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{{rammap|game=Final Fantasy VI}}

* 1600-184F: Actors block (#$10 blocks, #$25 bytes/block)
** 1600,X: Actor identifier. See [[Final Fantasy VI:Digits#Actor digits|Actor]].
** 1601,X: Actor graphics.
** 1602,X-1607,X: Name.
** 1608,X: Level.
** 1609,X-160A,X: Current HP.
** 160B,X-160C,X: Max HP.
** 160D,X-160E,X: Current MP.
** 160F,X-1610,X: Max MP.
** 1611,X-1613,X: Experience.
** 1614,X: Non-battle status 1. See [[Final Fantasy VI:Digits#Status ailment digits|Status ailment]].
** 1615,X: Non-battle status 4. See [[Final Fantasy VI:Digits#Status ailment digits|Status ailment]].
** 1616,X-1619,X: Battle commands. See [[Final Fantasy VI:Digits#Battle command digits|battle command]].
** 161A,X: Vigor.
** 161B,X: Speed.
** 161C,X: Stamina.
** 161D,X: Magic power.
** 161E,X: Equipped esper.
** 161F,X: Item equipped on right hand. See [[Final Fantasy VI:Digits#Item digits|Item]].
** 1620,X: Item equipped on left hand. See [[Final Fantasy VI:Digits#Item digits|Item]].
** 1621,X: Item equipped on head. See [[Final Fantasy VI:Digits#Item digits|Item]].
** 1622,X: Item equipped on body. See [[Final Fantasy VI:Digits#Item digits|Item]].
** 1623,X: Item equipped on relic (slot #$00). See [[Final Fantasy VI:Digits#Item digits|Item]].
** 1624,X: Item equipped on relic (slot #$01). See [[Final Fantasy VI:Digits#Item digits|Item]].
** Repeat for all blocks. The block index corresponds to the character.
* 1850-185F: Multi-party block. (#$10 blocks, #$01 bytes/block)
** #$07: Party identifier.
** #$18: Party slot (0-3).
** #$20: Row.
** #$40: Availability.
** #$80: Leader of party.
** Repeat for all blocks. The block index corresponds to the character.
* 11E0-11E1: Encountered monster formation. See [[Final Fantasy VI:Digits#Monster formation digits|monster formation]].
* 11E2: Battle background.
* 1DDD-1E1C: Monster formations available on veldt.
* 1869-1968: Item identifier. See [[Final Fantasy VI:Digits#Item digits|Item]].
* 1969-1A68: Item quantity.
* 1EBA-1EBD: Rare items. See [[Final_Fantasy_VI:Digits#Rare_item_flags|Rare items]].
==Magic and skills==
* 1A69-1A6C: gained Espers.
* 1A6E-1CF5: gained spells block. (#$0C blocks, #$36 bytes/block)
* 1CF6: Morph supply.
* 1CF7: gained Sword Tech levels.
* 1D28: gained Blitz levels.
* 1D29-1D2B: gained Lores.
* 1D2C-1D4B: gained Rages.
* 1D4C: gained Dances.
* 1860-1862: Gil.
* 1863-1865: Play time. (hours/minutes/seconds)
* 1866-1868: Number of steps.
* 1CF8-1D27: Sword Tech names. Unused in USA version. (#$08 blocks, #$06 bytes/block)
* 0069-006C: Characters in actual party.
* 1A6D: Active party.
* 1EDE-1EDF: Gained characters.
[[Category: Final Fantasy VI]]

Latest revision as of 12:43, 23 March 2013