Game Boy Wars 3/RAM map: Difference between revisions

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Line 19: Line 19:
*C648 - White Moon HQ coordinates
*C648 - White Moon HQ coordinates
*C64B~C669 - Property counts
*C64B~C669 - Property counts
*C685 - Configuration menu flags (?, ?, Superiority, ?, Auto-Supply, Action Animation, ?, Battle Animation)
*C686 - Beginner/Campaign/Standard

*C883 - Map number - 1
*C883 - Map number - 1
Line 40: Line 43:
*C993~C994 - Red Star HQ location
*C993~C994 - Red Star HQ location
*C995~C996 - White Moon HQ location
*C995~C996 - White Moon HQ location
*C9A1 - active phase song
*C9A7 - displayed property type (HQ, City, Ruined City, Factory, Ruined Factory, Airport, Ruined Airport, Simple Airport*, Harbor, Ruined Harbor, Communications Tower)
*C9A7 - displayed property type (HQ, City, Ruined City, Factory, Ruined Factory, Airport, Ruined Airport, Simple Airport*, Harbor, Ruined Harbor, Communications Tower)
*C9A8 - displayed property Strength
*C9A8 - displayed property Strength

Revision as of 10:08, 24 June 2017

Chip tiny.png The following article is a RAM map for Game Boy Wars 3.

Map stats

  • C62F - active Game Mode (0 = Beginner; 1 = Campaign; 2 = Standard; 3 = Map Edit; 4 = VS; 5 = Attraction)
  • C631 - Red Star's AI check (0 = Human; 1 = CPU)
  • C632 - White Moon's AI check (0 = Human; 1 = CPU)
  • C633 - Current Phase number (divide by 2 and add one to get the Day number; the remainder determines the active army)
  • C634 - Red Star's current Gold (3 bytes)
  • C637 - White Moon's current Gold (3 bytes)
  • C63A - Red Star's current Materials (2 bytes)
  • C63C - White Moon's current Materials (2 bytes)
  • C63E - Red Star's current Gold Income / 10 (2 bytes)
  • C640 - White Moon's current Gold Income / 10 (2 bytes)
  • C642 - Red Star's current Materials Income (2 bytes)
  • C644 - White Moon's current Materials Income (2 bytes)
  • C646 - Red Star HQ coordinates
  • C648 - White Moon HQ coordinates
  • C64B~C669 - Property counts
  • C685 - Configuration menu flags (?, ?, Superiority, ?, Auto-Supply, Action Animation, ?, Battle Animation)
  • C686 - Beginner/Campaign/Standard
  • C883 - Map number - 1
  • C8B3 - Red Star's built units count (2 bytes)
  • C8B5 - White Moon's built units count (2 bytes)
  • C8B7 - Red Star's lost units count (2 bytes)
  • C8B9 - White Moon's lost units count (2 bytes)
  • C942 - unit's distance from opponent's HQ
  • C989 - map's horizontal measure
  • C98A - map's vertical measure
  • C98B - columns to left of view
  • C98C - rows above view
  • C98E - 1 = property can be used for building
  • C98F - cursor X within view coordinate (0~8)
  • C990 - cursor Y within view coordinate (0~8)
  • C991 - cursor X coordinate
  • C992 - cursor X coordinate
  • C993~C994 - Red Star HQ location
  • C995~C996 - White Moon HQ location
  • C9A1 - active phase song
  • C9A7 - displayed property type (HQ, City, Ruined City, Factory, Ruined Factory, Airport, Ruined Airport, Simple Airport*, Harbor, Ruined Harbor, Communications Tower)
  • C9A8 - displayed property Strength
  • CA99 - unit scroll current ID #
  • CCDD~CCEC - selected unit's stats (Type, Coordinates, Status (End Turn, ?, ?, ?, ?, Supplied, Reserve, Loaded), HP, Load Count, Loading Unit's #, Fuel, Ammo 1, Ammo 2, EXP (2 bytes; maxes at 400), ?, ?, ?, ?)
  • CCED~CCF5 - selected unit's Primary Weapon name data
  • CCF6 - selected unit's Primary Weapon ID
  • CD0B - buyable Unit Type count for property
  • CD0C~CD1A - buyable Unit Types for property
  • CD28 - Primary Weapon name data
  • CD41 - Unit #
  • CD42 - Unit Type
  • D000~DD7F - map data arrange from west to east, then north to south (largest map size is theoretically 64x54)
  • DD80 - property count
  • DD81~DEAC - each property's stats (3 bytes per property: Strength, Coordinates)

Battle stats

  • DBC8 - Attacker's Unit ID
  • DBC9 - Defender's Unit ID

Attacker's stats

  • DBCA - Unit Type
  • DBCB - Old HP
  • DBCC - New HP
  • DBCD - Terrain
  • DBCE - Used Weapon
  • DBCF - Focus
  • DBD0~DBD1 - Coordinates
  • DBD2 - Unit Family
  • DBD3 - New HP
  • DBD4 - ATK
  • DBD5 - DEF
  • DBD6 - Cover value
  • DBD7 - Level value
  • DBD8 - Flank value (shown as negative in-game)
  • DBD9 - Support value (invisible in-game)
  • DBDA~DBDB - Total ATK (2 bytes)
  • DBDC~DBDD - Total DEF (2 bytes)
  • DBDE - Weapon choice

Defender's stats

  • DBDF - Unit Type
  • DBE0 - Old HP
  • DBE1 - New HP
  • DBE2 - Terrain
  • DBE3 - Used Weapon
  • DBE4 - Focus
  • DBE5~DBE6 - Coordinates
  • DBE7 - Unit Family
  • DBE8 - New HP
  • DBE9 - ATK
  • DBEA - DEF
  • DBEB - Cover value
  • DBEC - Level value
  • DBED - Flank value (shown as negative in-game)
  • DBEE - Support value (invisible in-game)
  • DBEF~DBF0 - Total ATK (2 bytes)
  • DBF1~DBF2 - Total DEF (2 bytes)
  • DBF3 - Weapon choice


  • DBF4~DBF5 - unit's Coordinates