Chrono Trigger (SNES)/List of Enemies: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with '<pre>Version 1.2 {00 Nu } {01 Reptite } Mystic Mtn./Reptite Lair {02 Terrasaur } {03 Kilwala } {04 Krawlie } {05 Hench } Magus Castle {06 Omicrone } NON…')
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<pre>Version 1.2
<pre>Version 1.2

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{E9 Lavos      } NOT USED
{E9 Lavos      } NOT USED
{EA Lavos      } NOT USED
{EA Lavos      } NOT USED
{EB Lavos      } Lavos 1st form (before battle cutscene)
{EB Lavos      } Lavos 1st form - Ocean Palace
{EC Lavos      } Lavos 1st form - after all attack modes defeated
{EC Lavos      } Lavos 1st form - after all attack modes defeated
{ED            } Lavos 3rd form left bit
{ED            } Lavos 3rd form left bit

Latest revision as of 21:03, 28 January 2024

This is a sub-page of Chrono Trigger (SNES).

Version 1.2

{00 Nu         }
{01 Reptite    } Mystic Mtn./Reptite Lair
{02 Terrasaur  }
{03 Kilwala    }
{04 Krawlie    }
{05 Hench      } Magus Castle
{06 Omicrone   } NON-BATTLE - Ocean Palace, triggers Thrasher and Lasher battle
{07 Martello   }
{08 Bellbird   }
{09 Panel      }
{0A Mammon M.  }
{0B            } Lavos 3rd form (before final battle)
{0C Blue Imp   }
{0D Green Imp  }
{0E Stone Imp  }
{0F Mud Imp    }
{10 Roly       }
{11 Poly       }
{12 Rolypoly   }
{13 Roly Rider }
{14            } Lavos Giga Gaia attack mode - right support enemy
{15 Blue Eaglet}
{16 Gold Eaglet}
{17 Red Eaglet }
{18            } Lavos Giga Gaia attack mode - left support enemy
{19 Avian Chaos}
{1A Imp Ace    }
{1B Bantam Imp }
{1C Gnasher    }
{1D Gnawer     }
{1E Nagaette   }
{1F            } NOT USED - Lavos support enemy
{20 Ruminator  }
{21            } NOT USED - Lavos support enemy
{22 Octopod    }
{23 Octoblush  }
{24 Octobino   } NOT USED
{25 Zeal       } 1st form
{26 Fly Trap   }
{27 Meat Eater }
{28 Man Eater  }
{29 Krakker    }
{2A Egder      }
{2B Defunct    }
{2C Departed   } Appears when Defunct and Base combine
{2D Deceased   }
{2E Decedent   }
{2F Macabre    }
{30 Reaper     }
{31 Guard      }
{32 Sentry     }
{33 Free Lancer}
{34 Outlaw     }
{35 Giga Mutant}
{36            } Giga Mutant bottom half
{37 TerraMutant}
{38            } TerraMutant bottom half
{39 Juggler    }
{3A Retinite   }
{3B Mage       }
{3C            } NOT USED - Lavos support enemy
{3D Reptite    } Tyrano Lair/endings
{3E Blue Shield}
{3F Yodu De    }
{40 Incognito  }
{41 PeepingDoom}
{42 Boss Orb   }
{43 Side Kick  }
{44            } NOT USED - Lavos support enemy
{45 Jinn Bottle}
{46 Evilweevil }
{47 Tempurite  }
{48 Diablos    }
{49 Gargoyle   }
{4A Grimalkin  }
{4B Hench      } Cathedral/Medina/Heckran Cave
{4C T'pole     }
{4D Croaker    }
{4E Amphibite  }
{4F Bull Frog  } NON-BATTLE - BOSS and UNDERLING in Sewer Access
{50 Mad Bat    }
{51 Vamp       }
{52 Scouter    }
{53 Flyclops   }
{54 Bugger     }
{55 Debugger   }
{56 Debuggest  }
{57 Sorcerer   }
{58 Jinn       }
{59 Barghest   }
{5A            } NOT USED - Lavos support enemy
{5B Crater     }
{5C Volcano    }
{5D Shitake    }
{5E Hetake     }
{5F Rubble     }
{60            } NOT USED - Lavos support enemy
{61 Shist      }
{62 Pahoehoe   }
{63 Nereid     }
{64            } Fake save point in Magus Castle
{65 Mohavor    }
{66 Shadow     }
{67            } NOT USED - Lavos support enemy
{68 Base       }
{69 Acid       }
{6A Alkaline   }
{6B Ion        }
{6C Anion      }
{6D Thrasher   }
{6E            } Lavos Spawn eye
{6F Lavos Spawn} Black Omen
{70 Lasher     }
{71 Goblin     }
{72 Ogre       } NON-BATTLE - Ozzie's Fort, falls off conveyor belt
{73 Cave Bat   }
{74 Ogan       }
{75 Flunky     }
{76 Groupie    }
{77            } NOT USED - Lavos support enemy
{78            } NOT USED - Lavos support enemy
[79 Winged Ape }
{7A Cave Ape   }
{7B Megasaur   }
{7C Omnicrone  }
{7D Beast      }
{7E Blue Beast }
{7F Red Beast  }
{80 Turret     }
{81 Lizardactyl}
{82            } Fake Nu in Enhasa secret room
{83 Avian Rex  }
{84 Blob       }
{85 Alien      }
{86 Rat        }
{87 Gremlin    }
{88 Runner     }
{89 Proto 2    }
{8A Proto 3    }
{8B Proto 4    }
{8C Bug        }
{8D Beetle     }
{8E Goon       }
{8F Cyrus      }
{90 Yakra      }
{91 Rain Frog  }
{92 Gato       }
{93 Dragon Tank}
{94 Grinder    } Dragon Tank part
{95 Golem      }
{96 Synchrite  }
{97 Masa       }
{98 Mune       }
{99 Masa & Mune}
{9A Azala      }
{9B Nizbel     }
{9C Nizbel II  }
{9D Slash      }
{9E Slash      } Slash with sword
{9F Flea       }
{A0 Flea Plus  } Ozzie's Fort Ozzie, Slash & Flea battle
{A1 Dalton     }
{A2 Dalton Plus}
{A3 Mutant     }
{A4 Metal Mute }
{A5 Super Slash} Ozzie's Fort Ozzie, Slash & Flea battle
{A6 Ozzie      } Magus Castle/Medina/cutscenes/ending
{A7 Ozzie      } Ozzie's Fort/Magus Castle/slideshow ending
{A8 Great Ozzie}
{A9 Heckran    }
{AA Gigasaur   }
{AB Leaper     }
{AC Fossil Ape }
{AD Tank Head  } Dragon Tank part
{AE Frog King  } NON-BATTLE - Cyrus cutscene, Programmer's ending
{AF Octorider  } NON-BATTLE - Programmer's ending
{B0 Zeal       } 2nd form
{B1            } Zeal right hand
{B2            } Zeal left hand
{B3 Zombor     }
{B4            } Zombor upper half
{B5            } Retinite bottom half
{B6            } Retinite upper half
{B7 Display    }
{B8 Mega Mutant}
{B9            } Mega Mutant bottom half
{BA Super Slash} Ozzie's Fort Super Slash room
{BB Flea Plus  } Ozzie's Fort Flea Plus room/Programmer's ending
{BC BlackTyrano}
{BD RustTyrano }
{BE MotherBrain}
{BF            } MotherBrain body
{C0 Atropos XR }
{C1 Cybot      }
{C2 Lavos      } Guardian attack mode
{C3 Lavos      } Heckran attack mode
{C4 Lavos      } Zombor attack mode
{C5 Lavos      } Masa & Mune attack mode
{C6 Lavos      } Nizbel attack mode
{C7 Yakra XIII }
{C8 Tubster    }
{C9 Lavos      } Magus attack mode
{CA Lavos      } Dragon Tank attack mode
{CB            } Lavos 2nd form
{CC            } Lavos 2nd form left arm
{CD Lavos      } Lavos 2nd form right arm
{CE Lavos Core } Lavos 3rd form
{CF Bit        }
{D0 Byte       }
{D1 Giga Gaia  }
{D2            } Giga Gaia left arm
{D3            } Giga Gaia right arm
{D4 Guardian   }
{D5 Red Scout  }
{D6 Blue Scout }
{D7 Lavos Spawn} Death Peak
{D8            } Lavos Spawn eye
{D9 Laser Guard}
{DA            } Lavos Dragon Tank attack mode - left support enemy
{DB            } Lavos Dragon Tank attack mode - right support enemy
{DC            } Lavos Guardian attack mode - left support enemy
{DD            } Lavos Guardian attack mode - right support enemy
{DE            } Lavos Zombor attack mode - lower half support enemy
{DF            } Lavos BlackTyrano attack mode - support enemy
{E0 Spekkio    } Frog
{E1 Spekkio    } Kilwala
{E2 Spekkio    } Ogre
{E3 Spekkio    } Omnicrone
{E4 Spekkio    } Masa & Mune
{E5 Spekkio    } Nu
{E6 Lavos      } BlackTyrano attack mode
{E7 Lavos      } Giga Gaia attack mode
{E8 Lavos      } NOT USED
{E9 Lavos      } NOT USED
{EA Lavos      } NOT USED
{EB Lavos      } Lavos 1st form - Ocean Palace
{EC Lavos      } Lavos 1st form - after all attack modes defeated
{ED            } Lavos 3rd form left bit
{EE Hexapod    }
{EF            } Lavos 3rd form right bit
{F0 Flea?      }
{F1            } Chains, Ozzie battle
{F2 Roly Bomber}
{F3 Golem Boss }
{F4 Johnny     } NOT USED
{F5 Basher     }
{F6 Son of Sun }
{F7            } Son of Sun surrounding flame
{F8 R Series   }
{F9 Magus      }
{FA Magus      }
{FB            } NOT USED - Magus
{FC            } NOT USED - Crono
{FD            } NOT USED - Crono
{FE            } NOT USED - Crono
{FF            } NOT USED - Crono