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Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!/RAM map
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The following article is a RAM map for Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!.
Note: All values in table are hexadecimal unless noted otherwise. |
- 0001 - Current Match (list below)
- Minor circuit
- 00 = Glass Joe
- 01 = Von Kaiser
- 02 = Piston Honda
- Major Circuit
- 03 = Don Flamenco
- 04 = King Hippo
- 05 = Great Tiger
- 06 = Bald Bull
- World Circuit
- 07 = Piston Honda
- 08 = Soda Popinski
- 09 = Bald Bull
- 0A = Don Flamenco
- 0B = Mr. Sandman
- 0C = Super Macho Man
- The Dream Fight
- 0D = Mike Tyson/Mr. Dream
- Demo/Attract Mode
- 13 = Bald Bull
- Another World Circuit
- 14 = King Hippo (Another World Circuit)
- 15 = Great Tiger
- 16 = Piston Honda
- 17 = Soda Popinski
- 18 = Bald Bull
- 19 = Don Flamenco
- 1A = Mr. Sandman
- 1B = Super Macho Man
- 1C = Mike Tyson/Mr. Dream (Must set RAM 013E to a nonzero value, otherwise screen appears glitched)
- Specifying a match out of range will read junk data as the opponent, and may crash the game.
- Minor circuit
- 0002 - Current Opponent Rom Bank
- 00 = Glass Joe / Don Flamenco
- 01 = King Hippo
- 02 = Von Kaiser / Great Tiger
- 03 = Bald Bull / Mr. Sandman
- 04 = Soda Popinski / Super Macho Man
- 05 = Piston Honda / Mike Tyson
- Specifying a value out of range will crash the game.
- 0003 - Current Opponent Part 2 (list below)
- 00 = Glass Joe, Von Kaiser, King Hippo, Bald Bull (Demo)
- 10 = Don Flamenco (Major Circuit), Great Tiger, Soda Popinski, Mr. Sandman
- 20 = Piston Honda (World Circuit), Bald Bull (World Circuit), Don Flamenco (World Circuit)
- 30 = Piston Honda (Minor Circuit), Bald Bull (Major Circuit), Super Macho Man
- 40 = Mike Tyson
- Specifying a value out of range will crash the game.
- 0004 - Initialize Fight (FF=in a fight, 01=Between rounds/cutscene/title screen)
- 0005 - Initialize Opponent is Knocked down (1=opponent is knocked down, 0 = opponent is up)
- 0006 - Current Round #
- 000A - # of Mac's Losses
- 000B - Which password was used to start the game
- 00 - No Password (Minor Circuit)
- 01 - Major Circuit
- 02 - World Circuit
- 03 - Super Macho Man
- 04 - Another World Circuit
- 05 - Mike Tyson/Mr. Dream
- 06 - no effect, same as 00
- 07 - Credits
- 0011 - Mac's sprite X position (not actual position just appearance on screen)
- 0013 - Screen Redraw offset (Determines the centering of the graphics on screen)
- 0015 - Mac's sprite X position (identical to * 0011)
- 0016 - Initialize Mac's sprites draw (1 = Mac, 0 = no Mac)
- 0017 - Initialize Opponent's sprites draw (1 = Opponent, 0 = No opponent)
- 0019 - Button ID (keep track of what buttons are being pressed on controller 1)
- 001B - Initialize screen draw during fight (menus, Mario, etc. when fight begins)
- 001C - Initialize fight start sequence (1=in fight, 0 = not)
- 0030 - Initialize Opponent fight (1 = opponent will begin fight patterns)
- 0038 - Initializes Opponents fighting patterns
- 0039 - Timer for opponent's actions (reaching 0 = opp. will do next action (such as throw a punch)
- 003A - ID# for opponent's next action
- 003B - ID# for the set of opponents actions (0x73 = Glass Joe)
- 00BC - Ability to throw punches (01 - yes, 00 - no)
- 00F2 - Music? 08...Victory!
- 0110-0119 - Saved password for continuing
- 0120-0129 - Current password digits
- 013E - If nonzero, circuit is displayed as "Another World Circuit"
- 0140-0149 - Current password digits (in game font)
- 0150-015B - Current password digits with added spaces (in game font)
- 0300 - Initialize Clock (0when clock is inactive , 1 when active (in fights))
- 0301 - Initialize Temporary Clock Stop (such as while landing an uppercut), 1 = stop 0 = start
- 0302 - Minute Digit of clock
- 0304 - Tenths Digit of clock
- 0305 - Seconds Digit of clock
- 0306 - sub-seconds variable 1
- 0307 - sub-seconds variable 2
- 0308 - If Round 1 (Round 1 = 4, else 5)
- 030C - Next Minute Digit
- 030D - Next Tenths Digit
- 030E - Next Second
- 0321 - Next Tenths digit of hearts left
- 0322 - Next Units digit of hearts left
- 0323 - Tenths digit of hearts left
- 0324 - Units digit of hearts left
- 0325 - Initialize loss of a heart (0x80 means a heart will be lost)
- 0326 - Sprite ID# for Tenths digit of hearts left
- 0327 - Sprite ID# for Units digit of hearts left
- 0328 - Amount of "pink" remaining (Must be reduced to 0 to return to normal/un-pink)
- 0340 - Initialize Star capabilities (1 = can get/use stars, 0 = can not (such as between rounds))
- 0341 - Initialize Mac's Uppercut routine (0xFF = Mac is doing uppercut)
- 0342 - # of Stars Mac currently has
- 0343 - "Get star" animation Timer (0x14 (20) to 1 countdown during star blinking over opponent's head)
- 0344 - Initialize "Get Star" animation
- 0347 - # of Punches Mac must land before Opponent will begin to give stars (Glass Joe = 0x14 (20), Von Kaiser = 8, Mike Tyson = 0xFF (255) (for round 1))
- 0348 - Number of uppercuts that you can land before opponent begins to dodge them
- 0349 - Stop "get star" animation
- 034A - # of Stars Mac currently has + 0x40 (0x40 = 0, 0x41 = 1, 0x42 = 2, 0x43 = 3)
- 0390 - Initialize Mac's health (0= no health (bet. fights) 1 = has health (in fights))
- 0391 - Mac's Next Energy level (Max = 0x60 (96)) Values over 0x80 are negative. If your energy is negative after taking damage, you are knocked down.
- 0392 - Mac's current Energy level (Max = 0x60 (96))
- 0393 - Mac's Energy on GFX bar
- 0394 - Initialize Mac loss of energy (0x80 = damage taken, health will be reduced)
- 0397 - Amount of Energy Mac will get up with (once he as gotten back up from being knocked down)
- 0398 - Opponent's Next Health
- 0399 - Opponent's Current Health
- 039A - Opponent's Energy GFX bar
- 039B - Initialize Oppoenent loss of energy (0x80=damage taken, health will be reduced)
- 039C - Counter for Damage against Oppoenent (Increases as opp. gets hit, diff punches increase diff amounts)
- 039E - Amount of Health Opponent will get up with (Set upon delivering the knockdown blow)
- 03B1 - # Punches Mac has landed (stun punches do not count, nor do punches that send opp. to canvas)
- 03D0 - # Times Mac has been knocked down in fight
- 03D1 - # Times Opponent has been knocked down in fight
- 03D2 - Who was hit last (0x81 = opponent, 0x82 = mac, 0 = no one has been hit yet)
- 03DD - # Times Mac has been knocked down in Round 1
- 03DE - # Times Mac has been knocked down in Round 2
- 03DF - # Times Mac has been knocked down in Round 3
- 03E0 - Initialize Score Increase (1=score can change, 0 = not (such as bet. rounds))
- 03E1 - Hundred Thousands Digit in score - increase amount
- 03E2 - Ten Thousands Digit in score - increase amount
- 03E3 - Thousands Digit in score - increase amount
- 03E4 - Hundreds Digit in score - increase amount
- 03E5 - Tens Digit in score - increase amount
- 03E6 - Units Digit in score (will always be 0)
- 03E7 - Initialize Score
- 03E8 - Hundred Thousands Digit of Score
- 03E9 - Ten Thousands Digit of Score
- 03EA - Thousands Digit of Score
- 03EB - Hundreds Digit of Score
- 03EC - Tens Digit of Score
- 03ED - Units Digit of Score (will always be 0)
- 03F0 - Initialize change in Score sprites
- 03F1 - Sprite ID# - Hundred Thousands digit of score
- 03F2 - Sprite ID# - Ten Thousands digit of score
- 03F3 - Sprite ID# - Thousands digit of score
- 03F4 - Sprite ID# - Hundreds digit of score
- 03F5 - Sprite ID# - Tens digit of score
- 03F6 - Sprite ID# - Units digit of score
- 06A0 - Button ID - Controller 1
- 06A1 - Button ID - Controller 2
- 06A2 - Button ID - Controller 1 (same as * 06A1)
- 06A3 - Button ID - Controller 2 (same as * 06A2)
- 06A4 - Button ID - Controller 1 (same as * 06A1)
- 06A5 - Button ID - Controller 2 (same as * 06A2)
- 06A6 - Button ID - Controller 1 (same as * 06A1)
- 06A7 - Button ID - Controller 2 (same as * 06A2)
- 0700 - Music, Duration of note playing in channel 1
- 0701 - Music, Duration of note playing in channel 2
- 0702 - Music, Duration of note playing in channel 3
- 0715 - Sound FX