Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse/RAM map: Difference between revisions

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  $07F8        $8    Player name
  $07F8        $8    Player name

{{rammap|game=Akumajou Densetsu - Japanese Castlevania III}}
{{rammap|game=Akumajou Densetsu}}
  Address    Size    Description
  Address    Size    Description
  --------  ----    -----------
  --------  ----    -----------

Revision as of 11:14, 4 September 2017

Chip tiny.png The following article is a RAM map for Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse.

Address    Size    Description
--------   ----    -----------
  $19              Menu Mode (meaning depends on menu, i.e. title screen, password entry, game over, etc)
  $28              Controller 1 Pressed
  $2A              Controller 1
  $32              Timer
  $35              Lives   
  $36              Score 0000xx    
  $37              Score 00xx00    
  $38              Score xx0000    
  $3A              Partner  00 = None; 01 = Syfa; 02 = Grant; 03 = Alucard
  $3C              Energy  
  $68              Menu selection (Start/Password or Continue/Password)
  $84              Hearts
  $F8              Controller 1 Pressed (same as 28?)
  $FA              Controller 1         (same as 2A?)
  $7E              Time 00xx   
  $7F              Time xx00   

$0200      $100    OAM (sprites)

$0790       $10    Password data (populated during password entry)
$07A0       $10    Password data (for display on game over)
$07F8        $8    Player name

Chip tiny.png The following article is a RAM map for Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse.

Address    Size    Description
--------   ----    -----------
  $2a              Controller
  $34              Level
  $35              Stage
  $37              Lives
  $44              Score   0000xx    
  $45              Score   00xx00
  $46              Score   xx0000
  $48              Partner   00 = Trevor; 01 = Syfa; 02 = Grant; 03 = Alucard; ff = None
  $49              Partner Active   00 = no; 01 = yes
  $4a              Health   40 = full
  $7b              Time   xx00
  $7c              Time   00xx
  $81              Hearts
  $82              Trevor Weapon
                            00 = none; 01 = axe; 02 = boomerang; 03 = knife/book; 04 = holy water; 05 = fireball; 
                            06 = freeze; 07 = orb; 08 = axe; 09 = boomerang; 0a = knife/book ;0b = clock
  $83              Partner Weapon
  $84              Weapon Multiplier   00 = none; 01 = [II]; 02 = [III]
  $85              Partner Weapon Multiplier
  $8b              Whip   00 = short; 01 = medium; 02 = long