 Aquamentus' starting Y-coordinate
117C2 Aquamentus' leftbound limit
117C6 Fallback value for when Aquamentus exceeds leftbound limit.
117D0 Aquamentus' rightbound limit
117D4 Fallback value for when Aquamentus exceeds rightbound limit
11812 11833 Aquamentus' Fireball Routine
11834 1183F Aquamentus' graphics pointer tables (six bytes apiece)
11840 1084B Y- and X-coordinates for the six 8x16 tiles that make up the Aquamentus (six bytes apiece)
1184C 11892 Aquamentus Graphics Handler
12809 1281A Gleeok(Many-headed dragon)'s pointer table.
12F67 12F69 Ganon turns these colors if you don't kill him with arrow when it's time to.
1416A 14181 The Triforce layout on the Start screen.
14944 The first room where Link can use the raft in the overworld (3F). This is embedded in code.
14948 The second room where Link can use the raft in the overworld (55).
15418 15BD7 Overworld screens. Each byte refers to 1 of 150 (256 addressible) columns.
15BD8 15F9B The 150 overworld columns. First bytes six are the first column.
15FA0 15FED Graphics pointers for dungeon walls.
15FEE 16029 Special graphics pointers for east wall. (Five, twelve-byte segments: open door, locked door, shutter, unbombed, bombed)
1602A 16065 Special graphics pointers for west wall.
16066 160A1 Special graphics pointers for south wall.
160A2 160DD Special graphics pointers for north wall.
160DE 162D5 All 42 possible dungeon rooms. (use of vertical dungeon "macros".)
162D6 163F5 Macro content definitions (much overlap; set seventh bit denotes starting points)
16704 16717 Pointers to the ten Macro Content sequences (low-endian)
1697C 169B3 Primary square table: squares specified as first of four tiles
169B4 169F3 Secondary square table: squares specified as series of four tiles
16976 1697B Secrets table: list of six squares to draw for 'secrets' squares (E5-EA in primary square table), such as a bombable rock wall or burnable bush
1788A Item code for the overworld heart container that requires the stepladder.
1788E Horizontal positioning of the overworld heart container.
1789A The screen where the overworld heart container is placed.
18000 18013 Ten 2-byte pointers specifying which PPU Spriteblock to use for levels 0 (overworld) and 1 - 9.
18014 18027 Ten 2-byte pointers specifying location of level data blocks.
1802A 1803D Ten 2-byte pointers specifying which PPU Spriteblock to use for levels 0 - 9 for second quest.
1813C The screen to use in 2nd quest for 0B. (1st quest's Level 5) default 7B
1813E The screen (minus 2) that changes to 7B. default 09
18141 The screen to use in 2nd quest for 3C. (1st quest's Level 2) default 7B
18143 The screen (minus 2) that changes to 7B. default 3A
18146 The screen to use in 2nd quest for 74. (1st quest's Level 3) default 5A
18148 The screen (minus 2) that changes to 5A. default 72
1815F 18165 7 locations that change in 2nd quest (dungeon/cave entrance, non-border palette) (Bit 8 changes what enemies appear)
18167 1816C Define what those 7 locations change to in 2nd quest.
1816F 183BE 2nd quest dungeon map info
18400 1847F Outer color borders for the overworld, Link's H-placement, Zoras, wave sfx.
18403 (Changing cave exit location causes glitched graphics to appear when the player opens the subscreen.
18444 (Changing outer from brown makes caves white instead of dark brown.)
18480 184FF Inner colors for the overworld and underground location assignment
184C4 (Changing inner from green changes the color of the caves' text.)
18500 1857F Placement of monsters on the overworld.
18580 185FF Arrangement of 8 X 16 screens that make up the overworld. (Bit 8 changes what enemies appear)
18600 1867F Store prices, items sold, and item graphics used (see below).
18600 18602 Specify items found in the wooden sword cave. (Final item has bit 7 set)
18603 18605 Specify items found in the "take a free bottle/heart-container" caves. (Final item has bit 7 set)
18606 18608 Specify items found in the white sword cave. (First AND final items have bit 7 set)
18609 1860B Specify items found in the magical sword cave. (First AND final items have bit 7 set)
18618 1861A Specify items found in the letter cave. (Final item has bit 7 set)
18622 18624 Specify "items" found in the gambling caves(?). (Final item has bit 7 set)
1861E 18620 Specify items sold in store E. (Final item has bits 7 and 8 set)
18627 18629 Specify items sold in store A. (Final item has bits 7 and 8 set)
1862A 1862C Specify items sold in store B. (Final item has bits 7 and 8 set)
1862D 1862F Specify items sold in store C. (Final item has bits 7 and 8 set)
18630 18632 Specify items sold in store D. (Final item has bits 7 and 8 set)
1865A Price of blue medicine in store E.
1865C Price of red medicine in store E.
18663 18665 Prices for items in store A.
18666 18668 Prices for items in store B.
18669 1866B Prices for items in store C.
1866C 1866E Prices for items in store D.
18670 Number of rupees given by moblin. (default is 30)
18673 Number of rupees given by moblin. (default is 100)
18676 Number of rupees given by moblin. (default is 10)
18680 186FF Overworld: stair placement, quest secrets, Link's V placement, monster entry.
1st Quest Dungeons:
18700 1877F N / S & outer color for Levels 1 through 6. (see below) %NNNSSSPP: N - north door; S - south door; P - palette
18771 For entrance to Level 4.
18773 For entrance to Level 1.
18776 For entrance to Level 5.
18779 For entrance to Level 6.
1877C For entrance to Level 3.
1877D For entrance to Level 2.
18780 187FF E / W & inner color for Levels 1 through 6. (see below) %EEEWWWPP: E - east door; W - west door; P - palette
187F1 For entrance to Level 4.
187F3 For entrance to Level 1.
187F6 For entrance to Level 5.
187F9 For entrance to Level 6.
187FC For entrance to Level 3.
187FD For entrance to Level 2.
18800 1887F Monsters for Levels 1 through 6. (see below)
18871 For entrance to Level 4.
18873 For entrance to Level 1.
18876 For entrance to Level 5.
18879 For entrance to Level 6.
1887C For entrance to Level 3.
1887D For entrance to Level 2.
18880 188FF Types of rooms used for Levels 1 through 6. (see below)
188F1 For entrance to Level 4.
188F3 For entrance to Level 1.
188F6 For entrance to Level 5.
188F9 For entrance to Level 6.
188FC For entrance to Level 3.
188FD For entrance to Level 2.
18900 1897F Floor items in Levels 1 through 6. (see below) %DSSIIIII: D - dark room; S - boss noise; I - item type
18971 For entrance to Level 4.
18973 For entrance to Level 1.
18976 For entrance to Level 5.
18979 For entrance to Level 6.
1897C For entrance to Level 3.
1897D For entrance to Level 2.
18980 189FF Special floor items in Levels 1 through 6. (see below) %??PP?TTT: P - item position index; T - item drop type
189F1 For entrance to Level 4.
189F3 For entrance to Level 1.
189F6 For entrance to Level 5.
189F9 For entrance to Level 6.
189FC For entrance to Level 3.
189FD For entrance to Level 2.
18A00 18A7F N / S & outer color for Levels 7 through 9. (see below)
18A76 For entrance to Level 9.
18A79 For entrance to Level 7.
18A7E For entrance to Level 8.
18A80 18AFF E / W & inner color for Levels 7 through 9. (see below)
18AF6 For entrance to Level 9.
18AF9 For entrance to Level 7.
18AFE For entrance to Level 8.
18B00 18B7F Monsters for Levels 7 through 9. (see below)
18B76 For entrance to Level 9.
18B79 For entrance to Level 7.
18B7E For entrance to Level 8.
18B80 18BFF Types of rooms used for Levels 7 through 9. (see below)
18BF6 For entrance to Level 9.
18BF9 For entrance to Level 7.
18BFE For entrance to Level 8.
18C00 18C7F Floor items in Levels 7 through 9. (see below)
18C76 For entrance to Level 9.
18C79 For entrance to Level 7.
18C7E For entrance to Level 8.
18C80 18CFF Special floor items in Levels 7 through 9. (see below)
18CF6 For entrance to Level 9.
18CF9 For entrance to Level 7.
18CFE For entrance to Level 8.
2nd Quest Dungeons:
18D00 18D7F N / S & outer color for Levels 1 through 6. (see below)
18D72 For entrance to Level 5.
18D74 For entrance to Level 6.
18D75 For entrance to Level 3.
18D77 For entrance to Level 1.
18D79 For entrance to Level 2.
18D7D For entrance to Level 4.
18D80 18DFF E / W & inner color for Levels 1 through 6. (see below)
18DF2 For entrance to Level 5.
18DF4 For entrance to Level 6.
18DF5 For entrance to Level 3.
18DF7 For entrance to Level 1.
18DF9 For entrance to Level 2.
18DFD For entrance to Level 4.
18E00 18E7F Monsters for Levels 1 through 6. (see below)
18E72 For entrance to Level 5.
18E74 For entrance to Level 6.
18E75 For entrance to Level 3.
18E77 For entrance to Level 1.
18E79 For entrance to Level 2.
18E7D For entrance to Level 4.
18E80 18EFF Types of rooms used for Levels 1 through 6. (see below)
18EF2 For entrance to Level 5.
18EF4 For entrance to Level 6.
18EF5 For entrance to Level 3.
18EF7 For entrance to Level 1.
18EF9 For entrance to Level 2.
18EFD For entrance to Level 4.
18F00 18F7F Floor items in Levels 1 through 6. (see below)
18F72 For entrance to Level 5.
18F74 For entrance to Level 6.
18F75 For entrance to Level 3.
18F77 For entrance to Level 1.
18F79 For entrance to Level 2.
18F7D For entrance to Level 4.
18F80 18FFF Special floor items in Levels 1 through 6. (see below)
18FF2 For entrance to Level 5.
18FF4 For entrance to Level 6.
18FF5 For entrance to Level 3.
18FF7 For entrance to Level 1.
18FF9 For entrance to Level 2.
18FFD For entrance to Level 4.
19000 1907F N / S & outer color for Levels 7 through 9. (see below)
19074 For entrance to Level 9.
19079 For entrance to Level 7.
1907F For entrance to Level 8.
19080 190FF E / W & inner color for Levels 7 through 9. (see below)
190F4 For entrance to Level 9.
190F9 For entrance to Level 7.
190FF For entrance to Level 8.
19100 1917F Monsters for Levels 7 through 9. (see below)
19174 For entrance to Level 9.
19179 For entrance to Level 7.
1917F For entrance to Level 8.
19180 191FF Types of rooms used for Levels 7 through 9. (see below)
191F4 For entrance to Level 9.
191F9 For entrance to Level 7.
191FF For entrance to Level 8.
19200 1927F Floor items in Levels 7 through 9. (see below)
19274 For entrance to Level 9.
19279 For entrance to Level 7.
1927F For entrance to Level 8.
19280 192FF Special floor items in Levels 7 through 9. (see below)
192F4 For entrance to Level 9.
192F9 For entrance to Level 7.
192FF For entrance to Level 8.
Overworld Colors
From To Description
19300 19302 Palette Control Code
19303 19306 "Gray" Palette, used for cemetery and subscreen menu
19307 1930A "Red" Palette, used for life bar
1930B 1930E "Green" Palette, for forest areas
1930F 19312 "Brown" Palette, for mountain areas
19313 19316 Sprite Palette #0; Link, certain items
19317 1931A Sprite Palette #1; Blue enemies, certain items
1931B 1931E Sprite Palette #2; Red enemies, certain items
1931F 19322 Sprite Palette #3; used for what?
19324 19327 Number of monsters to use at each setting.
19328 Link's starting V position for the overworld. (default 8D)
1932F 00 to 7F used to decide where Link starts in Hyrule. (default 77)
19333 The "Level #" for the overworld. Default is 00 (or, no label)
19334 19337 The four shortcuts on the overworld. (defaults are 1D, 23, 49, 79)
193FF 19CD7 Dungeon Data
19CEC 19CEE File Select: Link's palette, File 1 (defaults: 29 27 07)
19CF0 19CF2 File Select: Link's palette, File 2 (defaults: 22 27 07)
19CF4 19CF6 File Select: Link's palette, File 3 (defaults: 26 27 07)
Note: The first byte is irrelevant, despite being green, blue, and red values; the tunic color always comes from $A287 to $A289)
19D04 19D0D Text: "Level"
19D0F 19D2E Column directory pointer table: 16-bit pointers to the start of each of 16 column tables.
19D5B 19D65 Text: "Triforce"
19D3A The frame of the Triforce on the Start screen.
1A116 1A201 Main menu ("- S E L E C T -", etc.)
1A205 1A208 Ganon's Palette.
1A20E 1A210 Ending's text: light blue / grey font colors
1A212 1A214 Ending's text: light green / grey font colors
1A281 1A284 Overworld enemy color palette for black, sea blue, red.
1A289 1A28C Colors for Gleeok, the many-headed dragons.
1A292 1A294 Colors for the Aquamentus, the easy dragon boss.
1A299 1A29C Colors for Dodongo and Digdogger.
1A2B8 1A2D2 Text: Continue, Save, Retry
1A2F0 1A2F3 Text: Life
1A316 1A387 Subscreen text
1A3D6 1A3E2 Text: "Game Over "
1A3FE 1A81A The storyboard text
1A81B 1A85D Use of colours for the storyboard - every 2 bits sets the colour for a 2x2 block of text
1A85E 1A868 Starts with green before title for treasure list.
1A869 1AC85 Title Screen's use of graphics. (avoid certain values!)
1AC86 1ACC8 Title Screen's use of colors.

(Title: In 01AC90 to 01AC9F, 00's = grey, 55's = gold, AA = green)

1EA8C Screen where "found secret" chime plays.
1EE9A Screen where the false wall is found.
1EEA5 X position of false wall.
1EEAB Y position of false wall.
1EF66 1EF70 The eleven places where the recorder unveils secrets.
1F20D 1F212 The six places where stepladder is enabled.
1FFFF ROM ends

Cave Types

There are 20 different cave types in the game, not including levels. The data that defines the cave types is listed below. Some behavior of different cave types may be hard-coded. (The last three appear to be the only cave types that can give out free money.)

From To Description
045A2 Cave text - Low six bits specify text (values should be multiples of 2), bit 6 specifies whether player can pick up items, and bit 7 is set for shops, potion shops, and pay-to-talk caves.
1860C Cave Items. 3 Bytes per cave types, format is (high bit first) NMaaaaaa HTbbbbbb PIcccccc. aaaaaa, bbbbbb, and cccccc are value 0-63 that specify item type. Other bits are as follows: N = show prices as negative, M requires player to have enough hearts to get item, H is set for gambling game and secret money, T is set for pay-to-talk caves, P and I specify whether items and prices are visible.
18648 Item prices - 3 bytes per cave
06E6F Cave dweller - 58 = old man, 59 = old woman, 5A = merchant, 5B = moblin